TArray<QuestTask*> QuestTask::getSubTasks() {
	TArray<QuestTask*> result;


	return result;
Exemple #2
void FHDRLoadHelper::ExtractDDSInRGBE(TArray<uint8>& OutDDSFile) const
	// header, one uint32 per texel, no mips
	OutDDSFile.Init(4 + sizeof(FDDSFileHeader) + GetWidth() * GetHeight() * sizeof(uint32));

	// create the dds header
		uint32* DDSMagicNumber = (uint32*)OutDDSFile.GetData();

		// to identify DDS file format
		*DDSMagicNumber = 0x20534444;

		FDDSFileHeader* header = (FDDSFileHeader*)(OutDDSFile.GetData() + 4);


		header->dwSize = sizeof(FDDSFileHeader);
		header->dwFlags = DDSF_Caps | DDSF_Height | DDSF_Width | DDSF_PixelFormat;
		header->dwWidth = GetWidth();
		header->dwHeight = GetHeight();
		header->dwCaps2 = 0;
		header->dwMipMapCount = 1;
		header->ddpf.dwSize = sizeof(FDDSPixelFormatHeader);
		header->ddpf.dwFlags = DDSPF_RGB;
		header->ddpf.dwRGBBitCount = 32;
		header->ddpf.dwRBitMask = 0x00ff0000;
		header->ddpf.dwGBitMask = 0x0000ff00;
		header->ddpf.dwBBitMask = 0x000000ff;

	uint32 *DDSData = (uint32*)(OutDDSFile.GetData() + 4 + sizeof(FDDSFileHeader));

	// Get the raw input data as 2d image
bool FPipeHandle::ReadToArray(TArray<uint8> & Output)
	int BytesAvailable = 0;
	if (ioctl(PipeDesc, FIONREAD, &BytesAvailable) == 0)
		if (BytesAvailable > 0)
			int BytesRead = read(PipeDesc, Output.GetData(), BytesAvailable);
			if (BytesRead > 0)
				if (BytesRead < BytesAvailable)

				return true;

	return false;
bool FEnvQueryInstance::PrepareContext(UClass* Context, TArray<FVector>& Data)
	if (Context == NULL)
		return false;

	FEnvQueryContextData ContextData;
	const bool bSuccess = PrepareContext(Context, ContextData);

	if (bSuccess && ContextData.ValueType && ContextData.ValueType->IsChildOf(UEnvQueryItemType_LocationBase::StaticClass()))
		UEnvQueryItemType_LocationBase* DefTypeOb = (UEnvQueryItemType_LocationBase*)ContextData.ValueType->GetDefaultObject();
		const uint16 DefTypeValueSize = DefTypeOb->GetValueSize();
		uint8* RawData = (uint8*)ContextData.RawData.GetTypedData();

		for (int32 i = 0; i < ContextData.NumValues; i++)
			Data[i] = DefTypeOb->GetLocation(RawData);
			RawData += DefTypeValueSize;

	return bSuccess;
void ABalloonGrid::Float()
	SP_Grid NullGrid;
	TArray<SP_Grid> Highest;
	Highest.Init(NullGrid, GridSizeX);
	for (auto G : SearchResult)
		if (Highest[G->X] == NullGrid || Highest[G->X]->Y > G->Y)
			Highest[G->X] = G;
	ABalloon* SignalBalloon = NULL;
	int32 OffsetMax = 0;
	for (auto G : Highest)
		int32 FloatOffset = 1;
		if (G == NullGrid) continue;
		//UE_LOG(YLog, Warning, TEXT("Float, X:%d,Y:%d"), G->X, G->Y);
		for (int32 y = G->Y+1; y < GridSizeY; ++y)
			SP_Grid GTemp = Grids[y*GridSizeX + G->X];
			if (GTemp->Object != NULL)
				int32 TargetGridY = GTemp->Y - FloatOffset;
				if (FloatOffset > OffsetMax)
					OffsetMax = FloatOffset;
					SignalBalloon = GTemp->Object;
				GTemp->Object->SetTargetGrid(G->X, TargetGridY);
				Grids[TargetGridY*GridSizeX + G->X]->Object = GTemp->Object;
				GTemp->Object = NULL;
		UE_LOG(YLog, Warning, TEXT("FloatOffset:%d"), FloatOffset);
		if (FloatOffset == GridSizeY)
			UE_LOG(YLog, Warning, TEXT("MaxBalloonX:%d"), MaxBalloonX);
	if (SignalBalloon)
		UE_LOG(YLog, Warning, TEXT("SignalBalloon MaxBalloonX:%d"), MaxBalloonX);
		SignalBalloon->bIsSignal = true;
		SignalBalloon->NewBalloonX = MaxBalloonX;
		SignalBalloon->gBalloonX = MaxBalloonX;
void UGridMesher::rebuildBaseMeshFromGrid()
	numMeshes = 0;

	if (myGrid != nullptr)
		TArray<float> vertexRadii;
		vertexRadii.Init(baseMeshRadius, myGrid->numNodes);
		TArray<FColor> vertexColors;
		vertexColors.Init(FColor::Blue, myGrid->numNodes);
		if (renderBaseMesh)
			buildNewMesh(vertexRadii, vertexColors,TArray<FVector>(), baseMeshMaterial);
void UVaQuoleUIComponent::UpdateUITexture()
	// Ignore texture update
	if (!bEnabled || WebUI == NULL)

	// Don't update when WebView resizes or changes texture format
	if (WebUI->IsPendingVisualEvents())

	if (Texture && Texture->Resource)
		// Check that texture is prepared
		auto rhiRef = static_cast<FTexture2DResource*>(Texture->Resource)->GetTexture2DRHI();
		if (!rhiRef)

		// Load data from view
		const UCHAR* my_data = WebUI->GrabView();
		const size_t size = Width * Height * sizeof(uint32);

		// @TODO This is a bit heavy to keep reallocating/deallocating, but not a big deal. Maybe we can ping pong between buffers instead.
		TArray<uint32> ViewBuffer;
		ViewBuffer.Init(Width * Height);
		FMemory::Memcpy(ViewBuffer.GetData(), my_data, size);

