Example #1
    void assign(state_type state, tree_type& tree)
      features_ += *state.feature_vector();

      switch (state.operation().operation()) {
      case operation_type::AXIOM:
      case operation_type::FINAL:
      case operation_type::IDLE:
	assign(state.derivation(), tree);
      case operation_type::UNARY:
	tree.label_ = state.label();
	assign(state.derivation(), tree.antecedent_.front());
      case operation_type::SHIFT:
	tree.label_ = state.label();
	tree.antecedent_ = tree_type::antecedent_type(1, state.head());
      case operation_type::REDUCE:
      case operation_type::REDUCE_LEFT:
      case operation_type::REDUCE_RIGHT:
	tree.label_ = state.label();
	assign(state.reduced(), tree.antecedent_.front());
	assign(state.derivation(), tree.antecedent_.back());
Example #2
int saveHdf5(state_type &OUT, state_type &TIME){
    hid_t   hdf_file,hdf_group,hdf_data,dataspace_id;
    herr_t  status;

    fprintf(stdout,"Writing file %s ...",allparams.outfilename);
    hdf_file = H5Fcreate(allparams.outfilename,H5F_ACC_TRUNC,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT);
    if (hdf_file < 0){
        return -1;

    if ( (hdf_group=H5Gopen2(hdf_file,"/",H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0){
        return -1;
    /* Write particle positions and velocities.
     * Ordered in chunk where first Nstep+1 lines correspond to particle 1,
     * step Nstep+1 chunk correspond to particle 2 etc. */
    std::cout << "Writing positions and velocities\n";
    hsize_t dims[1]={OUT.size()};
    if ( (hdf_data=H5Dcreate2(hdf_file,"x",H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,dataspace_id,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0){
        return -1;
    status=H5Dwrite(hdf_data, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, &OUT[0]);

    /*Write times*/
    std::cout << "Writing times\n";
    hsize_t dims2[1]={TIME.size()};
    if ( (hdf_data=H5Dcreate2(hdf_file,"t",H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,dataspace_id,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0){
        return -1;
    status=H5Dwrite(hdf_data, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, &TIME[0]);

    /*Write no. of components*/
    if ( (hdf_data=H5Dcreate2(hdf_file,"NumComponents",H5T_NATIVE_INT,dataspace_id,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0){
        return -1;
    status=H5Dwrite(hdf_data, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, &allparams.NumComponents);

    fprintf(stdout," file written successfully!\n");
    return 0;
Example #3
double compute_profile(const vector<double>& rate, state_type& profile)
  polysome tasep_tmp(&rate);
  if (profile.size() != rate.size()-1) {
    cout<<profile.size()<<" "<<rate.size()<<endl;
    cout<<"profile length not equal to rate vector length-1!"<<endl;
    return -1;
  profile = tasep_tmp.get_Aprob();
  return tasep_tmp.compute_translation_rate();
FMUIntegrator::integrate( fmiReal step_size, fmiReal dt )
	// This vector holds (temporarily) the values of the FMU's continuous states.
	static state_type states( fmu_->nStates() );

	// Get current continuous states.
	fmu_->getContinuousStates( &states.front() );

	// Invoke integration method.
  	stepper_->invokeMethod( this, states, fmu_->getTime(), step_size, dt );
 static void resize( state_type &x1 ,
                     const state_type &x2 )
     // allocate required memory
     x1.resize( x2.size() );
     for( size_t i=0 ; i < x2.size() ; ++i )
         x1[i] = dataflow< hpx_resize_2d_action >( find_here() , 
                                                   std::allocate_shared<dvecvec>( std::allocator<dvecvec>() ) , 
                                                   x2[i].get_future().get() );
Example #6
        void operator()(const state_type& x, state_type& dxdt, const double& t)
            for (state_type::iterator i(dxdt.begin()); i != dxdt.end(); ++i)
                *i = 0.0;
            // XXX
            for (reaction_container_type::const_iterator
                i(reactions_.begin()); i != reactions_.end(); i++)
                // Prepare  state_array of reactants and products that contain amounts of each reactants.
                Ratelaw::state_container_type reactants_states(i->reactants.size());
                Ratelaw::state_container_type products_states(i->products.size());
                Ratelaw::state_container_type::size_type cnt(0);

