void CommunicationKDP::DumpPacket(Stream &s, const DataExtractor &packet) {
  const char *error_desc = NULL;
  if (packet.GetByteSize() < 8) {
    error_desc = "error: invalid packet (too short): ";
  } else {
    lldb::offset_t offset = 0;
    const uint8_t first_packet_byte = packet.GetU8(&offset);
    const uint8_t sequence_id = packet.GetU8(&offset);
    const uint16_t length = packet.GetU16(&offset);
    const uint32_t key = packet.GetU32(&offset);
    const CommandType command = ExtractCommand(first_packet_byte);
    const char *command_name = GetCommandAsCString(command);
    if (command_name) {
      const bool is_reply = ExtractIsReply(first_packet_byte);
      s.Printf("(running=%i) %s %24s: 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x 0x%4.4x 0x%8.8x ",
               IsRunning(), is_reply ? "<--" : "-->", command_name,
               first_packet_byte, sequence_id, length, key);

      if (is_reply) {
        // Dump request reply packets
        switch (command) {
        // Commands that return a single 32 bit error
        case KDP_CONNECT:
        case KDP_WRITEMEM:
        case KDP_WRITEMEM64:
        case KDP_BREAKPOINT_SET:
        case KDP_BREAKPOINT_SET64:
        case KDP_WRITEREGS:
        case KDP_LOAD:
        case KDP_WRITEIOPORT:
        case KDP_WRITEMSR64: {
          const uint32_t error = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (error=0x%8.8x)", error);
        } break;

        case KDP_DISCONNECT:
        case KDP_REATTACH:
        case KDP_HOSTREBOOT:
        case KDP_SUSPEND:
        case KDP_RESUMECPUS:
        case KDP_EXCEPTION:
        case KDP_TERMINATION:
          // No return value for the reply, just the header to ack
          s.PutCString(" ()");

        case KDP_HOSTINFO: {
          const uint32_t cpu_mask = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t cpu_type = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t cpu_subtype = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (cpu_mask=0x%8.8x, cpu_type=0x%8.8x, cpu_subtype=0x%8.8x)",
                   cpu_mask, cpu_type, cpu_subtype);
        } break;

        case KDP_VERSION: {
          const uint32_t version = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t feature = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (version=0x%8.8x, feature=0x%8.8x)", version, feature);
        } break;

        case KDP_REGIONS: {
          const uint32_t region_count = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (count = %u", region_count);
          for (uint32_t i = 0; i < region_count; ++i) {
            const addr_t region_addr = packet.GetPointer(&offset);
            const uint32_t region_size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
            const uint32_t region_prot = packet.GetU32(&offset);
            s.Printf("\n\tregion[%" PRIu64 "] = { range = [0x%16.16" PRIx64
                     " - 0x%16.16" PRIx64 "), size = 0x%8.8x, prot = %s }",
                     region_addr, region_addr, region_addr + region_size,
                     region_size, GetPermissionsAsCString(region_prot));
        } break;

        case KDP_READMEM:
        case KDP_READMEM64:
        case KDP_READPHYSMEM64: {
          const uint32_t error = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t count = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (error = 0x%8.8x:\n", error);
          if (count > 0)
                              &s,                      // Stream to dump to
                              offset,                  // Offset within "packet"
                              eFormatBytesWithASCII,   // Format to use
                              1,                       // Size of each item 
                                                       // in bytes
                              count,                   // Number of items
                              16,                      // Number per line
                              m_last_read_memory_addr, // Don't show addresses
                                                       // before each line
                              0, 0);                   // No bitfields
        } break;

        case KDP_READREGS: {
          const uint32_t error = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t count = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (error = 0x%8.8x regs:\n", error);
          if (count > 0)
                              &s,                       // Stream to dump to
                              offset,                   // Offset within "packet"
                              eFormatHex,               // Format to use
                              m_addr_byte_size,         // Size of each item 
                                                        // in bytes
                              count / m_addr_byte_size, // Number of items
                              16 / m_addr_byte_size,    // Number per line
                                                        // Don't 
                                                        // show addresses before
                                                        // each line
                              0, 0);                    // No bitfields
        } break;

