/** Prunes any nodes that weren't visited from the graph, printing out a warning */
void FGraphCompilerContext::PruneIsolatedNodes(const TArray<UEdGraphNode*>& RootSet, TArray<UEdGraphNode*>& GraphNodes)
	FEdGraphUtilities::FNodeVisitor Visitor;

	for (TArray<UEdGraphNode*>::TConstIterator It(RootSet); It; ++It)
		UEdGraphNode* RootNode = *It;

	for (int32 NodeIndex = 0; NodeIndex < GraphNodes.Num(); ++NodeIndex)
		UEdGraphNode* Node = GraphNodes[NodeIndex];
		if (!Visitor.VisitedNodes.Contains(Node))
			if (!CanIgnoreNode(Node))
				// Disabled this warning, because having orphaned chains is standard workflow for LDs
				//MessageLog.Warning(TEXT("Node @@ will never be executed and is being pruned"), Node);

			if (!ShouldForceKeepNode(Node))
void FMessageRouter::FilterSubscriptions( TArray<IMessageSubscriptionPtr>& Subscriptions, const IMessageContextRef& Context, TArray<IReceiveMessagesPtr>& OutRecipients )
	EMessageScope MessageScope = Context->GetScope();

	for (int32 SubscriptionIndex = 0; SubscriptionIndex < Subscriptions.Num(); ++SubscriptionIndex)
		const IMessageSubscriptionPtr& Subscription = Subscriptions[SubscriptionIndex];

		if (Subscription->IsEnabled() && Subscription->GetScopeRange().Contains(MessageScope))
			IReceiveMessagesPtr Subscriber = Subscription->GetSubscriber().Pin();

			if (Subscriber.IsValid())
				if (MessageScope == EMessageScope::Thread)
					ENamedThreads::Type RecipientThread = Subscriber->GetRecipientThread();
					ENamedThreads::Type SenderThread = Context->GetSenderThread();

					if (RecipientThread != SenderThread)

	static void BuildDependencyMapAndCompile(const TArray<UUserDefinedStruct*>& ChangedStructs, FCompilerResultsLog& MessageLog)
		struct FDependencyMapEntry
			UUserDefinedStruct* Struct;
			TSet<UUserDefinedStruct*> StructuresToWaitFor;

			FDependencyMapEntry() : Struct(NULL) {}

			void Initialize(UUserDefinedStruct* ChangedStruct, const TArray<UUserDefinedStruct*>& AllChangedStructs) 
				Struct = ChangedStruct;

				auto Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();
				for (auto& VarDesc : FStructureEditorUtils::GetVarDesc(Struct))
					auto StructType = Cast<UUserDefinedStruct>(VarDesc.SubCategoryObject.Get());
					if (StructType && (VarDesc.Category == Schema->PC_Struct) && AllChangedStructs.Contains(StructType))

		TArray<FDependencyMapEntry> DependencyMap;
		for (auto Iter = ChangedStructs.CreateConstIterator(); Iter; ++Iter)
			DependencyMap.Last().Initialize(*Iter, ChangedStructs);

		while (DependencyMap.Num())
			int32 StructureToCompileIndex = INDEX_NONE;
			for (int32 EntryIndex = 0; EntryIndex < DependencyMap.Num(); ++EntryIndex)
				if(0 == DependencyMap[EntryIndex].StructuresToWaitFor.Num())
					StructureToCompileIndex = EntryIndex;
			check(INDEX_NONE != StructureToCompileIndex);
			UUserDefinedStruct* Struct = DependencyMap[StructureToCompileIndex].Struct;

			FUserDefinedStructureCompilerInner::InnerCompileStruct(Struct, GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>(), MessageLog);


			for (auto EntryIter = DependencyMap.CreateIterator(); EntryIter; ++EntryIter)
static inline void RemoveIdFromMuteList(TArray< TSharedRef<const FUniqueNetId> >& MuteList, const TSharedPtr<const FUniqueNetId>& UniqueIdToRemove)
	FUniqueNetIdMatcher UniqueIdToRemoveMatch(*UniqueIdToRemove);
	int32 RemoveIndex = MuteList.IndexOfByPredicate(UniqueIdToRemoveMatch);
	if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE)
void FGAActiveEffectContainer::RemoveTargetAggregation(TSharedPtr<FGAActiveDuration> EffectIn)
	TArray<FGAEffectHandle>* handles;
	handles = MyEffects.Find(EffectIn->EffectName);

