    // A definition is 'redundant' iff it is dominated by another definition
    // with the same value number.
    // So, we traverse the dominator tree in pre-order, maintaining a hashmap
    // from value numbers to instructions.
    // For each definition d with value number v, we look up v in the hashmap.
    // If there is a definition d' in the hashmap, and the current traversal
    // index is within that instruction's dominated range, then we eliminate d,
    // replacing all uses of d with uses of d'.
    // If there is no valid definition in the hashtable (the current definition
    // is not in dominated scope), then we insert the current instruction,
    // since it is the most dominant instruction with the given value number.

    InstructionMap defs;

    if (!defs.init())
        return false;

    IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "Eliminating redundant instructions");

    // Stack for pre-order CFG traversal.
    Vector<MBasicBlock *, 1, IonAllocPolicy> worklist;

    // The index of the current block in the CFG traversal.
    size_t index = 0;

    // Add all self-dominating blocks to the worklist.
    // This includes all roots. Order does not matter.
    for (MBasicBlockIterator i(graph_.begin()); i != graph_.end(); i++) {
        MBasicBlock *block = *i;
        if (block->immediateDominator() == block) {
            if (!worklist.append(block))
                return false;

    // Starting from each self-dominating block, traverse the CFG in pre-order.
    while (!worklist.empty()) {
        MBasicBlock *block = worklist.popCopy();

        IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "Looking at block %d", block->id());

        // Add all immediate dominators to the front of the worklist.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < block->numImmediatelyDominatedBlocks(); i++) {
            if (!worklist.append(block->getImmediatelyDominatedBlock(i)))
                return false;

        // For each instruction, attempt to look up a dominating definition.
        for (MDefinitionIterator iter(block); iter; ) {
            MDefinition *ins = simplify(*iter, true);

            // Instruction was replaced, and all uses have already been fixed.
            if (ins != *iter) {
                iter = block->discardDefAt(iter);

            // Instruction has side-effects and cannot be folded.
            if (!ins->isMovable() || ins->isEffectful()) {

            MDefinition *dom = findDominatingDef(defs, ins, index);
            if (!dom)
                return false; // Insertion failed.

            if (dom == ins || !dom->updateForReplacement(ins)) {

            IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "instruction %d is dominated by instruction %d (from block %d)",
                    ins->id(), dom->id(), dom->block()->id());


            JS_ASSERT(ins->block() == block);

            iter = ins->block()->discardDefAt(iter);

    JS_ASSERT(index == graph_.numBlocks());
    return true;
Exemple #2
    // At the end of this function, we will have the value numbering stored in
    // each instruction.
    // We also need an "optimistic" value number, for temporary use, which is
    // stored in a hashtable.
    // For the instruction x := y op z, we map (op, VN[y], VN[z]) to a value
    // number, say v. If it is not in the map, we use the instruction id.
    // If the instruction in question's value number is not already
    // v, we break the congruence and set it to v. We repeat until saturation.
    // This will take at worst O(d) time, where d is the loop connectedness
    // of the SSA def/use graph.
    // The algorithm is the simple RPO-based algorithm from
    // "SCC-Based Value Numbering" by Cooper and Simpson.
    // If we are performing a pessimistic pass, then we assume that every
    // definition is in its own congruence class, since we know nothing about
    // values that enter Phi nodes through back edges. We then make one pass
    // through the graph, ignoring back edges. This yields less congruences on
    // any graph with back-edges, but is much faster to perform.

    IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "Numbering instructions");

    if (!values.init())
        return false;
    // Stick a VN object onto every mdefinition
    for (ReversePostorderIterator block(graph_.rpoBegin()); block != graph_.rpoEnd(); block++) {
        if (mir->shouldCancel("Value Numbering (preparation loop"))
            return false;
        for (MDefinitionIterator iter(*block); iter; iter++)
            iter->setValueNumberData(new(alloc()) ValueNumberData);
        MControlInstruction *jump = block->lastIns();
        jump->setValueNumberData(new(alloc()) ValueNumberData);

    // Assign unique value numbers if pessimistic.
    // It might be productive to do this in the MDefinition constructor or
    // possibly in a previous pass, if it seems reasonable.
    if (pessimisticPass_) {
        for (ReversePostorderIterator block(graph_.rpoBegin()); block != graph_.rpoEnd(); block++) {
            for (MDefinitionIterator iter(*block); iter; iter++)
    } else {
        // For each root block, add all of its instructions to the worklist.
        if (graph_.osrBlock())

    while (count_ > 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
        if (!pessimisticPass_) {
            size_t debugCount = 0;
            IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "The following instructions require processing:");
            for (ReversePostorderIterator block(graph_.rpoBegin()); block != graph_.rpoEnd(); block++) {
                for (MDefinitionIterator iter(*block); iter; iter++) {
                    if (iter->isInWorklist()) {
                        IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "\t%d", iter->id());
                if (block->lastIns()->isInWorklist()) {
                    IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "\t%d", block->lastIns()->id());
            if (!debugCount)
                IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "\tNone");
            JS_ASSERT(debugCount == count_);
        for (ReversePostorderIterator block(graph_.rpoBegin()); block != graph_.rpoEnd(); block++) {
            if (mir->shouldCancel("Value Numbering (main loop)"))
                return false;
            for (MDefinitionIterator iter(*block); iter; ) {

                if (!isMarked(*iter)) {

                JS_ASSERT_IF(!pessimisticPass_, count_ > 0);

                MDefinition *ins = simplify(*iter, false);

                if (ins != *iter) {
                    iter = block->discardDefAt(iter);

                // Don't bother storing this instruction in the HashMap if
                // (a) eliminateRedundancies will never eliminate it (because
                // it's non-movable or effectful) and (b) no other instruction's
                // value number depends on it.
                if (!ins->hasDefUses() && (!ins->isMovable() || ins->isEffectful())) {

                uint32_t value = lookupValue(ins);

                if (!value)
                    return false; // Hashtable insertion failed

                if (ins->valueNumber() != value) {
                            "Broke congruence for instruction %d (%p) with VN %d (now using %d)",
                            ins->id(), (void *) ins, ins->valueNumber(), value);

            // Process control flow instruction:
            MControlInstruction *jump = block->lastIns();
            jump = simplifyControlInstruction(jump);

            // If we are pessimistic, then this will never get set.
            if (!jump->isInWorklist())
            if (jump->valueNumber() == 0) {
                for (size_t i = 0; i < jump->numSuccessors(); i++)


        // If we are doing a pessimistic pass, we only go once through the
        // instruction list.
        if (pessimisticPass_)
#ifdef DEBUG
    for (ReversePostorderIterator block(graph_.rpoBegin()); block != graph_.rpoEnd(); block++) {
        for (MDefinitionIterator iter(*block); iter; iter++) {
            JS_ASSERT_IF(iter->valueNumber() == 0,
                         !iter->hasDefUses() && (!iter->isMovable() || iter->isEffectful()));
    return true;