bool UHUDBlueprintLibrary::IsPointOnScreenWithinDistance(UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector& InWorldLocation, const float& InMaxDistance)
	float MaxDistanceSquared = InMaxDistance * InMaxDistance;
	UWorld* World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject);
	if (!World->IsValidLowLevel()) return false;
	APlayerController* PlayerController = (WorldContextObject ? UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(WorldContextObject, 0) : NULL);

	const FVector Forward = PlayerController->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraRotation().Vector();
	//const FVector Forward = PlayerCharacter->GetActorForwardVector();
	const FVector CameraLocation = PlayerController->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraLocation();
	const FVector Offset = (InWorldLocation - CameraLocation).GetSafeNormal();
	const FVector2D ViewportSize = FVector2D(GEngine->GameViewport->Viewport->GetSizeXY());
	float DotProduct = FVector::DotProduct(Forward, Offset);
	bool bLocationIsBehindCamera = (DotProduct < 0);
	if (bLocationIsBehindCamera)
		return false;
	FVector2D *ScreenPosition = new FVector2D();
	PlayerController->ProjectWorldLocationToScreen(InWorldLocation, *ScreenPosition);
	// Check to see if it's on screen. If it is, ProjectWorldLocationToScreen is all we need, return it.
	if (ScreenPosition->X >= 0.f && ScreenPosition->X <= ViewportSize.X
		&& ScreenPosition->Y >= 0.f && ScreenPosition->Y <= ViewportSize.Y)
		FVector Delta = InWorldLocation - CameraLocation;
		float DistanceAwaySquared = Delta.SizeSquared();
		if (fabsf(DistanceAwaySquared) <= MaxDistanceSquared)
			return true;
	return false;
void UHUDBlueprintLibrary::FindScreenLocationForWorldLocation(UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector& InLocation, const float EdgePercent,  FVector2D& OutScreenPosition, float& OutRotationAngleDegrees, bool &bIsOnScreen)
	bIsOnScreen = false;
	OutRotationAngleDegrees = 0.f;
	FVector2D *ScreenPosition = new FVector2D();
	UWorld* World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject);
	if (!World->IsValidLowLevel()) return;
	if (GEngine->GameViewport == NULL) return;
	if (GEngine->GameViewport->Viewport == NULL) return;
	const FVector2D ViewportSize = FVector2D(GEngine->GameViewport->Viewport->GetSizeXY());
	const FVector2D  ViewportCenter =  FVector2D(ViewportSize.X/2, ViewportSize.Y/2);

	APlayerController* PlayerController = (WorldContextObject ? UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(WorldContextObject, 0) : NULL);
	ACharacter *PlayerCharacter = static_cast<ACharacter *> (PlayerController->GetPawn());
	if (!PlayerCharacter) return;
	FVector Forward = PlayerCharacter->GetActorForwardVector();
	FVector Offset = (InLocation - PlayerCharacter->GetActorLocation()).GetSafeNormal();
	float DotProduct = FVector::DotProduct(Forward, Offset);
	bool bLocationIsBehindCamera = (DotProduct < 0);
	if (bLocationIsBehindCamera)
		// For behind the camera situation, we cheat a little to put the
		// marker at the bottom of the screen so that it moves smoothly
		// as you turn around. Could stand some refinement, but results
		// are decent enough for most purposes.
		FVector DiffVector = InLocation - PlayerCharacter->GetActorLocation();
		FVector Inverted = DiffVector * -1.f;
		FVector NewInLocation = PlayerCharacter->GetActorLocation() * Inverted;
		NewInLocation.Z -= 5000;
		PlayerController->ProjectWorldLocationToScreen(NewInLocation, *ScreenPosition);
		ScreenPosition->Y = (EdgePercent * ViewportCenter.X) * 2.f;
		ScreenPosition->X = -ViewportCenter.X - ScreenPosition->X;
	PlayerController->ProjectWorldLocationToScreen(InLocation, *ScreenPosition);
	// Check to see if it's on screen. If it is, ProjectWorldLocationToScreen is all we need, return it.
	if (ScreenPosition->X >= 0.f && ScreenPosition->X <= ViewportSize.X
		&& ScreenPosition->Y >= 0.f && ScreenPosition->Y <= ViewportSize.Y)
		OutScreenPosition = *ScreenPosition;
		bIsOnScreen = true;
	*ScreenPosition -= ViewportCenter;

	float AngleRadians = FMath::Atan2(ScreenPosition->Y, ScreenPosition->X);
	AngleRadians -= FMath::DegreesToRadians(90.f);
	OutRotationAngleDegrees = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(AngleRadians) + 180.f;
	float Cos = cosf(AngleRadians);
	float Sin = -sinf(AngleRadians);
	ScreenPosition = new FVector2D(ViewportCenter.X + (Sin * 150.f), ViewportCenter.Y + Cos * 150.f);
	float m = Cos / Sin;
	FVector2D ScreenBounds = ViewportCenter * EdgePercent;
	if (Cos > 0)
		ScreenPosition = new FVector2D(ScreenBounds.Y/m, ScreenBounds.Y);
		ScreenPosition = new FVector2D(-ScreenBounds.Y/m, -ScreenBounds.Y);
	if (ScreenPosition->X > ScreenBounds.X)
		ScreenPosition = new FVector2D(ScreenBounds.X, ScreenBounds.X*m);
	else if (ScreenPosition->X < -ScreenBounds.X)
		ScreenPosition = new FVector2D(-ScreenBounds.X, -ScreenBounds.X*m);
	*ScreenPosition += ViewportCenter;
	OutScreenPosition = *ScreenPosition;