	for (auto It = handles->CreateIterator(); It; ++It)
		if (*It == EffectIn->MyHandle)
void FSessionManager::GetSelectedInstances( TArray<ISessionInstanceInfoPtr>& OutInstances) const
	if (SelectedSession.IsValid())

		for (int32 Index = OutInstances.Num() - 1; Index >= 0 ; --Index)
			if (DeselectedInstances.Contains(OutInstances[Index]))
void FAggregator::RemoveModsWithActiveHandle(TArray<FAggregatorMod>& InMods, FActiveGameplayEffectHandle ActiveHandle)

	for(int32 idx=InMods.Num()-1; idx >= 0; --idx)
		if (InMods[idx].ActiveHandle == ActiveHandle)
			if (InMods[idx].IsPredicted)

			InMods.RemoveAtSwap(idx, 1, false);
void DeleteOcclusionQueriesForCurrentContext(EGLContext Context)
	if (!ReleasedQueriesGuard)
		ReleasedQueriesGuard = new FCriticalSection;

		FScopeLock Lock(ReleasedQueriesGuard);
		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < ReleasedQueries.Num(); ++Index)
			if (ReleasedQueries[Index].Context == Context)
				FOpenGL::DeleteQueries(1, &ReleasedQueries[Index].Query);
void PlatformGetNewRenderQuery( GLuint* OutQuery, uint64* OutQueryContext )
	if( !ReleasedQueriesGuard )
		ReleasedQueriesGuard = new FCriticalSection;

		FScopeLock Lock(ReleasedQueriesGuard);

		check( OutQuery && OutQueryContext );

		HGLRC Context = GetCurrentContext();
		check( Context );

		GLuint NewQuery = 0;

		// Check for possible query reuse
		const int32 ArraySize = ReleasedQueries.Num();
		for( int32 Index = 0; Index < ArraySize; ++Index )
			if( ReleasedQueries[Index].Context == Context )
				NewQuery = ReleasedQueries[Index].Query;

		if( !NewQuery )
			FOpenGL::GenQueries( 1, &NewQuery );

		*OutQuery = NewQuery;
		*OutQueryContext = (uint64)Context;
// TODO: Refactor this (and some other stuff) into a preprocessing step for use by any compiler?
bool FNiagaraCompiler::MergeInFunctionNodes()
	struct FReconnectionInfo
		UEdGraphPin* From;
		TArray<UEdGraphPin*> To;

		//Fallback default value if an input connection is not connected.
		FString FallbackDefault;

			: From(NULL)
	TMap<FName, FReconnectionInfo> InputConnections;
	TMap<FName, FReconnectionInfo> OutputConnections;

	TArray<class UEdGraphPin*> FuncCallInputPins;
	TArray<class UEdGraphPin*> FuncCallOutputPins;

	//Copies the function graph into the main graph.
	//Removes the Function call in the main graph and the input and output nodes in the function graph, reconnecting their pins appropriately.
	auto MergeFunctionIntoMainGraph = [&](UNiagaraNodeFunctionCall* InFunc, UNiagaraGraph* FuncGraph)

		check(InFunc && FuncGraph);
		if (InFunc->FunctionScript)
			//Get all the pins that are connected to the inputs of the function call node in the main graph.
			for (UEdGraphPin* FuncCallInputPin : FuncCallInputPins)
				FName InputName(*FuncCallInputPin->PinName);
				FReconnectionInfo& InputConnection = InputConnections.FindOrAdd(InputName);
				if (FuncCallInputPin->LinkedTo.Num() > 0)
					check(FuncCallInputPin->LinkedTo.Num() == 1);
					UEdGraphPin* LinkFrom = FuncCallInputPin->LinkedTo[0];
					check(LinkFrom->Direction == EGPD_Output);
					InputConnection.From = LinkFrom;
					//This input has no link so we need the default value from the pin.
					InputConnection.FallbackDefault = FuncCallInputPin->GetDefaultAsString();
			//Get all the pins that are connected to the outputs of the function call node in the main graph.
			for (UEdGraphPin* FuncCallOutputPin : FuncCallOutputPins)
				FName OutputName(*FuncCallOutputPin->PinName);
				for (UEdGraphPin* LinkTo : FuncCallOutputPin->LinkedTo)
					check(LinkTo->Direction == EGPD_Input);
					FReconnectionInfo& OutputConnection = OutputConnections.FindOrAdd(OutputName);

			//Remove the function call node from the graph now that we have everything we need from it.