		// This will be passed off to the render thread, which will delete it when it has finished with it
		FVaQuoleTextureDataPtr DataPtr = MakeShareable(new FVaQuoleTextureData);
		DataPtr->SetRawData(Width, Height, sizeof(uint32), ViewBuffer);

		// Cleanup
		my_data = 0;

			FVaQuoleTextureDataPtr, ImageData, DataPtr,
			FTexture2DRHIRef, TargetTexture, rhiRef,
			const size_t, DataSize, size,
			uint32 stride = 0;
			void* MipData = GDynamicRHI->RHILockTexture2D(TargetTexture, 0, RLM_WriteOnly, stride, false);

			if (MipData)
				FMemory::Memcpy(MipData, ImageData->GetRawBytesPtr(), ImageData->GetDataSize());
				GDynamicRHI->RHIUnlockTexture2D(TargetTexture, 0, false);

int8 APlayerConnectionHandler::FirstFreeID()
    TArray<bool> Available;
    Available.Init(true, Clients.Num());
    for (auto Client : Clients){
        if(Client.Status != EPlayerStatus::Disconnected) Available[Client.ID] = false;
    for (int8 Result = 0; Result < Clients.Num(); Result++){
        if (Available[Result]) return Result;
	return -1;
void AMagazineItem::Reload(APlayerCharacter* player) {
    TArray<AAmmoItem*> toReadd;
    toReadd.Init(NULL, 0);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Ammunition.Num(); i++) {
        if (!Ammunition[i]) {
            // Stop if the magazine is filled
            if (GetStoredAmmo() >= Ammunition.Num()) break;
            ItemSlot slot = player->Inventory->FindItemByType(AAmmoItem::StaticClass());
            if (slot.IsValid()) {
                AAmmoItem* item = Cast<AAmmoItem>(slot.Get());
                if(item) {
                    if (item->Calibre == Calibre) {
                        Ammunition.Swap(i, Ammunition.Num() - 1);
                        Ammunition.RemoveAt(Ammunition.Num() - 1);
                    } else {
                } else break;
            } else break;
    for (auto& item: toReadd) {
        if (item) {
            if (player->Inventory->EquipItem(item)) {
                // Nothing changed! (possibly state, but that is dealt for us)
                // Stop pickup text
                player->Inventory->RecentlyEquiped = NULL;
            } else {
UNREALED_API bool BuildDestructibleMeshFromFractureSettings(UDestructibleMesh& DestructibleMesh, FSkeletalMeshImportData* OutData)
	bool Success = false;

	physx::NxDestructibleAsset* NewApexDestructibleAsset = NULL;

	if (DestructibleMesh.FractureSettings != NULL)
		TArray<UMaterialInterface*> OverrideMaterials;
		OverrideMaterials.Init(DestructibleMesh.Materials.Num());	//save old materials
		for (int32 MaterialIndex = 0; MaterialIndex < DestructibleMesh.Materials.Num(); ++MaterialIndex)
			OverrideMaterials[MaterialIndex] = DestructibleMesh.Materials[MaterialIndex].MaterialInterface;


		for (int32 MaterialIndex = 0; MaterialIndex < DestructibleMesh.Materials.Num(); ++MaterialIndex)
			if (MaterialIndex < OverrideMaterials.Num())	//if user has overriden materials use it
				DestructibleMesh.Materials[MaterialIndex].MaterialInterface = OverrideMaterials[MaterialIndex];
				DestructibleMesh.Materials[MaterialIndex].MaterialInterface = DestructibleMesh.FractureSettings->Materials[MaterialIndex];


		NxDestructibleAssetCookingDesc DestructibleAssetCookingDesc;
		NewApexDestructibleAsset = DestructibleMesh.FractureSettings->CreateApexDestructibleAsset(DestructibleAssetCookingDesc);

	if (NewApexDestructibleAsset != NULL)
		Success = SetApexDestructibleAsset(DestructibleMesh, *NewApexDestructibleAsset, OutData, EDestructibleImportOptions::PreserveSettings);
#endif // WITH_APEX

	return Success;
FString	UMySocket::receiveMessage()
	if (!mySocket)
		return "";
	TArray<uint8> ReceivedData;
	if (pendingDateSize)
		ReceivedData.Init('\0', FMath::Min(pendingDateSize, 65507u));

		int32 Read = 0;
		mySocket->Recv(ReceivedData.GetData(), ReceivedData.Num(), Read);
	if (ReceivedData.Num() <= 0)
		return "";
	const FString ReceivedUE4String = StringFromBinaryArray(ReceivedData);
	return ReceivedUE4String;
TArray<uint8> UMySocket::receiveDataWithPending()
	TArray<uint8> ReceivedData;

	if (!mySocket)
		return ReceivedData;

	uint32 Size;
	while (mySocket->HasPendingData(Size))
		ReceivedData.Init('\0', FMath::Min(Size, 65507u));

		int32 Read = 0;
		mySocket->Recv(ReceivedData.GetData(), ReceivedData.Num(), Read);
	return (ReceivedData);
void ATitanBotsPlayerController::TCPSocketListener()

	if (!ConnectionSocket) return;

		//Binary Array
		TArray<uint8> ReceivedData;

		uint32 Size;
		while (ConnectionSocket->HasPendingData(Size))
			ReceivedData.Init(FMath::Min(Size, 65507u), 0);

			int32 Read = 0;
			ConnectionSocket->Recv(ReceivedData.GetData(), ReceivedData.Num(), Read);

			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Data Read! %d"), ReceivedData.Num()));

		if (ReceivedData.Num() <= 0)
			//No Data Received

		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Data Bytes Read ~> %d"), ReceivedData.Num()));

		//						String From Binary Array
		const FString ReceivedUE4String = StringFromBinaryArray(ReceivedData);

		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("As String Data ~> %s"), *ReceivedUE4String));

	if (bIsInGarage)

	void FAsyncSoundFileExportTask::DoWork()
		// Create a new sound file object which we will pass our data to so we can read from it
		FSoundFile SoundFileInput;

