SizeOffsetEvalType ObjectSizeOffsetEvaluator::visitPHINode(PHINode &PHI) {
  // create 2 PHIs: one for size and another for offset
  PHINode *SizePHI   = Builder.CreatePHI(IntTy, PHI.getNumIncomingValues());
  PHINode *OffsetPHI = Builder.CreatePHI(IntTy, PHI.getNumIncomingValues());

  // insert right away in the cache to handle recursive PHIs
  CacheMap[&PHI] = std::make_pair(SizePHI, OffsetPHI);

  // compute offset/size for each PHI incoming pointer
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = PHI.getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i) {
    SizeOffsetEvalType EdgeData = compute_(PHI.getIncomingValue(i));

    if (!bothKnown(EdgeData)) {
      return unknown();
    SizePHI->addIncoming(EdgeData.first, PHI.getIncomingBlock(i));
    OffsetPHI->addIncoming(EdgeData.second, PHI.getIncomingBlock(i));

  Value *Size = SizePHI, *Offset = OffsetPHI, *Tmp;
  if ((Tmp = SizePHI->hasConstantValue())) {
    Size = Tmp;
  if ((Tmp = OffsetPHI->hasConstantValue())) {
    Offset = Tmp;
  return std::make_pair(Size, Offset);
void PromoteMem2Reg::run() {
  Function &F = *DF.getRoot()->getParent();

  if (AST) PointerAllocaValues.resize(Allocas.size());

  AllocaInfo Info;
  LargeBlockInfo LBI;

  for (unsigned AllocaNum = 0; AllocaNum != Allocas.size(); ++AllocaNum) {
    AllocaInst *AI = Allocas[AllocaNum];

    assert(isAllocaPromotable(AI) &&
           "Cannot promote non-promotable alloca!");
    assert(AI->getParent()->getParent() == &F &&
           "All allocas should be in the same function, which is same as DF!");

    if (AI->use_empty()) {
      // If there are no uses of the alloca, just delete it now.
      if (AST) AST->deleteValue(AI);

      // Remove the alloca from the Allocas list, since it has been processed
    // Calculate the set of read and write-locations for each alloca.  This is
    // analogous to finding the 'uses' and 'definitions' of each variable.

    // If there is only a single store to this value, replace any loads of
    // it that are directly dominated by the definition with the value stored.
    if (Info.DefiningBlocks.size() == 1) {
      RewriteSingleStoreAlloca(AI, Info, LBI);

      // Finally, after the scan, check to see if the store is all that is left.
      if (Info.UsingBlocks.empty()) {
        // Record debuginfo for the store and remove the declaration's debuginfo.
        if (DbgDeclareInst *DDI = Info.DbgDeclare) {
          ConvertDebugDeclareToDebugValue(DDI, Info.OnlyStore);
        // Remove the (now dead) store and alloca.

        if (AST) AST->deleteValue(AI);
        // The alloca has been processed, move on.
    // If the alloca is only read and written in one basic block, just perform a
    // linear sweep over the block to eliminate it.
    if (Info.OnlyUsedInOneBlock) {
      PromoteSingleBlockAlloca(AI, Info, LBI);
      // Finally, after the scan, check to see if the stores are all that is
      // left.
      if (Info.UsingBlocks.empty()) {
        // Remove the (now dead) stores and alloca.
        while (!AI->use_empty()) {
          StoreInst *SI = cast<StoreInst>(AI->use_back());
          // Record debuginfo for the store before removing it.
          if (DbgDeclareInst *DDI = Info.DbgDeclare)
            ConvertDebugDeclareToDebugValue(DDI, SI);
        if (AST) AST->deleteValue(AI);
        // The alloca has been processed, move on.
        // The alloca's debuginfo can be removed as well.
        if (DbgDeclareInst *DDI = Info.DbgDeclare)

    // If we haven't computed a numbering for the BB's in the function, do so
    // now.
    if (BBNumbers.empty()) {
      unsigned ID = 0;
      for (Function::iterator I = F.begin(), E = F.end(); I != E; ++I)
        BBNumbers[I] = ID++;

    // If we have an AST to keep updated, remember some pointer value that is
    // stored into the alloca.
    if (AST)
      PointerAllocaValues[AllocaNum] = Info.AllocaPointerVal;
    // Remember the dbg.declare intrinsic describing this alloca, if any.
    if (Info.DbgDeclare) AllocaDbgDeclares[AllocaNum] = Info.DbgDeclare;
    // Keep the reverse mapping of the 'Allocas' array for the rename pass.
    AllocaLookup[Allocas[AllocaNum]] = AllocaNum;

    // At this point, we're committed to promoting the alloca using IDF's, and
    // the standard SSA construction algorithm.  Determine which blocks need PHI
    // nodes and see if we can optimize out some work by avoiding insertion of
    // dead phi nodes.
    DetermineInsertionPoint(AI, AllocaNum, Info);

  if (Allocas.empty())
    return; // All of the allocas must have been trivial!

