void UFlareAIBehavior::Simulate()

	// See how the player is doing
	TArray<UFlareCompany*> SortedCompany = Game->GetGameWorld()->GetCompanies();
	int32 PlayerCompanyIndex = SortedCompany.IndexOfByKey(GetGame()->GetPC()->GetCompany());
	int32 PlayerArmy = GetGame()->GetPC()->GetCompany()->GetCompanyValue().ArmyCurrentCombatPoints;

	// Pirates hate you
	if (PlayerCompanyIndex > 0 && Company == ST->Pirates)

	// Competitors hate you more if you're doing well
	float ReputationLoss = PlayerCompanyIndex / 30.f;
	if (PlayerArmy > 0 && Company != ST->AxisSupplies && Company->GetPlayerReputation() > ReputationLoss)

	// Simulate the day
	if (Company == ST->Pirates)

bool FLocMetadataValueArray::EqualTo( const FLocMetadataValue& Other ) const
	const FLocMetadataValueArray* OtherObj = (FLocMetadataValueArray*) &Other; 

	if( Value.Num() != OtherObj->Value.Num() )
		return false;

	TArray< TSharedPtr<FLocMetadataValue> > Sorted = Value;
	TArray< TSharedPtr<FLocMetadataValue> > OtherSorted = OtherObj->Value;

	Sorted.Sort( FCompareMetadataValue() );
	OtherSorted.Sort( FCompareMetadataValue() );

	for( int32 idx = 0; idx < Sorted.Num(); ++idx )
		if( !(*(Sorted[idx]) == *(OtherSorted[idx]) ) )
			return false;

	return true;
bool FLocMetadataValueArray::LessThan( const FLocMetadataValue& Other ) const
	const FLocMetadataValueArray* OtherObj = (FLocMetadataValueArray*) &Other;

	TArray< TSharedPtr<FLocMetadataValue> > Sorted = Value;
	TArray< TSharedPtr<FLocMetadataValue> > OtherSorted = OtherObj->Value;

	Sorted.Sort( FCompareMetadataValue() );
	OtherSorted.Sort( FCompareMetadataValue() );

	for( int32 idx = 0; idx < Sorted.Num(); ++idx )
		if( idx >= OtherSorted.Num() )
			return false;
		else if( !( *(Sorted[idx]) == *(OtherSorted[idx]) ) )
			return *(Sorted[idx]) < *(OtherSorted[idx]);

	if( OtherSorted.Num() > Sorted.Num() )
		return true;

	return false;
FProfilerManager::FProfilerManager( const ISessionManagerRef& InSessionManager )
	: SessionManager( InSessionManager )
	, CommandList( new FUICommandList() )
	, ProfilerActionManager( this )
	, Settings()

	, ProfilerType( EProfilerSessionTypes::InvalidOrMax )
	, bLivePreview( false )
	, bHasCaptureFileFullyProcessed( false )

#if	0
	// Performance tests.
	static FTotalTimeAndCount CurrentNative(0.0f, 0);
	static FTotalTimeAndCount CurrentPointer(0.0f, 0);
	static FTotalTimeAndCount CurrentShared(0.0f, 0);

	for( int32 Lx = 0; Lx < 16; ++Lx )
		FRandomStream RandomStream( 666 );
		TArray<FEventGraphSample> EventsNative;
		TArray<FEventGraphSample*> EventsPointer;
		TArray<FEventGraphSamplePtr> EventsShared;

		const int32 NumEvents = 16384;
		for( int32 Nx = 0; Nx < NumEvents; ++Nx )
			const double Rnd = RandomStream.FRandRange( 0.0f, 16384.0f );
			const FString EventName = TTypeToString<double>::ToString( Rnd );
			FEventGraphSample NativeEvent( *EventName );
			NativeEvent._InclusiveTimeMS = Rnd;

			FEventGraphSamplePtr SharedEvent = FEventGraphSample::CreateNamedEvent( *EventName );
			SharedEvent->_InclusiveTimeMS = Rnd;


			FProfilerScopedLogTime ScopedLog( TEXT("1.NativeSorting"), &CurrentNative );
			EventsNative.Sort( FEventGraphSampleLess() );

			FProfilerScopedLogTime ScopedLog( TEXT("2PointerSorting"), &CurrentPointer );
			EventsPointer.Sort( FEventGraphSampleLess() );