		ESoundFileError::Type Error = SoundFileInput.Initialize(SoundFileData);

		// Create a new sound file object which will be written to disk
		FSoundFile SoundFileOutput;

		FSoundFileDescription OriginalDescription = SoundFileData->GetOriginalDescription();
		const TArray<ESoundFileChannelMap::Type>& ChannelMap = SoundFileData->GetChannelMap();

		Error = SoundFileOutput.OpenEmptyFileForExport(ExportPath, OriginalDescription, ChannelMap);

		// Create a buffer to do the processing 
		SoundFileCount ProcessBufferSamples = 1024 * OriginalDescription.NumChannels;
		TArray<double> ProcessBuffer;
		ProcessBuffer.Init(0.0, ProcessBufferSamples);

		// Now perform the encoding to the target file
		SoundFileCount SamplesRead = 0;
		Error = SoundFileInput.ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, SamplesRead);
		while (SamplesRead)
			SoundFileCount SamplesWritten;

			Error = SoundFileOutput.WriteSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), SamplesRead, SamplesWritten);

			Error = SoundFileInput.ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, SamplesRead);

TArray<uint16> UWALandscapeNode_Multiply::GenerateHeightmap()
	TArray<uint16> OutputA;
	TArray<uint16> OutputB;
	TArray<uint16> RetVal;

	if (InputA && InputB)
		OutputA = InputA->GenerateHeightmap();
		OutputB = InputB->GenerateHeightmap();
		RetVal.Init(0, OutputA.Num());
		for (int32 Idx = 0; Idx < OutputA.Num(); Idx++)
			RetVal[Idx] = OutputA[Idx] * OutputB[Idx];

	return RetVal;
* Handles input passed by TCP listener
* @param ConnectionSocket The TCP socket connecting the listener and client
* @param Endpoint The endpoint of the socket connection
bool CloudyWebAPIImpl::InputHandler(FSocket* ConnectionSocket, const FIPv4Endpoint& Endpoint)

    TArray<uint8> ReceivedData;
    uint32 Size;

    // wait for data to arrive
    while (!(ConnectionSocket->HasPendingData(Size)));

    // handle data - change global InputStr
    ReceivedData.Init(FMath::Min(Size, 65507u));

    int32 Read = 0;
    ConnectionSocket->Recv(ReceivedData.GetData(), ReceivedData.Num(), Read);
    FString ReceivedString = StringFromBinaryArray(ReceivedData);

    InputStr = ReceivedString;
    HasInputStrChanged = true;

    TCPConnection = ConnectionSocket;

    return true;

Exemple #17
static void ExportAnimations(ExportContext& Context, FArchive& Ar)

	const CAnimSet* Anim = Context.SkelMesh->Anim;
	int NumBones = Context.SkelMesh->RefSkeleton.Num();

	// Build mesh to anim bone map

	TArray<int> BoneMap;
	BoneMap.Init(-1, NumBones);
	TArray<int> AnimBones;

	for (int i = 0; i < NumBones; i++)
		const CSkelMeshBone &B = Context.SkelMesh->RefSkeleton[i];
		for (int j = 0; j < Anim->TrackBoneNames.Num(); j++)
			if (!stricmp(B.Name, Anim->TrackBoneNames[j]))
				BoneMap[i] = j;			// lookup CAnimSet bone by mesh bone index
				AnimBones.Add(i);		// indicate that the bone has animation

		"  \"animations\" : [\n"

	int FirstDataIndex = Context.Data.Num();

	// Iterate over all animations
	for (int SeqIndex = 0; SeqIndex < Anim->Sequences.Num(); SeqIndex++)
		const CAnimSequence &Seq = *Anim->Sequences[SeqIndex];

			"    {\n"
			"      \"name\" : \"%s\",\n",

		struct AnimSampler
			enum ChannelType

			int BoneNodeIndex;
			ChannelType Type;
			const CAnimTrack* Track;

		TArray<AnimSampler> Samplers;
		Samplers.Empty(AnimBones.Num() * 2);

		//!! Optimization:
		//!! 1. there will be missing tracks (AnimRotationOnly etc) - drop such samplers
		//!! 2. store all time tracks in a single BufferView, all rotation tracks in another, and all position track in 3rd one - this
		//!!    will reduce amount of BufferViews in json text (combine them by data type)

		// Prepare channels array
		Ar.Printf("      \"channels\" : [\n");
		for (int BoneIndex = 0; BoneIndex < AnimBones.Num(); BoneIndex++)
			int MeshBoneIndex = AnimBones[BoneIndex];
			int AnimBoneIndex = BoneMap[MeshBoneIndex];

			const CAnimTrack* Track = Seq.Tracks[AnimBoneIndex];

			int TranslationSamplerIndex = Samplers.Num();
			AnimSampler* Sampler = new (Samplers) AnimSampler;
			Sampler->Type = AnimSampler::TRANSLATION;
			Sampler->BoneNodeIndex = MeshBoneIndex + FIRST_BONE_NODE;
			Sampler->Track = Track;

			int RotationSamplerIndex = Samplers.Num();
			Sampler = new (Samplers) AnimSampler;
			Sampler->Type = AnimSampler::ROTATION;
			Sampler->BoneNodeIndex = MeshBoneIndex + FIRST_BONE_NODE;
			Sampler->Track = Track;

			// Print glTF information. Not using usual formatting here to make output a little bit more compact.
				"        { \"sampler\" : %d, \"target\" : { \"node\" : %d, \"path\" : \"%s\" } },\n",
				TranslationSamplerIndex, MeshBoneIndex + FIRST_BONE_NODE, "translation"
				"        { \"sampler\" : %d, \"target\" : { \"node\" : %d, \"path\" : \"%s\" } }%s\n",
				RotationSamplerIndex, MeshBoneIndex + FIRST_BONE_NODE, "rotation", BoneIndex == AnimBones.Num()-1 ? "" : ","
		Ar.Printf("      ],\n");