  // Set the incoming values for the basic block to be null values for all of
  // the alloca's.  We do this in case there is a load of a value that has not
  // been stored yet.  In this case, it will get this null value.
  RenamePassData::ValVector Values(Allocas.size());
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Allocas.size(); i != e; ++i)
    Values[i] = UndefValue::get(Allocas[i]->getAllocatedType());

  // Walks all basic blocks in the function performing the SSA rename algorithm
  // and inserting the phi nodes we marked as necessary
  std::vector<RenamePassData> RenamePassWorkList;
  RenamePassWorkList.push_back(RenamePassData(F.begin(), 0, Values));
  do {
    RenamePassData RPD;
    // RenamePass may add new worklist entries.
    RenamePass(RPD.BB, RPD.Pred, RPD.Values, RenamePassWorkList);
  } while (!RenamePassWorkList.empty());
  // The renamer uses the Visited set to avoid infinite loops.  Clear it now.

  // Remove the allocas themselves from the function.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Allocas.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    Instruction *A = Allocas[i];

    // If there are any uses of the alloca instructions left, they must be in
    // sections of dead code that were not processed on the dominance frontier.
    // Just delete the users now.
    if (!A->use_empty())
    if (AST) AST->deleteValue(A);

  // Remove alloca's dbg.declare instrinsics from the function.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = AllocaDbgDeclares.size(); i != e; ++i)
    if (DbgDeclareInst *DDI = AllocaDbgDeclares[i])

  // Loop over all of the PHI nodes and see if there are any that we can get
  // rid of because they merge all of the same incoming values.  This can
  // happen due to undef values coming into the PHI nodes.  This process is
  // iterative, because eliminating one PHI node can cause others to be removed.
  bool EliminatedAPHI = true;
  while (EliminatedAPHI) {
    EliminatedAPHI = false;
    for (DenseMap<std::pair<BasicBlock*, unsigned>, PHINode*>::iterator I =
           NewPhiNodes.begin(), E = NewPhiNodes.end(); I != E;) {
      PHINode *PN = I->second;
      // If this PHI node merges one value and/or undefs, get the value.
      if (Value *V = PN->hasConstantValue(&DT)) {
        if (AST && PN->getType()->isPointerTy())
        EliminatedAPHI = true;
  // At this point, the renamer has added entries to PHI nodes for all reachable
  // code.  Unfortunately, there may be unreachable blocks which the renamer
  // hasn't traversed.  If this is the case, the PHI nodes may not
  // have incoming values for all predecessors.  Loop over all PHI nodes we have
  // created, inserting undef values if they are missing any incoming values.
  for (DenseMap<std::pair<BasicBlock*, unsigned>, PHINode*>::iterator I =
         NewPhiNodes.begin(), E = NewPhiNodes.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    // We want to do this once per basic block.  As such, only process a block
    // when we find the PHI that is the first entry in the block.
    PHINode *SomePHI = I->second;
    BasicBlock *BB = SomePHI->getParent();
    if (&BB->front() != SomePHI)

    // Only do work here if there the PHI nodes are missing incoming values.  We
    // know that all PHI nodes that were inserted in a block will have the same
    // number of incoming values, so we can just check any of them.
    if (SomePHI->getNumIncomingValues() == getNumPreds(BB))

    // Get the preds for BB.
    SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 16> Preds(pred_begin(BB), pred_end(BB));
    // Ok, now we know that all of the PHI nodes are missing entries for some
    // basic blocks.  Start by sorting the incoming predecessors for efficient
    // access.
    std::sort(Preds.begin(), Preds.end());
    // Now we loop through all BB's which have entries in SomePHI and remove
    // them from the Preds list.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = SomePHI->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i) {
      // Do a log(n) search of the Preds list for the entry we want.
      SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 16>::iterator EntIt =
        std::lower_bound(Preds.begin(), Preds.end(),
      assert(EntIt != Preds.end() && *EntIt == SomePHI->getIncomingBlock(i)&&
             "PHI node has entry for a block which is not a predecessor!");

