void MotionRequest::draw() const
  DECLARE_DEBUG_DRAWING("representation:MotionRequest", "drawingOnField"); // drawing of a request walk vector
  if(motion == walk)
      case WalkRequest::targetMode:
        LINE("representation:MotionRequest", 0, 0, walkRequest.target.translation.x(), walkRequest.target.translation.y(), 0, Drawings::solidPen, ColorRGBA(0xcd, 0, 0));
        CROSS("representation:MotionRequest", walkRequest.target.translation.x(), walkRequest.target.translation.y(), 50, 0, Drawings::solidPen, ColorRGBA(0xcd, 0, 0));
        Vector2f rotation(500.f, 0.f);
        ARROW("representation:MotionRequest", walkRequest.target.translation.x(), walkRequest.target.translation.y(), walkRequest.target.translation.x() + rotation.x(), walkRequest.target.translation.y() + rotation.y(), 0, Drawings::solidPen, ColorRGBA(0xcd, 0, 0, 127));
      case WalkRequest::speedMode:
      case WalkRequest::percentageSpeedMode:
        Vector2f translation = walkRequest.mode == WalkRequest::speedMode ? walkRequest.speed.translation * 10.f : walkRequest.speed.translation * 1000.f;
        ARROW("representation:MotionRequest", 0, 0, translation.x(), translation.y(), 0, Drawings::solidPen, ColorRGBA(0xcd, 0, 0));
        if(walkRequest.target.rotation != 0.0f)
          translation.x() = translation.norm();
          translation.y() = 0;
          ARROW("representation:MotionRequest", 0, 0, translation.x(), translation.y(), 0, Drawings::solidPen, ColorRGBA(0xcd, 0, 0, 127));
Example #2
bool GridStateSpace::stateValid(const Vector2f &pt) const {
    return pt.x() >= 0
            && pt.y() >= 0
            && pt.x() < width()
            && pt.y() < height()
            && !obstacleAt(gridSquareForState(pt));
Example #3
void RRTWidget::drawTerminalState(QPainter &painter, const Vector2f &pos, const Vector2f &vel, const QColor &color) {
    //  draw point
    painter.setPen(QPen(color, 6));
    QPointF rootLoc(pos.x(), pos.y());
    painter.drawEllipse(rootLoc, 2, 2);

    Vector2f tipOffset = vel * VelocityDrawingMultiplier;
    Vector2f tipLocVec = pos + tipOffset;
    QPointF tipLoc(tipLocVec.x(), tipLocVec.y());

    //  draw arrow shaft
    painter.setPen(QPen(color, 3));
    painter.drawLine(rootLoc, tipLoc);

    //  draw arrow head
    Vector2f headBase = tipLocVec - tipOffset.normalized()*4;
    Vector2f perp = Vector2f(-tipOffset.y(), tipOffset.x()).normalized();
    Vector2f tipLeftVec = headBase + perp*4;
    Vector2f tipRightVec = headBase - perp*4;
    QPointF trianglePts[] = {
        QPointF(tipLeftVec.x(), tipLeftVec.y()),
        QPointF(tipRightVec.x(), tipRightVec.y())
    painter.drawPolygon(trianglePts, 3);
Vector4f::Vector4f( const Vector2f& xy, const Vector2f& zw )
	m_elements[0] = xy.x();
	m_elements[1] = xy.y();
	m_elements[2] = zw.x();
	m_elements[3] = zw.y();
bool GoalFramePerceptor::calcGoalFrame(const Pose2f& prePose, const float yTranslation, GoalFrame& goalFrame) const
  static const float borderToGroundLineDistance = theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentFieldBorder - theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentGroundline;

  const Pose2f prePoseInverse(prePose.inverse());
  int positive = 0, negative = 0;
  for(const Vector2f& p : theFieldBoundary.boundaryOnField)
    Vector2f pInField = prePoseInverse * p;
    if(std::abs(std::abs(pInField.x()) - borderToGroundLineDistance) < allowedFieldBoundaryDivergence)
      if(pInField.x() > 0)

  if(neededConvexBoundaryPoints > positive && neededConvexBoundaryPoints > negative)
    return false;