        case KDP_KERNELVERSION: {
          const char *kernel_version = packet.PeekCStr(8);
          s.Printf(" (version = \"%s\")", kernel_version);
        } break;

        case KDP_MAXBYTES: {
          const uint32_t max_bytes = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (max_bytes = 0x%8.8x (%u))", max_bytes, max_bytes);
        } break;
        case KDP_IMAGEPATH: {
          const char *path = packet.GetCStr(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (path = \"%s\")", path);
        } break;

        case KDP_READIOPORT:
        case KDP_READMSR64: {
          const uint32_t error = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t count = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (error = 0x%8.8x io:\n", error);
          if (count > 0)
                              &s,                   // Stream to dump to
                              offset,               // Offset within "packet"
                              eFormatHex,           // Format to use
                              1,                    // Size of each item in bytes
                              count,                // Number of items
                              16,                   // Number per line
                              LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, // Don't show addresses 
                                                    // before each line
                              0, 0);                // No bitfields
        } break;
        case KDP_DUMPINFO: {
          const uint32_t count = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (count = %u, bytes = \n", count);
          if (count > 0)
                              &s,                   // Stream to dump to
                              offset,               // Offset within "packet"
                              eFormatHex,           // Format to use
                              1,                    // Size of each item in 
                                                    // bytes
                              count,                // Number of items
                              16,                   // Number per line
                              LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, // Don't show addresses 
                                                    // before each line
                              0, 0);                // No bitfields

        } break;

          s.Printf(" (add support for dumping this packet reply!!!");
      } else {
        // Dump request packets
        switch (command) {
        case KDP_CONNECT: {
          const uint16_t reply_port = ntohs(packet.GetU16(&offset));
          const uint16_t exc_port = ntohs(packet.GetU16(&offset));
          s.Printf(" (reply_port = %u, exc_port = %u, greeting = \"%s\")",
                   reply_port, exc_port, packet.GetCStr(&offset));
        } break;

        case KDP_DISCONNECT:
        case KDP_HOSTREBOOT:
        case KDP_HOSTINFO:
        case KDP_VERSION:
        case KDP_REGIONS:
        case KDP_MAXBYTES:
        case KDP_IMAGEPATH:
        case KDP_SUSPEND:
          // No args, just the header in the request...
          s.PutCString(" ()");

        case KDP_RESUMECPUS: {
          const uint32_t cpu_mask = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (cpu_mask = 0x%8.8x)", cpu_mask);
        } break;

        case KDP_READMEM: {
          const uint32_t addr = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%8.8x, size = %u)", addr, size);
          m_last_read_memory_addr = addr;
        } break;

        case KDP_WRITEMEM: {
          const uint32_t addr = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%8.8x, size = %u, bytes = \n", addr, size);
          if (size > 0)
            DumpHexBytes(&s, packet.GetData(&offset, size), size, 32, addr);
        } break;

        case KDP_READMEM64: {
          const uint64_t addr = packet.GetU64(&offset);
          const uint32_t size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 ", size = %u)", addr, size);
          m_last_read_memory_addr = addr;
        } break;

        case KDP_READPHYSMEM64: {
          const uint64_t addr = packet.GetU64(&offset);
          const uint32_t size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t lcpu = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%16.16llx, size = %u, lcpu = %u)", addr, size,
          m_last_read_memory_addr = addr;
        } break;

        case KDP_WRITEMEM64: {
          const uint64_t addr = packet.GetU64(&offset);
          const uint32_t size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 ", size = %u, bytes = \n", addr,
          if (size > 0)
            DumpHexBytes(&s, packet.GetData(&offset, size), size, 32, addr);
        } break;

