// Purpose: Gets event from anim stream and throws the object
// Input  :
// Output :
void CWeaponMolotov::Operator_HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent, CBaseCombatCharacter *pOperator )
	switch( pEvent->event )
			CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC	= GetOwner()->MyNPCPointer();
			if (!pNPC)

			CBaseEntity *pEnemy = pNPC->GetEnemy();
			if (!pEnemy)

			Vector vec_target = pNPC->GetEnemyLKP();

			// -----------------------------------------------------
			//  Get position of throw
			// -----------------------------------------------------
			// If owner has a hand, set position to the hand bone position
			Vector launchPos;
			int iBIndex = pNPC->LookupBone("Bip01 R Hand");
			if (iBIndex != -1) 
				Vector origin;
				QAngle angles;
				pNPC->GetBonePosition( iBIndex, launchPos, angles);
			// Otherwise just set to in front of the owner
				Vector vFacingDir = pNPC->BodyDirection2D( );
				vFacingDir = vFacingDir * 60.0; 
				launchPos = pNPC->GetAbsOrigin()+vFacingDir;

			//Vector vecVelocity = VecCheckToss( pNPC, launchPos, vec_target, 1.0 );

			ThrowMolotov( launchPos, m_vecTossVelocity);

			// Drop the weapon and remove as no more ammo
			pNPC->Weapon_Drop( this );
			UTIL_Remove( this );
			BaseClass::Operator_HandleAnimEvent( pEvent, pOperator );
// Purpose: 
// Input  : flDot - 
//			flDist - 
// Output : int
int CWeaponSMG1::WeaponRangeAttack2Condition( float flDot, float flDist )
	CAI_BaseNPC *npcOwner = GetOwner()->MyNPCPointer();

	return COND_NONE;

	// --------------------------------------------------------
	// Assume things haven't changed too much since last time
	// --------------------------------------------------------
	if (gpGlobals->curtime < m_flNextGrenadeCheck )
		return m_lastGrenadeCondition;

	// -----------------------
	// If moving, don't check.
	// -----------------------
	if ( npcOwner->IsMoving())
		return COND_NONE;

	CBaseEntity *pEnemy = npcOwner->GetEnemy();

	if (!pEnemy)
		return COND_NONE;

	Vector vecEnemyLKP = npcOwner->GetEnemyLKP();
	if ( !( pEnemy->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND ) && pEnemy->GetWaterLevel() == 0 && vecEnemyLKP.z > (GetAbsOrigin().z + WorldAlignMaxs().z) )
		//!!!BUGBUG - we should make this check movetype and make sure it isn't FLY? Players who jump a lot are unlikely to 
		// be grenaded.
		// don't throw grenades at anything that isn't on the ground!
		return COND_NONE;
	// --------------------------------------
	//  Get target vector
	// --------------------------------------
	Vector vecTarget;
	if (random->RandomInt(0,1))
		// magically know where they are
		vecTarget = pEnemy->WorldSpaceCenter();
		// toss it to where you last saw them
		vecTarget = vecEnemyLKP;
	// vecTarget = m_vecEnemyLKP + (pEnemy->BodyTarget( GetLocalOrigin() ) - pEnemy->GetLocalOrigin());
	// estimate position
	// vecTarget = vecTarget + pEnemy->m_vecVelocity * 2;

	if ( ( vecTarget - npcOwner->GetLocalOrigin() ).Length2D() <= COMBINE_MIN_GRENADE_CLEAR_DIST )
		// crap, I don't want to blow myself up
		m_flNextGrenadeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime + 1; // one full second.
		return (COND_NONE);

	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Are any friendlies near the intended grenade impact area?
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	CBaseEntity *pTarget = NULL;

	while ( ( pTarget = gEntList.FindEntityInSphere( pTarget, vecTarget, COMBINE_MIN_GRENADE_CLEAR_DIST ) ) != NULL )
		//Check to see if the default relationship is hatred, and if so intensify that
		if ( npcOwner->IRelationType( pTarget ) == D_LI )
			// crap, I might blow my own guy up. Don't throw a grenade and don't check again for a while.
			m_flNextGrenadeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime + 1; // one full second.

	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Check that throw is legal and clear
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	// FIXME: speed is based on difficulty...