      // Remove the entry

    // At this point, the blocks left in the preds list must have dummy
    // entries inserted into every PHI nodes for the block.  Update all the phi
    // nodes in this block that we are inserting (there could be phis before
    // mem2reg runs).
    unsigned NumBadPreds = SomePHI->getNumIncomingValues();
    BasicBlock::iterator BBI = BB->begin();
    while ((SomePHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BBI++)) &&
           SomePHI->getNumIncomingValues() == NumBadPreds) {
      Value *UndefVal = UndefValue::get(SomePHI->getType());
      for (unsigned pred = 0, e = Preds.size(); pred != e; ++pred)
        SomePHI->addIncoming(UndefVal, Preds[pred]);
Exemple #3
/// removePredecessor - This method is used to notify a BasicBlock that the
/// specified Predecessor of the block is no longer able to reach it.  This is
/// actually not used to update the Predecessor list, but is actually used to
/// update the PHI nodes that reside in the block.  Note that this should be
/// called while the predecessor still refers to this block.
void BasicBlock::removePredecessor(BasicBlock *Pred,
                                   bool DontDeleteUselessPHIs) {
  assert((hasNUsesOrMore(16)||// Reduce cost of this assertion for complex CFGs.
          find(pred_begin(this), pred_end(this), Pred) != pred_end(this)) &&
         "removePredecessor: BB is not a predecessor!");

  if (InstList.empty()) return;
  PHINode *APN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(&front());
  if (!APN) return;   // Quick exit.

  // If there are exactly two predecessors, then we want to nuke the PHI nodes
  // altogether.  However, we cannot do this, if this in this case:
  //  Loop:
  //    %x = phi [X, Loop]
  //    %x2 = add %x, 1         ;; This would become %x2 = add %x2, 1
  //    br Loop                 ;; %x2 does not dominate all uses
  // This is because the PHI node input is actually taken from the predecessor
  // basic block.  The only case this can happen is with a self loop, so we
  // check for this case explicitly now.
  unsigned max_idx = APN->getNumIncomingValues();
  assert(max_idx != 0 && "PHI Node in block with 0 predecessors!?!?!");
  if (max_idx == 2) {
    BasicBlock *Other = APN->getIncomingBlock(APN->getIncomingBlock(0) == Pred);

    // Disable PHI elimination!
    if (this == Other) max_idx = 3;

  // <= Two predecessors BEFORE I remove one?
  if (max_idx <= 2 && !DontDeleteUselessPHIs) {
    // Yup, loop through and nuke the PHI nodes
    while (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(&front())) {
      // Remove the predecessor first.
      PN->removeIncomingValue(Pred, !DontDeleteUselessPHIs);

      // If the PHI _HAD_ two uses, replace PHI node with its now *single* value
      if (max_idx == 2) {
        if (PN->getIncomingValue(0) != PN)
          // We are left with an infinite loop with no entries: kill the PHI.
        getInstList().pop_front();    // Remove the PHI node

      // If the PHI node already only had one entry, it got deleted by
      // removeIncomingValue.
  } else {
    // Okay, now we know that we need to remove predecessor #pred_idx from all
    // PHI nodes.  Iterate over each PHI node fixing them up
    PHINode *PN;
    for (iterator II = begin(); (PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(II)); ) {
      PN->removeIncomingValue(Pred, false);
      // If all incoming values to the Phi are the same, we can replace the Phi
      // with that value.
      Value* PNV = 0;
      if (!DontDeleteUselessPHIs && (PNV = PN->hasConstantValue()))
        if (PNV != PN) {
/// GetValueInMiddleOfBlock - Construct SSA form, materializing a value that
/// is live in the middle of the specified block.
/// GetValueInMiddleOfBlock is the same as GetValueAtEndOfBlock except in one
/// important case: if there is a definition of the rewritten value after the
/// 'use' in BB.  Consider code like this:
///      X1 = ...
///   SomeBB:
///      use(X)
///      X2 = ...
///      br Cond, SomeBB, OutBB
/// In this case, there are two values (X1 and X2) added to the AvailableVals
/// set by the client of the rewriter, and those values are both live out of
/// their respective blocks.  However, the use of X happens in the *middle* of
/// a block.  Because of this, we need to insert a new PHI node in SomeBB to
/// merge the appropriate values, and this value isn't live out of the block.
Value *SSAUpdater::GetValueInMiddleOfBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
  // If there is no definition of the renamed variable in this block, just use
  // GetValueAtEndOfBlock to do our work.
  if (!HasValueForBlock(BB))
    return GetValueAtEndOfBlock(BB);

  // Otherwise, we have the hard case.  Get the live-in values for each
  // predecessor.
  SmallVector<std::pair<BasicBlock*, Value*>, 8> PredValues;
  Value *SingularValue = 0;

  // We can get our predecessor info by walking the pred_iterator list, but it
  // is relatively slow.  If we already have PHI nodes in this block, walk one
  // of them to get the predecessor list instead.
  if (PHINode *SomePhi = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BB->begin())) {
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = SomePhi->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i) {
      BasicBlock *PredBB = SomePhi->getIncomingBlock(i);
      Value *PredVal = GetValueAtEndOfBlock(PredBB);
      PredValues.push_back(std::make_pair(PredBB, PredVal));

