Exemple #1
void EntityManager::UpdatePhysics( float frametime )

//	frametime *= 0.5f;

	Scalar total_time = frametime + m_PhysOverlapTime;

	if (total_time > 0.1f)
		total_time = 0.1f;

	// split the timestep into fixed size chunks

	int num_loops = (int) (total_time / m_PhysTimestep);
	Scalar timestep = m_PhysTimestep;

	if ( false /*m_allow_smaller_timesteps*/ )
		if (num_loops == 0)
			num_loops = 1;
		timestep = total_time / num_loops;

	m_PhysOverlapTime = total_time - num_loops * timestep;

//	TCPreAllocDynamicLinkList<CJL_PhysicsActor>& rActorList = m_pStage->m_pPhysicsManager->GetActorList();

//	TCPreAllocDynamicLinkList<CJL_PhysicsActor>::LinkListIterator itrActor;

	int i;
	for (i=0 ; i<num_loops ; ++i)
//		m_physics_time += timestep;

		// apply gravity
/*		for( itrActor = rActorList.Begin();
			itrActor != rActorList.End();
			itrActor++ )
			if( !(itrActor->GetActorFlag() & JL_ACTOR_STATIC) )
                itrActor->AddWorldForce( itrActor->GetMass() * Vector3(0,-9.8f,0) );

		ProfileBegin( "Entity Update (Physics)" );

		// update physics properties that are specific to each entity
		// DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH CCopyEntity::UpdatePhysics()
		CCopyEntity *pEntity;
		for( pEntity = m_pEntityInUse.get();
			 pEntity != NULL;
			 pEntity = pEntity->m_pNextRawPtr )
			if( pEntity->GetEntityFlags() & BETYPE_COPY_PARENT_POSE )

//			if( pEntity->inuse && pEntity->pPhysicsActor )
			if( pEntity->inuse && 0 < pEntity->m_vecpPhysicsActor.size() )
                pEntity->pBaseEntity->UpdatePhysics( pEntity, timestep );

			UpdateEntityAfterMoving( pEntity );


		ProfileEnd( "Entity Update (Physics)" );

			PROFILE_SCOPE( "Physics Simulation" );

			// handle the motions and collisions of rigid body entities
//			m_pStage->m_pPhysicsManager->Integrate( timestep );
			m_pStage->GetPhysicsScene()->Simulate( timestep );

			while( !m_pStage->GetPhysicsScene()->FetchResults( physics::SimulationStatus::RigidBodyFinished ) )

		// clear forces on actors
/*		for( itrActor = rActorList.Begin();
			itrActor != rActorList.End();
			itrActor++ )