			FProfilerScopedLogTime ScopedLog( TEXT("3.SharedSorting"), &CurrentShared );
			FEventArraySorter::Sort( EventsShared, FEventGraphSample::GetEventPropertyByIndex(EEventPropertyIndex::InclusiveTimeMS).Name, EEventCompareOps::Less );
#endif // 0
Exemple #5
void NUTUtil::SortUnitTestClassDefList(TArray<UUnitTest*>& InUnitTestClassDefaults)
	// @todo #JohnBRefactorLambda: Convert these inline sort functions to lambda's now
	struct FUnitTestDateSort
		FORCEINLINE bool operator()(const UUnitTest& A, const UUnitTest& B) const
			return (A.GetUnitTestDate() < B.GetUnitTestDate());

	struct FUnitTestTypeDateSort
		FUnitTestTypeDateSort(TArray<FString>& InTypeOrder)
			: TypeOrder(InTypeOrder)

		FORCEINLINE bool operator()(const UUnitTest& A, const UUnitTest& B) const
			bool bReturnVal = false;

			if (TypeOrder.IndexOfByKey(A.GetUnitTestType()) < TypeOrder.IndexOfByKey(B.GetUnitTestType()))
				bReturnVal = true;
			else if (TypeOrder.IndexOfByKey(A.GetUnitTestType()) == TypeOrder.IndexOfByKey(B.GetUnitTestType()) &&
						A.GetUnitTestDate() < B.GetUnitTestDate())
				bReturnVal = true;

			return bReturnVal;

		/** The order with which the prioritize types */
		TArray<FString> TypeOrder;

	// First reorder the unit test classes by date, then grab the unit test types by date, then group them by type/date
	TArray<FString> ListTypes;


	for (int i=0; i<InUnitTestClassDefaults.Num(); i++)

	// Now sort again, based both on type and date
void FMacErrorReport::FindMostRecentErrorReports(TArray<FString>& ErrorReportPaths, const FTimespan& MaxCrashReportAge)
	auto& PlatformFile = FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile();

	FDateTime MinCreationTime = FDateTime::Now() - MaxCrashReportAge;
	auto ReportFinder = MakeDirectoryVisitor([&](const TCHAR* FilenameOrDirectory, bool bIsDirectory)
		if (bIsDirectory)
			auto TimeStamp = PlatformFile.GetTimeStamp(FilenameOrDirectory);
			if (TimeStamp > MinCreationTime)
		return true;

	FString AllReportsDirectory = FPaths::GameAgnosticSavedDir() / TEXT("Crashes");


	ErrorReportPaths.Sort([&](const FString& L, const FString& R)
		auto TimeStampL = PlatformFile.GetTimeStamp(*L);
		auto TimeStampR = PlatformFile.GetTimeStamp(*R);

		return TimeStampL > TimeStampR;
void FSplineComponentVisualizer::OnDuplicateKey()
	const FScopedTransaction Transaction(LOCTEXT("DuplicateSplinePoint", "Duplicate Spline Point"));
	USplineComponent* SplineComp = GetEditedSplineComponent();
	check(SplineComp != nullptr);
	check(LastKeyIndexSelected != INDEX_NONE);
	check(SelectedKeys.Num() > 0);

	if (AActor* Owner = SplineComp->GetOwner())

	// Get a sorted list of all the selected indices, highest to lowest
	TArray<int32> SelectedKeysSorted;
	for (int32 SelectedKeyIndex : SelectedKeys)
	SelectedKeysSorted.Sort([](int32 A, int32 B) { return A > B; });

	// Insert duplicates into the list, highest index first, so that the lower indices remain the same
	FInterpCurveVector& SplineInfo = SplineComp->SplineInfo;
	FInterpCurveQuat& SplineRotInfo = SplineComp->SplineRotInfo;
	FInterpCurveVector& SplineScaleInfo = SplineComp->SplineScaleInfo;

	for (int32 SelectedKeyIndex : SelectedKeysSorted)
		// Insert duplicates into arrays.
		// It's necessary to take a copy because copying existing array items by reference isn't allowed (the array may reallocate)
		SplineInfo.Points.Insert(FInterpCurvePoint<FVector>(SplineInfo.Points[SelectedKeyIndex]), SelectedKeyIndex);
		SplineRotInfo.Points.Insert(FInterpCurvePoint<FQuat>(SplineRotInfo.Points[SelectedKeyIndex]), SelectedKeyIndex);
		SplineScaleInfo.Points.Insert(FInterpCurvePoint<FVector>(SplineScaleInfo.Points[SelectedKeyIndex]), SelectedKeyIndex);

	// Repopulate the selected keys
	int32 Offset = SelectedKeysSorted.Num();
	for (int32 SelectedKeyIndex : SelectedKeysSorted)
		SelectedKeys.Add(SelectedKeyIndex + Offset);

		if (LastKeyIndexSelected == SelectedKeyIndex)
			LastKeyIndexSelected += Offset;


	// Unset tangent handle selection
	SelectedTangentHandle = INDEX_NONE;
	SelectedTangentHandleType = ESelectedTangentHandle::None;