      // Compute SingularValue.
      if (i == 0)
        SingularValue = PredVal;
      else if (PredVal != SingularValue)
        SingularValue = 0;
  } else {
    bool isFirstPred = true;
    for (pred_iterator PI = pred_begin(BB), E = pred_end(BB); PI != E; ++PI) {
      BasicBlock *PredBB = *PI;
      Value *PredVal = GetValueAtEndOfBlock(PredBB);
      PredValues.push_back(std::make_pair(PredBB, PredVal));

      // Compute SingularValue.
      if (isFirstPred) {
        SingularValue = PredVal;
        isFirstPred = false;
      } else if (PredVal != SingularValue)
        SingularValue = 0;

  // If there are no predecessors, just return undef.
  if (PredValues.empty())
    return UndefValue::get(PrototypeValue->getType());

  // Otherwise, if all the merged values are the same, just use it.
  if (SingularValue != 0)
    return SingularValue;

  // Otherwise, we do need a PHI: check to see if we already have one available
  // in this block that produces the right value.
  if (isa<PHINode>(BB->begin())) {
    DenseMap<BasicBlock*, Value*> ValueMapping(PredValues.begin(),
    PHINode *SomePHI;
    for (BasicBlock::iterator It = BB->begin();
         (SomePHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(It)); ++It) {
      if (IsEquivalentPHI(SomePHI, ValueMapping))
        return SomePHI;

  // Ok, we have no way out, insert a new one now.
  PHINode *InsertedPHI = PHINode::Create(PrototypeValue->getType(),

  // Fill in all the predecessors of the PHI.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = PredValues.size(); i != e; ++i)
    InsertedPHI->addIncoming(PredValues[i].second, PredValues[i].first);

  // See if the PHI node can be merged to a single value.  This can happen in
  // loop cases when we get a PHI of itself and one other value.
  if (Value *ConstVal = InsertedPHI->hasConstantValue()) {
    return ConstVal;

  // If the client wants to know about all new instructions, tell it.
  if (InsertedPHIs) InsertedPHIs->push_back(InsertedPHI);

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "  Inserted PHI: " << *InsertedPHI << "\n");
  return InsertedPHI;
/// SplitBlockPredecessors - This method transforms BB by introducing a new
/// basic block into the function, and moving some of the predecessors of BB to
/// be predecessors of the new block.  The new predecessors are indicated by the
/// Preds array, which has NumPreds elements in it.  The new block is given a
/// suffix of 'Suffix'.
/// This currently updates the LLVM IR, AliasAnalysis, DominatorTree and
/// DominanceFrontier, but no other analyses.
BasicBlock *llvm::SplitBlockPredecessors(BasicBlock *BB, 
                                         BasicBlock *const *Preds,
                                         unsigned NumPreds, const char *Suffix,
                                         Pass *P) {
  // Create new basic block, insert right before the original block.
  BasicBlock *NewBB =
    BasicBlock::Create(BB->getName()+Suffix, BB->getParent(), BB);
  // The new block unconditionally branches to the old block.
  BranchInst *BI = BranchInst::Create(BB, NewBB);
  // Move the edges from Preds to point to NewBB instead of BB.
  for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumPreds; ++i)
    Preds[i]->getTerminator()->replaceUsesOfWith(BB, NewBB);
  // Update dominator tree and dominator frontier if available.
  DominatorTree *DT = P ? P->getAnalysisIfAvailable<DominatorTree>() : 0;
  if (DT)
  if (DominanceFrontier *DF = P ? P->getAnalysisIfAvailable<DominanceFrontier>():0)
  AliasAnalysis *AA = P ? P->getAnalysisIfAvailable<AliasAnalysis>() : 0;
  // Insert a new PHI node into NewBB for every PHI node in BB and that new PHI
  // node becomes an incoming value for BB's phi node.  However, if the Preds
  // list is empty, we need to insert dummy entries into the PHI nodes in BB to
  // account for the newly created predecessor.
  if (NumPreds == 0) {
    // Insert dummy values as the incoming value.
    for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(); isa<PHINode>(I); ++I)
      cast<PHINode>(I)->addIncoming(UndefValue::get(I->getType()), NewBB);
    return NewBB;
  // Otherwise, create a new PHI node in NewBB for each PHI node in BB.
  for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(); isa<PHINode>(I); ) {
    PHINode *PN = cast<PHINode>(I++);
    // Check to see if all of the values coming in are the same.  If so, we
    // don't need to create a new PHI node.
    Value *InVal = PN->getIncomingValueForBlock(Preds[0]);
    for (unsigned i = 1; i != NumPreds; ++i)
      if (InVal != PN->getIncomingValueForBlock(Preds[i])) {
        InVal = 0;
    if (InVal) {
      // If all incoming values for the new PHI would be the same, just don't
      // make a new PHI.  Instead, just remove the incoming values from the old
      // PHI.
      for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumPreds; ++i)
        PN->removeIncomingValue(Preds[i], false);
    } else {
      // If the values coming into the block are not the same, we need a PHI.
      // Create the new PHI node, insert it into NewBB at the end of the block
      PHINode *NewPHI =
        PHINode::Create(PN->getType(), PN->getName()+".ph", BI);
      if (AA) AA->copyValue(PN, NewPHI);
      // Move all of the PHI values for 'Preds' to the new PHI.
      for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumPreds; ++i) {
        Value *V = PN->removeIncomingValue(Preds[i], false);
        NewPHI->addIncoming(V, Preds[i]);
      InVal = NewPHI;
    // Add an incoming value to the PHI node in the loop for the preheader
    // edge.
    PN->addIncoming(InVal, NewBB);
    // Check to see if we can eliminate this phi node.
    if (Value *V = PN->hasConstantValue(DT != 0)) {
      Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V);
      if (!I || DT == 0 || DT->dominates(I, PN)) {
        if (AA) AA->deleteValue(PN);
  return NewBB;
// InlineFunction - This function inlines the called function into the basic
// block of the caller.  This returns false if it is not possible to inline this
// call.  The program is still in a well defined state if this occurs though.
// Note that this only does one level of inlining.  For example, if the
// instruction 'call B' is inlined, and 'B' calls 'C', then the call to 'C' now
// exists in the instruction stream.  Similiarly this will inline a recursive
// function by one level.
bool llvm::InlineFunction(CallSite CS, InlineFunctionInfo &IFI) {
  Instruction *TheCall = CS.getInstruction();
  LLVMContext &Context = TheCall->getContext();
  assert(TheCall->getParent() && TheCall->getParent()->getParent() &&
         "Instruction not in function!");