        case KDP_WRITEPHYSMEM64: {
          const uint64_t addr = packet.GetU64(&offset);
          const uint32_t size = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t lcpu = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%16.16llx, size = %u, lcpu = %u, bytes = \n",
                   addr, size, lcpu);
          if (size > 0)
            DumpHexBytes(&s, packet.GetData(&offset, size), size, 32, addr);
        } break;

        case KDP_READREGS: {
          const uint32_t cpu = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t flavor = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (cpu = %u, flavor = %u)", cpu, flavor);
        } break;

        case KDP_WRITEREGS: {
          const uint32_t cpu = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t flavor = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t nbytes = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (cpu = %u, flavor = %u, regs = \n", cpu, flavor);
          if (nbytes > 0)
                              &s,                        // Stream to dump to
                              offset,                    // Offset within 
                                                         // "packet"
                              eFormatHex,                // Format to use
                              m_addr_byte_size,          // Size of each item in 
                                                         // bytes
                              nbytes / m_addr_byte_size, // Number of items
                              16 / m_addr_byte_size,     // Number per line
                              LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS,      // Don't show addresses
                                                         // before each line
                              0, 0);                // No bitfields
        } break;

        case KDP_BREAKPOINT_SET:
          const uint32_t addr = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%8.8x)", addr);
        } break;

        case KDP_BREAKPOINT_SET64:
        case KDP_BREAKPOINT_REMOVE64: {
          const uint64_t addr = packet.GetU64(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (addr = 0x%16.16" PRIx64 ")", addr);
        } break;

        case KDP_LOAD: {
          const char *path = packet.GetCStr(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (path = \"%s\")", path);
        } break;

        case KDP_EXCEPTION: {
          const uint32_t count = packet.GetU32(&offset);

          for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            const uint32_t cpu = packet.GetU32(&offset);
            const uint32_t exc = packet.GetU32(&offset);
            const uint32_t code = packet.GetU32(&offset);
            const uint32_t subcode = packet.GetU32(&offset);
            const char *exc_cstr = NULL;
            switch (exc) {
            case 1:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_BAD_ACCESS";
            case 2:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION";
            case 3:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_ARITHMETIC";
            case 4:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_EMULATION";
            case 5:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_SOFTWARE";
            case 6:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_BREAKPOINT";
            case 7:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_SYSCALL";
            case 8:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_MACH_SYSCALL";
            case 9:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_RPC_ALERT";
            case 10:
              exc_cstr = "EXC_CRASH";

            s.Printf("{ cpu = 0x%8.8x, exc = %s (%u), code = %u (0x%8.8x), "
                     "subcode = %u (0x%8.8x)} ",
                     cpu, exc_cstr, exc, code, code, subcode, subcode);
        } break;

        case KDP_TERMINATION: {
          const uint32_t term_code = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint32_t exit_code = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (term_code = 0x%8.8x (%u), exit_code = 0x%8.8x (%u))",
                   term_code, term_code, exit_code, exit_code);
        } break;

        case KDP_REATTACH: {
          const uint16_t reply_port = ntohs(packet.GetU16(&offset));
          s.Printf(" (reply_port = %u)", reply_port);
        } break;

        case KDP_READMSR64: {
          const uint32_t address = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint16_t lcpu = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (address=0x%8.8x, lcpu=0x%4.4x)", address, lcpu);
        } break;

        case KDP_WRITEMSR64: {
          const uint32_t address = packet.GetU32(&offset);
          const uint16_t lcpu = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          const uint32_t nbytes = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (address=0x%8.8x, lcpu=0x%4.4x, nbytes=0x%8.8x)", lcpu,
                   address, nbytes);
          if (nbytes > 0)
                              &s,                   // Stream to dump to
                              offset,               // Offset within "packet"
                              eFormatHex,           // Format to use
                              1,                    // Size of each item in 
                                                    // bytes
                              nbytes,               // Number of items
                              16,                   // Number per line
                              LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, // Don't show addresses 
                                                    // before each line
                              0, 0);                // No bitfields
        } break;