//	CachedRotation = SplineComp->GetQuaternionAtSplinePoint(LastKeyIndexSelected, ESplineCoordinateSpace::World);
FString UGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet::FDialogueHelper::ArrayMetaDataToString( const TArray< TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataValue > >& MetadataArray )
	FString FinalString;
	if( MetadataArray.Num() > 0 )
		TArray< FString > MetadataStrings;
		for( TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataValue > DataEntry : MetadataArray )
			if( DataEntry->Type == ELocMetadataType::String )
		for( const FString& StrEntry : MetadataStrings )
				FinalString += TEXT(",");
			FinalString += StrEntry;
	return FinalString;
void UGISInventoryBaseComponent::PreLootAction(TArray<class AGISPickupActor*> PickupsIn)
	TArray<FGISPickupActorDistanceHelper> HelperStruct;
	FVector PawmLocation = PCOwner->GetPawn()->GetActorLocation();
	for (AGISPickupActor* Pickup : PickupsIn)
		if (Pickup)
			if (Pickup->ItemToLoot.Num() > 0)
				float Distance = FVector::Dist(PawmLocation, Pickup->GetActorLocation());
				FGISPickupActorDistanceHelper helper(Distance, Pickup);

	if (HelperStruct.IsValidIndex(0))
		//don't need to check everything. If closest actor is to far, rest is as well.
		if (HelperStruct[0].Distance > MaxLootingDistance)
TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataValue > UGatherTextFromAssetsCommandlet::FDialogueHelper::GenSourceTargetMetadata( const FString& SpeakerName, const TArray< FString >& TargetNames, bool bCompact )
	This function can support two different formats.
	The first format is compact and results in string entries that will later be combined into something like this
	"Variations": [
		"Jenny -> Audience",
		"Zak -> Audience"

	The second format is verbose and results in object entries that will later be combined into something like this
	"VariationsTest": [
			"Speaker": "Jenny",
			"Targets": [
			"Speaker": "Zak",
			"Targets": [

	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataValue > Result;
	if( bCompact )
		TArray<FString> SortedTargetNames = TargetNames;
		FString TargetNamesString;
		for( const FString& StrEntry : SortedTargetNames )
				TargetNamesString += TEXT(",");
			TargetNamesString += StrEntry;
		Result = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataValueString( FString::Printf( TEXT("%s -> %s" ), *SpeakerName, *TargetNamesString ) ) );
		TArray< TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataValue > > TargetNamesMetadataList;
		for( const FString& StrEntry: TargetNames )
			TargetNamesMetadataList.Add( MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataValueString( StrEntry ) ) );

		TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > MetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject() );
		MetadataObj->SetStringField( PropertyName_Speaker, SpeakerName );
		MetadataObj->SetArrayField( PropertyName_Targets, TargetNamesMetadataList );

		Result = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataValueObject( MetadataObj.ToSharedRef() ) );
	return Result;
void FObjectMemoryAnalyzer::PrintResults(FOutputDevice& Ar, uint32 PrintFlags)
	TArray<FObjectMemoryUsage> Results;


	Ar.Logf( TEXT("%-100s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s"), TEXT("Object"), TEXT("InclBytes"), TEXT("ExclBytes"), TEXT("InclResKBytes"), TEXT("ExclResKBytes") );
	for( int32 i=0; i < Results.Num(); ++i )
		const FObjectMemoryUsage& Annotation = Results[i];

		if (Annotation.IsRoot() || (Annotation.RootReferencer.Num() == 0 && Annotation.NonRootReferencer.Num() == 0) )
			Ar.Logf( TEXT("%-100s %-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d"), *FString::Printf(TEXT("%s %s"), *Annotation.Object->GetClass()->GetName(), *Annotation.Object->GetName()), 
					 (int32)Annotation.InclusiveMemoryUsage, (int32)Annotation.ExclusiveMemoryUsage, 
					 (int32)(Annotation.InclusiveResourceSize/1024), (int32)(Annotation.ExclusiveResourceSize/1024) );

			if (!!(PrintFlags&EPrintFlags::PrintReferences))
				PrintSubObjects(Ar, TEXT(" -> "), Annotation.Object, PrintFlags);
EConvertQueryResult AddSweepResults(bool& OutHasValidBlockingHit, const UWorld* World, int32 NumHits, PxSweepHit* Hits, float CheckLength, const PxFilterData& QueryFilter, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, const FVector& StartLoc, const FVector& EndLoc, const PxGeometry& Geom, const PxTransform& QueryTM, float MaxDistance, bool bReturnFaceIndex, bool bReturnPhysMat)
	OutHits.Reserve(OutHits.Num() + NumHits);
	EConvertQueryResult ConvertResult = EConvertQueryResult::Valid;
	bool bHadBlockingHit = false;
	const PxVec3 PDir = U2PVector((EndLoc - StartLoc).GetSafeNormal());

	for(int32 i=0; i<NumHits; i++)
		PxSweepHit& PHit = Hits[i];
		checkSlow(PHit.flags & PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE);
		if(PHit.distance <= MaxDistance)
			PHit.faceIndex = FindFaceIndex(PHit, PDir);

