void cCombat::DoCombat(P_CHAR pc_attacker, unsigned int currenttime) { int x, bowtype=0;// spamanachecking, tmp; if ( pc_attacker == NULL ) return; if (pc_attacker->free) return; P_ITEM pWeapon=pc_attacker->getWeapon(); P_CHAR pc_defender = FindCharBySerial(pc_attacker->targ); /*if (pc_attacker->priv2&2) //The char is paralyzed { sysmessage(calcSocketFromChar(pc_attacker), "You are frozen and cannot attack."); return; }*/ if ((pc_defender == NULL) || (pc_defender->isPlayer() && !online(pc_defender) || pc_defender->isHidden()) && pc_attacker->war) { pc_attacker->war=false; // LB pc_attacker->timeout=0; pc_attacker->attacker = INVALID_SERIAL; pc_attacker->resetAttackFirst(); return; } if (( pc_attacker->isNpc() || online(pc_attacker) ) && pc_defender != NULL ) { if (pc_defender == NULL) return; if (pc_defender->free) return; if (pc_attacker->dispz > (pc_defender->dispz +10)) return;//FRAZAI if (pc_attacker->dispz < (pc_defender->dispz -10)) return;//FRAZAI if ((pc_defender->isNpc() && pc_defender->npcaitype!=17) || (online(pc_defender) && !pc_defender->dead) ) // ripper { if (chardist( pc_attacker, pc_defender ) > SrvParams->attack_distance()) { if (pc_attacker->npcaitype==4 && pc_attacker->inGuardedArea()) // changed from 0x40 to 4, LB { pc_attacker->moveTo(pc_defender->pos); teleport(pc_attacker); soundeffect2(pc_attacker, 0x01FE); // crashfix, LB staticeffect(pc_attacker, 0x37, 0x2A, 0x09, 0x06); npctalkall(pc_attacker,"Halt, scoundrel!",1); } else { // else -> npcaityes != 4 pc_attacker->targ = INVALID_SERIAL; pc_attacker->timeout=0; P_CHAR pc = FindCharBySerial(pc_attacker->attacker); if (pc != NULL) { pc->resetAttackFirst(); pc->attacker = INVALID_SERIAL; // lb crashfix } pc_attacker->attacker=INVALID_SERIAL; pc_attacker->resetAttackFirst(); if (pc_attacker->isNpc() && pc_attacker->npcaitype!=17 && !pc_attacker->dead && pc_attacker->war) npcToggleCombat(pc_attacker); // ripper } } else { if (pc_attacker->targ == INVALID_SERIAL) { npcsimpleattacktarget(pc_attacker, pc_defender); x=(((100-pc_attacker->effDex())*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC)/25)+(1*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC); //Yet another attempt. pc_attacker->timeout=currenttime+x; return; } if (Combat->TimerOk(pc_attacker)) { int los = line_of_sight(-1, pc_attacker->pos, pc_defender->pos, WALLS_CHIMNEYS+DOORS+FLOORS_FLAT_ROOFING); UOXSOCKET s1 = calcSocketFromChar(pc_attacker); int fightskill=Skills->GetCombatSkill(pc_attacker); x=0; if (fightskill==ARCHERY) { if (los) { int arrowsquant; bowtype=Combat->GetBowType(pc_attacker); if (bowtype==1) arrowsquant=getamount(pc_attacker, 0x0F3F); else arrowsquant=getamount(pc_attacker, 0x1BFB); if (arrowsquant>0) x=1; //else // sysmessage(s1, "You are out of ammunitions!"); //-Fraz- this message can cause problems removed } } if ( chardist( pc_attacker, pc_defender )<2 && fightskill!=ARCHERY ) x=1; if (x) { // - Do stamina maths - AntiChrist (6) - if(abs(SrvParams->attackstamina())>0 && !pc_attacker->isGM()) { if((SrvParams->attackstamina()<0)&&(pc_attacker->stm<abs(SrvParams->attackstamina()))) { sysmessage(s1, tr("You are too tired to attack.")); SetWeaponTimeout(pc_attacker, pWeapon); return; } pc_attacker->stm += SrvParams->attackstamina(); if (pc_attacker->stm>pc_attacker->effDex()) pc_attacker->stm=pc_attacker->effDex(); if (pc_attacker->stm<0) pc_attacker->stm=0; updatestats((pc_attacker),2); //LB, crashfix, was currchar[a] // --------ATTACK STAMINA END ------ } DoCombatAnimations( pc_attacker, pc_defender, fightskill, bowtype, los); if (((chardist( pc_attacker, pc_defender )<2)||(fightskill==ARCHERY))&&!