Example #1
  void operator() (const state_type x, state_type& dxdt, double t) {

    // for input voltage, model a step function at time zero
    double Va = 0;
    if (t > 0.0) {
      Va = vin_;
    Matrix<double, 1, 1> u; u << Va;

    // All other node voltages are determined by odeint through our equations:
    Map<const Matrix<double, 2, 1> > xvec(x.data());
    Map<Matrix<double, 2, 1> > result(dxdt.data());

    result = coeff_ * xvec + input_ * u;
  // utility function for displaying data.  Applies internal matrices to state
  std::vector<double> state2output(state_type const& x) {
    std::vector<double> result(2);
    Map<const Matrix<double, states, 1> > xvec(x.data());

    Map<Matrix<double, 3, 1> > ovec(result.data());
    ovec = Lred_.transpose() * xvec;  // in theory the input could be involved via Dred_
    return result;
  void operator() (const state_type x, state_type& dxdt, double t) {
    // determine input voltages
    double Vagg = (agg_slew_ < 0) ? v_ : 0;   // initial value
    if (agg_slew_ == 0) {
      Vagg = 0.0;                             // quiescent
    } else {
      // find the "real" ramp starting point, since we use the center of the swing
      double transition_time = ( v_ / fabs(agg_slew_) ) / 2.0;
      double real_start = agg_start_ - transition_time;
      double real_end = agg_start_ + transition_time;

      if (t >= real_end) {
        Vagg = (agg_slew_ < 0) ? 0 : v_;      // straight to final value
      } else if (t <= real_start) {
        Vagg = (agg_slew_ > 0) ? 0 : v_;      // remain at initial value
      } else {
        Vagg += agg_slew_ * (t - real_start);  // proportional to time in ramp
    // same for the victim driver
    double Vvic = (vic_slew_ < 0) ? v_ : 0;   // initial value
    if (vic_slew_ == 0) {
      Vvic = 0.0;
    } else {
      // find the "real" ramp starting point, since we use the center of the swing
      double transition_time = ( v_ / fabs(vic_slew_) ) / 2.0;
      double real_start = vic_start_ - transition_time;
      double real_end = vic_start_ + transition_time;
      if (t >= real_end) {
        Vvic = (vic_slew_ < 0) ? 0 : v_;      // straight to final value
      } else if (t <= real_start) {
        Vvic = (vic_slew_ > 0) ? 0 : v_;      // remain at initial value
      } else {
        Vvic += vic_slew_ * (t - real_start);  // proportional to time in ramp
    Map<const Matrix<double, states, 1> > xvec(x.data());  // turn state vector into Eigen matrix
    Matrix<double, 2, 1> u; u << Vagg, Vvic;          // input excitation

    Map<Matrix<double, states, 1> > result(dxdt.data());
    result = coeff_ * xvec + input_ * u;              // sets dxdt via reference

Example #4
  // utility function for displaying data.  Applies internal matrices to state
  std::vector<double> state2output(state_type const& x,
                                   std::vector<double> const& in) {
    std::vector<double> result(3);
    Map<const Vector2d> xvec(x.data());
    Map<const Matrix<double, 1, 1> > invec(in.data());

    Map<Matrix<double, 3, 1> > ovec(result.data());
    ovec = Lred_.transpose() * xvec + Dred_ * invec;
    return result;