Example #1
//Calculates the closest edge involved in the collision
Edge PolygonBody::calculateCollisionEdge(const Vector2f& collisionNormal) const {
    float maxProjection = collisionNormal.dotProduct(_verticesWorldSpace[0]);
    int vertexIndex = 0;
    //We are looking for the furthest projected vertex
    for (size_t i = 1; i < _verticesWorldSpace.size(); ++i) {
        float projection = collisionNormal.dotProduct(_verticesWorldSpace[i]);
        if (projection > maxProjection) {
            maxProjection = projection;
            vertexIndex = i;

    Edge edge;
    edge.vertex = _verticesWorldSpace[vertexIndex];
    const Vector2f& previousVertex = _verticesWorldSpace[(vertexIndex - 1) % _verticesWorldSpace.size()];
    const Vector2f& nextVertex = _verticesWorldSpace[(vertexIndex + 1) % _verticesWorldSpace.size()];
    Vector2f edgeA = edge.vertex - nextVertex;
    Vector2f edgeB = edge.vertex - previousVertex;
    //We take the dot products and compare them to find the most perpendicular edge
    if (fabsf(edgeA.dotProduct(collisionNormal)) <= fabsf(edgeB.dotProduct(collisionNormal))) {
        edge.start = edge.vertex;
        edge.end = nextVertex;
    } else {
        edge.start = previousVertex;
        edge.end = edge.vertex;
    return edge;
Example #2
//This is just a simple clipping function for clipping a line(vertexA, vertexB)
//with respect to another line (clippingEdge, offset)
std::vector<Vector2f> PolygonBody::clipPoints(const Vector2f& vertexA, const Vector2f& vertexB, const Vector2f& clippingEdge, float offset) const {
    std::vector<Vector2f> clippedPoints;
    //We start by checking if each vertex is within the clipping region defined by the clippingEdge and offset along it
    //If a vertex is outside of the clipping region, we add it to our list of clipped points
    float distanceA = clippingEdge.dotProduct(vertexA) - offset;
    if (distanceA >= 0.0f)
    float distanceB = clippingEdge.dotProduct(vertexB) - offset;
    if (distanceB >= 0.0f)
    //If the points are on opposing sides of the clipping plane,
    //we need to compute a new point at the clipping limit
    if (distanceA * distanceB < 0.0f) {
        Vector2f edge = vertexB - vertexA;
        float d = distanceA / (distanceA - distanceB);
        edge *= d;
        edge += vertexA;
    return clippedPoints;
Example #3
//Calculates either 1 or 2 contact points for a collision depending on
//how the polygons overlap
std::vector<Vector2f> PolygonBody::calculateContactPoints(PolygonBody& polygon, const Vector2f& collisionNormal) const {
    Edge edgeA = calculateCollisionEdge(collisionNormal);
    Edge edgeB = polygon.calculateCollisionEdge(-collisionNormal);
    const Edge* referenceEdge = 0;
    const Edge* incidentEdge = 0;
    float dotA = (edgeA.end - edgeA.start).dotProduct(collisionNormal);
    float dotB = (edgeB.end - edgeB.start).dotProduct(collisionNormal);
    //The reference edge is the most perpendicular to the collision normal (dot product is closest to zero)
    if (fabsf(dotA) <= fabsf(dotB)) {
        referenceEdge = &edgeA;
        incidentEdge = &edgeB;
    } else {
        referenceEdge = &edgeB;
        incidentEdge = &edgeA;
    Vector2f referenceVector = referenceEdge->end - referenceEdge->start;

    std::vector<Vector2f> clippedPoints = clipPoints(incidentEdge->start, incidentEdge->end, referenceVector, referenceVector.dotProduct(referenceEdge->start));

    if (clippedPoints.size() < 2)
        return std::vector<Vector2f>(); //something went wrong, return an empty vector
    clippedPoints = clipPoints(clippedPoints[0], clippedPoints[1], -referenceVector, -(referenceVector.dotProduct(referenceEdge->end)));
    if (clippedPoints.size() < 2)
        return std::vector<Vector2f>(); //something went wrong, return an empty vector

    Vector2f referenceNormal = referenceVector.crossProduct(-1.0f);
    float max = referenceNormal.dotProduct(referenceEdge->vertex);
    if (referenceNormal.dotProduct(clippedPoints[1]) > max)
        clippedPoints.erase(clippedPoints.begin() + 1);
    if (referenceNormal.dotProduct(clippedPoints[0]) > max)
    return clippedPoints;