			//Keep a list of the Input and Output nodes we see in the function graph so that we can remove (most of) them later.
			TArray<UEdGraphNode*, TInlineAllocator<64>> ToRemove;

			//Search the nodes in the function graph, finding any connections to input or output nodes.
			for (UEdGraphNode* FuncGraphNode : FuncGraph->Nodes)
				if (UNiagaraNodeInput* InputNode = Cast<UNiagaraNodeInput>(FuncGraphNode))
					check(InputNode->Pins.Num() == 1);
					//Get an array of "To" pins from one or more input nodes referencing each named input.
					FReconnectionInfo& InputConnection = InputConnections.FindOrAdd(InputNode->Input.Name);
					if (InputConnection.From)
						//We have a connection from the function call so remove the input node and connect to that.
						//This input has no connection from the function call so what do we do here? 
						//For now we just leave the input node and connect back to it. 
						//This will mean unconnected pins from the function call will look for constants or attributes. 
						//In some cases we may want to just take the default value from the function call pin instead?
						//Maybe have some properties on the function call defining that.
						InputConnection.From = InputNode->Pins[0];

					TArray<UEdGraphPin*>& LinkToPins = InputNode->Pins[0]->LinkedTo;
					for (UEdGraphPin* ToPin : LinkToPins)
						check(ToPin->Direction == EGPD_Input);
				else if (UNiagaraNodeOutput* OutputNode = Cast<UNiagaraNodeOutput>(FuncGraphNode))
					//Unlike the input nodes, we don't have the option of keeping these if there is no "From" pin. The default values from the node pins should be used.

					//For each output, get the "From" pin to be reconnected later.
					for (int32 OutputIdx = 0; OutputIdx < OutputNode->Outputs.Num(); ++OutputIdx)
						FName OutputName = OutputNode->Outputs[OutputIdx].Name;

						UEdGraphPin* OutputNodePin = OutputNode->Pins[OutputIdx];
						check(OutputNodePin->LinkedTo.Num() <= 1);
						FReconnectionInfo& OutputConnection = OutputConnections.FindOrAdd(OutputName);
						UEdGraphPin* LinkFromPin = OutputNodePin->LinkedTo.Num() == 1 ? OutputNodePin->LinkedTo[0] : NULL;
						if (LinkFromPin)
							check(LinkFromPin->Direction == EGPD_Output);
							OutputConnection.From = LinkFromPin;
							//This output is not connected so links to it in the main graph must use it's default value.
							OutputConnection.FallbackDefault = OutputNodePin->GetDefaultAsString();

			//Remove all the In and Out nodes from the function graph.
			for (UEdGraphNode* Remove : ToRemove)

			//Copy the nodes from the function graph over into the main graph.
			FuncGraph->MoveNodesToAnotherGraph(SourceGraph, false);

			//Finally, do all the reconnection.
			auto MakeConnection = [&](FReconnectionInfo& Info)
				for (UEdGraphPin* LinkTo : Info.To)
					if (Info.From)
						LinkTo->DefaultValue = Info.FallbackDefault;
			for (TPair<FName, FReconnectionInfo>& ReconnectInfo : InputConnections){ MakeConnection(ReconnectInfo.Value); }
			for (TPair<FName, FReconnectionInfo>& ReconnectInfo : OutputConnections){ MakeConnection(ReconnectInfo.Value); }

	//Helper struct for traversing nested function calls.
	struct FFunctionContext
		//True if this context's function has been merged into the main graph.
		bool bProcessed;
		//The index of this context into the ContextPool. 
		int32 PoolIdx;
		//Pointer back to the parent context for traversal.
		FFunctionContext* Parent;
		//The function call node for this function in the source/parent graph.
		UNiagaraNodeFunctionCall* Function;
		//The graph for this function that we are going to merge into the main graph.
		UNiagaraGraph* FunctionGraph;
		//The script from which the graph is copied. Used for re entrance check.
		UNiagaraScript* Script;

