    InstructionQueue invariantInstructions;
    InstructionQueue boundsChecks;

    IonSpew(IonSpew_LICM, "These instructions are in the loop: ");

    while (!worklist_.empty()) {
        if (mir->shouldCancel("LICM (worklist)"))
            return false;

        MInstruction *ins = popFromWorklist();


        if (IonSpewEnabled(IonSpew_LICM)) {
            fprintf(IonSpewFile, " <- ");
            fprintf(IonSpewFile, ":  ");

        if (isLoopInvariant(ins)) {
            // Flag this instruction as loop invariant.
            if (!invariantInstructions.append(ins))
                return false;

            // Loop through uses of invariant instruction and add back to work list.
            for (MUseDefIterator iter(ins->toDefinition()); iter; iter++) {
                MDefinition *consumer = iter.def();

                if (consumer->isInWorklist())

                // if the consumer of this invariant instruction is in the
                // loop, and it is also worth hoisting, then process it.
                if (isInLoop(consumer) && isHoistable(consumer)) {
                    if (!insertInWorklist(consumer->toInstruction()))
                        return false;

            if (IonSpewEnabled(IonSpew_LICM))
                fprintf(IonSpewFile, " Loop Invariant!\n");
        } else if (ins->isBoundsCheck()) {
            if (!boundsChecks.append(ins))
                return false;

    if (!hoistInstructions(invariantInstructions, boundsChecks))
        return false;
    return true;
ValueNumberer::breakClass(MDefinition *def)
    if (def->valueNumber() == def->id()) {
        IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "Breaking congruence with itself: %d", def->id());
        ValueNumberData *defdata = def->valueNumberData();
        JS_ASSERT(defdata->classPrev == NULL);
        // If the def was the only member of the class, then there is nothing to do.
        if (defdata->classNext == NULL)
        // If upon closer inspection, we are still equivalent to this class
        // then there isn't anything for us to do.
        if (!needsSplit(def))

        // Get a new representative member
        MDefinition *newRep = defdata->classNext;

        // Chop off the head of the list (the old representative)
        newRep->valueNumberData()->classPrev = NULL;
        def->valueNumberData()->classNext = NULL;
        IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "Choosing a new representative: %d", newRep->id());

        // make the VN of every member in the class the VN of the new representative number.
        for (MDefinition *tmp = newRep; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->valueNumberData()->classNext) {
            // if this instruction is already scheduled to be processed, don't do anything.
            if (tmp->isInWorklist())
            IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "Moving to a new congruence class: %d", tmp->id());

        // Insert the new representative => number mapping into the table
        // Logically, there should not be anything in the table currently, but
        // old values are never removed, so there's a good chance something will
        // already be there.
        values.put(newRep, newRep->id());
    } else {
        // The element that is breaking from the list isn't the representative element
        // just strip it from the list
        ValueNumberData *defdata = def->valueNumberData();
        if (defdata->classPrev)
            defdata->classPrev->valueNumberData()->classNext = defdata->classNext;
        if (defdata->classNext)
            defdata->classNext->valueNumberData()->classPrev = defdata->classPrev;

        // Make sure there is no nastinees accidentally linking elements into the old list later.
        defdata->classPrev = NULL;
        defdata->classNext = NULL;
Exemple #3
LRecoverInfo::appendOperands(MNode* ins)
    for (size_t i = 0, end = ins->numOperands(); i < end; i++) {
        MDefinition* def = ins->getOperand(i);

        // As there is no cycle in the data-flow (without MPhi), checking for
        // isInWorkList implies that the definition is already in the
        // instruction vector, and not processed by a caller of the current
        // function.
        if (def->isRecoveredOnBailout() && !def->isInWorklist()) {
            if (!appendDefinition(def))
                return false;

    return true;
    int numBlocks = 0;
    for (PostorderIterator i(graph_.poBegin()); i != graph_.poEnd(); i++) {
        MBasicBlock *curBlock = *i;
        if (!curBlock->isLoopHeader())
        for (MPhiIterator pi(curBlock->phisBegin()); pi != curBlock->phisEnd(); pi++)
            if (!pi->initCounts())
                return false;

    IonSpew(IonSpew_Range, "Doing range propagation");
    MDefinitionVector worklist;

    for (ReversePostorderIterator block(graph_.rpoBegin()); block != graph_.rpoEnd(); block++) {
        for (MDefinitionIterator iter(*block); iter; iter++) {
            MDefinition *def = *iter;

