Exemple #1
data	DataManager handles the input and ouput of this module
void AddListItemModule::run( DataManager& data) const
	using namespace cv;

	// select input list dependend on the type
	if (data.hasInputData("stringList") || data.hasInputData("string")) {
		data.setOutputData("stringList", addItemToList<String, string>(data, "stringList", "string"));
	if (data.hasInputData("integerList") || data.hasInputData("integer")) {
		data.setOutputData("integerList", addItemToList<Integer, int>(data, "integerList", "integer"));
	if (data.hasInputData("floatList") || data.hasInputData("float")) {
		data.setOutputData("floatList", addItemToList<Float, float>(data, "floatList", "float"));
	if (data.hasInputData("boolList") || data.hasInputData("bool")) {
		data.setOutputData("boolList", addItemToList<Bool, bool>(data, "boolList", "bool"));
	if (data.hasInputData("imageList") || data.hasInputData("image")) {
		data.setOutputData("imageList", addItemToList<Matrix, Mat>(data, "imageList", "image"));
data	DataManager handles the input and ouput of this module
void SplitChannelsModule::run( DataManager& data) const
	using namespace cv;

	// get a pointers to the input data
	Matrix::c_ptr pImage = data.getInputData<Matrix>("image");
	// get the actual opencv matrix of the input data
	Mat image = pImage->getContent();

	// split image into channels
	vector<Mat> channels;
	split(image, channels);

	// convert channels into abstract type
	std::list<Matrix::ptr> list;
	for(auto it = channels.begin(); it != channels.end(); ++it) {
		list.push_back(Matrix::ptr(new Matrix(*it)));

	// set the result (output) on the datamanager
	data.setOutputData("channels", new List<Matrix>(list));

Exemple #3
void LoadImageModule::run( DataManager& data) const
	 using namespace cv;

	  Mat image;
	  std::string strFilename = data.getParam<std::string>("filename","");
	  // check whether to load the image in grayscale mode, defaults to color
	  if (data.getParam<std::string>("mode","color").compare("grayscale") == 0)
	    image = imread (strFilename.c_str (), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);	// Read the file
	    image = imread (strFilename.c_str (), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);	// Read the file

	  if (!image.data)// Check for invalid input
	    throw ErrorException(string("Could not open or find the image: ") + strFilename);

	  data.setOutputData("image",new Matrix(image));
