Exemple #1
void FLayers::RemoveViewFromActorViewVisibility( FLevelEditorViewportClient* ViewportClient )
	const int32 ViewIndex = ViewportClient->ViewIndex;

	// get the bit for the view index
	uint64 ViewBit = ((uint64)1 << ViewIndex);
	// get all bits under that that we want to keep
	uint64 KeepBits = ViewBit - 1;

	// Iterate over all actors, looking for actors in the specified layers.
	for( FActorIterator It(ViewportClient->GetWorld()) ; It ; ++It )
		const TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > Actor = *It;

		if( !IsActorValidForLayer( Actor ) )

		// remember original bits
		uint64 OriginalHiddenViews = Actor->HiddenEditorViews;

		uint64 Was = Actor->HiddenEditorViews;

		// slide all bits higher than ViewIndex down one since the view is being removed from Editor
		uint64 LowBits = Actor->HiddenEditorViews & KeepBits;

		// now slide the top bits down by ViewIndex + 1 (chopping off ViewBit)
		uint64 HighBits = Actor->HiddenEditorViews >> (ViewIndex + 1);
		// then slide back up by ViewIndex, which will now have erased ViewBit, as well as leaving 0 in the low bits
		HighBits = HighBits << ViewIndex;

		// put it all back together
		Actor->HiddenEditorViews = LowBits | HighBits;

		// reregister if we changed the visibility bits, as the rendering thread needs them
		if (OriginalHiddenViews == Actor->HiddenEditorViews)

		// Find all registered primitive components and update the scene proxy with the actors updated visibility map
		TInlineComponentArray<UPrimitiveComponent*> Components;

		for( int32 ComponentIdx = 0; ComponentIdx < Components.Num(); ++ComponentIdx )
			UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveComponent = Components[ComponentIdx];
			if (PrimitiveComponent->IsRegistered())
				// Push visibility to the render thread
				PrimitiveComponent->PushEditorVisibilityToProxy( Actor->HiddenEditorViews );