(pc_attacker->npcaitype==4)) // changed from 0x40 to 4 { if (los) { npcsimpleattacktarget(pc_attacker, pc_defender); } } if (pc_attacker->timeout2 > uiCurrentTime) return; //check shotclock memory-BackStab if (fightskill==ARCHERY) Combat->CombatHit(pc_attacker, pc_defender, currenttime,los); else pc_attacker->swingtarg = pc_defender->serial; } SetWeaponTimeout(pc_attacker, pWeapon); pc_attacker->timeout2=pc_attacker->timeout; // set shotclock memory-BackStab if (!pc_defender->isInvul()) { NpcSpellAttack(pc_attacker,pc_defender,currenttime,los); } if (fightskill!=ARCHERY) { Combat->CombatHit(pc_attacker, pc_defender, currenttime, los); // LB !!! //return; // Ripper ???? (Duke) } } } if (pc_defender->hp<1)//Highlight //Repsys { if((pc_attacker->npcaitype==4 || pc_attacker->npcaitype==9) && pc_defender->isNpc()) { npcaction(pc_defender, 0x15); PlayDeathSound(pc_defender); Npcs->DeleteChar(pc_defender);//Guards, don't give body } else { deathstuff(pc_defender); } //murder count \/ if ((pc_attacker->isPlayer())&&(pc_defender->isPlayer()))//Player vs Player { if(pc_defender->isInnocent() && GuildCompare(pc_attacker, pc_defender )==0 ) { ++pc_attacker->kills; UOXSOCKET attacker_socket = calcSocketFromChar(pc_attacker); sysmessage(attacker_socket, tr("You have killed %1 innocent people.").arg(pc_attacker->kills)); //clConsole.send("DEBUG %s's kills are now -> %i\n",pc_attacker->name,pc_attacker->kills); if (pc_attacker->kills==SrvParams->maxkills()+1) sysmessage(attacker_socket, tr("You are now a murderer!")); } if (SrvParams->pvpLog()) { sprintf((char*)temp,"%s was killed by %s!\n",pc_defender->name.c_str(), pc_attacker->name.c_str()); savelog((char*)temp,"PvP.log"); } } npcToggleCombat(pc_attacker); return; // LB } } } }
//play animation for weapon in hand for combat on foot //kolours - (09/20/98) void cCombat::CombatOnFoot(P_CHAR pc) { if ( pc == NULL ) return; P_ITEM pWeapon=pc->getWeapon(); int m = rand()%4; //randomize the animation sequence if (pWeapon) { short id = pWeapon->id(); if (IsBow(id)) { npcaction(pc, 0x12); //bow return; } if (IsCrossbow(id) || IsHeavyCrossbow(id)) { npcaction(pc, 0x13); //crossbow - regular return; } if (IsSword(id)) { switch (m) //swords { case 0: npcaction(pc, 0x0D); return; //side swing case 1: npcaction(pc, 0x0A); return; //poke default: npcaction(pc, 0x09); return; //top-down swing } } if (IsMace1H(id)) { switch (m) //maces { case 0: npcaction(pc, 0x0D); return; //side swing default: npcaction(pc, 0x09); return; //top-down swing } } if (IsMace2H(id) || IsAxe(id)) { switch (m) { case 0: npcaction(pc, 0x0D); return; //2H top-down case 1: npcaction(pc, 0x0C); return; //2H swing default: npcaction(pc, 0x0D); return; //2H top-down } } if (IsFencing1H(id)) // one handed fencing { switch (m) //fencing { case 0: npcaction(pc, 0x09); return; //top-down case 1: npcaction(pc, 0x0D); return; //side-swipe default: npcaction(pc, 0x0A); return; //default: poke } } if (IsFencing2H(id)) //pitchfork & spear { switch (m) //pitchfork { case 0: npcaction(pc, 0x0D); return; //top-down default: npcaction(pc, 0x0E); return; //default: 2-handed poke } } } // end of !=-1 else { switch (m) //fist fighting { case 0: npcaction(pc, 0x0A); return; //fist straight-punch case 1: npcaction(pc, 0x09); return; //fist top-down default: npcaction(pc, 0x1F); return; //default: //fist over-head } } }
