Exemple #1
// warning: slow
void testTileBBoxes(const MapParams& mp)
	// check tile bounding boxes for a few tiles
	for (int64_t tx = -5; tx <= 5; tx++)
		for (int64_t ty = -5; ty <= 5; ty++)
			// get computed BBox
			TileIdx ti(tx,ty);
			BBox bbox = ti.getBBox(mp);

			// this is what the box is supposed to be
			int64_t xmin = 64*mp.B*mp.T*tx - 2*mp.B;
			int64_t ymax = 64*mp.B*mp.T*ty + 17*mp.B;
			int64_t xmax = xmin + mp.tileSize();
			int64_t ymin = ymax - mp.tileSize();

			// test pixels
			for (int64_t x = xmin - 15; x <= xmax + 15; x++)
				for (int64_t y = ymin - 15; y <= ymax + 15; y++)
					bool result = bbox.includes(Pixel(x,y));
					bool expected = x >= xmin && x < xmax && y >= ymin && y < ymax;
					if (result != expected)
						cout << "failed tile bounding box test!  " << tx << " " << ty << endl;
						cout << "[" << bbox.topLeft.x << "," << bbox.topLeft.y << "] to [" << bbox.bottomRight.x << "," << bbox.bottomRight.y << "]" << endl;
						cout << "[" << xmin << "," << ymin << "] to [" << xmax << "," << ymax << "]" << endl;
						cout << x << "," << y << endl;