    IonSpew(IonSpew_Range, "Removing beta nobes");

    for (PostorderIterator i(graph_.poBegin()); i != graph_.poEnd(); i++) {
        MBasicBlock *block = *i;
        for (MDefinitionIterator iter(*i); iter; ) {
            MDefinition *def = *iter;
            if (def->isBeta()) {
                MDefinition *op = def->getOperand(0);
                IonSpew(IonSpew_Range, "Removing beta node %d for %d",
                        def->id(), op->id());
                iter = block->discardDefAt(iter);
            } else {
                // We only place Beta nodes at the beginning of basic
                // blocks, so if we see something else, we can move on
                // to the next block.
    return true;
static bool
CheckUseImpliesOperand(MInstruction *ins, MUse *use)
    MNode *consumer = use->consumer();
    uint32_t index = use->index();

    if (consumer->isDefinition()) {
        MDefinition *def = consumer->toDefinition();
        return (def->getOperand(index) == ins);

    MResumePoint *res = consumer->toResumePoint();
    return (res->getOperand(index) == ins);
MDefinition *
MBitNot::foldsTo(bool useValueNumbers)
    if (specialization_ != MIRType_Int32)
        return this;

    MDefinition *input = getOperand(0);

    if (input->isConstant()) {
        js::Value v = Int32Value(~(input->toConstant()->value().toInt32()));
        return MConstant::New(v);

    if (input->isBitNot())
        return input->getOperand(0); // ~~x => x

    return this;
LoopIterationBound *
RangeAnalysis::analyzeLoopIterationCount(MBasicBlock *header,
                                         MTest *test, BranchDirection direction)
    SimpleLinearSum lhs(NULL, 0);
    MDefinition *rhs;
    bool lessEqual;
    if (!ExtractLinearInequality(test, direction, &lhs, &rhs, &lessEqual))
        return NULL;

    // Ensure the rhs is a loop invariant term.
    if (rhs && rhs->block()->isMarked()) {
        if (lhs.term && lhs.term->block()->isMarked())
            return NULL;
        MDefinition *temp = lhs.term;
        lhs.term = rhs;
        rhs = temp;
        if (!SafeSub(0, lhs.constant, &lhs.constant))
            return NULL;
        lessEqual = !lessEqual;

    JS_ASSERT_IF(rhs, !rhs->block()->isMarked());

    // Ensure the lhs is a phi node from the start of the loop body.
    if (!lhs.term || !lhs.term->isPhi() || lhs.term->block() != header)
        return NULL;

    // Check that the value of the lhs changes by a constant amount with each
    // loop iteration. This requires that the lhs be written in every loop
    // iteration with a value that is a constant difference from its value at
    // the start of the iteration.

    if (lhs.term->toPhi()->numOperands() != 2)
        return NULL;

    // The first operand of the phi should be the lhs' value at the start of
    // the first executed iteration, and not a value written which could
    // replace the second operand below during the middle of execution.
    MDefinition *lhsInitial = lhs.term->toPhi()->getOperand(0);
    if (lhsInitial->block()->isMarked())
        return NULL;

    // The second operand of the phi should be a value written by an add/sub
    // in every loop iteration, i.e. in a block which dominates the backedge.
    MDefinition *lhsWrite = lhs.term->toPhi()->getOperand(1);
    if (lhsWrite->isBeta())
        lhsWrite = lhsWrite->getOperand(0);
    if (!lhsWrite->isAdd() && !lhsWrite->isSub())
        return NULL;
    if (!lhsWrite->block()->isMarked())
        return NULL;
    MBasicBlock *bb = header->backedge();
    for (; bb != lhsWrite->block() && bb != header; bb = bb->immediateDominator()) {}
    if (bb != lhsWrite->block())
        return NULL;

    SimpleLinearSum lhsModified = ExtractLinearSum(lhsWrite);

    // Check that the value of the lhs at the backedge is of the form
    // 'old(lhs) + N'. We can be sure that old(lhs) is the value at the start
    // of the iteration, and not that written to lhs in a previous iteration,
    // as such a previous value could not appear directly in the addition:
    // it could not be stored in lhs as the lhs add/sub executes in every
    // iteration, and if it were stored in another variable its use here would
    // be as an operand to a phi node for that variable.
    if (lhsModified.term != lhs.term)
        return NULL;

    LinearSum bound;

    if (lhsModified.constant == 1 && !lessEqual) {
        // The value of lhs is 'initial(lhs) + iterCount' and this will end
        // execution of the loop if 'lhs + lhsN >= rhs'. Thus, an upper bound
        // on the number of backedges executed is:
        // initial(lhs) + iterCount + lhsN == rhs
        // iterCount == rhsN - initial(lhs) - lhsN

        if (rhs) {
            if (!bound.add(rhs, 1))
                return NULL;
        if (!bound.add(lhsInitial, -1))
            return NULL;

        int32_t lhsConstant;
        if (!SafeSub(0, lhs.constant, &lhsConstant))
            return NULL;
        if (!bound.add(lhsConstant))
            return NULL;
    } else if (lhsModified.constant == -1 && lessEqual) {
        // The value of lhs is 'initial(lhs) - iterCount'. Similar to the above
        // case, an upper bound on the number of backedges executed is:
        // initial(lhs) - iterCount + lhsN == rhs
        // iterCount == initial(lhs) - rhs + lhsN

        if (!bound.add(lhsInitial, 1))
            return NULL;
        if (rhs) {
            if (!bound.add(rhs, -1))
                return NULL;
        if (!bound.add(lhs.constant))
            return NULL;
    } else {
        return NULL;

    return new LoopIterationBound(header, test, bound);