// CombatHit now expects that LineOfSight has been checked before (Duke, 10.7.2001) void cCombat::CombatHit(P_CHAR pc_attacker, P_CHAR pc_deffender, unsigned int currenttime, short los) { char hit; if (pc_deffender == NULL || pc_attacker == NULL) return; UOXSOCKET s1=calcSocketFromChar(pc_attacker), s2=calcSocketFromChar(pc_deffender); unsigned short fightskill = Skills->GetCombatSkill(pc_attacker), bowtype = Combat->GetBowType(pc_attacker),splitnum,splitcount,hitin; unsigned int basedamage; int damage; // removed from unsigne by Magius(CHE) signed int x; // Magius(CHE) - For armour absorbtion system int maxabs, maxnohabs, tmpj; P_ITEM pWeapon=pc_attacker->getWeapon();// get the weapon item only once if (pWeapon && !(rand()%50) // a 2 percent chance (Duke, 07.11.2000) && pWeapon->type !=9) // but not for spellbooks (Duke, 09/10/00) { pWeapon->hp--; //Take off a hit point if(pWeapon->hp<=0) { sysmessage(s1, tr("Your weapon has been destroyed")); if ((pWeapon->trigon==1) && (pWeapon->layer>0))// -Frazurbluu- Trigger Type 2 is my new trigger type *- { Trig->triggerwitem(s1, pWeapon, 1); // trigger is fired when item destroyed } Items->DeleItem(pWeapon); } } // End here - Magius(CHE) - For armour absorbtion system pc_attacker->swingtarg=-1; if((chardist(pc_attacker, pc_deffender)>1 && fightskill!=ARCHERY) || !los) return; if(pc_deffender->isNpc() && pc_deffender->isInvul()) return; // ripper hit=Skills->CheckSkill(pc_attacker, fightskill, 0, 1000); // increase fighting skill for attacker and defender if (!hit) { if (pc_attacker->isPlayer()) doMissedSoundEffect(pc_attacker); if ((fightskill==ARCHERY)&&(los)) { if (rand()%3-1)//-1 0 or 1 { short id=0x1BFB; // bolts if (bowtype==1) id=0x0F3F; // arrows P_ITEM pAmmo=Items->SpawnItem(pc_deffender,1,"#",1,id,0,0); if(pAmmo) { pAmmo->moveTo(pc_deffender->pos); pAmmo->priv=1; RefreshItem(pAmmo); } } } } else { if (!pc_deffender->isInvul()) { if (pc_deffender->xid==0x0191) soundeffect2(pc_deffender,0x014b); else if (pc_deffender->xid==0x0190) soundeffect2(pc_deffender,0x0156); playmonstersound(pc_deffender, pc_deffender->id(), SND_DEFEND); //AntiChrist -- for poisoned weapons if((pWeapon) && (pWeapon->poisoned>0)) { pc_deffender->poisoned=pWeapon->poisoned; pc_deffender->poisontime=uiCurrentTime+(MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC*(40/pc_deffender->poisoned)); // a lev.1 poison takes effect after 40 secs, a deadly pois.(lev.4) takes 40/4 secs - AntiChrist pc_deffender->poisonwearofftime=pc_deffender->poisontime+(MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC*SrvParams->poisonTimer()); //wear off starts after poison takes effect - AntiChrist } CheckPoisoning(s2, pc_attacker, pc_deffender); // attacker poisons defender CheckPoisoning(s1, pc_deffender, pc_attacker); // and vice versa if ((pc_deffender->effDex()>0)) pc_deffender->priv2&=0xFD; // unfreeze if (fightskill!=WRESTLING && los) Combat->ItemSpell(pc_attacker, pc_deffender); if (fightskill!