Exemple #1
bool CAI_Enemies::ShouldDiscardMemory( AI_EnemyInfo_t *pMemory )
	CBaseEntity *pEnemy = pMemory->hEnemy;

	if ( pEnemy )
		CAI_BaseNPC *pEnemyNPC = pEnemy->MyNPCPointer();
		if ( pEnemyNPC )
			if ( pEnemyNPC->GetState() == NPC_STATE_DEAD )
				return true;

			// forget about the enemy if he changes faction
			if ( pEnemyNPC->GetFaction() != pMemory->nFaction )
				return true;
		if ( !pMemory->bDangerMemory )
			return true;

	if ( !pMemory->bUnforgettable &&
		 gpGlobals->curtime > pMemory->timeLastSeen + m_flEnemyDiscardTime )
		return true;

	return false;
Exemple #2
bool CAI_Enemies::UpdateMemory(CAI_Network* pAINet, CBaseEntity *pEnemy, const Vector &vPosition, float reactionDelay, bool firstHand )
	if ( pEnemy == AI_UNKNOWN_ENEMY )
		pEnemy = NULL;

	const float DIST_TRIGGER_REACQUIRE_SQ			= Square(20.0 * 12.0);
	const float TIME_TRIGGER_REACQUIRE				= 4.0;
	const float MIN_DIST_TIME_TRIGGER_REACQUIRE_SQ 	= Square(4.0 * 12.0);

	AI_EnemyInfo_t *pMemory = Find( pEnemy );
	// -------------------------------------------
	//  Otherwise just update my own
	// -------------------------------------------
	// Update enemy information
	if ( pMemory )
		Assert(pEnemy || pMemory->bDangerMemory == true);

		if ( firstHand )
			pMemory->timeLastSeen = gpGlobals->curtime;
		pMemory->bEludedMe = false;
		float deltaDist = (pMemory->vLastKnownLocation - vPosition).LengthSqr();
		if (deltaDist>DIST_TRIGGER_REACQUIRE_SQ || ( deltaDist>MIN_DIST_TIME_TRIGGER_REACQUIRE_SQ && ( gpGlobals->curtime - pMemory->timeLastSeen ) > TIME_TRIGGER_REACQUIRE ) )
			pMemory->timeLastReacquired = gpGlobals->curtime;

		// Only update if the enemy has moved
		if (deltaDist>Square(12.0))
			pMemory->vLastKnownLocation = vPosition;


		// Update the time at which we first saw him firsthand
		if ( firstHand && pMemory->timeAtFirstHand == AI_INVALID_TIME )
			pMemory->timeAtFirstHand = gpGlobals->curtime;

		return false;

	// If not on my list of enemies add it
	AI_EnemyInfo_t *pAddMemory = new AI_EnemyInfo_t;
	pAddMemory->vLastKnownLocation = vPosition;

	if ( firstHand )
		pAddMemory->timeLastReacquired = pAddMemory->timeFirstSeen = pAddMemory->timeLastSeen = pAddMemory->timeAtFirstHand = gpGlobals->curtime;
		// Block free knowledge
		pAddMemory->timeLastReacquired = pAddMemory->timeFirstSeen = pAddMemory->timeLastSeen = ( gpGlobals->curtime - (m_flFreeKnowledgeDuration + 0.01) );
		pAddMemory->timeAtFirstHand = AI_INVALID_TIME;

	if ( reactionDelay > 0.0 )
		pAddMemory->timeValidEnemy = gpGlobals->curtime + reactionDelay;

	pAddMemory->bEludedMe = false;

	// I'm either remembering a position of an enemy or just a danger position
	pAddMemory->hEnemy = pEnemy;
	pAddMemory->bDangerMemory = ( pEnemy == NULL );

	if ( pEnemy )
		CAI_BaseNPC *pEnemyNPC = pEnemy->MyNPCPointer();
		if ( pEnemyNPC )
			pAddMemory->nFaction = pEnemyNPC->GetFaction();

	// add to the list
	m_Map.Insert( pEnemy, pAddMemory );

	return true;