        case KDP_READIOPORT: {
          const uint16_t lcpu = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          const uint16_t address = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          const uint16_t nbytes = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (lcpu=0x%4.4x, address=0x%4.4x, nbytes=%u)", lcpu, address,
        } break;

        case KDP_WRITEIOPORT: {
          const uint16_t lcpu = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          const uint16_t address = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          const uint16_t nbytes = packet.GetU16(&offset);
          s.Printf(" (lcpu = %u, addr = 0x%4.4x, nbytes = %u, bytes = \n", lcpu,
                   address, nbytes);
          if (nbytes > 0)
                              &s,                   // Stream to dump to
                              offset,               // Offset within "packet"
                              eFormatHex,           // Format to use
                              1,                    // Size of each item in 
                                                    // bytes
                              nbytes,               // Number of items
                              16,                   // Number per line
                              LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, // Don't show addresses 
                                                    // before each line
                              0, 0);                // No bitfields
        } break;

        case KDP_DUMPINFO: {
          const uint32_t count = packet.GetByteSize() - offset;
          s.Printf(" (count = %u, bytes = \n", count);
          if (count > 0)
                &s,                   // Stream to dump to
                offset,               // Offset within "packet"
                eFormatHex,           // Format to use
                1,                    // Size of each item in bytes
                count,                // Number of items
                16,                   // Number per line
                LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, // Don't show addresses before each line
                0, 0);                // No bitfields

        } break;
    } else {
      error_desc = "error: invalid packet command: ";

  if (error_desc) {

                      &s,                   // Stream to dump to
                      0,                    // Offset into "packet"
                      eFormatBytes,         // Dump as hex bytes
                      1,                    // Size of each item is 1 for 
                                            // single bytes
                      packet.GetByteSize(), // Number of bytes
                      UINT32_MAX,           // Num bytes per line
                      LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, // Base address
                      0, 0);                // Bitfield info set to not do  
                                            // anything bitfield related
Exemple #2
static unsigned
ParsePLTRelocations(Symtab *symbol_table,
                    user_id_t start_id,
                    unsigned rel_type,
                    const ELFHeader *hdr,
                    const ELFSectionHeader *rel_hdr,
                    const ELFSectionHeader *plt_hdr,
                    const ELFSectionHeader *sym_hdr,
                    const lldb::SectionSP &plt_section_sp,
                    DataExtractor &rel_data,
                    DataExtractor &symtab_data,
                    DataExtractor &strtab_data)
    ELFRelocation rel(rel_type);
    ELFSymbol symbol;
    uint32_t offset = 0;
    const unsigned plt_entsize = plt_hdr->sh_entsize;
    const unsigned num_relocations = rel_hdr->sh_size / rel_hdr->sh_entsize;

    typedef unsigned (*reloc_info_fn)(const ELFRelocation &rel);
    reloc_info_fn reloc_type;
    reloc_info_fn reloc_symbol;

    if (hdr->Is32Bit())
        reloc_type = ELFRelocation::RelocType32;
        reloc_symbol = ELFRelocation::RelocSymbol32;
        reloc_type = ELFRelocation::RelocType64;
        reloc_symbol = ELFRelocation::RelocSymbol64;

    unsigned slot_type = hdr->GetRelocationJumpSlotType();
    unsigned i;
    for (i = 0; i < num_relocations; ++i)
        if (rel.Parse(rel_data, &offset) == false)

        if (reloc_type(rel) != slot_type)

        unsigned symbol_offset = reloc_symbol(rel) * sym_hdr->sh_entsize;
        uint64_t plt_index = (i + 1) * plt_entsize;

        if (!symbol.Parse(symtab_data, &symbol_offset))

        const char *symbol_name = strtab_data.PeekCStr(symbol.st_name);
        bool is_mangled = symbol_name ? (symbol_name[0] == '_' && symbol_name[1] == 'Z') : false;