			FHitResult& NewResult = OutHits[OutHits.AddDefaulted()];
			if (ConvertQueryImpactHit(World, PHit, NewResult, CheckLength, QueryFilter, StartLoc, EndLoc, &Geom, QueryTM, bReturnFaceIndex, bReturnPhysMat) == EConvertQueryResult::Valid)
				bHadBlockingHit |= NewResult.bBlockingHit;
				// Reject invalid result (this should be rare). Remove from the results.
				OutHits.Pop(/*bAllowShrinking=*/ false);
				ConvertResult = EConvertQueryResult::Invalid;

	// Sort results from first to last hit
	OutHits.Sort( FCompareFHitResultTime() );
	OutHasValidBlockingHit = bHadBlockingHit;
	return ConvertResult;
void BuildResourceTableTokenStream(const TArray<uint32>& InResourceMap, int32 MaxBoundResourceTable, TArray<uint32>& OutTokenStream)
	// First we sort the resource map.
	TArray<uint32> SortedResourceMap = InResourceMap;

	// The token stream begins with a table that contains offsets per bound uniform buffer.
	// This offset provides the start of the token stream.
	auto LastBufferIndex = FRHIResourceTableEntry::GetEndOfStreamToken();
	for (int32 i = 0; i < SortedResourceMap.Num(); ++i)
		auto BufferIndex = FRHIResourceTableEntry::GetUniformBufferIndex(SortedResourceMap[i]);
		if (BufferIndex != LastBufferIndex)
			// Store the offset for resources from this buffer.
			OutTokenStream[BufferIndex] = OutTokenStream.Num();
			LastBufferIndex = BufferIndex;

	// Add a token to mark the end of the stream. Not needed if there are no bound resources.
	if (OutTokenStream.Num())
void FAnimTrack::CollapseAnimSegments()
	if(AnimSegments.Num() > 0)
		// Sort function
		struct FSortFloatInt
			bool operator()( const TKeyValuePair<float, int32> &A, const TKeyValuePair<float, int32>&B ) const
				return A.Key < B.Key;

		// Create sorted map of start time to segment
		TArray<TKeyValuePair<float, int32>> m;
		for( int32 SegmentInd=0; SegmentInd < AnimSegments.Num(); ++SegmentInd )
			m.Add(TKeyValuePair<float, int32>(AnimSegments[SegmentInd].StartPos, SegmentInd));

		//collapse all start times based on sorted map
		FAnimSegment* PrevSegment = &AnimSegments[m[0].Value];
		PrevSegment->StartPos = 0.0f;

		for ( int32 SegmentInd=1; SegmentInd < m.Num(); ++SegmentInd )
			FAnimSegment* CurrSegment = &AnimSegments[m[SegmentInd].Value];
			CurrSegment->StartPos = PrevSegment->StartPos + PrevSegment->GetLength();
			PrevSegment = CurrSegment;
* Dumps capture stack trace summary to the passed in log.
void FScriptStackTracker::DumpStackTraces( int32 StackThreshold, FOutputDevice& Ar )
	// Avoid distorting results while we log them.
	check( !bAvoidCapturing );
	bAvoidCapturing = true;

	// Make a copy as sorting causes index mismatch with TMap otherwise.
	TArray<FCallStack> SortedCallStacks = CallStacks;
	// Compare function, sorting callstack by stack count in descending order.
	struct FCompareStackCount
		FORCEINLINE bool operator()( const FCallStack& A, const FCallStack& B ) const { return B.StackCount < A.StackCount; }
	// Sort callstacks in descending order by stack count.
	SortedCallStacks.Sort( FCompareStackCount() );

	// Iterate over each callstack to get total stack count.
	uint64 TotalStackCount = 0;
	for( int32 CallStackIndex=0; CallStackIndex<SortedCallStacks.Num(); CallStackIndex++ )
		const FCallStack& CallStack = SortedCallStacks[CallStackIndex];
		TotalStackCount += CallStack.StackCount;

	// Calculate the number of frames we captured.
	int32 FramesCaptured = 0;
	if( bIsEnabled )
		FramesCaptured = GFrameCounter - StartFrameCounter;
		FramesCaptured = StopFrameCounter - StartFrameCounter;

	// Log quick summary as we don't log each individual so totals in CSV won't represent real totals.
	Ar.Logf(TEXT("Captured %i unique callstacks totalling %i function calls over %i frames, averaging %5.2f calls/frame"), SortedCallStacks.Num(), (int32)TotalStackCount, FramesCaptured, (float) TotalStackCount / FramesCaptured);

