void FWorldTileModel::OnLevelLoadedFromDisk(ULevel* InLevel)
	check(InLevel != NULL);

	UWorld* LevelWorld = CastChecked<UWorld>(InLevel->GetOuter());
	UWorld* PersistentWorld = LevelCollectionModel.GetWorld();
	UPackage* LevelPackage = CastChecked<UPackage>(InLevel->GetOutermost());
	LoadedLevel = InLevel;

	// SaveLevel procedure relies on Levels list to be non empty!
		ULevelStreaming* AssociatedStreaming = CreateAssosiatedStreamingLevel();
		AssociatedStreaming->bShouldBeLoaded = true;
		AssociatedStreaming->bShouldBeVisible = false;

	// Enable tile properties
	TileDetails->bTileEditable = true;

	// This level might be added to world, it depends on current world origin position
	// In case level far enough from origin it will shelved
	auto& WorldModel = static_cast<FWorldTileCollectionModel&>(LevelCollectionModel);