        Symbol jump_symbol(
            i + start_id,    // Symbol table index
            symbol_name,     // symbol name.
            is_mangled,      // is the symbol name mangled?
            eSymbolTypeTrampoline, // Type of this symbol
            false,           // Is this globally visible?
            false,           // Is this symbol debug info?
            true,            // Is this symbol a trampoline?
            true,            // Is this symbol artificial?
            plt_section_sp,  // Section in which this symbol is defined or null.
            plt_index,       // Offset in section or symbol value.
            plt_entsize,     // Size in bytes of this symbol.
            0);              // Symbol flags.


    return i;
// Parse the load commands for an image
uint32_t DynamicLoaderMacOSXDYLD::ParseLoadCommands(const DataExtractor &data,
                                                    ImageInfo &dylib_info,
                                                    FileSpec *lc_id_dylinker) {
  lldb::offset_t offset = 0;
  uint32_t cmd_idx;
  Segment segment;

  for (cmd_idx = 0; cmd_idx < dylib_info.header.ncmds; cmd_idx++) {
    // Clear out any load command specific data from DYLIB_INFO since we are
    // about to read it.

    if (data.ValidOffsetForDataOfSize(offset,
                                      sizeof(llvm::MachO::load_command))) {
      llvm::MachO::load_command load_cmd;
      lldb::offset_t load_cmd_offset = offset;
      load_cmd.cmd = data.GetU32(&offset);
      load_cmd.cmdsize = data.GetU32(&offset);
      switch (load_cmd.cmd) {
      case llvm::MachO::LC_SEGMENT: {
            (const char *)data.GetData(&offset, 16), 16);
        // We are putting 4 uint32_t values 4 uint64_t values so we have to use
        // multiple 32 bit gets below.
        segment.vmaddr = data.GetU32(&offset);
        segment.vmsize = data.GetU32(&offset);
        segment.fileoff = data.GetU32(&offset);
        segment.filesize = data.GetU32(&offset);
        // Extract maxprot, initprot, nsects and flags all at once
        data.GetU32(&offset, &segment.maxprot, 4);
      } break;

      case llvm::MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64: {
            (const char *)data.GetData(&offset, 16), 16);
        // Extract vmaddr, vmsize, fileoff, and filesize all at once
        data.GetU64(&offset, &segment.vmaddr, 4);
        // Extract maxprot, initprot, nsects and flags all at once
        data.GetU32(&offset, &segment.maxprot, 4);
      } break;

      case llvm::MachO::LC_ID_DYLINKER:
        if (lc_id_dylinker) {
          const lldb::offset_t name_offset =
              load_cmd_offset + data.GetU32(&offset);
          const char *path = data.PeekCStr(name_offset);
          lc_id_dylinker->SetFile(path, FileSpec::Style::native);

      case llvm::MachO::LC_UUID:
        dylib_info.uuid = UUID::fromOptionalData(data.GetData(&offset, 16), 16);

      // Set offset to be the beginning of the next load command.
      offset = load_cmd_offset + load_cmd.cmdsize;

  // All sections listed in the dyld image info structure will all either be
  // fixed up already, or they will all be off by a single slide amount that is
  // determined by finding the first segment that is at file offset zero which
  // also has bytes (a file size that is greater than zero) in the object file.

  // Determine the slide amount (if any)
  const size_t num_sections = dylib_info.segments.size();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_sections; ++i) {
    // Iterate through the object file sections to find the first section that
    // starts of file offset zero and that has bytes in the file...
    if ((dylib_info.segments[i].fileoff == 0 &&
         dylib_info.segments[i].filesize > 0) ||
        (dylib_info.segments[i].name == "__TEXT")) {
      dylib_info.slide = dylib_info.address - dylib_info.segments[i].vmaddr;
      // We have found the slide amount, so we can exit this for loop.
  return cmd_idx;
Exemple #4
static unsigned
ParseSymbols(Symtab *symtab, 
             user_id_t start_id,
             SectionList *section_list,
             const ELFSectionHeader *symtab_shdr,
             const DataExtractor &symtab_data,
             const DataExtractor &strtab_data)
    ELFSymbol symbol;
    uint32_t offset = 0;
    const unsigned num_symbols = 
        symtab_data.GetByteSize() / symtab_shdr->sh_entsize;