		//Contexts for function calls in this function graph.
		TArray<FFunctionContext*, TInlineAllocator<64>> SubFunctionCalls;

			: bProcessed(false)
			, PoolIdx(INDEX_NONE)
			, Parent(NULL)
			, Function(NULL)
			, FunctionGraph(NULL)
			, Script(NULL)

		We don't allow re-entrant functions as this would cause an infinite loop of merging in graphs.
		Maybe in the future if we allow branching in the VM we can allow this.
		bool CheckForReentrance()const
			UNiagaraNodeFunctionCall* Func = Function;
			FFunctionContext* Curr = Parent;
			while (Curr)
				if (Curr->Script == Script)
					return true;

				Curr = Curr->Parent;
			return false;

		FString GetCallstack()const
			FString Ret;
			const FFunctionContext* Curr = this;
			while (Curr)
				if (Curr->Script)


				Curr = Curr->Parent;
			return Ret;

	//A pool of contexts on the stack to avoid loads of needless, small heap allocations.
	TArray<FFunctionContext, TInlineAllocator<512>> ContextPool;

	FFunctionContext RootContext;
	FFunctionContext* CurrentContext = &RootContext;
	CurrentContext->FunctionGraph = SourceGraph;
	CurrentContext->Script = Script;

	//Depth first traversal of all function calls.
	while (CurrentContext)
		//Find any sub functions and process this function call.
		if (!CurrentContext->bProcessed)
			CurrentContext->bProcessed = true;

			//Find any sub functions and check for re-entrance.
			if (CurrentContext->FunctionGraph)
				for (UEdGraphNode* Node : CurrentContext->FunctionGraph->Nodes)
					UNiagaraNodeFunctionCall* FuncNode = Cast<UNiagaraNodeFunctionCall>(Node);
					if (FuncNode)
						int32 NewIdx = ContextPool.AddZeroed();
						FFunctionContext* SubFuncContext = &ContextPool[NewIdx];
						SubFuncContext->Parent = CurrentContext;
						SubFuncContext->Function = FuncNode;
						SubFuncContext->PoolIdx = NewIdx;
						SubFuncContext->Script = FuncNode->FunctionScript;

						if (SubFuncContext->CheckForReentrance())
							FString Callstack = SubFuncContext->GetCallstack();
							MessageLog.Error(TEXT("Reentrant function call!\n%s"), *Callstack);
							return false;

						//Copy the function graph as we'll be modifying it as we merge in with the main graph.
						UNiagaraScriptSource* FuncSource = CastChecked<UNiagaraScriptSource>(FuncNode->FunctionScript->Source);
						SubFuncContext->FunctionGraph = CastChecked<UNiagaraGraph>(FEdGraphUtilities::CloneGraph(FuncSource->NodeGraph, NULL, &MessageLog));

			//Merge this function into the main graph now.
			if (CurrentContext->Function && CurrentContext->FunctionGraph)
				MergeFunctionIntoMainGraph(CurrentContext->Function, CurrentContext->FunctionGraph);

		if (CurrentContext->SubFunctionCalls.Num() > 0)
			//Move to the next sub function.
			CurrentContext = CurrentContext->SubFunctionCalls.Pop();
			//Done processing this function so remove it and move back to the parent.
			if (CurrentContext->PoolIdx != INDEX_NONE)

			CurrentContext = CurrentContext->Parent;

	return true;
bool UBlendSpaceBase::GetSamplesFromBlendInput(const FVector &BlendInput, TArray<FBlendSampleData> & OutSampleDataList) const
	TArray<FGridBlendSample, TInlineAllocator<4> >& RawGridSamples = FBlendSpaceScratchData::Get().RawGridSamples;
	check(!RawGridSamples.Num()); // this must be called non-recursively
	GetRawSamplesFromBlendInput(BlendInput, RawGridSamples);

	OutSampleDataList.Reserve(RawGridSamples.Num() * FEditorElement::MAX_VERTICES);

