void MotionGraphController::readInMotionSequences()
	cout << "reading motion Sequences" << endl;
	namespace fs = ::boost::filesystem;

	if (!exists(p))    // does p actually exist?
		cout << "doesn't exist" << endl;
	fs::directory_iterator end_itr;

	// cycle through the directory
	for (fs::directory_iterator itr(p); itr != end_itr; ++itr)
		// If it's not a directory, list it. If you want to list directories too, just remove this check.
		if (is_regular_file(itr->path())) {
			// assign current file name to current_file and echo it out to the console.
			string current_file = itr->path().string();
			current_file = itr->path().filename().string();

			cout << current_file << endl;

			DataManager dataman;
			char* BVH_filename = NULL;
			string character_BVH2(current_file);
				BVH_filename = dataman.findFile(character_BVH2.c_str());
				if (BVH_filename == NULL)
					logout << "AnimationControl::loadCharacters: Unable to find character BVH file <" << character_BVH2 << ">. Aborting load." << endl;
					throw BasicException("ABORT");
				pair<Skeleton*, MotionSequence*> read_result;
					read_result = data_manager.readBVH(BVH_filename);
				catch (const DataManagementException& dme)
					logout << "AnimationControl::loadCharacters: Unable to load character data files. Aborting load." << endl;
					logout << "   Failure due to " << dme.msg << endl;
					throw BasicException("ABORT");

				Skeleton* skel = read_result.first;
				MotionSequence * ms = read_result.second;
				std::string x = current_file;
				char *y = new char[x.length() + 1];
				std::strcpy(y, x.c_str());
				//set the ID aka filename
				delete[] y;

				//scale each motion sequence once
				ms->scaleChannel(CHANNEL_ID(0, CT_TX), character_size_scale);
				ms->scaleChannel(CHANNEL_ID(0, CT_TY), character_size_scale);
				ms->scaleChannel(CHANNEL_ID(0, CT_TZ), character_size_scale);

				MotionSequenceContainer test;
				test.MS = ms;
				test.SeqID = current_file;
				cout << "done loading:  "<<current_file << MsVector.size() << endl;
			catch (BasicException& e) { cout << e.msg << endl; }
	cout << "the size of the vector is : " << MsVector.size() << endl;