	// Iterate over each callstack and write out info in human readable form in CSV format
	for( int32 CallStackIndex=0; CallStackIndex<SortedCallStacks.Num(); CallStackIndex++ )
		const FCallStack& CallStack = SortedCallStacks[CallStackIndex];

		// Avoid log spam by only logging above threshold.
		if( CallStack.StackCount > StackThreshold )
			// First row is stack count.
			FString CallStackString = FString::FromInt((int32)CallStack.StackCount);
			CallStackString += LINE_TERMINATOR;
			CallStackString += CallStack.StackTrace;

			// Finally log with ',' prefix so "Log:" can easily be discarded as row in Excel.

	// Done logging.
	bAvoidCapturing = false;
bool UBlendSpaceBase::GetSamplesFromBlendInput(const FVector &BlendInput, TArray<FBlendSampleData> & OutSampleDataList) const
    TArray<FGridBlendSample> RawGridSamples;
    GetRawSamplesFromBlendInput(BlendInput, RawGridSamples);


    // consolidate all samples
    for (int32 SampleNum=0; SampleNum<RawGridSamples.Num(); ++SampleNum)
        FGridBlendSample& GridSample = RawGridSamples[SampleNum];
        float GridWeight = GridSample.BlendWeight;
        FEditorElement& GridElement = GridSample.GridElement;

        for(int Ind = 0; Ind < GridElement.MAX_VERTICES; ++Ind)
            if(GridElement.Indices[Ind] != INDEX_NONE)
                int32 Index = OutSampleDataList.AddUnique(GridElement.Indices[Ind]);

    /** Used to sort by  Weight. */
    struct FCompareFBlendSampleData
        FORCEINLINE bool operator()( const FBlendSampleData& A, const FBlendSampleData& B ) const {
            return B.TotalWeight < A.TotalWeight;
    OutSampleDataList.Sort( FCompareFBlendSampleData() );

    // remove noisy ones
    int32 TotalSample = OutSampleDataList.Num();
    float TotalWeight = 0.f;
    for (int32 I=0; I<TotalSample; ++I)
        if (OutSampleDataList[I].TotalWeight < ZERO_ANIMWEIGHT_THRESH)
            // cut anything in front of this
            OutSampleDataList.RemoveAt(I, TotalSample-I);

        TotalWeight += OutSampleDataList[I].TotalWeight;

    for (int32 I=0; I<OutSampleDataList.Num(); ++I)
        // normalize to all weights
        OutSampleDataList[I].TotalWeight /= TotalWeight;

    return (OutSampleDataList.Num()!=0);
bool UBlendSpaceBase::GetSamplesFromBlendInput(const FVector &BlendInput, TArray<FBlendSampleData> & OutSampleDataList) const
	static TArray<FGridBlendSample, TInlineAllocator<4> > RawGridSamples;
	check(IsInGameThread() && !RawGridSamples.Num()); // this must be called non-recursively from the gamethread
	GetRawSamplesFromBlendInput(BlendInput, RawGridSamples);

	OutSampleDataList.Reserve(RawGridSamples.Num() * FEditorElement::MAX_VERTICES);

	// consolidate all samples
	for (int32 SampleNum=0; SampleNum<RawGridSamples.Num(); ++SampleNum)
		FGridBlendSample& GridSample = RawGridSamples[SampleNum];
		float GridWeight = GridSample.BlendWeight;
		FEditorElement& GridElement = GridSample.GridElement;

		for(int Ind = 0; Ind < GridElement.MAX_VERTICES; ++Ind)
			if(GridElement.Indices[Ind] != INDEX_NONE)
				int32 Index = OutSampleDataList.AddUnique(GridElement.Indices[Ind]);

	/** Used to sort by  Weight. */
	struct FCompareFBlendSampleData
		FORCEINLINE bool operator()( const FBlendSampleData& A, const FBlendSampleData& B ) const { return B.TotalWeight < A.TotalWeight; }
	OutSampleDataList.Sort( FCompareFBlendSampleData() );

	// remove noisy ones
	int32 TotalSample = OutSampleDataList.Num();
	float TotalWeight = 0.f;
	for (int32 I=0; I<TotalSample; ++I)
		if (OutSampleDataList[I].TotalWeight < ZERO_ANIMWEIGHT_THRESH)
			// cut anything in front of this 
			OutSampleDataList.RemoveAt(I, TotalSample-I, false); // we won't shrink here, that might screw up alloc optimization at a higher level, if not this is temp anyway