  // If IFI has any state in it, zap it before we fill it in.
  const Function *CalledFunc = CS.getCalledFunction();
  if (CalledFunc == 0 ||          // Can't inline external function or indirect
      CalledFunc->isDeclaration() || // call, or call to a vararg function!
      CalledFunc->getFunctionType()->isVarArg()) return false;

  // If the call to the callee is not a tail call, we must clear the 'tail'
  // flags on any calls that we inline.
  bool MustClearTailCallFlags =
    !(isa<CallInst>(TheCall) && cast<CallInst>(TheCall)->isTailCall());

  // If the call to the callee cannot throw, set the 'nounwind' flag on any
  // calls that we inline.
  bool MarkNoUnwind = CS.doesNotThrow();

  BasicBlock *OrigBB = TheCall->getParent();
  Function *Caller = OrigBB->getParent();

  // GC poses two hazards to inlining, which only occur when the callee has GC:
  //  1. If the caller has no GC, then the callee's GC must be propagated to the
  //     caller.
  //  2. If the caller has a differing GC, it is invalid to inline.
  if (CalledFunc->hasGC()) {
    if (!Caller->hasGC())
    else if (CalledFunc->getGC() != Caller->getGC())
      return false;

  // Get an iterator to the last basic block in the function, which will have
  // the new function inlined after it.
  Function::iterator LastBlock = &Caller->back();

  // Make sure to capture all of the return instructions from the cloned
  // function.
  SmallVector<ReturnInst*, 8> Returns;
  ClonedCodeInfo InlinedFunctionInfo;
  Function::iterator FirstNewBlock;

  { // Scope to destroy VMap after cloning.
    ValueMap<const Value*, Value*> VMap;

    assert(CalledFunc->arg_size() == CS.arg_size() &&
           "No varargs calls can be inlined!");

    // Calculate the vector of arguments to pass into the function cloner, which
    // matches up the formal to the actual argument values.
    CallSite::arg_iterator AI = CS.arg_begin();
    unsigned ArgNo = 0;
    for (Function::const_arg_iterator I = CalledFunc->arg_begin(),
         E = CalledFunc->arg_end(); I != E; ++I, ++AI, ++ArgNo) {
      Value *ActualArg = *AI;

      // When byval arguments actually inlined, we need to make the copy implied
      // by them explicit.  However, we don't do this if the callee is readonly
      // or readnone, because the copy would be unneeded: the callee doesn't
      // modify the struct.
      if (CalledFunc->paramHasAttr(ArgNo+1, Attribute::ByVal) &&
          !CalledFunc->onlyReadsMemory()) {
        const Type *AggTy = cast<PointerType>(I->getType())->getElementType();
        const Type *VoidPtrTy = 

        // Create the alloca.  If we have TargetData, use nice alignment.
        unsigned Align = 1;
        if (IFI.TD) Align = IFI.TD->getPrefTypeAlignment(AggTy);
        Value *NewAlloca = new AllocaInst(AggTy, 0, Align, 
        // Emit a memcpy.
        const Type *Tys[3] = {VoidPtrTy, VoidPtrTy, Type::getInt64Ty(Context)};
        Function *MemCpyFn = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(Caller->getParent(),
                                                       Tys, 3);
        Value *DestCast = new BitCastInst(NewAlloca, VoidPtrTy, "tmp", TheCall);
        Value *SrcCast = new BitCastInst(*AI, VoidPtrTy, "tmp", TheCall);