                for (index_container_type::const_iterator
                    j((*i).reactants.begin()); j != (*i).reactants.end(); ++j, cnt++)
                    reactants_states[cnt] = x[*j];
                cnt = 0;
                for (index_container_type::const_iterator
                    j((*i).products.begin()); j != (*i).products.end(); ++j, cnt++)
                    products_states[cnt] = x[*j];

                double flux;
                // Get pointer of Ratelaw object and call it.
                if (i->ratelaw.expired() || i->ratelaw.lock()->is_available() == false)
                    boost::scoped_ptr<Ratelaw> temporary_ratelaw_obj(new RatelawMassAction(i->k));
                    flux = temporary_ratelaw_obj->deriv_func(reactants_states, products_states, volume_);
                    boost::shared_ptr<Ratelaw> ratelaw = (*i).ratelaw.lock();
                    flux = (*ratelaw).deriv_func(reactants_states, products_states, volume_);

                // Merge each reaction's flux into whole dxdt
                for (index_container_type::const_iterator
                    j((*i).reactants.begin()); j != (*i).reactants.end(); ++j)
                    dxdt[*j] -= flux;
                for (index_container_type::const_iterator
                    j((*i).products.begin()); j != (*i).products.end(); ++j)
                    dxdt[*j] += flux;
Example #7
void lorenz_with_lyap( const state_type &x , state_type &dxdt , double t )
    lorenz()( x , dxdt , t );

    for( size_t l=0 ; l<num_of_lyap ; ++l )
        const double *pert = x.begin() + 3 + l * 3;
        double *dpert = dxdt.begin() + 3 + l * 3;
        dpert[0] = - sigma * pert[0] + 10.0 * pert[1];
        dpert[1] = ( R - x[2] ) * pert[0] - pert[1] - x[0] * pert[2];
        dpert[2] = x[1] * pert[0] + x[0] * pert[1] - b * pert[2];
void lattice( const state_type &x , state_type &dxdt , const double /* t */ )
    state_type::const_iterator x_begin = x.begin();
    state_type::const_iterator x_end = x.end();
    state_type::iterator dxdt_begin = dxdt.begin();

    x_end--; // stop one before last
    while( x_begin != x_end )
        *(dxdt_begin++) = std::sin( *(x_begin) - *(x_begin++) );
    *dxdt_begin = sin( *x_begin - *(x.begin()) ); // periodic boundary
FMUIntegrator::operator()( const state_type& x, state_type& dx, fmiReal time )
	// if there has been an event, then the integrator shall do nothing
	if ( ! fmu_->getStateEventFlag() ) {
		// Update to current time.
		fmu_->setTime( time );

		// Update to current states.
		fmu_->setContinuousStates( &x.front() );

		// Evaluate derivatives and store them to vector dx.
		fmu_->getDerivatives( &dx.front() );
Example #10
  void operator() (const state_type x, state_type& dxdt, double t) {

    // for input voltage, model a step function at time zero
    double Va = 0;
    if (t > 0.0) {
      Va = vin_;
    Matrix<double, 1, 1> u; u << Va;