		// Prepare samplers
		Ar.Printf("      \"samplers\" : [\n");
		for (int SamplerIndex = 0; SamplerIndex < Samplers.Num(); SamplerIndex++)
			const AnimSampler& Sampler = Samplers[SamplerIndex];

			// Prepare time array
			const TArray<float>* TimeArray = (Sampler.Type == AnimSampler::TRANSLATION) ? &Sampler.Track->KeyPosTime : &Sampler.Track->KeyQuatTime;
			if (TimeArray->Num() == 0)
				// For this situation, use track's time array
				TimeArray = &Sampler.Track->KeyTime;
			int NumKeys = Sampler.Type == (AnimSampler::TRANSLATION) ? Sampler.Track->KeyPos.Num() : Sampler.Track->KeyQuat.Num();

			int TimeBufIndex = Context.Data.AddZeroed();
			BufferData& TimeBuf = Context.Data[TimeBufIndex];
			TimeBuf.Setup(NumKeys, "SCALAR", BufferData::FLOAT, sizeof(float));

			float RateScale = 1.0f / Seq.Rate;
			float LastFrameTime = 0;
			if (TimeArray->Num() == 0 || NumKeys == 1)
				// Fill with equally spaced values
				for (int i = 0; i < NumKeys; i++)
					TimeBuf.Put(i * RateScale);
				LastFrameTime = NumKeys-1;
				for (int i = 0; i < TimeArray->Num(); i++)
					TimeBuf.Put((*TimeArray)[i] * RateScale);
				LastFrameTime = (*TimeArray)[TimeArray->Num()-1];
			// Prepare min/max values for time track, it's required by glTF standard
			TimeBuf.BoundsMin = "[ 0 ]";
			char buf[64];
			appSprintf(ARRAY_ARG(buf), "[ %g ]", LastFrameTime * RateScale);
			TimeBuf.BoundsMax = buf;

			// Try to reuse TimeBuf from previous tracks
			TimeBufIndex = Context.GetFinalIndexForLastBlock(FirstDataIndex);

			// Prepare data
			int DataBufIndex = Context.Data.AddZeroed();
			BufferData& DataBuf = Context.Data[DataBufIndex];
			if (Sampler.Type == AnimSampler::TRANSLATION)
				// Translation track
				DataBuf.Setup(NumKeys, "VEC3", BufferData::FLOAT, sizeof(CVec3));
				for (int i = 0; i < NumKeys; i++)
					CVec3 Pos = Sampler.Track->KeyPos[i];
				// Rotation track
				DataBuf.Setup(NumKeys, "VEC4", BufferData::FLOAT, sizeof(CQuat));
				for (int i = 0; i < NumKeys; i++)
					CQuat Rot = Sampler.Track->KeyQuat[i];
					if (Sampler.BoneNodeIndex - FIRST_BONE_NODE == 0)

			// Try to reuse data block as well
			DataBufIndex = Context.GetFinalIndexForLastBlock(FirstDataIndex);

			// Write glTF info
				"        { \"input\" : %d, \"output\" : %d }%s\n",
				TimeBufIndex, DataBufIndex, SamplerIndex == Samplers.Num()-1 ? "" : ","
		Ar.Printf("      ]\n");

		Ar.Printf("    }%s\n", SeqIndex == Anim->Sequences.Num()-1 ? "" : ",");

	Ar.Printf("  ],\n");

Exemple #18
static void ExportSection(ExportContext& Context, const CBaseMeshLod& Lod, const CMeshVertex* Verts, int SectonIndex, FArchive& Ar)

	int VertexSize = Context.IsSkeletal() ? sizeof(CSkelMeshVertex) : sizeof(CStaticMeshVertex);

	const CMeshSection& S = Lod.Sections[SectonIndex];
	bool bLast = (SectonIndex == Lod.Sections.Num()-1);

	// Remap section indices to local indices
	CIndexBuffer::IndexAccessor_t GetIndex = Lod.Indices.GetAccessor();
	TArray<int> indexRemap; // old vertex index -> new vertex index
	indexRemap.Init(-1, Lod.NumVerts);
	int numLocalVerts = 0;
	int numLocalIndices = S.NumFaces * 3;
	for (int idx = 0; idx < numLocalIndices; idx++)
		int vertIndex = GetIndex(S.FirstIndex + idx);
		if (indexRemap[vertIndex] == -1)
			indexRemap[vertIndex] = numLocalVerts++;

	// Prepare buffers
	int IndexBufIndex = Context.Data.AddZeroed();
	int PositionBufIndex = Context.Data.AddZeroed();
	int NormalBufIndex = Context.Data.AddZeroed();
	int TangentBufIndex = Context.Data.AddZeroed();

	int BonesBufIndex = -1;
	int WeightsBufIndex = -1;
	if (Context.IsSkeletal())
		BonesBufIndex = Context.Data.AddZeroed();
		WeightsBufIndex = Context.Data.AddZeroed();

	int UVBufIndex[MAX_MESH_UV_SETS];
	for (int i = 0; i < Lod.NumTexCoords; i++)
		UVBufIndex[i] = Context.Data.AddZeroed();

	BufferData& IndexBuf = Context.Data[IndexBufIndex];
	BufferData& PositionBuf = Context.Data[PositionBufIndex];
	BufferData& NormalBuf = Context.Data[NormalBufIndex];
	BufferData& TangentBuf = Context.Data[TangentBufIndex];
	BufferData* UVBuf[MAX_MESH_UV_SETS];
	BufferData* BonesBuf = NULL;
	BufferData* WeightsBuf = NULL;