            AddToWorklist(worklist, def);

    size_t iters = 0;

    while (!worklist.empty()) {
        MDefinition *def = PopFromWorklist(worklist);
        IonSpew(IonSpew_Range, "recomputing range on %d", def->id());
        if (!def->earlyAbortCheck() && def->recomputeRange()) {
            JS_ASSERT(def->range()->lower() <= def->range()->upper());
            IonSpew(IonSpew_Range, "Range changed; adding consumers");
            IonSpew(IonSpew_Range, "New range for %d is: (%d, %d)", def->id(), def->range()->lower(), def->range()->upper());
            for (MUseDefIterator use(def); use; use++) {
                if(!AddToWorklist(worklist, use.def()))
                    return false;
        if (iters >= numBlocks * 100)
            return false;
    // Cleanup (in case we stopped due to MAX_ITERS)
    for(size_t i = 0; i < worklist.length(); i++)

#ifdef DEBUG
    for (ReversePostorderIterator block(graph_.rpoBegin()); block != graph_.rpoEnd(); block++) {
        for (MDefinitionIterator iter(*block); iter; iter++) {
            MDefinition *def = *iter;
            JS_ASSERT(def->range()->lower() <= def->range()->upper());
    return true;
ion::EliminatePhis(MIRGenerator *mir, MIRGraph &graph)
    Vector<MPhi *, 16, SystemAllocPolicy> worklist;

    // Add all observable phis to a worklist. We use the "in worklist" bit to
    // mean "this phi is live".
    for (PostorderIterator block = graph.poBegin(); block != graph.poEnd(); block++) {
        if (mir->shouldCancel("Eliminate Phis (populate loop)"))
            return false;

        MPhiIterator iter = block->phisBegin();
        while (iter != block->phisEnd()) {
            // Flag all as unused, only observable phis would be marked as used
            // when processed by the work list.

            // If the phi is redundant, remove it here.
            if (MDefinition *redundant = IsPhiRedundant(*iter)) {
                iter = block->discardPhiAt(iter);

            // Enqueue observable Phis.
            if (IsPhiObservable(*iter)) {
                if (!worklist.append(*iter))
                    return false;

    // Iteratively mark all phis reachable from live phis.
    while (!worklist.empty()) {
        if (mir->shouldCancel("Eliminate Phis (worklist)"))
            return false;

        MPhi *phi = worklist.popCopy();

        // The removal of Phis can produce newly redundant phis.
        if (MDefinition *redundant = IsPhiRedundant(phi)) {
            // Add to the worklist the used phis which are impacted.
            for (MUseDefIterator it(phi); it; it++) {
                if (it.def()->isPhi()) {
                    MPhi *use = it.def()->toPhi();
                    if (!use->isUnused()) {
                        if (!worklist.append(use))
                            return false;
        } else {
            // Otherwise flag them as used.

        // The current phi is/was used, so all its operands are used.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < phi->numOperands(); i++) {
            MDefinition *in = phi->getOperand(i);
            if (!in->isPhi() || !in->isUnused() || in->isInWorklist())
            if (!worklist.append(in->toPhi()))
                return false;

    // Sweep dead phis.
    for (PostorderIterator block = graph.poBegin(); block != graph.poEnd(); block++) {
        MPhiIterator iter = block->phisBegin();
        while (iter != block->phisEnd()) {
            if (iter->isUnused())
                iter = block->discardPhiAt(iter);

    return true;
ValueNumberer::breakClass(MDefinition *def)
    if (def->valueNumber() == def->id()) {
        IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "Breaking congruence with itself: %d", def->id());
        ValueNumberData *defdata = def->valueNumberData();
        JS_ASSERT(defdata->classPrev == NULL);
        // If the def was the only member of the class, then there is nothing to do.
        if (defdata->classNext == NULL)
        // If upon closer inspection, we are still equivalent to this class
        // then there isn't anything for us to do.
        MDefinition *newRep = findSplit(def);
        if (!newRep)
        ValueNumberData *newdata = newRep->valueNumberData();

        // Right now, |defdata| is at the front of the list, and |newdata| is
        // somewhere in the middle.
        // We want to move |defdata| and everything up to but excluding
        // |newdata| to a new list, with |defdata| still as the canonical
        // element.
        // We then want to take |newdata| and everything after, and
        // mark them for processing (since |newdata| is now a new canonical
        // element).
        MDefinition *lastOld = newdata->classPrev;

        JS_ASSERT(lastOld); // newRep is NOT the first element of the list.
        JS_ASSERT(lastOld->valueNumberData()->classNext == newRep);

        //lastOld is now the last element of the old list (congruent to
        lastOld->valueNumberData()->classNext = NULL;