    // All other node voltages are determined by odeint through our equations:
    Map<const Matrix<double, 2, 1> > xvec(x.data());
    Map<Matrix<double, 2, 1> > result(dxdt.data());

    result = coeff_ * xvec + input_ * u;
void system_2d( const state_type &q , state_type &dpdt )
    // works on shared data, but coupling data is provided as copy
    const size_t N = q.size();
    //state_type dpdt_(N);
    // first row
    dpdt[0] = dataflow< system_first_block_action >( find_here() , q[0] , 
                                                     dataflow< first_row_action >( find_here() , q[1] ) , 
                                                     dpdt[0] , 0 );
    // middle rows
    for( size_t i=1 ; i<N-1 ; i++ )
        dpdt[i] = dataflow< system_center_block_action >( find_here() , q[i] , 
                                                          dataflow< last_row_action >( find_here() , q[i-1] ) , 
                                                          dataflow< first_row_action >( find_here() , q[i+1] ) , 
                                                          dpdt[i] , i );
    dpdt[N-1] = dataflow< system_last_block_action >( find_here() , q[N-1] , 
                                                      dataflow< last_row_action >( find_here() , q[N-2] ) , 
                                                      dpdt[N-1] , N-1);

    // coupling synchronization step
    // dpdt[0] = dataflow< sys_sync1_action >( fing_here() , dpdt_[0] , dpdt_[1] );
    // for( size_t i=1 ; i<N-1 ; i++ )
    // {
    //     dpdt[i] = dataflow< sys_sync2_action >( find_here() , dpdt_[i] , dpdt_[i] , q[i+1] , dpdt[i] );
    // }
    // dpdt_[N-1] = dataflow< system_last_block_action >( find_here() , q[N-1] , q[N-2] , dpdt[N-1] );

 do_in( state_type& state, const char* first1, const char* last1, 
        const char*& next1, wchar_t* first2, wchar_t* last2, 
        wchar_t*& next2 ) const
     using namespace std;
     if (state < 0 || state > 3)
         return codecvt_base::error;
     next1 = first1;
     next2 = first2;
     while (next2 != last2 && next1 != last1) {
         while (next1 != last1) {
             if (state == 0) {
                 if (*next1 < 1 || *next1 > 3)
                     return codecvt_base::error;
                 state = *next1++;
             } else if (state == 1) {
                 *next2++ = (unsigned char) *next1++;
                 state = 0;
             } else {
                 if (*next1++ != 0)
                     return codecvt_base::error;
     return next2 == last2 ? 
         codecvt_base::ok : 
 do_out( state_type& state, const wchar_t* first1, const wchar_t* last1,
         const wchar_t*& next1, char* first2, char* last2, 
         char*& next2 ) const
     using namespace std;
     if (state < 0 || state > 3)
         return codecvt_base::error;
     next1 = first1;
     next2 = first2;
     while (next1 != last1 && next2 != last2) {
         while (next2 != last2) {
             if (state == 0) {
                 if (*next1 > integer_traits<unsigned char>::const_max)
                     return codecvt_base::noconv;
                 state = *next1 % 3 + 1;
                 *next2++ = static_cast<char>(state);
             } else if (state == 1) {
                 state = 0;
                 *next2++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(*next1++);
             } else {
                 *next2++ = 0;
     return next1 == last1 ? 
         codecvt_base::ok : 
typename StackedGatedModel<Z>::State StackedGatedModel<Z>::activate(
        state_type& previous_state,
        const Indexing::Index indices) const {
    State out;
    auto input_vector = this->embedding[indices];

    out.memory       = gate.activate(

    input_vector      = input_vector.eltmul_broadcast_colwise(out.memory);