	PositionBuf.Setup(numLocalVerts, "VEC3", BufferData::FLOAT, sizeof(CVec3));
	NormalBuf.Setup(numLocalVerts, "VEC3", BufferData::FLOAT, sizeof(CVec3));
	TangentBuf.Setup(numLocalVerts, "VEC4", BufferData::FLOAT, sizeof(CVec4));
	for (int i = 0; i < Lod.NumTexCoords; i++)
		UVBuf[i] = &Context.Data[UVBufIndex[i]];
		UVBuf[i]->Setup(numLocalVerts, "VEC2", BufferData::FLOAT, sizeof(CMeshUVFloat));

	if (Context.IsSkeletal())
		BonesBuf = &Context.Data[BonesBufIndex];
		WeightsBuf = &Context.Data[WeightsBufIndex];
		BonesBuf->Setup(numLocalVerts, "VEC4", BufferData::UNSIGNED_SHORT, sizeof(uint16)*4);
		WeightsBuf->Setup(numLocalVerts, "VEC4", BufferData::UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(uint32), /*InNormalized=*/ true);

	// Prepare and build indices
	TArray<int> localIndices;
	int* pIndex = localIndices.GetData();
	for (int i = 0; i < numLocalIndices; i++)
		*pIndex++ = GetIndex(S.FirstIndex + i);

	if (numLocalVerts <= 65536)
		IndexBuf.Setup(numLocalIndices, "SCALAR", BufferData::UNSIGNED_SHORT, sizeof(uint16));
		for (int idx = 0; idx < numLocalIndices; idx++)
		IndexBuf.Setup(numLocalIndices, "SCALAR", BufferData::UNSIGNED_INT, sizeof(uint32));
		for (int idx = 0; idx < numLocalIndices; idx++)

	// Build reverse index map for fast lookup of vertex by its new index.
	// It maps new vertex index to old vertex index.
	TArray<int> revIndexMap;
	for (int i = 0; i < indexRemap.Num(); i++)
		int newIndex = indexRemap[i];
		if (newIndex != -1)
			revIndexMap[newIndex] = i;

	// Build vertices
	for (int i = 0; i < numLocalVerts; i++)
		int vertIndex = revIndexMap[i];
		const CMeshVertex& V = VERT(vertIndex);

		CVec3 Position = V.Position;

		CVec4 Normal, Tangent;
		Unpack(Normal, V.Normal);
		Unpack(Tangent, V.Tangent);
		// Unreal (and we are) using normal.w for computing binormal. glTF
		// uses tangent.w for that. Make this value exactly 1.0 of -1.0 to make glTF
		// validator happy.
	#if 0
		// There's some problem: V.Normal.W == 0x80 -> -1.008 instead of -1.0
		if (Normal.w > 1.001 || Normal.w < -1.001)
			appError("%X -> %g\n", V.Normal.Data, Normal.w);
		Tangent.w = (Normal.w < 0) ? -1 : 1;



		// Fill buffers

	// Compute bounds for PositionBuf
	CVec3 Mins, Maxs;
	ComputeBounds((CVec3*)PositionBuf.Data, numLocalVerts, sizeof(CVec3), Mins, Maxs);
	char buf[256];
	appSprintf(ARRAY_ARG(buf), "[ %g, %g, %g ]", VECTOR_ARG(Mins));
	PositionBuf.BoundsMin = buf;
	appSprintf(ARRAY_ARG(buf), "[ %g, %g, %g ]", VECTOR_ARG(Maxs));
	PositionBuf.BoundsMax = buf;

	if (Context.IsSkeletal())
		for (int i = 0; i < numLocalVerts; i++)
			int vertIndex = revIndexMap[i];
			const CMeshVertex& V0 = VERT(vertIndex);
			const CSkelMeshVertex& V = static_cast<const CSkelMeshVertex&>(V0);

			int16 Bones[NUM_INFLUENCES];
			static_assert(NUM_INFLUENCES == 4, "Code designed for 4 influences");
			static_assert(sizeof(Bones) == sizeof(V.Bone), "Unexpected V.Bones size");
			memcpy(Bones, V.Bone, sizeof(Bones));
			for (int j = 0; j < NUM_INFLUENCES; j++)
				// We have INDEX_NONE as list terminator, should replace with something else for glTF
				if (Bones[j] == INDEX_NONE)
					Bones[j] = 0;


	// Secondary UVs
	for (int uvIndex = 1; uvIndex < Lod.NumTexCoords; uvIndex++)
		BufferData* pBuf = UVBuf[uvIndex];
		const CMeshUVFloat* srcUV = Lod.ExtraUV[uvIndex-1];
		for (int i = 0; i < numLocalVerts; i++)
			int vertIndex = revIndexMap[i];

	// Write primitive information to json
		"        {\n"
		"          \"attributes\" : {\n"
		"            \"POSITION\" : %d,\n"
		"            \"NORMAL\" : %d,\n"
		"            \"TANGENT\" : %d,\n",
		PositionBufIndex, NormalBufIndex, TangentBufIndex
	if (Context.IsSkeletal())
			"            \"JOINTS_0\" : %d,\n"
			"            \"WEIGHTS_0\" : %d,\n",
			BonesBufIndex, WeightsBufIndex
	for (int i = 0; i < Lod.NumTexCoords; i++)
			"            \"TEXCOORD_%d\" : %d%s\n",
			i, UVBufIndex[i], i < (Lod.NumTexCoords-1) ? "," : ""

		"          },\n"
		"          \"indices\" : %d,\n"
		"          \"material\" : %d\n"
		"        }%s\n",
		IndexBufIndex, SectonIndex,
		SectonIndex < (Lod.Sections.Num()-1) ? "," : ""

		void DoWork()
			// Synchronously load the input sound file
			TSharedPtr<ISoundFile> InputSoundFile = AudioModule->LoadSoundFile(*SoundFilePath, false);
			if (!InputSoundFile.IsValid())

			TSharedPtr<FSoundFileReader> InputSoundFileReader = AudioModule->CreateSoundFileReader();

			ESoundFileError::Type Error = InputSoundFileReader->Init(InputSoundFile, false);
			if (Error != ESoundFileError::NONE)
			check(Error == ESoundFileError::NONE);

			// Cast to an internal object to get access to non-public API
			FSoundFile* InputSoundFileInternal = static_cast<FSoundFile*>(InputSoundFile.Get());

			FSoundFileDescription InputDescription;
			Error = InputSoundFileInternal->GetDescription(InputDescription);
			check(Error == ESoundFileError::NONE);