	// consolidate all samples
	for (int32 SampleNum=0; SampleNum<RawGridSamples.Num(); ++SampleNum)
		FGridBlendSample& GridSample = RawGridSamples[SampleNum];
		float GridWeight = GridSample.BlendWeight;
		FEditorElement& GridElement = GridSample.GridElement;

		for(int32 Ind = 0; Ind < GridElement.MAX_VERTICES; ++Ind)
			const int32 SampleDataIndex = GridElement.Indices[Ind];		
			if(SampleDataIndex != INDEX_NONE)
				int32 Index = OutSampleDataList.AddUnique(SampleDataIndex);
				OutSampleDataList[Index].Animation = SampleData[SampleDataIndex].Animation;

	// go through merge down to first sample 
	for (int32 Index1 = 0; Index1 < OutSampleDataList.Num(); ++Index1)
		for (int32 Index2 = Index1 + 1; Index2 < OutSampleDataList.Num(); ++Index2)
			// if they have sample sample, remove the Index2, and get out
			if (OutSampleDataList[Index1].Animation == OutSampleDataList[Index2].Animation)
				// add weight
				// as for time or previous time will be the master one(Index1)
				OutSampleDataList.RemoveAtSwap(Index2, 1, false);

	/** Used to sort by  Weight. */
	struct FCompareFBlendSampleData
		FORCEINLINE bool operator()(const FBlendSampleData& A, const FBlendSampleData& B) const { return B.TotalWeight < A.TotalWeight; }

	// remove noisy ones
	int32 TotalSample = OutSampleDataList.Num();
	float TotalWeight = 0.f;
	for (int32 I=0; I<TotalSample; ++I)
		if (OutSampleDataList[I].TotalWeight < ZERO_ANIMWEIGHT_THRESH)
			// cut anything in front of this 
			OutSampleDataList.RemoveAt(I, TotalSample-I, false); // we won't shrink here, that might screw up alloc optimization at a higher level, if not this is temp anyway

		TotalWeight += OutSampleDataList[I].TotalWeight;

	for (int32 I=0; I<OutSampleDataList.Num(); ++I)
		// normalize to all weights
		OutSampleDataList[I].TotalWeight /= TotalWeight;
	return (OutSampleDataList.Num()!=0);
 * Performs a topological sort on the graph of nodes passed in (which is expected to form a DAG), scheduling them.
 * If there are cycles or unconnected nodes present in the graph, an error will be output for each node that failed to be scheduled.
void FGraphCompilerContext::CreateExecutionSchedule(const TArray<UEdGraphNode*>& GraphNodes, /*out*/ TArray<UEdGraphNode*>& LinearExecutionSchedule) const
	TArray<UEdGraphNode*> NodesWithNoEdges;
	TMap<UEdGraphNode*, int32> NumIncomingEdges;
	int32 TotalGraphEdgesLeft = 0;

	// Build a list of nodes with no antecedents and update the initial incoming edge counts for every node
	for (int32 NodeIndex = 0; NodeIndex < GraphNodes.Num(); ++NodeIndex)
		UEdGraphNode* Node = GraphNodes[NodeIndex];

		const int32 NumEdges = CountIncomingEdges(Node);
		NumIncomingEdges.Add(Node, NumEdges);
		TotalGraphEdgesLeft += NumEdges;
		if (NumEdges == 0)

	// While there are nodes with no unscheduled inputs, schedule them and queue up any that are newly scheduleable
	while (NodesWithNoEdges.Num() > 0)
		// Schedule a node
		UEdGraphNode* Node = NodesWithNoEdges[0];

		// Decrement edge counts for things that depend on this node, and queue up any that hit 0 incoming edges
		for (int32 PinIndex = 0; PinIndex < Node->Pins.Num(); ++PinIndex)
			UEdGraphPin* OutPin = Node->Pins[PinIndex];
			if ((OutPin->Direction == EGPD_Output) && PinIsImportantForDependancies(OutPin))
				for (int32 LinkIndex = 0; LinkIndex < OutPin->LinkedTo.Num(); ++LinkIndex)
					UEdGraphPin* LinkedToPin = OutPin->LinkedTo[LinkIndex];
					if( !LinkedToPin )
						// If something went wrong in serialization and we have a bad connection, skip this.