  const float sign = (positive < negative) ? -1.f : 1.f;
  goalFrame = Pose2f(prePose).rotate(-pi_2 + sign * pi_2);
  goalFrame.translation = goalFrame * Vector2f(0.f, (goalFrame.inverse().translation.y() > 0.f ? 1.f : -1.f)).normalized(yTranslation);
  return true;
Example #6
/** Render a string of text at the specified starting poisition. The string encoding
  * is assumed to be Latin-1 (ISO 8859-1).
  * Note that this method will not draw anything on systems with OpenGL ES 2.0 (typically mobile
  * devices.) For compatibility with all systems, use renderStringToBuffer instead.
TextureFont::render(const string& text, const Vector2f& startPosition) const
    Vector2f currentPosition = startPosition;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i)
        // The cast to unsigned char is critical for glyph lookup to work correctly;
        // otherwise, extended characters will generate negative indices.
        const Glyph* glyph = lookupGlyph((unsigned char) text[i]);

        if (glyph)
            Vector2f p = currentPosition + glyph->offset;

            glVertex2f(p.x(), p.y());
            glVertex2f(p.x() + glyph->size.x(), p.y());
            glVertex2f(p.x() + glyph->size.x(), p.y() + glyph->size.y());
            glVertex2f(p.x(), p.y() + glyph->size.y());

            currentPosition.x() += glyph->advance;

    return currentPosition;
void MandelbrotProcessorCPU::process(Vector2f from, Vector2f to,
                                     Image<unsigned short>& iterations) {
    assert (MAX_ITERATIONS < std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max());
    assert (iterations.cn == 1);

    size_t width = iterations.width;
    size_t height = iterations.height;

    float x_step = (to.x() - from.x()) / width;
    float y_step = (to.y() - from.y()) / height;

    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (size_t py = 0; py < height; py++) {
        float y0 = from.y() + y_step * py;

        for (size_t px = 0; px < width; px++) {
            float x0 = from.x() + x_step * px;

            unsigned short iteration;
            float x = 0.0f;
            float y = 0.0f;
            for (iteration = 0; iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS; iteration++) {
                float xn = x * x - y * y + x0;
                y = 2 * x * y + y0;
                x = xn;
                if (x * x + y * y > INFINITY) {
            iterations(py, px) = iteration;
Example #8
void TeamData::draw() const
  DECLARE_DEBUG_DRAWING("representation:TeamData", "drawingOnField");
  for(auto const& teammate : teammates)
    ColorRGBA posCol;
    if(teammate.status == Teammate::PLAYING)
      posCol = ColorRGBA::green;
    else if(teammate.status == Teammate::FALLEN)
      posCol = ColorRGBA::yellow;
      posCol = ColorRGBA::red;

    const Vector2f& rPos = teammate.theRobotPose.translation;
    const float radius = std::max(50.f, teammate.theRobotPose.deviation);
    Vector2f dirPos = teammate.theRobotPose * Vector2f(radius, 0.f);

    // Circle around Player
    CIRCLE("representation:TeamData", rPos.x(), rPos.y(), radius, 20, Drawings::solidPen,
           posCol, Drawings::noBrush, ColorRGBA::white);
    // Direction of the Robot
    LINE("representation:TeamData", rPos.x(), rPos.y(), dirPos.x(), dirPos.y(), 20,
         Drawings::solidPen, posCol);
    // Player number
    DRAWTEXT("representation:TeamData", rPos.x() + 100, rPos.y(), 100, ColorRGBA::black, teammate.number);

    // Ball position
    const Vector2f ballPos = teammate.theRobotPose * teammate.theBallModel.estimate.position;
    CIRCLE("representation:TeamData", ballPos.x(), ballPos.y(), 50, 20, Drawings::solidPen, ColorRGBA::yellow, Drawings::solidBrush, ColorRGBA::yellow);
void TextEditComponent::onCursorChanged()
		Vector2f textSize = mFont->getWrappedTextCursorOffset(mText, getTextAreaSize().x(), mCursor); 