=WRESTLING || pc_attacker->isNpc()) basedamage=Combat->CalcAtt(pc_attacker); // Calc base damage else { if ((pc_attacker->skill[WRESTLING]/100) > 0) { if (pc_attacker->skill[WRESTLING]/100!=0) basedamage=rand()%(pc_attacker->skill[WRESTLING]/100); else basedamage=0; } else basedamage=rand()%2; } if((pc_attacker->isPlayer()) && (fightskill!=WRESTLING)) { if (pWeapon->racehate != 0 && pc_deffender->race != 0)//-Fraz- Racehating combat { if (pWeapon->racehate==pc_deffender->race) { basedamage *=2; if(pc_deffender->isPlayer()) { sysmessage(s2, tr("You scream in agony from being hit by the accursed metal!")); if (pc_deffender->xid == 0x0191) soundeffect2(pc_deffender,0x0152); else if (pc_deffender->xid==0x0190) soundeffect2(pc_deffender,0x0157); }// can add a possible effect below here for npc's being hit } } } Skills->CheckSkill(pc_attacker, TACTICS, 0, 1000); damage=(int)(basedamage*((pc_attacker->skill[TACTICS]+500.0)/1000.0)); // Add Tactical bonus damage=damage+(int)((basedamage*(pc_attacker->st/500.0))); // Add Strength bonus //Adds a BONUS DAMAGE for ANATOMY //Anatomy=100 -> Bonus +20% Damage - AntiChrist (11/10/99) if (Skills->CheckSkill(pc_attacker, ANATOMY, 0, 1000)) { float multiplier=(((pc_attacker->skill[ANATOMY]*20)/1000.0f)/100.0f)+1; damage=(int) (damage * multiplier); } //Adds a BONUS DEFENCE for TACTICS //Tactics=100 -> Bonus -20% Damage - AntiChrist (11/10/99) float multiplier=1-(((pc_deffender->skill[TACTICS]*20)/1000.0f)/100.0f); damage=(int) (damage * multiplier); P_ITEM pShield=pc_deffender->getShield(); if(pShield) { if (Skills->CheckSkill(pc_deffender, PARRYING, 0, 1000))// chance to block with shield { if (pShield->def!=0) damage-=rand()%(pShield->def);// damage absorbed by shield if(rand()%2) pShield->hp--; //Take off a hit point if(pShield->hp<=0) { sysmessage(s2, tr("Your shield has been destroyed")); if ((pShield->trigon==1) && (pShield->layer >0))// -Frazurbluu- Trigger Type 2 is my new trigger type *- { Trig->triggerwitem(s2, pShield, 1); // trigger is fired when item destroyed } Items->DeleItem(pShield); } } } // Armor destruction and sped up by hitting with maces should go in here somewhere // According to lacation of body hit Id imagine -Frazurbluu- **NEEDS ADDED** x=rand()%100;// determine area of body hit if (!SrvParams->combatHitMessage()) { if (x<=44) x=1; // body else if (x<=58) x=2; // arms else if (x<=72) x=3; // head else if (x<=86) x=4; // legs else if (x<=93) x=5; // neck else x=6; // hands } else { temp[0] = '\0'; hitin = rand()%2; if (x<=44) { x=1; // body switch (hitin) { case 1: //later take into account dir facing attacker during battle if (damage < 10) strcpy(temp, "hits you in your Chest!"); else if (damage >=10) strcpy(temp, "lands a terrible blow to your Chest!"); break; case 2: if (damage < 10) strcpy(temp, "lands a blow to your Stomach!"); else if (damage >=10) strcpy(temp, "knocks the wind out of you!"); break; default: if (damage < 10) strcpy(temp, "hits you in your Ribs!"); else if (damage >=10) strcpy(temp, "broken your Rib?!"); } } else if (x<=58) { if (damage > 1) { x=2; // arms switch (hitin) { case 1: strcpy(temp, "hits you in Left Arm!"); break; case 2: strcpy(temp, "hits you in Right Arm!"); break; default:strcpy(temp, "hits you in Right Arm!"); } } } else if (x<=72) { x=3; // head switch (hitin) { case 