Exemple #1
CCopyEntity *EntityManager::CreateEntity( CCopyEntityDesc& rCopyEntityDesc )
	if( !rCopyEntityDesc.pBaseEntityHandle )
		return NULL;

	BaseEntityHandle& rBaseEntityHandle = *(rCopyEntityDesc.pBaseEntityHandle);

//	LOG_PRINT( "creating a copy entity of " + string(rBaseEntityHandle.GetBaseEntityName()) );

	BaseEntity *pBaseEntity = GetBaseEntity( rBaseEntityHandle );
	if( !pBaseEntity )
		return NULL;

	BaseEntity& rBaseEntity = *(pBaseEntity);

//	LOG_PRINT( "checking the initial position of " + rBaseEntity.GetNameString() );

	// determine the entity group id
	// priority (higher to lower):
	// (id set to copy entity desc) -> (id set to base entity)
	int entity_group_id = ENTITY_GROUP_INVALID_ID;
	if( rCopyEntityDesc.sGroupID != ENTITY_GROUP_INVALID_ID )
		entity_group_id = rCopyEntityDesc.sGroupID;
		// try the group of base entity
		entity_group_id = rBaseEntity.GetEntityGroupID();

	if( false )
//	if( !rBaseEntity.m_bNoClip )
//	 && rCopyEntityDesc.DontCreateIfOverlapIsDetected )
	{	// check for overlaps with other entities
		// to see if the new entity is in a valid position
//		if( rCopyEnt.bvType == BVTYPE_AABB || rCopyEnt.bvType == BVTYPE_DOT )
//		{
			STrace tr;
			tr.vEnd       = rCopyEntityDesc.WorldPose.vPosition;
			tr.bvType     = rBaseEntity.m_BoundingVolumeType;
			tr.aabb       = rBaseEntity.m_aabb;
			tr.GroupIndex = entity_group_id;
			if( rBaseEntity.m_bNoClipAgainstMap )
				tr.sTraceType |= TRACETYPE_IGNORE_MAP;
			m_pStage->CheckPosition( tr );
				LOG_PRINT( " - cannot create a copy entity due to overlaps: " + string(rBaseEntityHandle.GetBaseEntityName()) );
				return NULL;	// specified position is invalid - cannot create entity
//		}

//	LOG_PRINT( "the copy entity of " + rBaseEntity.GetNameString() + " is in a valid position" );

	// create an entity
	shared_ptr<CCopyEntity> pNewEntitySharedPtr = m_pEntityFactory->CreateEntity( rCopyEntityDesc.TypeID );
	if( !pNewEntitySharedPtr )
		/// too many entities or no entity is defined for rCopyEntityDesc.TypeID
		LOG_PRINT_ERROR( " - cannot create a copy entity of '" + string(rBaseEntityHandle.GetBaseEntityName()) + "'" );
		return NULL;

	CCopyEntity *pNewCopyEnt = pNewEntitySharedPtr.get();

	pNewCopyEnt->m_TypeID    = rCopyEntityDesc.TypeID;

	// copy parameter values from base entity (entity attributes set)
	SetBasicEntityAttributes( pNewCopyEnt, rBaseEntity );

	// copy parameter values from entity desc

	pNewCopyEnt->SetName( rCopyEntityDesc.strName );

	pNewCopyEnt->SetWorldPose( rCopyEntityDesc.WorldPose );

	pNewCopyEnt->Velocity()  = rCopyEntityDesc.vVelocity;
	pNewCopyEnt->fSpeed      = rCopyEntityDesc.fSpeed;

	pNewCopyEnt->m_MeshHandle = rCopyEntityDesc.MeshObjectHandle;

	pNewCopyEnt->f1 = rCopyEntityDesc.f1;
	pNewCopyEnt->f2 = rCopyEntityDesc.f2;
	pNewCopyEnt->f3 = rCopyEntityDesc.f3;
	pNewCopyEnt->f4 = rCopyEntityDesc.f4;
	pNewCopyEnt->f5 = 0.0f;
	pNewCopyEnt->s1 = rCopyEntityDesc.s1;
	pNewCopyEnt->v1 = rCopyEntityDesc.v1;
	pNewCopyEnt->v2 = rCopyEntityDesc.v2;
	pNewCopyEnt->iExtraDataIndex = rCopyEntityDesc.iExtraDataIndex;
	pNewCopyEnt->pUserData = rCopyEntityDesc.pUserData;

	pNewCopyEnt->sState   = 0;
	pNewCopyEnt->bInSolid = false;

	pNewCopyEnt->GroupIndex = entity_group_id;

//	pNewCopyEnt->GroupIndex = rCopyEntityDesc.sGroupID;

	pNewCopyEnt->touch_plane.dist   = 0;
	pNewCopyEnt->touch_plane.normal = Vector3(0,0,0);

	InitEntity( pNewEntitySharedPtr, rCopyEntityDesc.pParent, pBaseEntity, rCopyEntityDesc.pPhysActorDesc );

	pNewCopyEnt->Init( rCopyEntityDesc );

	LOG_PRINT_VERBOSE( " - created a copy entity of " + rBaseEntity.GetNameString() );

	return pNewCopyEnt;