    out.lstm_state = this->stacked_lstm.activate(

    out.prediction = MatOps<Z>::softmax_rowwise(

    return out;
 void operator() (const state_type psit, double t) const
     // If the above line doesn't work for you, sub in the one below.
     m_out << t;        
     for (size_t i=0; i < psit.size(); ++i) m_out << "\t" << psit(i).real() << "\t" << psit(i).imag();
     m_out << "\n";
Example #16
 void operator()( const state_type &x , state_type &dxdt , const value_type t ) const
     std::cout << "sys start " << dxdt.size() << std::endl;
     dxdt[0] = x[0] + 2 * x[1];
     dxdt[1] = x[1];
     std::cout << "sys done" << std::endl;
Example #17
    void do_step( System system , state_type& x , time_type t , time_type dt )
        typedef typename odeint::unwrap_reference< System >::type system_type;
        typedef typename odeint::unwrap_reference< typename system_type::first_type >::type deriv_func_type;
        typedef typename odeint::unwrap_reference< typename system_type::second_type >::type jacobi_func_type;
        system_type &sys = system;
        deriv_func_type &deriv_func = sys.first;
        jacobi_func_type &jacobi_func = sys.second;   
        m_resizer.adjust_size( x , detail::bind( &stepper_type::template resize_impl<state_type> , detail::ref( *this ) , detail::_1 ) );
        state_type x1 = x;// x1 for storing x(k+1)
        // std::cout << x1[0] << " " << x1[1] << "\n";
        implicit_euler< double > imp_euler;
        imp_euler.do_step(system, x1, t, dt);
        //x(k+1) computed from above line for x(k) = 4*x(k+1) - 3*x(k+2) + 2*dt*x'(k+2)
        // std::cout << x1[0] << " " << x1[1] << "\n";
        for( size_t i=0 ; i<x.size() ; ++i )
            m_pm.m_v[i] = i;
        t +=dt;// t = t0 + 2*dt for x(k+2) and x'(k+2)
        deriv_func( x1 , m_dxdt.m_v , t ); //m_dxdt.m_v is x'(k+2)
        m_b.m_v = 2.0 * dt * m_dxdt.m_v;
        jacobi_func( x1 , m_jacobi.m_v  , t );
        m_jacobi.m_v *= dt;
        m_jacobi.m_v -= boost::numeric::ublas::identity_matrix< value_type >( x.size() );
        solve( m_b.m_v , m_jacobi.m_v );
        m_x.m_v = (4.0 *x1)- (3.0*x) + m_b.m_v;//x(k) after first Newton iteration
        std::cout << "Before loop : " << m_x.m_v[0] << " " << m_x.m_v[1] << " " << m_b.m_v[0] << " " << m_b.m_v[1] << "\n";
        while( boost::numeric::ublas::norm_2( m_b.m_v ) > m_epsilon )
            deriv_func( m_x.m_v , m_dxdt.m_v , t );
            m_b.m_v = -(4.0 *x1)+ (3.0*x) + m_x.m_v + 2.0 * dt * m_dxdt.m_v;
            solve( m_b.m_v , m_jacobi.m_v );
            m_x.m_v -= m_b.m_v;
            std::cout << "Inside loop : " << m_x.m_v[0] << " " << m_x.m_v[1] << " " << m_b.m_v[0] << " " << m_b.m_v[1] << "\n";

        x = m_x.m_v;
Example #18
    void do_step( System system , state_type &x , time_type t , time_type dt )
        typedef typename odeint::unwrap_reference< System >::type system_type;
        typedef typename odeint::unwrap_reference< typename system_type::first_type >::type deriv_func_type;
        typedef typename odeint::unwrap_reference< typename system_type::second_type >::type jacobi_func_type;
        system_type &sys = system;
        deriv_func_type &deriv_func = sys.first;
        jacobi_func_type &jacobi_func = sys.second;

        m_resizer.adjust_size( x , detail::bind( &stepper_type::template resize_impl<state_type> , detail::ref( *this ) , detail::_1 ) );

        for( size_t i=0 ; i<x.size() ; ++i )
            m_pm.m_v[i] = i;

        t += dt;

        // apply first Newton step
        deriv_func( x , m_dxdt.m_v , t );

        m_b.m_v = dt * m_dxdt.m_v;

        jacobi_func( x , m_jacobi.m_v  , t );
        m_jacobi.m_v *= dt;
        m_jacobi.m_v -= boost::numeric::ublas::identity_matrix< value_type >( x.size() );

        solve( m_b.m_v , m_jacobi.m_v );

        m_x.m_v = x - m_b.m_v;

