nsACString str("Hello World"); const char* data = str.BeginReading(); size_t len = str.Length(); // ... do something with the data ... str.EndReading();
nsACString str("Goodbye World"); str.BeginWriting(); // ... do something with the string ... str.EndWriting();In this example, we initialize an nsACString object named `str` with the value "Goodbye World". We call the `BeginWriting()` function to get a mutable pointer to the string data, which allows us to modify the string. We then modify the string as needed and call `EndWriting()` to mark the end of our writing operation. Both of these examples demonstrate the use of `EndReading()` to mark the end of a reading operation or `EndWriting()` to mark the end of a writing operation. These functions are part of the nsACString class in the NSPR library.