        Value *Size;
        if (IFI.TD == 0)
          Size = ConstantExpr::getSizeOf(AggTy);
          Size = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt64Ty(Context),

        // Always generate a memcpy of alignment 1 here because we don't know
        // the alignment of the src pointer.  Other optimizations can infer
        // better alignment.
        Value *CallArgs[] = {
          DestCast, SrcCast, Size,
          ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), 1),
          ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt1Ty(Context), 0)
        CallInst *TheMemCpy =
          CallInst::Create(MemCpyFn, CallArgs, CallArgs+5, "", TheCall);

        // If we have a call graph, update it.
        if (CallGraph *CG = IFI.CG) {
          CallGraphNode *MemCpyCGN = CG->getOrInsertFunction(MemCpyFn);
          CallGraphNode *CallerNode = (*CG)[Caller];
          CallerNode->addCalledFunction(TheMemCpy, MemCpyCGN);

        // Uses of the argument in the function should use our new alloca
        // instead.
        ActualArg = NewAlloca;

        // Calls that we inline may use the new alloca, so we need to clear
        // their 'tail' flags.
        MustClearTailCallFlags = true;

      VMap[I] = ActualArg;

    // We want the inliner to prune the code as it copies.  We would LOVE to
    // have no dead or constant instructions leftover after inlining occurs
    // (which can happen, e.g., because an argument was constant), but we'll be
    // happy with whatever the cloner can do.
    CloneAndPruneFunctionInto(Caller, CalledFunc, VMap, Returns, ".i",
                              &InlinedFunctionInfo, IFI.TD, TheCall);

    // Remember the first block that is newly cloned over.
    FirstNewBlock = LastBlock; ++FirstNewBlock;

    // Update the callgraph if requested.
    if (IFI.CG)
      UpdateCallGraphAfterInlining(CS, FirstNewBlock, VMap, IFI);

  // If there are any alloca instructions in the block that used to be the entry
  // block for the callee, move them to the entry block of the caller.  First
  // calculate which instruction they should be inserted before.  We insert the
  // instructions at the end of the current alloca list.
    BasicBlock::iterator InsertPoint = Caller->begin()->begin();
    for (BasicBlock::iterator I = FirstNewBlock->begin(),
         E = FirstNewBlock->end(); I != E; ) {
      AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(I++);
      if (AI == 0) continue;
      // If the alloca is now dead, remove it.  This often occurs due to code
      // specialization.
      if (AI->use_empty()) {

      if (!isa<Constant>(AI->getArraySize()))
      // Keep track of the static allocas that we inline into the caller if the
      // StaticAllocas pointer is non-null.
      // Scan for the block of allocas that we can move over, and move them
      // all at once.
      while (isa<AllocaInst>(I) &&
             isa<Constant>(cast<AllocaInst>(I)->getArraySize())) {

      // Transfer all of the allocas over in a block.  Using splice means
      // that the instructions aren't removed from the symbol table, then
      // reinserted.
                                                   AI, I);

  // If the inlined code contained dynamic alloca instructions, wrap the inlined
  // code with llvm.stacksave/llvm.stackrestore intrinsics.
  if (InlinedFunctionInfo.ContainsDynamicAllocas) {
    Module *M = Caller->getParent();
    // Get the two intrinsics we care about.
    Function *StackSave = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Intrinsic::stacksave);
    Function *StackRestore=Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M,Intrinsic::stackrestore);

    // If we are preserving the callgraph, add edges to the stacksave/restore
    // functions for the calls we insert.
    CallGraphNode *StackSaveCGN = 0, *StackRestoreCGN = 0, *CallerNode = 0;
    if (CallGraph *CG = IFI.CG) {
      StackSaveCGN    = CG->getOrInsertFunction(StackSave);
      StackRestoreCGN = CG->getOrInsertFunction(StackRestore);
      CallerNode = (*CG)[Caller];

    // Insert the llvm.stacksave.
    CallInst *SavedPtr = CallInst::Create(StackSave, "savedstack",
    if (IFI.CG) CallerNode->addCalledFunction(SavedPtr, StackSaveCGN);

    // Insert a call to llvm.stackrestore before any return instructions in the
    // inlined function.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = Returns.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      CallInst *CI = CallInst::Create(StackRestore, SavedPtr, "", Returns[i]);
      if (IFI.CG) CallerNode->addCalledFunction(CI, StackRestoreCGN);

    // Count the number of StackRestore calls we insert.
    unsigned NumStackRestores = Returns.size();