    static ConstString text_section_name(".text");
    static ConstString init_section_name(".init");
    static ConstString fini_section_name(".fini");
    static ConstString ctors_section_name(".ctors");
    static ConstString dtors_section_name(".dtors");

    static ConstString data_section_name(".data");
    static ConstString rodata_section_name(".rodata");
    static ConstString rodata1_section_name(".rodata1");
    static ConstString data2_section_name(".data1");
    static ConstString bss_section_name(".bss");

    unsigned i;
    for (i = 0; i < num_symbols; ++i)
        if (symbol.Parse(symtab_data, &offset) == false)

        SectionSP symbol_section_sp;
        SymbolType symbol_type = eSymbolTypeInvalid;
        Elf64_Half symbol_idx = symbol.st_shndx;

        switch (symbol_idx)
        case SHN_ABS:
            symbol_type = eSymbolTypeAbsolute;
        case SHN_UNDEF:
            symbol_type = eSymbolTypeUndefined;
            symbol_section_sp = section_list->GetSectionAtIndex(symbol_idx);

        switch (symbol.getType())
        case STT_NOTYPE:
            // The symbol's type is not specified.

        case STT_OBJECT:
            // The symbol is associated with a data object, such as a variable,
            // an array, etc.
            symbol_type = eSymbolTypeData;

        case STT_FUNC:
            // The symbol is associated with a function or other executable code.
            symbol_type = eSymbolTypeCode;

        case STT_SECTION:
            // The symbol is associated with a section. Symbol table entries of
            // this type exist primarily for relocation and normally have
            // STB_LOCAL binding.

        case STT_FILE:
            // Conventionally, the symbol's name gives the name of the source
            // file associated with the object file. A file symbol has STB_LOCAL
            // binding, its section index is SHN_ABS, and it precedes the other
            // STB_LOCAL symbols for the file, if it is present.
            symbol_type = eSymbolTypeObjectFile;

        if (symbol_type == eSymbolTypeInvalid)
            if (symbol_section_sp)
                const ConstString &sect_name = symbol_section_sp->GetName();
                if (sect_name == text_section_name ||
                    sect_name == init_section_name ||
                    sect_name == fini_section_name ||
                    sect_name == ctors_section_name ||
                    sect_name == dtors_section_name)
                    symbol_type = eSymbolTypeCode;
                else if (sect_name == data_section_name ||
                         sect_name == data2_section_name ||
                         sect_name == rodata_section_name ||
                         sect_name == rodata1_section_name ||
                         sect_name == bss_section_name)
                    symbol_type = eSymbolTypeData;

        uint64_t symbol_value = symbol.st_value;
        if (symbol_section_sp)
            symbol_value -= symbol_section_sp->GetFileAddress();
        const char *symbol_name = strtab_data.PeekCStr(symbol.st_name);
        bool is_global = symbol.getBinding() == STB_GLOBAL;
        uint32_t flags = symbol.st_other << 8 | symbol.st_info;
        bool is_mangled = symbol_name ? (symbol_name[0] == '_' && symbol_name[1] == 'Z') : false;
        Symbol dc_symbol(
            i + start_id,       // ID is the original symbol table index.
            symbol_name,        // Symbol name.
            is_mangled,         // Is the symbol name mangled?
            symbol_type,        // Type of this symbol
            is_global,          // Is this globally visible?
            false,              // Is this symbol debug info?
            false,              // Is this symbol a trampoline?
            false,              // Is this symbol artificial?
            symbol_section_sp,  // Section in which this symbol is defined or null.
            symbol_value,       // Offset in section or symbol value.
            symbol.st_size,     // Size in bytes of this symbol.
            flags);             // Symbol flags.

    return i;