		if(mScrollOffset.y() + getTextAreaSize().y() < textSize.y() + mFont->getHeight()) //need to scroll down?
			mScrollOffset[1] = textSize.y() - getTextAreaSize().y() + mFont->getHeight();
		}else if(mScrollOffset.y() > textSize.y()) //need to scroll up?
			mScrollOffset[1] = textSize.y();
		Vector2f cursorPos = mFont->sizeText(mText.substr(0, mCursor));

		if(mScrollOffset.x() + getTextAreaSize().x() < cursorPos.x())
			mScrollOffset[0] = cursorPos.x() - getTextAreaSize().x();
		}else if(mScrollOffset.x() > cursorPos.x())
			mScrollOffset[0] = cursorPos.x();
Example #10
 * @brief Draw all the nodes generated in the RRT algorithm.
 * @param painter
void RenderArea::drawNodes(QPainter &painter)
    Vector2f pos;
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)rrt->nodes.size(); i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j < (int)rrt->nodes[i]->children.size(); j++) {
            pos = rrt->nodes[i]->children[j]->position;
            painter.drawEllipse(pos.x()-1.5, pos.y()-1.5, 3, 3);
        pos = rrt->nodes[i]->position;
        painter.drawEllipse(pos.x() - NODE_RADIUS, pos.y() - NODE_RADIUS, 2 * NODE_RADIUS, 2 * NODE_RADIUS);

    // if a path exists, draw it.
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)rrt->path.size() - 1; i++) {
        QPointF p1(rrt->path[i]->position.x(), rrt->path[i]->position.y());
        QPointF p2(rrt->path[i+1]->position.x(), rrt->path[i+1]->position.y());
        painter.drawLine(p1, p2);
Example #11
// static
Vector3f Vector2f::cross( const Vector2f& v0, const Vector2f& v1 ) {
	return Vector3f
	           v0.x() * v1.y() - v0.y() * v1.x()
void test_autodiff_scalar()
  Vector2f p = Vector2f::Random();
  typedef AutoDiffScalar<Vector2f> AD;
  AD ax(p.x(),Vector2f::UnitX());
  AD ay(p.y(),Vector2f::UnitY());
  AD res = foo<AD>(ax,ay);
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(res.value(), foo(p.x(),p.y()));
void KickEngineData::calcLegJoints(const Joints::Joint& joint, JointRequest& jointRequest, const RobotDimensions& theRobotDimensions, const DamageConfigurationBody& theDamageConfigurationBody)
  const int sign = joint == Joints::lHipYawPitch ? 1 : -1;

  const Vector3f& footPos = (sign > 0) ? positions[Phase::leftFootTra] : positions[Phase::rightFootTra];
  const Vector3f& footRotAng = (sign > 0) ? positions[Phase::leftFootRot] : positions[Phase::rightFootRot];

  const RotationMatrix rotateBodyTilt = RotationMatrix::aroundX(bodyAngle.x()).rotateY(bodyAngle.y());
  Vector3f anklePos = rotateBodyTilt * (footPos - Vector3f(0.f, 0, -theRobotDimensions.footHeight));
  anklePos -= Vector3f(0.f, sign * (theRobotDimensions.yHipOffset), 0);

  //const RotationMatrix zRot = RotationMatrix::aroundZ(footRotAng.z()).rotateX(sign * pi_4);
  //anklePos = zRot * anklePos;
  const float leg0 = 0;//std::atan2(-anklePos.x(), anklePos.y());
  const float diagonal = anklePos.norm();

  // upperLegLength, lowerLegLength, and diagonal form a triangle, use cosine theorem
  float a1 = (theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength * theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength -
              theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength * theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength + diagonal * diagonal) /
             (2 * theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength * diagonal);
  //if(std::abs(a1) > 1.f) OUTPUT_TEXT("clipped a1");
  a1 = std::abs(a1) > 1.f ? 0.f : std::acos(a1);

  float a2 = (theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength * theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength +
              theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength * theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength - diagonal * diagonal) /
             (2 * theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength * theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength);
  //if(std::abs(a2) > 1.f) OUTPUT_TEXT("clipped a2");
  a2 = std::abs(a2) > 1.f ? pi : std::acos(a2);