#ifdef DEBUG
        for (MDefinition *tmp = def; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->valueNumberData()->classNext) {
            JS_ASSERT(tmp->valueNumber() == def->valueNumber());
            JS_ASSERT(tmp != newRep);
        //|newRep| is now the first element of a new list, therefore it is the
        //new canonical element. Mark the remaining elements in the list
        //(including |newRep|)
        newdata->classPrev = NULL;
        IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "Choosing a new representative: %d", newRep->id());

        // make the VN of every member in the class the VN of the new representative number.
        for (MDefinition *tmp = newRep; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->valueNumberData()->classNext) {
            // if this instruction is already scheduled to be processed, don't do anything.
            if (tmp->isInWorklist())
            IonSpew(IonSpew_GVN, "Moving to a new congruence class: %d", tmp->id());

        // Insert the new representative => number mapping into the table
        // Logically, there should not be anything in the table currently, but
        // old values are never removed, so there's a good chance something will
        // already be there.
        values.put(newRep, newRep->id());
    } else {
        // The element that is breaking from the list isn't the representative element
        // just strip it from the list
        ValueNumberData *defdata = def->valueNumberData();
        if (defdata->classPrev)
            defdata->classPrev->valueNumberData()->classNext = defdata->classNext;
        if (defdata->classNext)
            defdata->classNext->valueNumberData()->classPrev = defdata->classPrev;

        // Make sure there is no nastinees accidentally linking elements into the old list later.
        defdata->classPrev = NULL;
        defdata->classNext = NULL;
Exemple #7
ion::EliminatePhis(MIRGenerator *mir, MIRGraph &graph,
                   Observability observe)
    // Eliminates redundant or unobservable phis from the graph.  A
    // redundant phi is something like b = phi(a, a) or b = phi(a, b),
    // both of which can be replaced with a.  An unobservable phi is
    // one that whose value is never used in the program.
    // Note that we must be careful not to eliminate phis representing
    // values that the interpreter will require later.  When the graph
    // is first constructed, we can be more aggressive, because there
    // is a greater correspondence between the CFG and the bytecode.
    // After optimizations such as GVN have been performed, however,
    // the bytecode and CFG may not correspond as closely to one
    // another.  In that case, we must be more conservative.  The flag
    // |conservativeObservability| is used to indicate that eliminate
    // phis is being run after some optimizations have been performed,
    // and thus we should use more conservative rules about
    // observability.  The particular danger is that we can optimize
    // away uses of a phi because we think they are not executable,
    // but the foundation for that assumption is false TI information
    // that will eventually be invalidated.  Therefore, if
    // |conservativeObservability| is set, we will consider any use
    // from a resume point to be observable.  Otherwise, we demand a
    // use from an actual instruction.

    Vector<MPhi *, 16, SystemAllocPolicy> worklist;

    // Add all observable phis to a worklist. We use the "in worklist" bit to
    // mean "this phi is live".
    for (PostorderIterator block = graph.poBegin(); block != graph.poEnd(); block++) {
        if (mir->shouldCancel("Eliminate Phis (populate loop)"))
            return false;

        MPhiIterator iter = block->phisBegin();
        while (iter != block->phisEnd()) {
            // Flag all as unused, only observable phis would be marked as used
            // when processed by the work list.

            // If the phi is redundant, remove it here.
            if (MDefinition *redundant = IsPhiRedundant(*iter)) {
                iter = block->discardPhiAt(iter);

            // Enqueue observable Phis.
            if (IsPhiObservable(*iter, observe)) {
                if (!worklist.append(*iter))
                    return false;

    // Iteratively mark all phis reachable from live phis.
    while (!worklist.empty()) {
        if (mir->shouldCancel("Eliminate Phis (worklist)"))
            return false;

        MPhi *phi = worklist.popCopy();

        // The removal of Phis can produce newly redundant phis.
        if (MDefinition *redundant = IsPhiRedundant(phi)) {
            // Add to the worklist the used phis which are impacted.
            for (MUseDefIterator it(phi); it; it++) {
                if (it.def()->isPhi()) {
                    MPhi *use = it.def()->toPhi();
                    if (!use->isUnused()) {
                        if (!worklist.append(use))
                            return false;
        } else {
            // Otherwise flag them as used.

        // The current phi is/was used, so all its operands are used.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < phi->numOperands(); i++) {
            MDefinition *in = phi->getOperand(i);
            if (!in->isPhi() || !in->isUnused() || in->isInWorklist())
            if (!worklist.append(in->toPhi()))
                return false;

    // Sweep dead phis.
    for (PostorderIterator block = graph.poBegin(); block != graph.poEnd(); block++) {
        MPhiIterator iter = block->phisBegin();
        while (iter != block->phisEnd()) {
            if (iter->isUnused())
                iter = block->discardPhiAt(iter);

    return true;