void testONNXModels(const String& basename, const Extension ext = npy, const double l1 = 0, const float lInf = 0, const bool useSoftmax = false, bool checkNoFallbacks = true) { String onnxmodel = _tf("models/" + basename + ".onnx"); Mat inp, ref; if (ext == npy) { inp = blobFromNPY(_tf("data/input_" + basename + ".npy")); ref = blobFromNPY(_tf("data/output_" + basename + ".npy")); } else if (ext == pb) { inp = readTensorFromONNX(_tf("data/input_" + basename + ".pb")); ref = readTensorFromONNX(_tf("data/output_" + basename + ".pb")); } else CV_Error(Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "Unsupported extension"); checkBackend(&inp, &ref); Net net = readNetFromONNX(onnxmodel); ASSERT_FALSE(net.empty()); net.setPreferableBackend(backend); net.setPreferableTarget(target); net.setInput(inp); Mat out = net.forward(""); if (useSoftmax) { LayerParams lp; Net netSoftmax; netSoftmax.addLayerToPrev("softmaxLayer", "SoftMax", lp); netSoftmax.setPreferableBackend(DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV); netSoftmax.setInput(out); out = netSoftmax.forward(); netSoftmax.setInput(ref); ref = netSoftmax.forward(); } normAssert(ref, out, "", l1 ? l1 : default_l1, lInf ? lInf : default_lInf); if (checkNoFallbacks) expectNoFallbacksFromIE(net); }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int result = EXIT_SUCCESS; DOMConfigurator::configure("Log4cxxConfig.xml"); string input; int playerPort; int destPort; int player = 0; Player playerA = Player(); Player playerB = Player(); char W[200] = "W"; char A[200] = "A"; char S[200] = "S"; char D[200] = "D"; network.initialise(); //host or client for window title and for log. char* applicationName; applicationName = "Tag"; SMALL_RECT windowSize = {0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2}; SetConsoleWindowInfo(hConsole, TRUE, &windowSize); bool gameOver = false; Vector2f mapBoundries = Vector2f(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); RenderWindow renderWindow(VideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 32), applicationName); renderWindow.SetFramerateLimit(30); renderWindow.SetSize(SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT); Shape player1circle = sf::Shape::Circle(Vector2f(0,0), 20.0f, sf::Color::Blue); Shape player2circle = sf::Shape::Circle(Vector2f(0,0), 20.0f, sf::Color::Red); cout << "Are you player A or B?"; cin >> input; if (input == "a" || input == "A") { player = 1; playerPort = 28000; destPort = 28001; playerA.setPort(playerPort); playerB.setPort(destPort); network.setupUDP(28000,_ip); LOG4CXX_INFO(loggerMyMain, "Player Binds A" ); } else if (input == "b" || input == "B") { player = 2; playerPort = 28001; destPort = 28000; playerA.setPort(destPort); playerB.setPort(playerPort); network.setupUDP(28001,_ip); LOG4CXX_INFO(loggerMyMain, "Player Binds B" ); } playerA.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(80,80)); playerB.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(120,120)); player1circle.SetPosition(playerA.getPosition()); player2circle.SetPosition(playerB.getPosition()); try { //While the connection is not closed remotely while(renderWindow.IsOpened() && !gameOver) { Event sfmlEvent; while (renderWindow.PollEvent(sfmlEvent)) { // Close window : exit if (sfmlEvent.Type == Event::Closed) { renderWindow.Close(); } else if (sfmlEvent.Type == Event::KeyPressed) { if (sf::Keyboard::IsKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::W)) { if(player == 2) { playerA.update(1); } else if(player == 1) { playerB.update(1); } network.sendData("",destPort, "W"); } if (sf::Keyboard::IsKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::A)) { if(player == 2) { playerA.update(2); } else if(player == 1) { playerB.update(2); } network.sendData("",destPort, "A"); } if (sf::Keyboard::IsKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::S)) { if(player == 2) { playerA.update(3); } else if(player == 1) { playerB.update(3); } network.sendData("",destPort, "S"); } if (sf::Keyboard::IsKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::D)) { if(player == 2) { playerA.update(4); } else if(player == 1) { playerB.update(4); } network.sendData("",destPort, "D"); } //cout << "Message recieved from, port = " << network.getSenderPort() << ", ip = "<< network.getSenderIP() << endl; //messageRecieved = false; } if(network.receiveData(message)) { LOG4CXX_INFO(loggerMyMain, message ); if(strcmp(message , W) == 0) { LOG4CXX_INFO(loggerMyMain, "Message Recieved" ); LOG4CXX_INFO(loggerMyMain, message ); if(player == 1) { playerA.update(1); } else if(player == 2) { playerB.update(1); } } if(strcmp(message , A) == 0) { LOG4CXX_INFO(loggerMyMain, "Message Recieved" ); LOG4CXX_INFO(loggerMyMain, message ); if(player == 1) { playerA.update(2); } else if(player == 2) { playerB.update(2); } } if(strcmp(message , S) == 0) { LOG4CXX_INFO(loggerMyMain, "Message Recieved" ); LOG4CXX_INFO(loggerMyMain, message ); if(player == 1) { playerA.update(3); } else if(player == 2) { playerB.update(3); } } if(strcmp(message , D) == 0) { LOG4CXX_INFO(loggerMyMain, "Message Recieved" ); LOG4CXX_INFO(loggerMyMain, message ); if(player == 1) { playerA.update(4); } else if(player == 2) { playerB.update(4); } } } } player1circle.SetPosition(playerA.getPosition()); player2circle.SetPosition(playerB.getPosition()); renderWindow.Clear(); renderWindow.Draw(player1circle); renderWindow.Draw(player2circle); renderWindow.Display(); } renderWindow.Close(); cout << "Exiting application.\n"; } catch(Exception&) { result = EXIT_FAILURE; } return result; }
// Usage: caffe_('net_reshape', hNet) static void net_reshape(MEX_ARGS) { mxCHECK(nrhs == 1 && mxIsStruct(prhs[0]), "Usage: caffe_('net_reshape', hNet)"); Net<float>* net = handle_to_ptr<Net<float> >(prhs[0]); net->Reshape(); }
// Usage: caffe_('net_backward', hNet) static void net_backward(MEX_ARGS) { mxCHECK(nrhs == 1 && mxIsStruct(prhs[0]), "Usage: caffe_('net_backward', hNet)"); Net<float>* net = handle_to_ptr<Net<float> >(prhs[0]); net->Backward(); }
TEST(Torch_Importer, simple_read) { Net net; ASSERT_NO_THROW(net = readNetFromTorch(_tf("net_simple_net.txt"), false)); ASSERT_FALSE(net.empty()); }
int check_for_message(int sock) { static char * data=0; int message_length, sender; if(!data) data = new char[MAXMSGSIZE+1]; MessageType type = get_message(sock, &data, message_length, &sender); if(type==NO_MESSAGE) return 0; //printf("organism recvd %i from %i\n", type, sender); if(type == SOUND) { char * msg = getStringFromData(data, message_length); //printf("%i) I hear sound %s length %i\n", myPort, msg, message_length); delete [] msg; if(sender!=myPort) { /*ignore sounds from myself*/ myNet.feedInput(data, message_length, "ear"); usleep(200); myNet.addClick(); usleep(200); myGenome.transcribeGene("//encourage_auditory", 2, genome_file, portstr.str().c_str()); } } else if(type == VISION) { //printf("start vision\n"); if(message_length<=0) { organism_of_focus=worldPort; if(success(30)) { char data[2]={60,0}; send_message(myPort, worldPort, TURN, 1, data); usleep(1600); } } else { memcpy(&organism_of_focus, data, sizeof(int)); myNet.feedInput(data, message_length, "eye"); char * dx_str = &data[sizeof(int)]; float dx; memcpy(&dx, dx_str, sizeof(float)); /*if(myPort==49153) { printf("%i at %g\n", organism_of_focus, dx); }*/ if(dx<2.0) { if(std::find(children.begin(), children.end(), organism_of_focus) == children.end()) { stringstream destination_str; destination_str<<organism_of_focus; myGenome.transcribeGene("//eat", 2, portstr.str().c_str(), destination_str.str().c_str()); } } //printf("%i focus on %i dx %g\n", myPort, organism_of_focus, dx); } //printf("end vision\n"); } else if(type == EAT) { int victim; memcpy(&victim, data, sizeof(int)); if(victim==myPort) { /*printf("I'm being eaten\n");*/ } else { myNet.reward("eat", 0.5); } } else if(type == KILL) { //printf("%i received kill message\n", myPort); exit(0); } else if(type == MATE) { if(sender == worldPort) { /*mate