			TArray<ESoundFileChannelMap::Type> ChannelMap;
			Error = InputSoundFileInternal->GetChannelMap(ChannelMap);

			FSoundFileDescription NewSoundFileDescription;
			NewSoundFileDescription.NumChannels = InputDescription.NumChannels;
			NewSoundFileDescription.NumFrames	= InputDescription.NumFrames;
			NewSoundFileDescription.FormatFlags = ConvertFormat.Format;
			NewSoundFileDescription.SampleRate	= ConvertFormat.SampleRate;
			NewSoundFileDescription.NumSections = InputDescription.NumSections;
			NewSoundFileDescription.bIsSeekable = InputDescription.bIsSeekable;

			TSharedPtr<FSoundFileWriter> SoundFileWriter = AudioModule->CreateSoundFileWriter();
			Error = SoundFileWriter->Init(NewSoundFileDescription, ChannelMap, ConvertFormat.EncodingQuality);
			check(Error == ESoundFileError::NONE);

			// Create a buffer to do the processing 
			SoundFileCount ProcessBufferSamples = 1024 * NewSoundFileDescription.NumChannels;
			TArray<float> ProcessBuffer;
			ProcessBuffer.Init(0.0f, ProcessBufferSamples);

			double SampleRateConversionRatio = (double)InputDescription.SampleRate / ConvertFormat.SampleRate;

			FSampleRateConverter SampleRateConverter;
			SampleRateConverter.Init(SampleRateConversionRatio, NewSoundFileDescription.NumChannels);

			TArray<float> OutputBuffer;
			SoundFileCount OutputBufferSamples = ProcessBufferSamples / SampleRateConversionRatio;

			// Find the max value if we've been told to do peak normalization on import
			float MaxValue = 0.0f;
			SoundFileCount InputSamplesRead = 0;
			bool bPerformPeakNormalization = ConvertFormat.bPerformPeakNormalization;
			if (bPerformPeakNormalization)
				Error = InputSoundFileReader->ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, InputSamplesRead);

				while (InputSamplesRead)
					for (SoundFileCount Sample = 0; Sample < InputSamplesRead; ++Sample)
						if (ProcessBuffer[Sample] > FMath::Abs(MaxValue))
							MaxValue = ProcessBuffer[Sample];

					Error = InputSoundFileReader->ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, InputSamplesRead);

				// If this happens, it means we have a totally silent file
				if (MaxValue == 0.0)
					bPerformPeakNormalization = false;

				// Seek the file back to the beginning
				SoundFileCount OutOffset;
				InputSoundFileReader->SeekFrames(0, ESoundFileSeekMode::FROM_START, OutOffset);

			bool SamplesProcessed = true;

			// Read the first block of samples
			Error = InputSoundFileReader->ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, InputSamplesRead);

			while (InputSamplesRead != 0)
				SampleRateConverter.ProcessBlock(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), InputSamplesRead, OutputBuffer);

				SoundFileCount SamplesWritten;
				Error = SoundFileWriter->WriteSamples((const float*)OutputBuffer.GetData(), OutputBuffer.Num(), SamplesWritten);
				DEBUG_AUDIO_CHECK(SamplesWritten == OutputBuffer.Num());


				// read more samples
				Error = InputSoundFileReader->ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, InputSamplesRead);

				// ... normalize the samples if we're told to
				if (bPerformPeakNormalization)
					for (int32 Sample = 0; Sample < InputSamplesRead; ++Sample)
						ProcessBuffer[Sample] /= MaxValue;

			// Release the sound file handles as soon as we finished converting the file

			// Get the raw binary data
			TArray<uint8>* Data = nullptr;

			// Write the data to the output file
			bool bSuccess = FFileHelper::SaveArrayToFile(*Data, *OutSoundFilePath);
void UEnvQueryTest_PathfindingBatch::RunTest(FEnvQueryInstance& QueryInstance) const
	UObject* QueryOwner = QueryInstance.Owner.Get();
	BoolValue.BindData(QueryOwner, QueryInstance.QueryID);
	PathFromContext.BindData(QueryOwner, QueryInstance.QueryID);
	SkipUnreachable.BindData(QueryOwner, QueryInstance.QueryID);
	FloatValueMin.BindData(QueryOwner, QueryInstance.QueryID);
	FloatValueMax.BindData(QueryOwner, QueryInstance.QueryID);
	ScanRangeMultiplier.BindData(QueryOwner, QueryInstance.QueryID);

	bool bWantsPath = BoolValue.GetValue();
	bool bPathToItem = PathFromContext.GetValue();
	bool bDiscardFailed = SkipUnreachable.GetValue();
	float MinThresholdValue = FloatValueMin.GetValue();
	float MaxThresholdValue = FloatValueMax.GetValue();
	float RangeMultiplierValue = ScanRangeMultiplier.GetValue();

	UNavigationSystem* NavSys = QueryInstance.World->GetNavigationSystem();
	if (NavSys == nullptr)
	ANavigationData* NavData = FindNavigationData(*NavSys, QueryOwner);
	ARecastNavMesh* NavMeshData = Cast<ARecastNavMesh>(NavData);
	if (NavMeshData == nullptr)

	TArray<FVector> ContextLocations;
	if (!QueryInstance.PrepareContext(Context, ContextLocations))

	TArray<FNavigationProjectionWork> TestPoints;
	TArray<float> CollectDistanceSq;
	CollectDistanceSq.Init(0.0f, ContextLocations.Num());

	FSharedNavQueryFilter NavigationFilter = FilterClass != nullptr
		? UNavigationQueryFilter::GetQueryFilter(*NavMeshData, FilterClass)->GetCopy()
		: NavMeshData->GetDefaultQueryFilter()->GetCopy();
	const dtQueryFilter* NavQueryFilter = ((const FRecastQueryFilter*)NavigationFilter->GetImplementation())->GetAsDetourQueryFilter();