	Vector vecToss = VecCheckThrow( this, npcOwner->GetLocalOrigin() + Vector(0,0,60), vecTarget, 600.0, 0.5 );
	if ( vecToss != vec3_origin )
		m_vecTossVelocity = vecToss;

		// don't check again for a while.
		// JAY: HL1 keeps checking - test?
		//m_flNextGrenadeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime;
		m_flNextGrenadeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.3; // 1/3 second.
		// don't check again for a while.
		m_flNextGrenadeCheck = gpGlobals->curtime + 1; // one full second.
void CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay::RunShootWhileMove()
	if ( m_flNextMoveShootTime == FLT_MAX )

	CAI_BaseNPC *pOuter = GetOuter();

	// keep enemy if dead but try to look for a new one
	if (!pOuter->GetEnemy() || !pOuter->GetEnemy()->IsAlive())
		CBaseEntity *pNewEnemy = pOuter->BestEnemy();

		if( pNewEnemy != NULL )
			//New enemy! Clear the timers and set conditions.
			pOuter->SetCondition( COND_NEW_ENEMY );
			pOuter->SetEnemy( pNewEnemy );
			pOuter->SetState( NPC_STATE_COMBAT );
		// SetEnemy( NULL );

	if ( GetEnemy() == NULL || !pOuter->GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive() )

	bool bMoveAimAtEnemy = CanAimAtEnemy();

	UpdateMoveShootActivity( bMoveAimAtEnemy );

	if (bMoveAimAtEnemy)
		Assert( pOuter->GetActiveWeapon() ); // This should have been caught at task start

		// time to fire?
		if ( pOuter->HasCondition( COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1 ) && gpGlobals->curtime >= m_flNextMoveShootTime )
			if ( m_bMovingAndShooting || GetOuter()->OnBeginMoveAndShoot() )
				m_bMovingAndShooting = true;
				Activity activity = pOuter->TranslateActivity( ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK1 );

				Assert( activity != ACT_INVALID );

				if (--m_nMoveShots > 0)
					pOuter->SetLastAttackTime( gpGlobals->curtime );
					pOuter->AddGesture( activity );
					// FIXME: this seems a bit wacked
					pOuter->Weapon_SetActivity( pOuter->Weapon_TranslateActivity( ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1 ), 0 );
					m_flNextMoveShootTime = gpGlobals->curtime + pOuter->GetActiveWeapon()->GetFireRate() - 0.1;
					m_nMoveShots = random->RandomInt( m_minBurst, m_maxBurst );
					m_flNextMoveShootTime = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( m_minPause, m_maxPause );
					m_bMovingAndShooting = false;

		// try to keep facing towards the last known position of the enemy
		Vector vecEnemyLKP = pOuter->GetEnemyLKP();
		pOuter->AddFacingTarget( pOuter->GetEnemy(), vecEnemyLKP, 1.0, 0.8 );
		if ( m_bMovingAndShooting )
			m_bMovingAndShooting = false;
void CAI_MoveAndShootOverlay::RunShootWhileMove()
	if ( m_bNoShootWhileMove )

	if ( gpGlobals->curtime < m_flSuspendUntilTime )

	m_flSuspendUntilTime = MOVESHOOT_DO_NOT_SUSPEND;

	CAI_BaseNPC *pOuter = GetOuter();

	// keep enemy if dead but try to look for a new one
	if (!pOuter->GetEnemy() || !pOuter->GetEnemy()->IsAlive())
		CBaseEntity *pNewEnemy = pOuter->BestEnemy();

		if( pNewEnemy != NULL )
			//New enemy! Clear the timers and set conditions.
			pOuter->SetEnemy( pNewEnemy );
			pOuter->SetState( NPC_STATE_COMBAT );
		// SetEnemy( NULL );

	/*if( !pOuter->GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive() )

	if ( GetEnemy() == NULL )
		if ( pOuter->GetAlternateMoveShootTarget() )
			// Aim at this other thing if I can't aim at my enemy.
			pOuter->AddFacingTarget( pOuter->GetAlternateMoveShootTarget(), pOuter->GetAlternateMoveShootTarget()->GetAbsOrigin(), 1.0, 0.2 );


	bool bMoveAimAtEnemy = CanAimAtEnemy();
	UpdateMoveShootActivity( bMoveAimAtEnemy );
	if ( !bMoveAimAtEnemy )

	Assert( HasAvailableRangeAttack() ); // This should have been caught at task start

	Activity activity;
	bool bIsReloading = false;

	if ( ( activity = pOuter->TranslateActivity( ACT_GESTURE_RELOAD ) ) != ACT_INVALID )
		bIsReloading = pOuter->IsPlayingGesture( activity );

	if ( !bIsReloading && HasAvailableRangeAttack() )
		// time to fire?
		if ( pOuter->HasCondition( COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1, false ) )
			if ( pOuter->GetShotRegulator()->IsInRestInterval() )
			else if ( pOuter->GetShotRegulator()->ShouldShoot() )
				if ( m_bMovingAndShooting || pOuter->OnBeginMoveAndShoot() )
					m_bMovingAndShooting = true;

					activity = pOuter->TranslateActivity( ACT_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK1 );
					Assert( activity != ACT_INVALID );

					pOuter->RestartGesture( activity );

					// FIXME: this seems a bit wacked
					pOuter->Weapon_SetActivity( pOuter->Weapon_TranslateActivity( ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1 ), 0 );

	// try to keep facing towards the last known position of the enemy
	Vector vecEnemyLKP = pOuter->GetEnemyLKP();
	pOuter->AddFacingTarget( pOuter->GetEnemy(), vecEnemyLKP, 1.0, 0.8 );