    // If we are inlining an invoke instruction, insert restores before each
    // unwind.  These unwinds will be rewritten into branches later.
    if (InlinedFunctionInfo.ContainsUnwinds && isa<InvokeInst>(TheCall)) {
      for (Function::iterator BB = FirstNewBlock, E = Caller->end();
           BB != E; ++BB)
        if (UnwindInst *UI = dyn_cast<UnwindInst>(BB->getTerminator())) {
          CallInst *CI = CallInst::Create(StackRestore, SavedPtr, "", UI);
          if (IFI.CG) CallerNode->addCalledFunction(CI, StackRestoreCGN);

  // If we are inlining tail call instruction through a call site that isn't
  // marked 'tail', we must remove the tail marker for any calls in the inlined
  // code.  Also, calls inlined through a 'nounwind' call site should be marked
  // 'nounwind'.
  if (InlinedFunctionInfo.ContainsCalls &&
      (MustClearTailCallFlags || MarkNoUnwind)) {
    for (Function::iterator BB = FirstNewBlock, E = Caller->end();
         BB != E; ++BB)
      for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
        if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) {
          if (MustClearTailCallFlags)
          if (MarkNoUnwind)

  // If we are inlining through a 'nounwind' call site then any inlined 'unwind'
  // instructions are unreachable.
  if (InlinedFunctionInfo.ContainsUnwinds && MarkNoUnwind)
    for (Function::iterator BB = FirstNewBlock, E = Caller->end();
         BB != E; ++BB) {
      TerminatorInst *Term = BB->getTerminator();
      if (isa<UnwindInst>(Term)) {
        new UnreachableInst(Context, Term);

  // If we are inlining for an invoke instruction, we must make sure to rewrite
  // any inlined 'unwind' instructions into branches to the invoke exception
  // destination, and call instructions into invoke instructions.
  if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(TheCall))
    HandleInlinedInvoke(II, FirstNewBlock, InlinedFunctionInfo);

  // If we cloned in _exactly one_ basic block, and if that block ends in a
  // return instruction, we splice the body of the inlined callee directly into
  // the calling basic block.
  if (Returns.size() == 1 && std::distance(FirstNewBlock, Caller->end()) == 1) {
    // Move all of the instructions right before the call.
    OrigBB->getInstList().splice(TheCall, FirstNewBlock->getInstList(),
                                 FirstNewBlock->begin(), FirstNewBlock->end());
    // Remove the cloned basic block.

    // If the call site was an invoke instruction, add a branch to the normal
    // destination.
    if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(TheCall))
      BranchInst::Create(II->getNormalDest(), TheCall);

    // If the return instruction returned a value, replace uses of the call with
    // uses of the returned value.
    if (!TheCall->use_empty()) {
      ReturnInst *R = Returns[0];
      if (TheCall == R->getReturnValue())
    // Since we are now done with the Call/Invoke, we can delete it.

    // Since we are now done with the return instruction, delete it also.

    // We are now done with the inlining.
    return true;

  // Otherwise, we have the normal case, of more than one block to inline or
  // multiple return sites.

  // We want to clone the entire callee function into the hole between the
  // "starter" and "ender" blocks.  How we accomplish this depends on whether
  // this is an invoke instruction or a call instruction.
  BasicBlock *AfterCallBB;
  if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(TheCall)) {

    // Add an unconditional branch to make this look like the CallInst case...
    BranchInst *NewBr = BranchInst::Create(II->getNormalDest(), TheCall);

    // Split the basic block.  This guarantees that no PHI nodes will have to be
    // updated due to new incoming edges, and make the invoke case more
    // symmetric to the call case.
    AfterCallBB = OrigBB->splitBasicBlock(NewBr,

  } else {  // It's a call
    // If this is a call instruction, we need to split the basic block that
    // the call lives in.
    AfterCallBB = OrigBB->splitBasicBlock(TheCall,

  // Change the branch that used to go to AfterCallBB to branch to the first
  // basic block of the inlined function.
  TerminatorInst *Br = OrigBB->getTerminator();
  assert(Br && Br->getOpcode() == Instruction::Br &&
         "splitBasicBlock broken!");
  Br->setOperand(0, FirstNewBlock);

  // Now that the function is correct, make it a little bit nicer.  In
  // particular, move the basic blocks inserted from the end of the function
  // into the space made by splitting the source basic block.
  Caller->getBasicBlockList().splice(AfterCallBB, Caller->getBasicBlockList(),
                                     FirstNewBlock, Caller->end());

  // Handle all of the return instructions that we just cloned in, and eliminate
  // any users of the original call/invoke instruction.
  const Type *RTy = CalledFunc->getReturnType();

  if (Returns.size() > 1) {
    // The PHI node should go at the front of the new basic block to merge all
    // possible incoming values.
    PHINode *PHI = 0;
    if (!TheCall->use_empty()) {
      PHI = PHINode::Create(RTy, TheCall->getName(),
      // Anything that used the result of the function call should now use the
      // PHI node as their operand.