  const float leg2 = -a1 - std::atan2(anklePos.x(), Vector2f(anklePos.y(), anklePos.z()).norm() * -sgn(anklePos.z()));
  const float leg1 = anklePos.z() == 0.0f ? 0.0f : (std::atan(anklePos.y() / -anklePos.z()));
  const float leg3 = pi - a2;

  const RotationMatrix rotateBecauseOfHip = RotationMatrix::aroundZ(0).rotateX(bodyAngle.x()).rotateY(bodyAngle.y());
  //calculate inverse foot rotation so that they are flat to the ground
  RotationMatrix footRot = RotationMatrix::aroundX(leg1).rotateY(leg2 + leg3);
  footRot = footRot.inverse() /* * zRot*/ * rotateBecauseOfHip;

  //and add additonal foot rotation (which is probably not flat to the ground)
  const float leg4 = std::atan2(footRot(0, 2), footRot(2, 2)) + footRotAng.y();
  const float leg5 = std::asin(-footRot(1, 2)) + footRotAng.x() ;

  jointRequest.angles[joint] = leg0;
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 1] = (/*-pi_4 * sign + */leg1);
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 2] = leg2;
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 3] = leg3;
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 4] = leg4;
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 5] = leg5;

  //quickhack which allows calibration, but works only if the left foot is the support foot in .kmc file
  Vector2f tiltCalibration = currentKickRequest.mirror ? theDamageConfigurationBody.startTiltRight : theDamageConfigurationBody.startTiltLeft;
    tiltCalibration.x() *= -1.f;
  jointRequest.angles[Joints::lAnkleRoll] += tiltCalibration.x();
  jointRequest.angles[Joints::lAnklePitch] += tiltCalibration.y();
Example #14
    bool BoxFilterFilm::AddSample(const rose::Spectrum &s, const Vector2ui &pixel, const Vector2f &sample) {
        // Check we are inside pixel boundaries
        if (sample.x() < 0.f || sample.x() > 1.f || sample.y() < 0.f || sample.y() > 1.f) { return false; }
        // Add sample
        raster[pixel.y() * width + pixel.x()] += s;
        // Increase number of samples of the pixel
        num_samples[pixel.y() * width + pixel.x()]++;

        return true;
Example #15
    SwingFoot::SwingFoot(bool isLeft,
                         const Vector2f& p,
                         float footHeight,
                         AngDeg ang,
                         AngDeg rotateFoot,
                         float bodyHeight,
                         float duration,
                         Task* primary)
        :LowerLimbsMotion(duration, primary),
       if ( mIsLeft ){
            // left foot
            mDesiredFootL.p() = Vector3f(p.x(),p.y(),footHeight);
            // right foot
            // right foot
            mDesiredFootR.p() = Vector3f(p.x(),p.y(),footHeight);
            // left foot

        mDesiredFootL.p().x() -= HUMANOID.getHalfFeetWidth();
        mDesiredFootR.p().x() += HUMANOID.getHalfFeetWidth();
        mDesiredFootL.p().z() += HUMANOID.getMinFootHeight();
        mDesiredFootR.p().z() += HUMANOID.getMinFootHeight();

        // body
        AngDeg dirR = mDesiredFootR.rotatedAngZ();
        AngDeg dirL = mDesiredFootL.rotatedAngZ();
        if ( dirR > dirL ){
            std::swap(dirR, dirL);
        AngDeg dirBody = calBisectorTwoAngles(dirR,dirL);
        mDesiredBody.rotateLocalZ( dirBody );
        mDesiredBody.pos() = (mDesiredFootL.p()+mDesiredFootR.p())*0.5f;
        // mDesiredBody.pos().x() = 0;
        mDesiredBody.pos().z() = bodyHeight;
	//dynamic step

        if ( p.y()>0 ){
void TeamPlayersLocator::update(TeamPlayersModel& teamPlayersModel)

  std::vector<Obstacle> ownTeam;