		TotalWeight += OutSampleDataList[I].TotalWeight;

	for (int32 I=0; I<OutSampleDataList.Num(); ++I)
		// normalize to all weights
		OutSampleDataList[I].TotalWeight /= TotalWeight;
	return (OutSampleDataList.Num()!=0);
	virtual int32 GetFriendList(TArray< TSharedPtr<FFriendViewModel> >& OutFriendsList) override
		TArray< TSharedPtr< IFriendItem > > FriendItemList = FriendsAndChatManager.Pin()->GetRecentPlayerList();
		for(const auto& FriendItem : FriendItemList)
		return 0;
bool UBehaviorTreeManager::LoadTree(UBehaviorTree& Asset, UBTCompositeNode*& Root, uint16& InstanceMemorySize)

	for (int32 TemplateIndex = 0; TemplateIndex < LoadedTemplates.Num(); TemplateIndex++)
		FBehaviorTreeTemplateInfo& TemplateInfo = LoadedTemplates[TemplateIndex];
		if (TemplateInfo.Asset == &Asset)
			Root = TemplateInfo.Template;
			InstanceMemorySize = TemplateInfo.InstanceMemorySize;
			return true;

	if (Asset.RootNode)
		FBehaviorTreeTemplateInfo TemplateInfo;
		TemplateInfo.Asset = &Asset;
		TemplateInfo.Template = Cast<UBTCompositeNode>(StaticDuplicateObject(Asset.RootNode, this, TEXT("None")));

		TArray<FNodeInitializationData> InitList;
		uint16 ExecutionIndex = 0;
		InitializeNodeHelper(NULL, TemplateInfo.Template, 0, ExecutionIndex, InitList, Asset, this);

		// fill in information about next nodes in execution index, before sorting memory offsets
		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < InitList.Num() - 1; Index++)
			InitList[Index].Node->InitializeExecutionOrder(InitList[Index + 1].Node);

		// sort nodes by memory size, so they can be packed better
		// it still won't protect against structures, that are internally misaligned (-> uint8, uint32)
		// but since all Engine level nodes are good... 
		uint16 MemoryOffset = 0;
		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < InitList.Num(); Index++)
			InitList[Index].Node->InitializeNode(InitList[Index].ParentNode, InitList[Index].ExecutionIndex, InitList[Index].SpecialDataSize + MemoryOffset, InitList[Index].TreeDepth);
			MemoryOffset += InitList[Index].DataSize;
		TemplateInfo.InstanceMemorySize = MemoryOffset;

		Root = TemplateInfo.Template;
		InstanceMemorySize = TemplateInfo.InstanceMemorySize;
		return true;

	return false;
int32 UPartyBeaconState::GetTeamAssignment(const FPartyReservation& Party)
	if (NumTeams > 1)
		TArray<FTeamBalanceInfo> PotentialTeamChoices;
		for (int32 TeamIdx = 0; TeamIdx < NumTeams; TeamIdx++)
			const int32 CurrentPlayersOnTeam = GetNumPlayersOnTeam(TeamIdx);
			if ((CurrentPlayersOnTeam + Party.PartyMembers.Num()) <= NumPlayersPerTeam)
				new (PotentialTeamChoices)FTeamBalanceInfo(TeamIdx, CurrentPlayersOnTeam);

		// Grab one from our list of choices
		if (PotentialTeamChoices.Num() > 0)
			if (TeamAssignmentMethod == ETeamAssignmentMethod::Smallest)
				return PotentialTeamChoices[0].TeamIdx;
			else if (TeamAssignmentMethod == ETeamAssignmentMethod::BestFit)
				return PotentialTeamChoices[PotentialTeamChoices.Num() - 1].TeamIdx;
			else if (TeamAssignmentMethod == ETeamAssignmentMethod::Random)
				int32 TeamIndex = FMath::Rand() % PotentialTeamChoices.Num();
				return PotentialTeamChoices[TeamIndex].TeamIdx;
			UE_LOG(LogBeacon, Warning, TEXT("UPartyBeaconHost::GetTeamAssignment: couldn't find an open team for party members."));
			return INDEX_NONE;

	return ForceTeamNum;
Exemple #21
bool ScanPackages(TArray<FileInfo>& info, IProgressCallback* progress)
	ScanPackageData data;
	data.PkgInfo = &info;
	data.Progress = progress;
	appEnumGameFiles(ScanPackage, data);

	return !data.Cancelled;
void USignificanceManager::GetManagedObjects(TArray<const USignificanceManager::FManagedObjectInfo*>& OutManagedObjects, bool bInSignificanceOrder) const
	for (const TPair<FName, TArray<const FManagedObjectInfo*>>& TagToObjectInfoArrayPair : ManagedObjectsByTag)
	if (bInSignificanceOrder)
				static void SortCategoriesRecursively( TArray< FPluginCategoryTreeItemPtr >& Categories )
					// Sort the categories
					Categories.Sort( FPluginCategoryTreeItemSorter() );

