bool UMovementComponent::ShouldSkipUpdate(float DeltaTime) const
	if (UpdatedComponent == nullptr)
		return true;
	if (UpdatedComponent->Mobility != EComponentMobility::Movable)
		if (!bEditorWarnedStaticMobilityMove)
			if (UWorld * World = GetWorld())
				if (World->HasBegunPlay() && IsRegistered())
					const_cast<UMovementComponent*>(this)->bEditorWarnedStaticMobilityMove = true;
					FMessageLog("PIE").Warning(FText::Format(LOCTEXT("InvalidMove", "Mobility of {0} : {1} has to be 'Movable' if you'd like to move it with {2}. "),
						FText::FromString(GetNameSafe(UpdatedComponent->GetOwner())), FText::FromString(UpdatedComponent->GetName()), FText::FromString(GetClass()->GetName())));

		return true;

	if (bUpdateOnlyIfRendered)
		if (GetNetMode() == NM_DedicatedServer)
			// Dedicated servers never render
			return true;

		const float RenderTimeThreshold = 0.41f;
		UWorld* TheWorld = GetWorld();
		if (UpdatedPrimitive && TheWorld->TimeSince(UpdatedPrimitive->LastRenderTime) <= RenderTimeThreshold)
			return false; // Rendered, don't skip it.

		// Most components used with movement components don't actually render, so check attached children render times.
		TArray<USceneComponent*> Children;
		UpdatedComponent->GetChildrenComponents(true, Children);
		for (auto Child : Children)
			const UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveChild = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(Child);
			if (PrimitiveChild)
				if (PrimitiveChild->IsRegistered() && TheWorld->TimeSince(PrimitiveChild->LastRenderTime) <= RenderTimeThreshold)
					return false; // Rendered, don't skip it.

		// No children were recently rendered, safely skip the update.
		return true;

	return false;