  teamPlayersModel.obstacles.emplace_back(Matrix2f::Identity(), Vector2f(theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentGoalPost, theFieldDimensions.yPosLeftGoal), GOALPOST);
  teamPlayersModel.obstacles.emplace_back(Matrix2f::Identity(), Vector2f(theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentGoalPost, theFieldDimensions.yPosRightGoal), GOALPOST);
  teamPlayersModel.obstacles.emplace_back(Matrix2f::Identity(), Vector2f(theFieldDimensions.xPosOwnGoalPost, theFieldDimensions.yPosLeftGoal), GOALPOST);
  teamPlayersModel.obstacles.emplace_back(Matrix2f::Identity(), Vector2f(theFieldDimensions.xPosOwnGoalPost, theFieldDimensions.yPosRightGoal), GOALPOST);

  if(theRobotInfo.penalty == PENALTY_NONE && theGroundContactState.contact)
    ownTeam.emplace_back(theRobotPose.covariance.topLeftCorner(2, 2), theRobotPose.translation); // pose and covariance of the robot itself

    if(theFallDownState.state == theFallDownState.upright) //why is this?
      for(const auto& obstacle : theObstacleModel.obstacles)
        if(obstacle.type == GOALPOST)
        // if seen robots are of the opponent team and are not detected outside the field
        const Vector2f p = theRobotPose * obstacle.center;
        if(std::abs(p.x()) <= theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentFieldBorder && std::abs(p.y()) <= theFieldDimensions.yPosLeftFieldBorder)
          teamPlayersModel.obstacles.emplace_back(obstacle.covariance, p, obstacle.type);

  for(auto const& teammate : theTeammateData.teammates)
    if(teammate.status == Teammate::FULLY_ACTIVE)
      if(teammate.pose.deviation < 50.f) //todo, magic number will be replaced by parameter. 50.f might be too low
        ownTeam.emplace_back(teammate.pose.covariance.topLeftCorner(2, 2), teammate.pose.translation); //position of teammates

      for(const auto& obstacle : teammate.obstacleModel.obstacles)
        if(obstacle.type == GOALPOST)
        // if seen robots are of the opponent team and are not detected outside the field
        const Vector2f p = teammate.pose * obstacle.center;
        if(std::abs(p.x()) <= theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentFieldBorder && std::abs(p.y()) <= theFieldDimensions.yPosLeftFieldBorder)
          Matrix2f covariance = (Matrix2f() << obstacle.covXX, obstacle.covXY, obstacle.covXY, obstacle.covYY).finished();
          Obstacle converted = Obstacle(rotateCovariance(covariance, teammate.pose.rotation), p, obstacle.type);
          merge(converted, teamPlayersModel.obstacles);
  for(auto& teammate : ownTeam)
    removeAround(teammate, teamPlayersModel.obstacles);
Example #17
    bool BoxFilterFilmBlock::AddSample(const Spectrum &s, const Vector2ui &global_pixel, const Vector2f &sample) {
        // Check we are inside pixel boundaries
        if (sample.x() < 0.f || sample.x() > 1.f || sample.y() < 0.f || sample.y() > 1.f) { return false; }
        // Compute local pixel coordinates
        Vector2ui local_pixel = global_pixel - Vector2ui(width_offset, height_offset);
        // Add sample
        raster[local_pixel.y() * width + local_pixel.x()] += s;
        // Increase number of samples of the pixel
        num_samples[local_pixel.y() * width + local_pixel.x()]++;

        return true;
Example #18
int PxController::bound(Vector2f &n) {
    n.x() = -n.x();
    if(n.dot(v_) >= 0) {
        return 1;
    v_ += -2*(n.dot(v_))*n;
    bound_locked_ = true;
    std::cout << "----bound----- "<< std::endl;
    std::cout << " n:" << n.x() << "," << n.y() << std::endl;
    std::cout<< " v:" << v_.x() << "," << v_.y() << std::endl;
    return 0;
void GlobalFieldCoverageProvider::setCoverageAtFieldPosition(GlobalFieldCoverage& globalFieldCoverage, const Vector2f& positionOnField, const int coverage) const
    const int x = static_cast<int>((positionOnField.x() - theFieldDimensions.xPosOwnGroundline) / cellLengthX);
    const int y = static_cast<int>((positionOnField.y() - theFieldDimensions.yPosRightSideline) / cellLengthY);