					// Sort sub-categories
					for( auto SubCategoryIt( Categories.CreateConstIterator() ); SubCategoryIt; ++SubCategoryIt )
						const auto& SubCategory = *SubCategoryIt;
						SortCategoriesRecursively( SubCategory->AccessSubCategories() );
void FDetailLayoutBuilderImpl::GenerateDetailLayout()

	// Sort by the order in which categories were edited
	struct FCompareFDetailCategoryImpl
		FORCEINLINE bool operator()( TSharedPtr<FDetailCategoryImpl> A, TSharedPtr<FDetailCategoryImpl> B ) const
			return A->GetSortOrder() < B->GetSortOrder();

	// Merge the two category lists and sort them based on priority
	FCategoryMap AllCategories = CustomCategoryMap;
	AllCategories.Append( DefaultCategoryMap );

	TArray< TSharedRef<FDetailCategoryImpl> > SimpleCategories;
	TArray< TSharedRef<FDetailCategoryImpl> > AdvancedOnlyCategories;

	BuildCategories( CustomCategoryMap, SimpleCategories, AdvancedOnlyCategories );
	BuildCategories( DefaultCategoryMap, SimpleCategories, AdvancedOnlyCategories );

	SimpleCategories.Sort( FCompareFDetailCategoryImpl() );
	AdvancedOnlyCategories.Sort( FCompareFDetailCategoryImpl() );

	/** Merge the two category lists in sorted order */
	for( int32 CategoryIndex = 0; CategoryIndex < SimpleCategories.Num(); ++CategoryIndex )
		AllRootTreeNodes.Add( SimpleCategories[CategoryIndex] );

	for( int32 CategoryIndex = 0; CategoryIndex < AdvancedOnlyCategories.Num(); ++CategoryIndex )
		AllRootTreeNodes.Add( AdvancedOnlyCategories[CategoryIndex] );

Exemple #25
void USkeleton::RemoveBonesFromSkeleton( const TArray<FName>& BonesToRemove, bool bRemoveChildBones )
	TArray<int32> BonesRemoved = ReferenceSkeleton.RemoveBonesByName(BonesToRemove);
	if(BonesRemoved.Num() > 0)
		for(int32 Index = BonesRemoved.Num()-1; Index >=0; --Index)
void FGameplayCueTranslationManager::RefreshNameSwaps()
	TArray<UGameplayCueTranslator*> CDOList;

	// Gather CDOs
	for( TObjectIterator<UClass> It ; It ; ++It )
		UClass* Class = *It;
		if( !Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract | CLASS_Deprecated) )
			if( Class->IsChildOf(UGameplayCueTranslator::StaticClass()) )
				UGameplayCueTranslator* CDO = Class->GetDefaultObject<UGameplayCueTranslator>();
				if (CDO->IsEnabled())

	// Sort and get translated names
	CDOList.Sort([](const UGameplayCueTranslator& A, const UGameplayCueTranslator& B) { return (A.GetPriority() > B.GetPriority()); });

	for (UGameplayCueTranslator* CDO : CDOList)
		FNameSwapData& Data = AllNameSwaps[AllNameSwaps.AddDefaulted()];
		if (Data.NameSwaps.Num() > 0)
			Data.ClassCDO = CDO;

	// Give UniqueID to each rule
	int32 ID=1;
	for (FNameSwapData& GroupData : AllNameSwaps)
		for (FGameplayCueTranslationNameSwap& SwapData : GroupData.NameSwaps)
			SwapData.EditorData.UniqueID = ID++;
void FCollectionContextMenu::MakeSaveDynamicCollectionSubMenu(FMenuBuilder& MenuBuilder, FText InSearchQuery)
	auto OnCollectionCreated = FCollectionItem::FCollectionCreatedEvent::CreateSP(this, &FCollectionContextMenu::ExecuteSaveDynamicCollection, InSearchQuery);

	// Create new root level collection
	MakeNewCollectionSubMenu(MenuBuilder, ECollectionStorageMode::Dynamic, SCollectionView::FCreateCollectionPayload(OnCollectionCreated));

	FCollectionManagerModule& CollectionManagerModule = FCollectionManagerModule::GetModule();
	TArray<FCollectionNameType> AvailableCollections;

	AvailableCollections.Sort([](const FCollectionNameType& One, const FCollectionNameType& Two) -> bool
		return One.Name < Two.Name;

	if (AvailableCollections.Num() > 0)
		MenuBuilder.BeginSection("CollectionReplaceCollection", LOCTEXT("OverwriteDynamicCollectionMenuHeading", "Overwrite Dynamic Collection"));

		for (const FCollectionNameType& AvailableCollection : AvailableCollections)
			// Never display system collections
			if (AvailableCollection.Type == ECollectionShareType::CST_System)