					UEdGraphNode* WasDependentNode = OutPin->LinkedTo[LinkIndex]->GetOwningNodeUnchecked();
					int32* pNumEdgesLeft = WasDependentNode ? NumIncomingEdges.Find(WasDependentNode) : NULL;

					// Remove the edge between these two nodes, since node is scheduled
					if (pNumEdgesLeft)
						int32& NumEdgesLeft = *pNumEdgesLeft;

						if (NumEdgesLeft <= 0)
							MessageLog.Error(TEXT("Internal compiler error inside CreateExecutionSchedule (site 1); there is an issue with node/pin manipulation that was performed in this graph, please contact the Blueprints team!"));

						// Was I the last link on that node?
						if (NumEdgesLeft == 0)
						MessageLog.Error(TEXT("Internal compiler error inside CreateExecutionSchedule (site 2); there is an issue with node/pin manipulation that was performed in this graph, please contact the Blueprints team!"));

	// At this point, any remaining edges are either within an unrelated subgraph (unconnected island) or indicate loops that break the DAG constraint
	// Before this is called, any unconnected graphs should have been cut free so we can just error
	if (TotalGraphEdgesLeft > 0)
		// Run thru and print out any nodes that couldn't be scheduled due to loops
		for (TMap<UEdGraphNode*, int32>::TIterator It(NumIncomingEdges); It; ++It)
			//@TODO: Probably want to determine the actual pin that caused the cycle, instead of just printing out the node
			if (It.Value() > 0)
				MessageLog.Error(TEXT("Dependency cycle detected, preventing node @@ from being scheduled"), It.Key());
void FSoundCueGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy::BuildAudioFlowRoadmap()
	UAudioComponent* PreviewAudioComponent = GEditor->GetPreviewAudioComponent();
	FAudioDevice* AudioDevice = PreviewAudioComponent ? PreviewAudioComponent->GetAudioDevice() : nullptr;

	if (AudioDevice)
		USoundCueGraph* SoundCueGraph = CastChecked<USoundCueGraph>(GraphObj);
		USoundCue* SoundCue = SoundCueGraph->GetSoundCue();

		if (PreviewAudioComponent && PreviewAudioComponent->IsPlaying() && PreviewAudioComponent->Sound == SoundCue)
			TArray<FWaveInstance*> WaveInstances;
			const int32 FirstActiveIndex = AudioDevice->GetSortedActiveWaveInstances(WaveInstances, ESortedActiveWaveGetType::QueryOnly);

			// Run through the active instances and cull out anything that isn't related to this graph
			if (FirstActiveIndex > 0)
				WaveInstances.RemoveAt(0, FirstActiveIndex + 1);

			for (int32 WaveIndex = WaveInstances.Num() - 1; WaveIndex >= 0 ; --WaveIndex)
				UAudioComponent* WaveInstanceAudioComponent = WaveInstances[WaveIndex]->ActiveSound->AudioComponent.Get();
				if (WaveInstanceAudioComponent != PreviewAudioComponent)

			for (int32 WaveIndex = 0; WaveIndex < WaveInstances.Num(); ++WaveIndex)
				TArray<USoundNode*> PathToWaveInstance;
				if (SoundCue->FindPathToNode(WaveInstances[WaveIndex]->WaveInstanceHash, PathToWaveInstance))
					TArray<USoundCueGraphNode_Root*> RootNode;
					TArray<UEdGraphNode*> GraphNodes;
					check(RootNode.Num() == 1);

					TArray<double> NodeTimes;
					NodeTimes.Add(FApp::GetCurrentTime()); // Time for the root node

					for (int32 i = 0; i < PathToWaveInstance.Num(); ++i)
						const double ObservationTime = FApp::GetCurrentTime() + 1.f;


					// Record the unique node->node pairings, keeping only the most recent times for each pairing
					for (int32 i = GraphNodes.Num() - 1; i >= 1; --i)
						UEdGraphNode* CurNode = GraphNodes[i];
						double CurNodeTime = NodeTimes[i];
						UEdGraphNode* NextNode = GraphNodes[i-1];
						double NextNodeTime = NodeTimes[i-1];