    globalFieldCoverage.grid[y * numOfCellsX + x].timestamp = theFrameInfo.time;
    globalFieldCoverage.grid[y * numOfCellsX + x].coverage = coverage;
LIPStateEstimator::SupportFoot LIPStateEstimator::guessSupportFoot(const Vector2f& leftOrigin) const
  const Pose3f leftOriginToTorso = theRobotModel.soleLeft + Vector3f(leftOrigin.x(), leftOrigin.y(), 0.f);
  const Pose3f rightOriginToTorso = theRobotModel.soleRight + Vector3f(leftOrigin.x(), -leftOrigin.y(), 0.f);
  const Pose3f torsoToWorld(theInertialData.orientation2D);
  const Pose3f leftOriginToWorld = torsoToWorld * leftOriginToTorso;
  const Pose3f rightOriginToWorld = torsoToWorld * rightOriginToTorso;

  if(leftOriginToWorld.translation.z() < rightOriginToWorld.translation.z())
    return SupportFoot::left;
    return SupportFoot::right;
Example #21
void TeamData::draw() const
  DECLARE_DEBUG_DRAWING("representation:TeamData", "drawingOnField");
  for(auto const& teammate : teammates)
    ColorRGBA posCol;
    if(teammate.status == Teammate::PLAYING)
      posCol = ColorRGBA::green;
    else if(teammate.status == Teammate::FALLEN)
      posCol = ColorRGBA::yellow;
      posCol = ColorRGBA::red;

    const Vector2f& rPos = teammate.theRobotPose.translation;
    const float radius = std::max(50.f, teammate.theRobotPose.deviation);
    Vector2f dirPos = teammate.theRobotPose * Vector2f(radius, 0.f);

    // Circle around Player
    CIRCLE("representation:TeamData", rPos.x(), rPos.y(), radius, 20, Drawings::solidPen,
           posCol, Drawings::noBrush, ColorRGBA::white);
    // Direction of the Robot
    LINE("representation:TeamData", rPos.x(), rPos.y(), dirPos.x(), dirPos.y(), 20,
         Drawings::solidPen, posCol);
    // Player number
    DRAWTEXT("representation:TeamData", rPos.x() + 100, rPos.y(), 100, ColorRGBA::black, teammate.number);
    // Role
    DRAWTEXT("representation:TeamData", rPos.x() + 100, rPos.y() - 150, 100,
             ColorRGBA::black, Role::getName(teammate.theBehaviorStatus.role));

    // Time to reach ball
    int ttrb = teammate.theBehaviorStatus.role == Role::striker
               ? static_cast<int>(teammate.theBehaviorStatus.timeToReachBall.timeWhenReachBallStriker)
               : static_cast<int>(teammate.theBehaviorStatus.timeToReachBall.timeWhenReachBall);
      const FrameInfo& theFrameInfo = (const FrameInfo&) Blackboard::getInstance()["FrameInfo"];
      ttrb = theFrameInfo.getTimeSince(ttrb);
    DRAWTEXT("representation:TeamData", rPos.x() + 100, rPos.y() - 300, 100, ColorRGBA::black, "TTRB: " << ttrb);

    //Line from Robot to WalkTarget
    LINE("representation:TeamData", rPos.x(), rPos.y(),
         10, Drawings::dashedPen, ColorRGBA::magenta);

    // Ball position
    const Vector2f ballPos = teammate.theRobotPose * teammate.theBallModel.estimate.position;
    CIRCLE("representation:TeamData", ballPos.x(), ballPos.y(), 50, 20, Drawings::solidPen, ColorRGBA::yellow, Drawings::solidBrush, ColorRGBA::yellow);
Example #22
void UKFPose2D::lineSensorUpdate(bool vertical, const Vector2f& reading, const Matrix2f& readingCov)

  // computeLineReadings
  Vector2f lineReadings[7];
    for(int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
      lineReadings[i] = Vector2f(sigmaPoints[i].y(), sigmaPoints[i].z());
    for(int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
      lineReadings[i] = Vector2f(sigmaPoints[i].x(), sigmaPoints[i].z());

  // computeMeanOfLineReadings
  Vector2f lineReadingMean = lineReadings[0];
  for(int i = 1; i < 7; ++i)
    lineReadingMean += lineReadings[i];
  lineReadingMean *= 1.f / 7.f;