        // iterate Newton until some precision is reached
        // ToDo: maybe we should apply only one Newton step -> linear implicit one-step scheme
        while( boost::numeric::ublas::norm_2( m_b.m_v ) > m_epsilon )
            deriv_func( m_x.m_v , m_dxdt.m_v , t );
            m_b.m_v = x - m_x.m_v + dt*m_dxdt.m_v;

            // simplified version, only the first Jacobian is used
            //            jacobi( m_x , m_jacobi , t );
            //            m_jacobi *= dt;
            //            m_jacobi -= boost::numeric::ublas::identity_matrix< value_type >( x.size() );

            solve( m_b.m_v , m_jacobi.m_v );

            m_x.m_v -= m_b.m_v;
        x = m_x.m_v;
Example #19
 static void resize( state_type &x1 , const state_type &x2 )
     x1.resize( boost::size( x2 ) );
     typename state_type::iterator begin1 = boost::begin( x1 );
     typename state_type::const_iterator begin2 = boost::begin( x2 );
     while( begin1 != boost::end( x1 ) )
         (*begin1++).resize( boost::size( *begin2++ ) );
  // utility function for displaying data.  Applies internal matrices to state
  std::vector<double> state2output(state_type const& x) {
    std::vector<double> result(2);
    Map<const Matrix<double, states, 1> > xvec(x.data());

    Map<Matrix<double, 3, 1> > ovec(result.data());
    ovec = Lred_.transpose() * xvec;  // in theory the input could be involved via Dred_
    return result;
 void operator()( const state_type &x , double t )
     map< size_t , string >::const_iterator it = m_snapshots.find( m_count );
     if( it != m_snapshots.end() )
         ofstream fout( it->second.c_str() );
         for( size_t i=0 ; i<x.size1() ; ++i )
             for( size_t j=0 ; j<x.size2() ; ++j )
                 fout << i << "\t" << j << "\t" << x( i , j ) << "\t" << sin( x( i , j ) ) << "\n";
             fout << "\n";
  void operator() (const state_type x, state_type& dxdt, double t) {
    // determine input voltages
    double Vagg = (agg_slew_ < 0) ? v_ : 0;   // initial value
    if (agg_slew_ == 0) {
      Vagg = 0.0;                             // quiescent
    } else {
      // find the "real" ramp starting point, since we use the center of the swing
      double transition_time = ( v_ / fabs(agg_slew_) ) / 2.0;
      double real_start = agg_start_ - transition_time;
      double real_end = agg_start_ + transition_time;

      if (t >= real_end) {
        Vagg = (agg_slew_ < 0) ? 0 : v_;      // straight to final value
      } else if (t <= real_start) {
        Vagg = (agg_slew_ > 0) ? 0 : v_;      // remain at initial value
      } else {
        Vagg += agg_slew_ * (t - real_start);  // proportional to time in ramp
    // same for the victim driver
    double Vvic = (vic_slew_ < 0) ? v_ : 0;   // initial value
    if (vic_slew_ == 0) {
      Vvic = 0.0;
    } else {
      // find the "real" ramp starting point, since we use the center of the swing
      double transition_time = ( v_ / fabs(vic_slew_) ) / 2.0;
      double real_start = vic_start_ - transition_time;
      double real_end = vic_start_ + transition_time;
      if (t >= real_end) {
        Vvic = (vic_slew_ < 0) ? 0 : v_;      // straight to final value
      } else if (t <= real_start) {
        Vvic = (vic_slew_ > 0) ? 0 : v_;      // remain at initial value
      } else {
        Vvic += vic_slew_ * (t - real_start);  // proportional to time in ramp
    Map<const Matrix<double, states, 1> > xvec(x.data());  // turn state vector into Eigen matrix
    Matrix<double, 2, 1> u; u << Vagg, Vvic;          // input excitation

    Map<Matrix<double, states, 1> > result(dxdt.data());
    result = coeff_ * xvec + input_ * u;              // sets dxdt via reference