		// scope for perf timers

		// can't use FEnvQueryInstance::ItemIterator yet, since it has built in scoring functionality
		for (int32 ItemIdx = 0; ItemIdx < QueryInstance.Items.Num(); ItemIdx++)
			if (QueryInstance.Items[ItemIdx].IsValid())
				const FVector ItemLocation = GetItemLocation(QueryInstance, ItemIdx);

				for (int32 ContextIdx = 0; ContextIdx < ContextLocations.Num(); ContextIdx++)
					const float TestDistanceSq = FVector::DistSquared(ItemLocation, ContextLocations[ContextIdx]);
					CollectDistanceSq[ContextIdx] = FMath::Max(CollectDistanceSq[ContextIdx], TestDistanceSq);

		NavMeshData->BatchProjectPoints(TestPoints, NavMeshData->GetDefaultQueryExtent(), NavigationFilter);

	TArray<FRecastDebugPathfindingData> NodePoolData;

		// scope for perf timer

		TArray<NavNodeRef> Polys;
		for (int32 ContextIdx = 0; ContextIdx < ContextLocations.Num(); ContextIdx++)
			const float MaxPathDistance = FMath::Sqrt(CollectDistanceSq[ContextIdx]) * RangeMultiplierValue;

			NodePoolData[ContextIdx].Flags = ERecastDebugPathfindingFlags::PathLength;

			NavMeshData->GetPolysWithinPathingDistance(ContextLocations[ContextIdx], MaxPathDistance, Polys, NavigationFilter, nullptr, &NodePoolData[ContextIdx]);

	int32 ProjectedItemIdx = 0;
	if (GetWorkOnFloatValues())
		NodePoolHelpers::PathParamFunc Func[] = { nullptr, NodePoolHelpers::GetPathCost, NodePoolHelpers::GetPathLength };
		FEnvQueryInstance::ItemIterator It(this, QueryInstance);
		for (It.IgnoreTimeLimit(); It; ++It, ProjectedItemIdx++)
			for (int32 ContextIndex = 0; ContextIndex < ContextLocations.Num(); ContextIndex++)
				const float PathValue = Func[TestMode](NodePoolData[ContextIndex], TestPoints[ProjectedItemIdx], NavQueryFilter);
				It.SetScore(TestPurpose, FilterType, PathValue, MinThresholdValue, MaxThresholdValue);

				if (bDiscardFailed && PathValue >= BIG_NUMBER)
		FEnvQueryInstance::ItemIterator It(this, QueryInstance);
		for (It.IgnoreTimeLimit(); It; ++It, ProjectedItemIdx++)
			for (int32 ContextIndex = 0; ContextIndex < ContextLocations.Num(); ContextIndex++)
				const bool bFoundPath = NodePoolHelpers::HasPath(NodePoolData[ContextIndex], TestPoints[ProjectedItemIdx]);
				It.SetScore(TestPurpose, FilterType, bFoundPath, bWantsPath);
void UBlendSpaceBase::FillupGridElements(const TArray<FVector> & PointList, const TArray<FEditorElement> & GridElements)
	// need to convert all GridElements indexing to PointList to the data I care
	// The data I care here is my SampleData

	// create new Map from PointList index to SampleData
	TArray<int32> PointListToSampleIndices;
	PointListToSampleIndices.Init(INDEX_NONE, PointList.Num());

	for (int32 I=0; I<PointList.Num(); ++I)
		for (int32 J=0; J<SampleData.Num(); ++J)
			if (SampleData[J].SampleValue == PointList[I])
				PointListToSampleIndices[I] = J;

	for (int32 I=0; I<GridElements.Num(); ++I)
		const FEditorElement& ViewGrid = GridElements[I];
		FEditorElement NewGrid;
		float TotalWeight = 0.f;
		for (int32 J=0; J<FEditorElement::MAX_VERTICES; ++J)
			if(ViewGrid.Indices[J] != INDEX_NONE)
				NewGrid.Indices[J] = PointListToSampleIndices[ViewGrid.Indices[J]];
				NewGrid.Indices[J] = INDEX_NONE;

			if (NewGrid.Indices[J]==INDEX_NONE)
				NewGrid.Weights[J] = 0.f;
				NewGrid.Weights[J] = ViewGrid.Weights[J];
				TotalWeight += ViewGrid.Weights[J];

		// Need to renormalize
		if (TotalWeight>0.f)
			for (int32 J=0; J<FEditorElement::MAX_VERTICES; ++J)

		GridSamples[I] = NewGrid;
Exemple #22
 * Converts a power-of-two image to a square format (ex: 256x512 -> 512x512). Be wary of memory waste when too many texture are not square.
 * @param Image The image to be converted to a square
 * @return true if the image was converted successfully, else false
static bool SquarifyImage(FImage& Image, uint32 MinSquareSize)
	// Early out
	if (Image.SizeX == Image.SizeY && Image.SizeX >= int32(MinSquareSize))
		return true;

    // Figure out the squarified size
    uint32 SquareSize = FMath::Max(Image.SizeX, Image.SizeY);
	if(SquareSize < MinSquareSize)
		SquareSize = MinSquareSize;
    // Calculate how many times to duplicate each row of column
    uint32 MultX = SquareSize / Image.SizeX;
    uint32 MultY = SquareSize / Image.SizeY;