  // computeCovOfLineReadingsAndSigmaPoints
  Matrix2x3f lineReadingAndMeanCov = Matrix2x3f::Zero();
  for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    const Vector2f d1 = lineReadings[i * 2 + 1] - lineReadingMean;
    lineReadingAndMeanCov += (Matrix2x3f() << d1 * l(0, i), d1 * l(1, i), d1 * l(2, i)).finished();
    const Vector2f d2 = lineReadings[i * 2 + 2] - lineReadingMean;
    lineReadingAndMeanCov += (Matrix2x3f() << d2 * -l(0, i), d2 * -l(1, i), d2 * -l(2, i)).finished();
  lineReadingAndMeanCov *= 0.5f;

  // computeCovOfLineReadingsReadings
  const Vector2f d = lineReadings[0] - lineReadingMean;
  Matrix2f lineReadingCov = (Matrix2f() << d * d.x(), d * d.y()).finished();
  for(int i = 1; i < 7; ++i)
    const Vector2f d = lineReadings[i] - lineReadingMean;
    lineReadingCov += (Matrix2f() << d * d.x(), d * d.y()).finished();
  lineReadingCov *= 0.5f;

  lineReadingMean.y() = Angle::normalize(lineReadingMean.y());
  const Matrix3x2f kalmanGain = lineReadingAndMeanCov.transpose() * (lineReadingCov + readingCov).inverse();
  Vector2f innovation = reading - lineReadingMean;
  innovation.y() = Angle::normalize(innovation.y());
  const Vector3f correction = kalmanGain * innovation;
  mean += correction;
  mean.z() = Angle::normalize(mean.z());
  cov -= kalmanGain * lineReadingAndMeanCov;
inline Vector2f VectorLocalization2D::observationFunction(line2f l, Vector2f p) const
  static const bool debug = false;
  Vector2f attraction(0.0,0.0), dir(V2COMP(l.Dir())), p0(V2COMP(l.P0())), p1(V2COMP(l.P1()));
  float location = (p-p0).dot(dir);
  attraction = (p-p0) - dir*location ;
    debugLines.push_back( line2f( vector2f(p.x(),p.y()) ,vector2f((p-attraction).x(),(p-attraction).y()) ) );
    const float crossSize = 0.002;
    debugLines.push_back( line2f( vector2f(p.x()+crossSize,p.y()) , vector2f(p.x()-crossSize,p.y())) );
    debugLines.push_back( line2f( vector2f(p.x(),p.y()+crossSize) , vector2f(p.x(),p.y()-crossSize)) );
  return attraction;
Example #24
void UKFPose2D::landmarkSensorUpdate(const Vector2f& landmarkPosition, const Vector2f& reading, const Matrix2f& readingCov)

  // computeLandmarkReadings
  Vector2f landmarkReadings[7];
  for(int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
    Pose2f pose(sigmaPoints[i].z(), sigmaPoints[i].head<2>());
    Vector2f landmarkPosRel = pose.invert() * landmarkPosition; // TODO: optimize this
    landmarkReadings[i] = Vector2f(landmarkPosRel.x(), landmarkPosRel.y());

  // computeMeanOfLandmarkReadings
  Vector2f landmarkReadingMean = landmarkReadings[0];
  for(int i = 1; i < 7; ++i)
    landmarkReadingMean += landmarkReadings[i];
  landmarkReadingMean *= 1.f / 7.f;

  // computeCovOfLandmarkReadingsAndSigmaPoints
  Matrix2x3f landmarkReadingAndMeanCov = Matrix2x3f::Zero();
  for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    const Vector2f d1 = landmarkReadings[i * 2 + 1] - landmarkReadingMean;
    landmarkReadingAndMeanCov += (Matrix2x3f() << d1 * l(0, i), d1 * l(1, i), d1 * l(2, i)).finished();
    const Vector2f d2 = landmarkReadings[i * 2 + 2] - landmarkReadingMean;
    landmarkReadingAndMeanCov += (Matrix2x3f() << d2 * -l(0, i), d2 * -l(1, i), d2 * -l(2, i)).finished();
  landmarkReadingAndMeanCov *= 0.5f;