directive*/ if(organism_of_focus==worldPort) { /*I can't see anybody, mate with self*/ stringstream child_file; child_file<<genome_file<<n_children; myGenome.transcribeGene("//asexual_reproduction", 4, portstr.str().c_str(), genome_file, child_file.str().c_str(), worldportstr.str().c_str()) ; } else { /*transmit request to potential mate*/ printf("%i) send mate request to %i\n", myPort, organism_of_focus); send_message(myPort, organism_of_focus, MATE, strlen(genome_file), genome_file); } } else { /*the message came from a potential mate*/ char * mate_genome = getStringFromData(data, message_length); printf("%i) received mate request from %i (%s)\n", myPort, sender, mate_genome); stringstream child_file; child_file<<genome_file<<n_children; myGenome.transcribeGene("//sexual_reproduction", 5, portstr.str().c_str(), genome_file, mate_genome, child_file.str().c_str(), worldportstr.str().c_str()) ; } } else if(type == NEW_ORGANISM) { int child_id; memcpy(&child_id, data, sizeof(int)); children.push_back(child_id); n_children++; } else if(type == DISPLAY) { myNet.printStats(1); } else if(type == SAVE) { char * filename = getStringFromData(data, message_length); stringstream cmd; cmd<<"cp "<<genome_file<<" "<<filename; system(cmd.str().c_str()); } return 1; }
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { worldportstr << worldPort; if(argc<2) return 1; genome_file = argv[1]; if(!genome_file) return 1; myGenome.attachFile(genome_file); if(argc>2) myPort=atoi(argv[2]); portstr << myPort; int sock = UDP_bind(myPort); //printf("my file is %s waiting on port %i\n", genome_file, myPort); myGenome.transcribeGene("//green_appearance", 1, portstr.str().c_str()); srandom(100); stringstream net_file; net_file<<genome_file<<"."<<myPort<<".net"; myNet.name = net_file.str(); myNet.saveToFile(net_file.str().c_str()); myGenome.transcribeGene("//add_eye", 2, genome_file, portstr.str().c_str()); myGenome.transcribeGene("//add_eye", 2, genome_file, portstr.str().c_str()); myGenome.transcribeGene("//add_auditory", 2, genome_file, portstr.str().c_str()); myGenome.transcribeGene("//add_reproduction", 2, genome_file, portstr.str().c_str()); myGenome.transcribeGene("//add_movement", 2, genome_file, portstr.str().c_str()); myGenome.transcribeGene("//add_turn", 2, genome_file, portstr.str().c_str()); myGenome.transcribeGene("//connect_subnets", 2, genome_file, portstr.str().c_str()); myNet.loadFromFile(net_file.str().c_str()); myNet.printStats(); //printf("body\n"); stringstream child_file; child_file<<genome_file<<n_children; //myGenome.transcribeGene("//asexual_reproduction", 4, portstr.str().c_str(), genome_file, child_file.str().c_str(), worldportstr.str().c_str()); int n=4; while(1) { try { int status; while (waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)>0); int nMessages=0; do { nMessages = check_for_message(sock); } while (nMessages>0); myNet.addClick(); map<string,int>output_length; map<string,unsigned char*>output_data; myNet.getOutput(output_length, output_data); myGenome.transcribeGeneIfSubnetFires(output_length, output_data, "talk", 0.25, "//say", 1, portstr.str().c_str()) ; myGenome.transcribeGeneIfSubnetFires(output_length, output_data, "move", 0.2, "//move", 1, portstr.str().c_str()) ; myGenome.transcribeGeneIfSubnetFires(output_length, output_data, "turn", 0.1, "//turn", 1, portstr.str().c_str()) ; myGenome.transcribeGeneIfSubnetFires(output_length, output_data, "attack", 0.1, "//attack", 1, portstr.str().c_str()) ; myGenome.transcribeGeneIfSubnetFires(output_length, output_data, "eat", 0.2, "//eat", 1, portstr.str().c_str()) ; stringstream child_file; child_file<<genome_file<<n_children; myGenome.transcribeGeneIfSubnetFires(output_length, output_data, "reproduction", 0.33, "//asexual_reproduction", 4, portstr.str().c_str(), genome_file, child_file.str().c_str(), worldportstr.str().c_str()) ; usleep(1000); //sleep(2); } catch (...) { printf("organism %i error\n", myPort); } } close (sock); return 1; }