Exemple #1
float PolyLine2::GetPointParam( const Vec2& pt, bool bClosed ) const
    int minEdge = -1;
    float minDist = FLT_MAX;
    float minLen  = 0.0f;
    int nPt = m_Points.size();
    if (!bClosed)
    float len = 0.0f;
    for (int i = 0; i < nPt; i++)
        const Vec2& a = GetPoint( i );
        const Vec2& b = GetPoint( i + 1 );
        float d = pt.dist_seg( a, b );
        if (d < minDist)
            minDist = d;
            minEdge = i;
            minLen  = len;
        len += (a - b).norm();

    const Vec2& a = GetPoint( minEdge );
    const Vec2& b = GetPoint( minEdge + 1 );
    Vec2 dir = b - a;
    float dlen = minLen + dir.dot( pt - a );
    return dlen/GetLength( bClosed );
Exemple #2
Vec2& Vec2::reflect(const Vec2& normal)
	Vec2 I = *this;

	*this = ((2.0f * -I.dot(normal)) * normal) + I;

	return *this;
bool StaticHelpers::angleIsCloserToB(float a, float val, float b)
    Vec2 vectA = degreesToVec2(a);
    Vec2 vectV = degreesToVec2(val);
    Vec2 vectB = degreesToVec2(b);
    float diffA = acosf(vectV.dot(vectA)/(vectV.length() * vectA.length())) * 180 / M_PI;
    float diffB = acosf(vectV.dot(vectB)/(vectV.length() * vectB.length())) * 180 / M_PI;
    return diffA > diffB;
Exemple #4
	// `Line::intersectsAt()` is based on
	// https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/862988/Find-the-Intersection-Point-of-Two-Line-Segments
	// Licenced with the Code Project Open Licence (CPOL)
	// http://www.codeproject.com/info/cpol10.aspx
	Optional<Line::position_type> Line::intersectsAt(const Line& line) const
		const Vec2 r = end - begin;
		const Vec2 s = line.end - line.begin;
		const Vec2 qp = line.begin - begin;
		const double rxs = r.x * s.y - r.y * s.x;
		const double qpxr = qp.x * r.y - qp.y * r.x;
		const double qpxs = qp.x * s.y - qp.y * s.x;
		const bool rxsIsZero = detail::IsZero(rxs);

		if (rxsIsZero && detail::IsZero(qpxr))
			const double qpr = qp.dot(r);
			const double pqs = (begin - line.begin).dot(s);

			if ((0 <= qpr && qpr <= r.dot(r)) || (0 <= pqs && pqs <= s.dot(s)))
				// Two lines are overlapping			
				return Line::position_type(Math::QNaN, Math::QNaN);

			// Two lines are collinear but disjoint.
			return none;
		if (rxsIsZero && !detail::IsZero(qpxr))
			// Two lines are parallel and non-intersecting.
			return none;

		const double t = qpxs / rxs;
		const double u = qpxr / rxs;

		if (!rxsIsZero && (0.0 <= t && t <= 1.0) && (0.0 <= u && u <= 1.0))
			// An intersection was found
			return begin + t * r;

		// Two line segments are not parallel but do not intersect
		return none;
Vec2 SteeringForce::Pursuit(const Vehicle *evader)
    Vec2 ToEvader = evader->getPosition() - m_pVehicle->getPosition();
    double RelativeHeading = m_pVehicle->getHeading().dot(evader->getHeading());
    if (ToEvader.dot(m_pVehicle->getHeading())>0&&RelativeHeading<-0.95) {
        return Seek(evader->getPosition());
    double LookAheadTime = ToEvader.length()/(m_pVehicle->getMaxSpeed()+evader->getVeloctity().length());
    LookAheadTime +=TurnaroundTime(m_pVehicle,evader->getPosition());
    return  Seek(evader->getPosition()+evader->getVeloctity()*LookAheadTime);
Exemple #6
Vec2 calculateCosASinAOfVec1ToVec2(const Vec2 &vec1,const Vec2 &vec2)
//return {cos(vec1,vec2),sin(vec1,vec2)}
    float cosA= vec1.dot(vec2) / (vec1.getLength() * vec2.getLength());
    float signalOfSinA;
        float _vec1[3]={vec1.x,vec1.y,0};
        float _vec2[3]={vec2.x,vec2.y,0};
        float _rs[3];
        __cross(_vec1, _vec2, _rs);
        if (_rs[2] == 0) {
            signalOfSinA = 0;
        }else if(_rs[2] > 0){
            signalOfSinA = 1;
            signalOfSinA = -1;
    float sinA = signalOfSinA*sqrtf(MAX(0,1-cosA*cosA));
    return Vec2(cosA,sinA);
void PiecesLayer::dealCollision( float dur ){
	for (b2ContactEdge *c = monsterBody->GetContactList();c;c = c->next){
		b2Contact *contact = c->contact;
		b2Body *bodyA = contact->GetFixtureA()->GetBody();
		b2Body *bodyB = contact->GetFixtureB()->GetBody();

		b2Body *collidedBody = (bodyA == monsterBody)?bodyB:bodyA;
		Sprite* sp = (Sprite*)collidedBody->GetUserData();

		if (sp && sp->getName() == "paddle"&& contact->IsTouching() == true)
			Vec2 vec1 = paddleNode->getPosition();
			Vec2 vec2 = paddleNode->convertToWorldSpace(sp->getPosition());

			 drawNode->drawSegment(vec1, vec2, 3.0f, Color4F(1, 1, 1, 1));