  // computeCovOfLandmarkReadingsReadings
  const Vector2f d = landmarkReadings[0] - landmarkReadingMean;
  Matrix2f landmarkReadingCov = Matrix2f::Zero();
  landmarkReadingCov << d * d.x(), d * d.y();
  for(int i = 1; i < 7; ++i)
    const Vector2f d = landmarkReadings[i] - landmarkReadingMean;
    landmarkReadingCov += (Matrix2f() << d * d.x(), d * d.y()).finished();
  landmarkReadingCov *= 0.5f;

  const Matrix3x2f kalmanGain = landmarkReadingAndMeanCov.transpose() * (landmarkReadingCov + readingCov).inverse();
  Vector2f innovation = reading - landmarkReadingMean;
  const Vector3f correction = kalmanGain * innovation;
  mean += correction;
  mean.z() = Angle::normalize(mean.z());
  cov -= kalmanGain * landmarkReadingAndMeanCov;
Example #25
void Button::autosize()

    // HACK: we add some default margin to the label.
    Vector2f size = Vector2f::Zero();
        size = myLabel.getSize();

	size[0] += myImage.getSize()[0];
	size[1] = max(size[1], myImage.getSize()[1]);

	// Commented: avoid stretching the image.
		size += Vector2f(size[1] + 10, 4);
		size += Vector2f(10, 4);
		size.x() += myImage.getSize().x();

Vector4f::Vector4f( float x, float y, const Vector2f& zw )
	m_elements[0] = x;
	m_elements[1] = y;
	m_elements[2] = zw.x();
	m_elements[3] = zw.y();
Vector4f::Vector4f( float x, const Vector2f& yz, float w )
	m_elements[0] = x;
	m_elements[1] = yz.x();
	m_elements[2] = yz.y();
	m_elements[3] = w;
Vector4f::Vector4f( const Vector2f& xy, float z, float w )
	m_elements[0] = xy.x();
	m_elements[1] = xy.y();
	m_elements[2] = z;
	m_elements[3] = w;
void ManualHeadMotionProvider::update(HeadMotionRequest& headMotionRequest)
  bool parametersChanged = xImg != currentX || yImg != currentY;
  if(parametersChanged && camera == theCameraInfo.camera)
    currentX = xImg;
    currentY = yImg;

    Vector2f targetOnField;
    if(Transformation::imageToRobot(currentX, currentY, theCameraMatrix, theCameraInfo, targetOnField))
      headMotionRequest.target.x() = targetOnField.x();
      headMotionRequest.target.y() = targetOnField.y();
      headMotionRequest.target.z() = 0;
      headMotionRequest.mode = HeadMotionRequest::targetOnGroundMode;
      headMotionRequest.watchField = false;

      //Use the camera that the user is seeing right now.
        case CameraInfo::lower:
          headMotionRequest.cameraControlMode = HeadMotionRequest::lowerCamera;
        case CameraInfo::upper:
          headMotionRequest.cameraControlMode = HeadMotionRequest::upperCamera;

      headMotionRequest.speed = 150_deg;
void SideConfidenceProvider::findAgreemates()
  // If I have not seen the ball recently, no matches can be found anyway ...
  if(!ballModelCanBeUsed(theBallModel, theWorldModelPrediction.robotPose))
  const Vector2f myGlobalBallPosition = theWorldModelPrediction.robotPose * theBallModel.estimate.position;
  const Vector2f myGlobalBallPositionMirrored(-myGlobalBallPosition.x(), -myGlobalBallPosition.y());
  // Check all teammates:
  for(const auto& teammate : theTeamData.teammates)
    // Robots that are not playing are of no interest
    if(teammate.status != Teammate::PLAYING)
    // Only trust B-Human robots
    if(teammate.mateType != Teammate::TeamOrigin::BHumanRobot)
    if(ballModelCanBeUsed(teammate.theBallModel, teammate.theRobotPose))
      const Vector2f teammateGlobalBallPosition = teammate.theRobotPose * teammate.theBallModel.estimate.position;
      const TeammateBallCompatibility bc = compareBallWithTeammateBall(myGlobalBallPosition, myGlobalBallPositionMirrored,
      addToAgreemateList(teammate, bc);