1: if (damage < 10) strcpy(temp, "hits you you straight in the Face!"); else if (damage >=10) strcpy(temp, "lands a stunning blow to your Head!"); break; case 2: if (damage < 10) strcpy(temp, "hits you to your Head!"); //kolours - (09/19/98) else if (damage >=10) strcpy(temp, "smashed a blow across your Face!"); break; default: if (damage < 10) strcpy(temp, "hits you you square in the Jaw!"); else if (damage >=10) strcpy(temp, "lands a terrible hit to your Temple!"); } } else if (x<=86) { x=4; // legs switch (hitin) { case 1: strcpy(temp, "hits you in Left Thigh!"); break; case 2: strcpy(temp, "hits you in Right Thigh!"); break; default:strcpy(temp, "hits you in Groin!"); } } else if (x<=93) { x=5; // neck strcpy(temp, "hits you to your Throat!"); } else { x=6; // hands switch (hitin) { case 1: if (damage > 1) strcpy(temp, tr("hits you in Left Hand!").latin1()); break; case 2: if (damage > 1) strcpy(temp, tr("hits you in Right Hand!").latin1()); break; default: if (damage > 1) strcpy(temp, tr("hits you in Right Hand!").latin1()); } } sprintf((char*)temp2,"%s %s",pc_attacker->name.c_str(), temp); if (pc_deffender->isPlayer() && s2!=-1) sysmessage(s2, (char*)temp2); //kolours -- hit display } x = CalcDef(pc_deffender,x); // Magius(CHE) - For armour absorbtion system maxabs = 20; // // there are monsters with DEF >20, this makes them undefeatable maxnohabs=100; if (SrvParams->maxAbsorbtion() > 0) { maxabs = SrvParams->maxAbsorbtion(); } if (SrvParams->maxnohabsorbtion() > 0) { maxnohabs = SrvParams->maxnohabsorbtion(); } if (!ishuman(pc_deffender)) maxabs=maxnohabs; tmpj=(int) (damage*x)/maxabs; // Absorbtion by Magius(CHE) damage -= tmpj; if (damage<0) damage=0; if (pc_deffender->isPlayer()) damage /= SrvParams->npcdamage(); // Rate damage against other players // End Armour Absorbtion by Magius(CHE) (See alse reactive armour spell damage) if (pc_attacker->isPlayer())//Zippy ItemCastSpell(s1, pc_deffender,pWeapon); //AntiChrist - 26/10/99 //when hitten and damage >1, defender fails if casting a spell! if(damage>1 && pc_deffender->isPlayer())//only if damage>1 and against a player { if(pc_deffender->casting && currentSpellType[s2]==0 ) {//if casting a normal spell (scroll: no concentration loosen) Magic->SpellFail(s2); currentSpellType[s2]=0; pc_deffender->spell=-1; pc_deffender->casting=0; pc_deffender->spelltime=0; pc_deffender->priv2 &= 0xfd; // unfreeze, bugfix LB } } if(damage>0) { if (pc_deffender->ra) // For reactive armor spell { // -Frazurbluu- RA may need a rewrite to be more OSI standard here // Its said 80% deflected 10% to attacker / 10% defender gotta check special effects int damage1; damage1=(int)( damage*(pc_deffender->skill[MAGERY]/2000.0)); pc_deffender->hp -= damage-damage1; if (pc_deffender->isNpc()) damage1 = damage1 * SrvParams->npcdamage(); // by Magius(CHE) pc_attacker->hp -= damage1; // Remove damage from attacker staticeffect(pc_deffender, 0x37, 0x4A, 0, 15);//RA effect - AntiChrist (9/99) if ((fightskill==MACEFIGHTING) && (IsSpecialMace(pWeapon->id())))// Stamina Loss -Fraz- { //pc_attacker->stm-=3+(rand()%4); } if ((fightskill==FENCING) && (IsFencing2H(pWeapon->id())))// Paralyzing -Fraz- { //will call the combat caused paralyzation **NEED TO DO** } if ((fightskill==SWORDSMANSHIP) && (IsAxe(pWeapon->id())))// Concussion Hit -Fraz- { //will call the combat caused concussion (loss of int for 30 secs) **NEED TO DO** // for now make it subtract mana //pc_attacker->mn-=(pc_attacker->mn/2); } updatestats(pc_attacker, 0); } else { // -Fraz- Now needs adjusted to happen on a skill percentage pc_deffender->hp-=damage; // Remove damage from defender only apply special hits to non-npc's if ((fightskill==MACEFIGHTING) && (IsSpecialMace(pWeapon->id())) && (pc_deffender->isPlayer()))// Stamina Loss -Fraz- { pc_deffender->stm-=3+(rand()%3); } if ((fightskill==FENCING) && (IsFencing2H(pWeapon->id())) && (pc_deffender->isPlayer()))// Paralyzing -Fraz- { tempeffect(pc_attacker, pc_deffender, 44, 0, 0, 0); sysmessage(s1, tr("You delivered a paralyzing blow")); } if ((fightskill==SWORDSMANSHIP) && (IsAxe(pWeapon->id())) && (pc_deffender->isPlayer()))// Concussion Hit -Fraz- { tempeffect(pc_attacker, pc_deffender, 45, 0, 0, 0); //pc_attacker->mn-=(pc_attacker->mn/2); //-Fraz- temp use of this for concussion } updatestats((pc_deffender), 0); } // blood shred by blackwind if (damage>10) { short id = 0x122c; if (damage>50) id=0x122a; else if (damage>40) id=0x122d; else if (damage>30) id=0x122e; else if (damage>20) id=0x122b; P_ITEM pBlood = Items->SpawnItem(pc_deffender, 1, "#", 0, id, 0, 0); if (pBlood) { pBlood->moveTo(pc_deffender->pos); pBlood->priv = 1; pBlood->setGMMovable(); //Moveable by GM RefreshItem(pBlood); pBlood->decaytime = (SrvParams->decayTime()/2)*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC+uiCurrentTime; } } ///////// For Splitting NPCs /// McCleod if ((pc_deffender->split>0)&&(pc_deffender->hp>=1)) { if (rand()%100<=pc_deffender->splitchnc) { if (pc_deffender->split==1) splitnum=1; else splitnum=rand()%pc_deffender->split+1; for (splitcount=0;splitcount<splitnum;splitcount++) Npcs->Split(pc_deffender); } } //////// End of spliting NPCs } if (pc_attacker->isPlayer()) if((fightskill==ARCHERY && los)|| fightskill!=ARCHERY) doSoundEffect(pc_attacker, fightskill, pWeapon); if (pc_deffender->hp<0) pc_deffender->hp=0; updatestats((pc_deffender), 0); x = pc_deffender->id(); if (x>=0x0190) { if (!pc_deffender->onhorse) npcaction(pc_deffender, 0x14); } } } }
//play animation for weapon in hand during combat on a horse //kolours - modularized (09/20/98) void cCombat::CombatOnHorse(P_CHAR pc) { if ( pc == NULL ) return; P_ITEM pWeapon=pc->getWeapon(); // tweak for better fight animations if on Lama, ostards, kirin, seahorse, or ridgeback // LB (04-02-2002) P_ITEM pHorseItem=pc->GetItemOnLayer(0x19); int base; switch(pHorseItem->id2) { case 0xab: // llamas case 0xa6: base=0x2b; break; case 0xa3: // ostards case 0xa4: case 0xa5: case 0xac: base=0x35; break; case 0xad: // kirin base=0x3f; break; case 0xb3: // sea horse base=0x49; break; case 0xb8: //ridgeback base=0x53; break; default: base = 0x17; // default (horse) base animation break; } if (pWeapon) { short id = pWeapon->id(); if (IsBow(id)) { npcaction(pc, 0x1B); return; } if (IsCrossbow(id) || IsHeavyCrossbow(id)) { npcaction(pc, 0x1C); return; } if( IsSword(id) || IsMaceType(id) || (id ==0x0FB4 || id ==0x0FB5) || // sledge hammer IsFencing1H(id) ) { npcaction(pc, 0x1A); return; } if ( IsAxe(id) || IsFencing2H(id) ) { npcaction(pc, 0x1D); //2Handed return; } } // end of !=-1 else { npcaction(pc, 0x1A); //fist fighting return; } }