    // Loop over all of the return instructions adding entries to the PHI node
    // as appropriate.
    if (PHI) {
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = Returns.size(); i != e; ++i) {
        ReturnInst *RI = Returns[i];
        assert(RI->getReturnValue()->getType() == PHI->getType() &&
               "Ret value not consistent in function!");
        PHI->addIncoming(RI->getReturnValue(), RI->getParent());
      // Now that we inserted the PHI, check to see if it has a single value
      // (e.g. all the entries are the same or undef).  If so, remove the PHI so
      // it doesn't block other optimizations.
      if (Value *V = PHI->hasConstantValue()) {

    // Add a branch to the merge points and remove return instructions.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = Returns.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      ReturnInst *RI = Returns[i];
      BranchInst::Create(AfterCallBB, RI);
  } else if (!Returns.empty()) {
    // Otherwise, if there is exactly one return value, just replace anything
    // using the return value of the call with the computed value.
    if (!TheCall->use_empty()) {
      if (TheCall == Returns[0]->getReturnValue())

    // Splice the code from the return block into the block that it will return
    // to, which contains the code that was after the call.
    BasicBlock *ReturnBB = Returns[0]->getParent();

    // Update PHI nodes that use the ReturnBB to use the AfterCallBB.

    // Delete the return instruction now and empty ReturnBB now.
  } else if (!TheCall->use_empty()) {
    // No returns, but something is using the return value of the call.  Just
    // nuke the result.

  // Since we are now done with the Call/Invoke, we can delete it.

  // We should always be able to fold the entry block of the function into the
  // single predecessor of the block...
  assert(cast<BranchInst>(Br)->isUnconditional() && "splitBasicBlock broken!");
  BasicBlock *CalleeEntry = cast<BranchInst>(Br)->getSuccessor(0);

  // Splice the code entry block into calling block, right before the
  // unconditional branch.
  OrigBB->getInstList().splice(Br, CalleeEntry->getInstList());
  CalleeEntry->replaceAllUsesWith(OrigBB);  // Update PHI nodes

  // Remove the unconditional branch.

  // Now we can remove the CalleeEntry block, which is now empty.

  return true;
bool TailCallElim::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
  // If this function is a varargs function, we won't be able to PHI the args
  // right, so don't even try to convert it...
  if (F.getFunctionType()->isVarArg()) return false;

  BasicBlock *OldEntry = 0;
  bool TailCallsAreMarkedTail = false;
  SmallVector<PHINode*, 8> ArgumentPHIs;
  bool MadeChange = false;

  bool FunctionContainsEscapingAllocas = false;

  // CannotTCETailMarkedCall - If true, we cannot perform TCE on tail calls
  // marked with the 'tail' attribute, because doing so would cause the stack
  // size to increase (real TCE would deallocate variable sized allocas, TCE
  // doesn't).
  bool CannotTCETailMarkedCall = false;

  // Loop over the function, looking for any returning blocks, and keeping track
  // of whether this function has any non-trivially used allocas.
  for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), E = F.end(); BB != E; ++BB) {
    if (FunctionContainsEscapingAllocas && CannotTCETailMarkedCall)

    FunctionContainsEscapingAllocas |=
      CheckForEscapingAllocas(BB, CannotTCETailMarkedCall);
  /// FIXME: The code generator produces really bad code when an 'escaping
  /// alloca' is changed from being a static alloca to being a dynamic alloca.
  /// Until this is resolved, disable this transformation if that would ever
  /// happen.  This bug is PR962.
  if (FunctionContainsEscapingAllocas)
    return false;

  // Second pass, change any tail calls to loops.
  for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), E = F.end(); BB != E; ++BB)
    if (ReturnInst *Ret = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(BB->getTerminator()))
      MadeChange |= ProcessReturningBlock(Ret, OldEntry, TailCallsAreMarkedTail,

  // If we eliminated any tail recursions, it's possible that we inserted some
  // silly PHI nodes which just merge an initial value (the incoming operand)
  // with themselves.  Check to see if we did and clean up our mess if so.  This
  // occurs when a function passes an argument straight through to its tail
  // call.
  if (!ArgumentPHIs.empty()) {
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgumentPHIs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      PHINode *PN = ArgumentPHIs[i];

      // If the PHI Node is a dynamic constant, replace it with the value it is.
      if (Value *PNV = PN->hasConstantValue()) {

  // Finally, if this function contains no non-escaping allocas, mark all calls
  // in the function as eligible for tail calls (there is no stack memory for
  // them to access).
  if (!FunctionContainsEscapingAllocas)
    for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), E = F.end(); BB != E; ++BB)
      for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
        if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) {
          MadeChange = true;

  return MadeChange;