	// Only give memory overhead warning if we're actually going to use a larger image
	// Small mips that have to be upscaled for compression only save the smaller mip for use
	if(MultX == 1 || MultY == 1)
		float FOverhead = float(FMath::Min(Image.SizeX, Image.SizeY)) / float(SquareSize);
		int32 POverhead = FMath::RoundToInt(100.0f - (FOverhead * 100.0f));
		UE_LOG(LogTextureFormatPVR, Warning, TEXT("Expanding mip (%d,%d) to (%d, %d). Memory overhead: ~%d%%"),
			Image.SizeX, Image.SizeY, SquareSize, SquareSize, POverhead);
	else if (MultX != MultY)
		float FOverhead = float(FMath::Min(Image.SizeX, Image.SizeY)) / float(FMath::Max(Image.SizeX, Image.SizeY));
		int32 POverhead = FMath::RoundToInt(100.0f - (FOverhead * 100.0f));
		UE_LOG(LogTextureFormatPVR, Warning, TEXT("Expanding mip (%d,%d) to (%d, %d). Memory overhead: ~%d%%"),
			Image.SizeX, Image.SizeY, FMath::Max(Image.SizeX, Image.SizeY), FMath::Max(Image.SizeX, Image.SizeY), POverhead);
    // Allocate room to fill out into
    TArray<uint32> SquareRawData;
	SquareRawData.Init(SquareSize * SquareSize * Image.NumSlices);
	int32 SourceSliceSize = Image.SizeX * Image.SizeY;
	int32 DestSliceSize = SquareSize * SquareSize;
	for ( int32 SliceIndex=0; SliceIndex < Image.NumSlices; ++SliceIndex )
		uint32* RectData = ((uint32*)Image.RawData.GetData()) + SliceIndex * SourceSliceSize;
		uint32* SquareData = ((uint32*)SquareRawData.GetData()) + SliceIndex * DestSliceSize;
		for ( int32 Y = 0; Y < Image.SizeY; ++Y )
			for ( int32 X = 0; X < Image.SizeX; ++X )
				uint32 SourceColor = *(RectData + Y * Image.SizeX + X);
				for ( uint32 YDup = 0; YDup < MultY; ++YDup )
					for ( uint32 XDup = 0; XDup < MultX; ++XDup )
						uint32* DestColor = SquareData + ((Y * MultY + YDup) * SquareSize + (X * MultX + XDup));
						*DestColor = SourceColor;

	// Put the new image data into the existing Image (copying from uint32 array to uint8 array)
	Image.RawData.Empty(SquareSize * SquareSize * Image.NumSlices * sizeof(uint32));
	Image.RawData.Init(SquareSize * SquareSize * Image.NumSlices * sizeof(uint32));
	uint32* FinalData = (uint32*)Image.RawData.GetData();
	FMemory::Memcpy(Image.RawData.GetData(), SquareRawData.GetData(), SquareSize * SquareSize * Image.NumSlices * sizeof(uint32));

    Image.SizeX = SquareSize;
    Image.SizeY = SquareSize;

    return true;
	void FAsyncSoundFileImportTask::DoWork()

		// Create a new sound file object
		TScopedPointer<FSoundFile> SoundFileInput = TScopedPointer<FSoundFile>(new FSoundFile());
		// Open the file
		ESoundFileError::Type Error = SoundFileInput->OpenFileForReading(ImportSettings.SoundFilePath);

		TSharedPtr<ISoundFileData> SoundFileData;
		Error = SoundFileInput->GetSoundFileData(SoundFileData);

		// Get the input file's description
		const FSoundFileDescription& InputDescription = SoundFileData->GetDescription();

		// Get the input file's channel map
		const TArray<ESoundFileChannelMap::Type>& InputChannelMap = SoundFileData->GetChannelMap();

		// Build a description for the new file
		FSoundFileDescription NewSoundFileDescription;
		NewSoundFileDescription.NumChannels = InputDescription.NumChannels;
		NewSoundFileDescription.NumFrames = InputDescription.NumFrames;
		NewSoundFileDescription.FormatFlags = ImportSettings.Format;
		NewSoundFileDescription.SampleRate = ImportSettings.SampleRate;
		NewSoundFileDescription.NumSections = 0;
		NewSoundFileDescription.bIsSeekable = 1;

		// Open it as an empty file for reading and writing
		ISoundFileInternal* SoundFileInternal = (ISoundFileInternal*)SoundFile.Get();
		Error = SoundFileInternal->OpenEmptyFileForImport(NewSoundFileDescription, InputChannelMap);

		// Set the original description on the new sound file
		Error = SoundFileInternal->SetImportFileInfo(InputDescription, ImportSettings.SoundFilePath);

		// Set the encoding quality (will only do anything if import target is Ogg-Vorbis)
		Error = SoundFileInternal->SetEncodingQuality(ImportSettings.EncodingQuality);

		// Set the state of the sound file to be loading
		Error = SoundFileInternal->BeginImport();

		// Create a buffer to do the processing 
		SoundFileCount ProcessBufferSamples = 1024 * NewSoundFileDescription.NumChannels;
		TArray<double> ProcessBuffer;
		ProcessBuffer.Init(0.0, ProcessBufferSamples);

		// Find the max value if we've been told to do peak normalization on import
		double MaxValue = 0.0;
		SoundFileCount SamplesRead = 0;
		bool bPerformPeakNormalization = ImportSettings.bPerformPeakNormalization;
		if (bPerformPeakNormalization)
			Error = SoundFileInput->ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, SamplesRead);

			while (SamplesRead)
				for (SoundFileCount Sample = 0; Sample < SamplesRead; ++Sample)
					if (ProcessBuffer[Sample] > FMath::Abs(MaxValue))
						MaxValue = ProcessBuffer[Sample];

				Error = SoundFileInput->ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, SamplesRead);

			// If this happens, it means we have a totally silent file
			if (MaxValue == 0.0)
				bPerformPeakNormalization = false;

			// Seek the file back to the beginning
			SoundFileCount OutOffset;
			SoundFileInput->SeekFrames(0, ESoundFileSeekMode::FROM_START, OutOffset);

		// Now perform the encoding to the target file
		Error = SoundFileInput->ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, SamplesRead);

		while (SamplesRead)

			// Normalize the samples if we're told to
			if (bPerformPeakNormalization)
				for (int32 Sample = 0; Sample < SamplesRead; ++Sample)
					ProcessBuffer[Sample] /= MaxValue;

			SoundFileCount SamplesWritten;
			Error = SoundFileInternal->WriteSamples((const double*)ProcessBuffer.GetData(), SamplesRead, SamplesWritten);

			Error = SoundFileInput->ReadSamples(ProcessBuffer.GetData(), ProcessBufferSamples, SamplesRead);


		// We're done doing the encoding
		Error = SoundFileInternal->EndImport();