						FExecPairingMap& Predecessors = PredecessorNodes.FindOrAdd(NextNode);

						// Update the timings if this is a more recent pairing
						FTimePair& Timings = Predecessors.FindOrAdd(CurNode);
						if (Timings.ThisExecTime < NextNodeTime)
							Timings.PredExecTime = CurNodeTime;
							Timings.ThisExecTime = NextNodeTime;
	static void BuildDependencyMapAndCompile(TArray<UBlueprintGeneratedStruct*>& ChangedStructs, FCompilerResultsLog& MessageLog)
		struct FFindStructureDescriptionPred
			const UBlueprintGeneratedStruct* const Struct;
			FFindStructureDescriptionPred(const UBlueprintGeneratedStruct* InStruct) : Struct(InStruct) { check(Struct); }
			bool operator()(const FBPStructureDescription& Desc) { return (Desc.CompiledStruct == Struct); }

		struct FDependencyMapEntry
			UBlueprintGeneratedStruct* Struct;
			TSet<UBlueprintGeneratedStruct*> StructuresToWaitFor;

			FDependencyMapEntry() : Struct(NULL) {}

			void Initialize(UBlueprintGeneratedStruct* ChangedStruct, TArray<UBlueprintGeneratedStruct*>& AllChangedStructs) 
				Struct = ChangedStruct;
				check(Struct && Struct->StructGeneratedBy);
				FBPStructureDescription* StructureDescription = Struct->StructGeneratedBy->UserDefinedStructures.FindByPredicate(FFindStructureDescriptionPred(Struct));

				auto Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();
				for (auto FieldIter = StructureDescription->Fields.CreateIterator(); FieldIter; ++FieldIter)
					FEdGraphPinType FieldType = (*FieldIter).VarType;
					auto StructType = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedStruct>(FieldType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());
					if (StructType && (FieldType.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Struct) && AllChangedStructs.Contains(StructType))

		TArray<FDependencyMapEntry> DependencyMap;
		for (auto Iter = ChangedStructs.CreateIterator(); Iter; ++Iter)
			DependencyMap.Last().Initialize(*Iter, ChangedStructs);

		while (DependencyMap.Num())
			int32 StructureToCompileIndex = INDEX_NONE;
			for (int32 EntryIndex = 0; EntryIndex < DependencyMap.Num(); ++EntryIndex)
				if(0 == DependencyMap[EntryIndex].StructuresToWaitFor.Num())
					StructureToCompileIndex = EntryIndex;
			check(INDEX_NONE != StructureToCompileIndex);
			UBlueprintGeneratedStruct* Struct = DependencyMap[StructureToCompileIndex].Struct;
			FBPStructureDescription* StructureDescription = Struct->StructGeneratedBy->UserDefinedStructures.FindByPredicate(FFindStructureDescriptionPred(Struct));

			FUserDefinedStructureCompilerInner::InnerCompileStruct(*StructureDescription, GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>(), MessageLog);


			for (auto EntryIter = DependencyMap.CreateIterator(); EntryIter; ++EntryIter)
Exemple #15
void AHUD::UpdateHitBoxCandidates( TArray<FVector2D> InContactPoints )
	for (FHUDHitBox& HitBox : HitBoxMap)
		bool bAdded = false;
		for (int32 ContactPointIndex = InContactPoints.Num() - 1; ContactPointIndex >= 0; --ContactPointIndex)
			if (HitBox.Contains(InContactPoints[ContactPointIndex]))
				if (!bAdded)
					bAdded = true;
				if (HitBox.ConsumesInput())
		if (InContactPoints.Num() == 0)

	TSet<FName> NotOverHitBoxes = HitBoxesOver;
	TArray<FName> NewlyOverHitBoxes;

	// Now figure out which boxes we are over and deal with begin/end cursor over messages 
	for (FHUDHitBox* HitBox : HitBoxHits)
		const FName HitBoxName = HitBox->GetName();
		if (HitBoxesOver.Contains(HitBoxName))

	// Dispatch the end cursor over messages
	for (const FName HitBoxName : NotOverHitBoxes)

	// Dispatch the newly over hitbox messages
	for (const FName HitBoxName : NewlyOverHitBoxes)