Example #1
//! Exercise 10.37:
//! Given a vector that has ten elements, copy the elements from positions
//! 3 through 7 in reverse order to a list.
inline void vec2list_3_7_reverse(const std::vector<int>& v, std::list<int>& l)
    //!     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    //!    ^                  ^^
    //! rend                  rbegin
    std::copy(v.crbegin() + 3, v.crbegin() + 8, std::back_inserter(l));
    //!                                  ^
    //! @note: std::copy copies the range [first,last) into result.
    //!        hence, the arguments here denote:
    //!        [7 6 5 4 3 2)
    //!                   ^ this one is specified but not included.
    //! @note: also const vecrions if functions can be used.  v.crbegin() and
    //! v.crbegin()
Example #2
    std::string to_string() const
        if (neg)
            return "-" + (-(*this)).to_string();
        std::vector<int> decs = { 0 };
        for (auto p = digits.crbegin(); p != digits.crend(); ++p)
            int carryover = 0;
            for (auto pdec = decs.begin(); pdec != decs.end(); ++pdec)
                carryover += *pdec * radix + *p;
                *pdec = carryover % 10;
                carryover /= 10;

            while (carryover != 0)
                decs.push_back(carryover % 10);
                carryover /= 10;

        std::string s;
        std::transform(decs.crbegin(), decs.crend(), std::back_inserter(s), [](int i){ return '0' + i; });

        return s;
//! Exercise 10.34
inline void
r_print(const std::vector<std::string> &v)
    std::for_each(v.crbegin(), v.crend(), [](const std::string &s)
        std::cout << s << " ";
Example #4
inline void insertCandidate(std::vector<Candidate<SIZE>>& candidates, const Candidate<SIZE>& candidate) {
  // this should be fairly efficient, sorting the data to leave the lowest
  //  cost elements at the end of the list means that we'll be shifting as
  //  few elements as possible, since we'll consume the lowest cost values
  //  and insert new candidates based on those, which will also be estimated
  //  at a cost near to the last consumed value, which will in turn cause them
  //  to be inserted near the end of the sorted list.

  // find the right place
  auto i = candidates.crbegin();
  while (i != candidates.crend() and candidate > *i) {
  auto index = candidates.size() - (i - candidates.crbegin());
  // insert the data
  candidates.insert(candidates.begin()+index, candidate);
std::size_t indexset::pos_greater_less_loc(const std::vector<irange> & rgs, std::size_t location)
	std::vector<irange>::const_reverse_iterator it;
	for (it = rgs.crbegin(); it != rgs.crend(); ++it) {
		std::size_t idx = static_cast<std::size_t>(
			std::distance(it, rgs.crend() -1)
		if (rgs[idx].location() <= location) {
			return idx;
	return NotFound;
Example #6
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::vector<Node> > > 
scc(Graph<Node> &graph, std::vector<Node>& leaders){
  std::set<Node> visited;
  std::vector< std::unique_ptr<std::vector<Node>> > scc;
  for(auto it=leaders.crbegin(); it!=leaders.crend(); ++it){
    const auto node = *it;
    if(visited.find(node) == visited.end()){
      scc.push_back(std::make_unique<std::vector<Node> >());
      DFS2(graph, node, visited, *(scc.back()));
  return scc;
Example #7
void printWay(const std::vector<State>& way, std::ostream& s)
	using namespace std;

	if (way.empty()) {
		s << "no way\n";
	int n = 0;

	for (auto p = way.crbegin(); p != way.crend(); ++p)
		s << "pos " << n++ << '\n';
		s << *p << '\n';
	//TODO: make this function use file hashes instead
	std::vector<fs::path> get_dupes_from_files(const std::vector<fs::path> &files)
		std::vector<fs::path> dupes;
		uintmax_t prev = 0, curr = 0;
		std::string file_exten_prev, file_exten_curr;

		for (auto it = files.crbegin(); it != files.crend(); ++it) //loops in reverse alphabetical order
			file_exten_curr = it->extension().string();
			curr = fs::file_size(*it);

			//we assume a file is a duplicate if the file is next to a file alphabetically with the same file size
			if (file_exten_curr == file_exten_prev && prev == curr && prev != 0)
				std::cout << it->filename().string() << std::endl;

			prev = curr;
			file_exten_prev = file_exten_curr;

		return dupes;
Example #9
 const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return _vector.crbegin(); }
Example #10
	void ClientConsole::Draw( void ) {
		if ( !isVisible || !view ) {


		const vector4 consoleColour{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f };
			0, 0, view->width, view->height / 2,
			0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,


		const uint16_t fontSize = static_cast<uint16_t>( con_fontSize->GetInt32() );
		const real32_t x = 0.0f;
		vector2 pos = {
			(view->height / 2.0f) - font->lineHeight[fontSize]

		// draw the input line
		font->Draw( pos, String::Format( ">%s", input->GetLine() ), fontSize );

		// and now the cursor
		const char *line = input->GetLine();
		real32_t savedX = pos[0];
		pos[0] = font->GetGlyphWidth( '>', fontSize );
		for ( const char *p = line; *p; p++ ) {
			if ( p - line >= static_cast<int32_t>( input->GetCursorPos() ) ) {
			pos[0] += font->GetGlyphWidth( *p, fontSize );
		//TODO: overstrike mode
		if ( static_cast<uint32_t>( GetElapsedTime() ) & 256 ) {
			// flash every 250ms
			font->Draw( pos, "_", fontSize );
		pos[0] = savedX;

		// draw version information
		static const std::vector<std::string> helpInfoList {
		const uint16_t helpFontSize = 12u;
		uint32_t numHelpLinesDrawn = 0u;
		for ( auto helpInfo = helpInfoList.crbegin(); helpInfo != helpInfoList.crend(); ++helpInfo ) {
			real32_t helpWidth = 0u;
			for ( const char *p = (*helpInfo).c_str(); *p; p++ ) {
				helpWidth += font->GetGlyphWidth( *p, helpFontSize );
			const vector2 helpPos = {
				view->width - helpWidth,
				(view->height / 2)
					- (font->lineHeight[helpFontSize] * numHelpLinesDrawn)
					- font->lineHeight[fontSize]
					- 4u
			font->Draw( helpPos, *helpInfo, helpFontSize );

		// grab a subset of the console buffer that we may want to draw - we do word-wrapping in realtime
		// line breaks and carriage returns are preprocessed in the Console
		const uint32_t numLines = console->buffer->size();
		const uint32_t start = std::max(
			static_cast<int32_t>( numLines )
				- static_cast<int32_t>( scrollAmount )
				- static_cast<int32_t>( lineCount )
		const uint32_t begin = std::min( numLines, start );
		const uint32_t end = std::min( begin + lineCount, numLines );
		std::vector<std::string> lines( console->buffer->begin() + begin, console->buffer->begin() + end );

		uint32_t drawn = 0u;
		for ( auto line = lines.crbegin(); line != lines.crend(); ++line ) {
			// substring of renderable characters
			std::vector<std::string> subsets;
			Split( *line, subsets );
			for ( auto subset = subsets.crbegin(); subset != subsets.crend(); ++subset ) {
				const uint32_t subsetLineCount = font->GetTextLineCount( pos, *subset, fontSize );
				drawn += subsetLineCount;
				if ( drawn > lineCount ) {
				pos[1] -= font->lineHeight[fontSize] * subsetLineCount;
				font->Draw( pos, *subset, fontSize, &colourTable[ColourIndex( COLOUR_WHITE )] );