void SProfilerThreadView::DrawText( const FString& Text, const FSlateFontInfo& FontInfo, FVector2D Position, const FColor& TextColor, const FColor& ShadowColor, FVector2D ShadowOffset, const FSlateRect* ClippingRect /*= nullptr*/ ) const
	check( PaintState );

	if( ShadowOffset.Size() > 0.0f )
			PaintState->AllottedGeometry.ToOffsetPaintGeometry( Position + ShadowOffset ),
			ClippingRect ? *ClippingRect : PaintState->AbsoluteClippingRect,

		PaintState->AllottedGeometry.ToOffsetPaintGeometry( Position ),
		ClippingRect ? *ClippingRect : PaintState->AbsoluteClippingRect,
Exemple #2
void UReporterBase::DrawLine(UCanvas* Canvas,const FVector2D& StartPos,const FVector2D& EndPos,const FLinearColor& Color, EReporterLineStyle::Type LineStyle)
	FCanvasLineItem LineItem;
	LineItem.SetColor( Color );
		case EReporterLineStyle::Line:
			LineItem.Draw( Canvas->Canvas, ToScreenSpace(StartPos, Canvas), ToScreenSpace(EndPos, Canvas) );			
		} break;

		case EReporterLineStyle::Dash:
			float NormalizedDashSize = DASH_LINE_SIZE / Canvas->SizeX;
			FVector2D Dir = EndPos - StartPos;
			float LineLength = Dir.Size();
			FVector2D CurrentLinePos = StartPos;

			while(FVector2D::DotProduct(EndPos - CurrentLinePos, Dir) > 0)
				LineItem.Draw( Canvas->Canvas, ToScreenSpace(CurrentLinePos, Canvas), ToScreenSpace(CurrentLinePos + Dir * NormalizedDashSize, Canvas) );				
				CurrentLinePos +=  Dir * NormalizedDashSize * 2.0f;
		} break;
void AMinimapActor::ReceiveCharacterVisibilityUpdate(const TArray<AGameCharacter*>& visibleCharacters)
	TArray<FMinimapEntry> entries;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < visibleCharacters.Num(); i++)
		if (!IsValid(visibleCharacters[i]))

		FMinimapEntry entry;
		entry.character = visibleCharacters[i];

		FVector2D relPos;
		relPos.X = (visibleCharacters[i]->GetActorLocation().Y - GetActorLocation().Y) / mapSize.X;
		relPos.Y = (GetActorLocation().X - visibleCharacters[i]->GetActorLocation().X) / mapSize.X;

		entry.relativePosition.X = relPos.Size() * FMath::Cos(FMath::Atan2(relPos.Y, relPos.X));
		entry.relativePosition.Y = relPos.Size() * FMath::Sin(FMath::Atan2(relPos.Y, relPos.X));


	if (IsValid(hud))
FReply SPaperEditorViewport::OnMouseMove(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
	const bool bIsRightMouseButtonDown = MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(EKeys::RightMouseButton);
	const bool bIsLeftMouseButtonDown = MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(EKeys::LeftMouseButton);
	if (HasMouseCapture())
		// Track how much the mouse moved since the mouse down.
		const FVector2D CursorDelta = MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta();
		TotalMouseDelta += CursorDelta.Size();

		if (bIsRightMouseButtonDown)
			FReply ReplyState = FReply::Handled();

			if (!CursorDelta.IsZero())
				bShowSoftwareCursor = true;

			bIsPanning = true;
			ViewOffset -= CursorDelta / GetZoomAmount();

			return ReplyState;
		else if (bIsLeftMouseButtonDown)
//			TSharedPtr<SNode> NodeBeingDragged = NodeUnderMousePtr.Pin();

			// Update the amount to pan panel
			UpdateViewOffset(MyGeometry, MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition());

			const bool bCursorInDeadZone = TotalMouseDelta <= FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistance();

				// We are marquee selecting
				const FVector2D GraphMousePos = PanelCoordToGraphCoord( MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() ) );

				return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
bool SVirtualJoystick::HandleTouch(int32 ControlIndex, const FVector2D& LocalCoord, const FVector2D& ScreenSize)
	FControlInfo& Control = Controls[ControlIndex];

	// figure out position around center
	FVector2D Offset = LocalCoord - Controls[ControlIndex].VisualCenter;
	// only do work if we aren't at the center
	if (Offset == FVector2D(0, 0))
		Control.ThumbPosition = Offset;
		// clamp to the ellipse of the stick (snaps to the visual size, so, the art should go all the way to the edge of the texture)
		float DistanceToTouch = Offset.Size();
		float Angle = FMath::Atan2(Offset.Y, Offset.X);