Example #23
double tasep::numeric_steady_state(result_buffer& observer, state_type& p, double t0, double t1, double steady_threshold)
  double residue_norm(1000);
  size_t steps=0;
  while (residue_norm >= steady_threshold) {
    steps += integrate(*this, p, t0, t1, 0.1, observer);
    state_type residue(p.size(),0);
    (*this)(p,residue, 0);
    residue_norm = l2norm(residue);
    if (t1>10000) return residue_norm;
    t0 = t1;
    t1 *= 2;
  double psum=0;
  for (auto pi: p) psum += pi;
  //time, steps, residue, sum of p, peptide length
  return residue_norm;
    void operator()( const state_type &x , double t )
        if( ( m_count % m_every ) == 0 )
            clog << t << endl;
            cout << "sp '-'" << endl;
            for( size_t i=0 ; i<x.size1() ; ++i )
                for( size_t j=0 ; j<x.size2() ; ++j )
                    cout << i << "\t" << j << "\t" << sin( x( i , j ) ) << "\n";
                cout << "\n";
            cout << "e" << endl;

Example #25
    static void resize( state_type &out , const state_type &in )
        size_t N = boost::size( in );
        out.resize( N );
#pragma omp parallel for schedule( runtime )
        for( size_t n=0 ; n<N ; ++n )
            out[n] = 0.0;
Example #26
  // utility function for displaying data.  Applies internal matrices to state
  std::vector<double> state2output(state_type const& x,
                                   std::vector<double> const& in) {
    std::vector<double> result(3);
    Map<const Vector2d> xvec(x.data());
    Map<const Matrix<double, 1, 1> > invec(in.data());

    Map<Matrix<double, 3, 1> > ovec(result.data());
    ovec = Lred_.transpose() * xvec + Dred_ * invec;
    return result;
 value_type error( const state_type &x , const state_type &xold , const state_type &xerr )
     const size_t n = x.size();
     value_type err = 0.0 , sk = 0.0;
     for( size_t i=0 ; i<n ; ++i )
         sk = m_atol + m_rtol * std::max( std::abs( xold[i] ) , std::abs( x[i] ) );
         err += xerr[i] * xerr[i] / sk / sk;
     return sqrt( err / value_type( n ) );
 static void resize( state_type &x1 ,
                     state_type x2 )
     //std::cout << "resizing..." << std::endl;
     // allocate required memory
     x1.resize( x2.size() );
     for( size_t i=0 ; i < x2.size() ; ++i )
         x1[i] = dataflow( unwrap([]( shared_vec v2 )
                               shared_vec tmp = std::allocate_shared<dvecvec>( std::allocator<dvecvec>() );
                               tmp->resize( v2->size() );
                               for( size_t n=0 ; n<v2->size() ; ++n )
                                   (*tmp)[n].resize( (*v2)[n].size() );
                               return tmp;
                           }) ,
                           x2[i] );
     //std::cout << "resizing complete" << std::endl;
FMUIntegrator::operator()( const state_type& state, fmiReal time )
	// if there has been an event, then the integrator shall do nothing
	if ( ! fmu_->getStateEventFlag() ) {
		// set new state of FMU after each step
		fmu_->setContinuousStates( &state.front() );

		// Call "fmiCompletedIntegratorStep" and handle events.
		fmu_->handleEvents( fmu_->getTime(), true );
Example #30
void synchronized_swap( state_type &x_in , state_type &x_out )
    const size_t N = x_in.size();
    for( size_t n=0 ; n<N ; ++n )
        dataflow_base< shared_vec > x_tmp = dataflow< sync_identity2_action >( find_here() , 
                                                                               x_in[n] , 
                                                                               x_out[n] );
        x_in[n] = dataflow< sync_identity2_action >( find_here() , x_out[n] , x_tmp );
        x_out[n] = dataflow< sync_identity2_action >( find_here() , x_tmp , x_out[n] );