			Vec2 normalVec = vec1 - vec2;
			Vec2 monsterToCentreVec = paddleNode->getPosition() - monster->getPosition();
			//if the normalVec is pointing to the centre
			dirVec = normalVec.dot(monsterToCentreVec) > 0? normalVec:normalVec*(-1);

			float m_velocity = sqrtf(monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().x * monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().x +
				monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().y * monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().y);

			forceVec.x = dirVec.x * 2 * monsterBody->GetMass() * m_velocity;
			forceVec.y = dirVec.y * 2 * monsterBody->GetMass() * m_velocity;


			monsterBody->ApplyLinearImpulse(forceVec, monsterBody->GetWorldCenter(), true);
			oldVec = b2Vec2(monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().x, monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().y);
			monsterBody->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(oldVec.x * 10, oldVec.y * 10));

			//sp->setName("deleting paddle");

		if (sp && (sp->getName() == "brick" || sp->getName() == "wall") && contact->IsTouching() == true) {

			brickForceVec.x =monsterBody->GetPosition().x - collidedBody->GetPosition().x;
			brickForceVec.y =monsterBody->GetPosition().y - collidedBody->GetPosition().y;
			monsterBody->ApplyLinearImpulse(brickForceVec, monsterBody->GetWorldCenter(), true);
			oldVec = b2Vec2(monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().x, monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().y);
			monsterBody->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(oldVec.x * 10, oldVec.y * 10));

			if (sp->getName() == "brick")
				for (int i = 0; collidedBodies[i] == NULL; i++) 
					collidedBodies[i] = collidedBody;


void BlacknWhiteLayer::dealCollision(float dur){
    for (b2ContactEdge *c = monsterBody->GetContactList();c;c = c->next){
        b2Contact *contact = c->contact;
        b2Body *bodyA = contact->GetFixtureA()->GetBody();
        b2Body *bodyB = contact->GetFixtureB()->GetBody();
        b2Body *collidedBody = (bodyA == monsterBody)?bodyB:bodyA;
        if ((collidedBody == paddleBody || collidedBody == paddleBody2) && contact->IsTouching() == true)
            if ((collidedBody == paddleBody && monster->getName() == "blackBall") || (collidedBody == paddleBody2 && monster->getName() == "whiteBall")) {
                //records the direction from the center point to the monster
                Vec2 vec1;
                Vec2 vec2;
                if (collidedBody == paddleBody) {
                    vec1 = paddleNode->convertToWorldSpace( Vec2(paddle->getBoundingBox().getMinX(),paddle->getBoundingBox().getMaxY()) );
                    vec2 = paddleNode->convertToWorldSpace( Vec2(paddle->getBoundingBox().getMaxX(),paddle->getBoundingBox().getMaxY()) );
                if (collidedBody == paddleBody2) {
                    vec1 = paddleNode->convertToWorldSpace( Vec2(paddle2->getBoundingBox().getMinX(),paddle2->getBoundingBox().getMaxY()) );
                    vec2 = paddleNode->convertToWorldSpace( Vec2(paddle2->getBoundingBox().getMaxX(),paddle2->getBoundingBox().getMaxY()) );
                Vec2 normalVec = vec1 - vec2;
                Vec2 monsterToCentreVec = paddleNode->getPosition() - monster->getPosition();
                //if the normalVec is pointing to the centre
                dirVec = normalVec.dot(monsterToCentreVec) > 0? normalVec:normalVec*(-1);
                float m_velocity = sqrtf(monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().x * monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().x +
                                         monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().y * monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().y);
                forceVec.x = dirVec.x * 2 * monsterBody->GetMass() * m_velocity;
                forceVec.y = dirVec.y * 2 * monsterBody->GetMass() * m_velocity;
                monsterBody->ApplyLinearImpulse(forceVec, monsterBody->GetWorldCenter(), true);
                oldVec = b2Vec2(monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().x, monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().y);
                monsterBody->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(oldVec.x * MONSTER_SPEED, oldVec.y * MONSTER_SPEED));
                monsterBody->SetTransform(b2Vec2(460 / WORLDSCALE, 280 / WORLDSCALE), 0);
        /*Sprite* sp = (Sprite*)collidedBody->GetUserData();
        if (sp && sp->getName() == "brick" && contact->IsTouching() == true) {
            for (int i = 0; collidedBodies[i] == NULL; i++) {
                collidedBodies[i] = collidedBody;
            brickForceVec.x =monsterBody->GetPosition().x - collidedBody->GetPosition().x;
            brickForceVec.y =monsterBody->GetPosition().y - collidedBody->GetPosition().y;
            monsterBody->ApplyLinearImpulse(brickForceVec, monsterBody->GetWorldCenter(), true);
            oldVec = b2Vec2(monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().x, monsterBody->GetLinearVelocity().y);
            monsterBody->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(oldVec.x * MONSTER_SPEED, oldVec.y * MONSTER_SPEED));