		// length along line to ellipse: L = 1.0 / sqrt(((sin(T)/Rx)^2 + (cos(T)/Ry)^2))
		float CosAngle = FMath::Cos(Angle);
		float SinAngle = FMath::Sin(Angle);
		float XTerm = CosAngle / (Control.VisualSize.X * 0.5f);
		float YTerm = SinAngle / (Control.VisualSize.Y * 0.5f);
		float DistanceToEdge = FMath::InvSqrt(XTerm * XTerm + YTerm * YTerm);

		// only clamp 
		if (DistanceToTouch > DistanceToEdge)
			Control.ThumbPosition = FVector2D(DistanceToEdge * CosAngle,  DistanceToEdge * SinAngle);
			Control.ThumbPosition = Offset;

	FVector2D AbsoluteThumbPos = Control.ThumbPosition + Controls[ControlIndex].VisualCenter;
	AlignBoxIntoScreen(AbsoluteThumbPos, Control.ThumbSize, ScreenSize);
	Control.ThumbPosition = AbsoluteThumbPos - Controls[ControlIndex].VisualCenter;

	return true;
Exemple #6
bool SColorWheel::ProcessMouseAction(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent, bool bProcessWhenOutsideColorWheel)
	const FVector2D LocalMouseCoordinate = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal(MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition());
	const FVector2D Location = LocalMouseCoordinate / (MyGeometry.Size * 0.5f) - FVector2D(1.0f, 1.0f);
	const float Radius = Location.Size();

	if (Radius <= 1.0f || bProcessWhenOutsideColorWheel)
		float Angle = FMath::Atan2(Location.Y, Location.X);

		if (Angle < 0.0f)
			Angle += 2.0f * PI;

		FLinearColor NewColor = SelectedColor.Get();
		NewColor.R = Angle * 180.0f * INV_PI;
		NewColor.G = FMath::Min(Radius, 1.0f);


	return (Radius <= 1.0f);
float UKismetMathLibrary::VSize2D(FVector2D A)
	return A.Size();
	/** SWidget interface */
	virtual FReply OnMouseMove(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent) override
		const bool bIsRightMouseButtonDown = MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::RightMouseButton );
		const bool bIsLeftMouseButtonDown = MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::LeftMouseButton );

		PastePosition = PanelCoordToGraphCoord( MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() ) );

		if ( this->HasMouseCapture() )
			const FVector2D CursorDelta = MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta();
			// Track how much the mouse moved since the mouse down.
			TotalMouseDelta += CursorDelta.Size();

			if (bIsRightMouseButtonDown)
				FReply ReplyState = FReply::Handled();

				if( !CursorDelta.IsZero() )
					bShowSoftwareCursor = true;

				// Panning and mouse is outside of panel? Pasting should just go to the screen center.
				PastePosition = PanelCoordToGraphCoord( 0.5 * MyGeometry.Size );

				this->bIsPanning = true;
				ViewOffset -= CursorDelta / GetZoomAmount();

				return ReplyState;
			else if (bIsLeftMouseButtonDown)
				TSharedPtr<SNode> NodeBeingDragged = NodeUnderMousePtr.Pin();

				if ( IsEditable.Get() )
					// Update the amount to pan panel
					UpdateViewOffset(MyGeometry, MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition());

					const bool bCursorInDeadZone = TotalMouseDelta <= FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistance();

					if ( NodeBeingDragged.IsValid() )
						if ( !bCursorInDeadZone )
							// Note, NodeGrabOffset() comes from the node itself, so it's already scaled correctly.
							FVector2D AnchorNodeNewPos = PanelCoordToGraphCoord( MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() ) ) - NodeGrabOffset;

							// Dragging an unselected node automatically selects it.
							SelectionManager.StartDraggingNode(NodeBeingDragged->GetObjectBeingDisplayed(), MouseEvent);

							// Move all the selected nodes.
								const FVector2D AnchorNodeOldPos = NodeBeingDragged->GetPosition();
								const FVector2D DeltaPos = AnchorNodeNewPos - AnchorNodeOldPos;
								if (DeltaPos.Size() > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
									MoveSelectedNodes(NodeBeingDragged, AnchorNodeNewPos);

						return FReply::Handled();

				if ( !NodeBeingDragged.IsValid() )
					// We are marquee selecting
					const FVector2D GraphMousePos = PanelCoordToGraphCoord( MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() ) );

					FindNodesAffectedByMarquee( /*out*/ Marquee.AffectedNodes );
					return FReply::Handled();

		return FReply::Unhandled();
bool UPhysicsMovementComponent::ServerSetDesiredDirection_Validate(FVector2D direction, float clientTimestamp)
    return direction.Size() <= 1;