			// Can only overwrite dynamic collections
			ECollectionStorageMode::Type StorageMode = ECollectionStorageMode::Static;
			CollectionManagerModule.Get().GetCollectionStorageMode(AvailableCollection.Name, AvailableCollection.Type, StorageMode);
			if (StorageMode != ECollectionStorageMode::Dynamic)

				FText::Format(LOCTEXT("SaveDynamicCollection_OverwriteExistingCollectionToolTip", "Overwrite '{0}' with the current search query"), FText::FromName(AvailableCollection.Name)),
				FSlateIcon(FEditorStyle::GetStyleSetName(), ECollectionShareType::GetIconStyleName(AvailableCollection.Type)),
					FExecuteAction::CreateSP( this, &FCollectionContextMenu::ExecuteSaveDynamicCollection, AvailableCollection, InSearchQuery ),
					FCanExecuteAction::CreateSP( this, &FCollectionContextMenu::CanExecuteSaveDynamicCollection, AvailableCollection )

AEyeXActorBase* AEyeXPlayerController::FindByBoxedLineTrace(FHitResult& OutHit, const FSceneView* const View, const FVector2D& GazePoint,
	const FCollisionObjectQueryParams& ObjectParams, const FCollisionQueryParams& TraceParams)
	UWorld* World = GetWorld();
	if (!World) return nullptr;

	// Set up a box around the gaze point
	FVector2D Corners[4];
	GetBoxCorners(GazePoint, BoxSize * GetApproximatePixelsPerMillimeter(), Corners);

	// First check center point
	AEyeXActorBase* EyeXActor = nullptr;
	FVector Start, End;
	FEyeXUtils::GetStartAndEndOfLineTrace(View, MaxDistance, GazePoint, /*out*/ Start, /*out*/ End);
	if (World->LineTraceSingleByObjectType(OutHit, Start, End, ObjectParams, TraceParams))
		EyeXActor = Cast<AEyeXActorBase>(OutHit.GetActor());
		// If center point missed we perform traces in a box around the gaze point
		// and choose the closest EyeXActor hit by the traces
		TArray<AEyeXActorBase*> EyeXActors;
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
			FVector BoxStart, BoxEnd;
			FEyeXUtils::GetStartAndEndOfLineTrace(View, MaxDistance, Corners[i], /*out*/ BoxStart, /*out*/ BoxEnd);
			if (World->LineTraceSingleByObjectType(OutHit, BoxStart, BoxEnd, ObjectParams, TraceParams))
				AEyeXActorBase* Actor = Cast<AEyeXActorBase>(OutHit.GetActor());
				if (!Actor) continue;

			VisualizeHitTestPoint(bVisualizeDetection, World, BoxStart);

		if (EyeXActors.Num() > 0)
			FEyeXUtils::ActorDistanceComparer Comparer(PlayerCameraManager);
			EyeXActor = EyeXActors[0];

	VisualizeHit(bVisualizeDetection, World, OutHit);
	VisualizeGazePoint(bVisualizeDetection, World, Start);

	return EyeXActor;
TArray<FEditorModeInfo> FEditorModeRegistry::GetSortedModeInfo() const
	TArray<FEditorModeInfo> ModeInfoArray;
	for (const auto& Pair : ModeFactories)

	ModeInfoArray.Sort([](const FEditorModeInfo& A, const FEditorModeInfo& B){
		return A.PriorityOrder < B.PriorityOrder;

	return ModeInfoArray;
			FRectangleSortHelper(TArray<FIntRect>& InOutSprites)
				// Sort by Y, then by X (top left corner), descending order (so we can use it as a stack from the top row down)
				TArray<FIntRect> SpritesLeft = InOutSprites;
				SpritesLeft.Sort([](const FIntRect& A, const FIntRect& B) { return (A.Min.Y == B.Min.Y) ? (A.Min.X > B.Min.X) : (A.Min.Y > B.Min.Y); });

				// Start pulling sprites out, the first one in each row will dominate remaining ones and cause them to get labeled
				TArray<FIntRect> DominatedSprites;
				while (SpritesLeft.Num())
					FIntRect DominatingSprite = SpritesLeft.Pop();

					// Find the sprites that are dominated (intersect the infinite horizontal band described by the dominating sprite)
					for (int32 Index = 0; Index < SpritesLeft.Num();)
						const FIntRect& CurElement = SpritesLeft[Index];
						if ((CurElement.Min.Y <= DominatingSprite.Max.Y) && (CurElement.Max.Y >= DominatingSprite.Min.Y))
							SpritesLeft.RemoveAt(Index, /*Count=*/ 1, /*bAllowShrinking=*/ false);

					// Sort the sprites in the band by X and add them to the result
					DominatedSprites.Sort([](const FIntRect& A, const FIntRect& B) { return (A.Min.X < B.Min.X); });