Exemple #1
void Lines::update()
  //Skip update if count hasn't changed
  //To force update, set geometry->reload = true
  if (reload) elements = 0;
  if (elements > 0 && (linetotal == (unsigned int)elements || total == 0)) return;


  //Count 2d lines
  linetotal = 0;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<geom.size(); i++)
  { //Force true as default here, global default is false for "flat"
    if (all2d || (geom[i]->draw->properties.getBool("flat", true) && !geom[i]->draw->properties["tubes"]))
      linetotal += geom[i]->count;

  //Copy data to Vertex Buffer Object
  // VBO - copy normals/colours/positions to buffer object
  unsigned char *p, *ptr;
  ptr = p = NULL;
  int datasize = sizeof(float) * 3 + sizeof(Colour);   //Vertex(3), and 32-bit colour
  int bsize = linetotal * datasize;
  if (linetotal > 0)
    //Initialise vertex buffer
    if (!vbo) glGenBuffers(1, &vbo);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
    if (glIsBuffer(vbo))
      glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bsize, NULL, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
      debug_print("  %d byte VBO created for LINES, holds %d vertices\n", bsize, bsize/datasize);
      ptr = p = (unsigned char*)glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY);
    if (!p) abort_program("VBO setup failed");

  clock_t t1,t2,tt;
  any3d = false;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<geom.size(); i++)
    Properties& props = geom[i]->draw->properties;

    //Calibrate colour maps on range for this object
    float limit = props["limit"];
    bool linked = props["link"];

    if (all2d || (props.getBool("flat", true) && !props["tubes"]))
      int hasColours = geom[i]->colourCount();
      int colrange = hasColours ? geom[i]->count / hasColours : 1;
      if (colrange < 1) colrange = 1;
      debug_print("Using 1 colour per %d vertices (%d : %d)\n", colrange, geom[i]->count, hasColours);

      Colour colour;
      for (unsigned int v=0; v < geom[i]->count; v++)
        if (!internal && geom[i]->filter(i)) continue;

        //Check length limit if applied (used for periodic boundary conditions)
        //NOTE: will not work with linked lines, require separated segments
        if (!linked && v%2 == 0 && v < geom[i]->count-1 && limit > 0.f)
          Vec3d line;
          vectorSubtract(line, geom[i]->vertices[v+1], geom[i]->vertices[v]);
          if (line.magnitude() > limit) 
            //Skip next two vertices

        //Have colour values but not enough for per-vertex, spread over range (eg: per segment)
        int cidx = v / colrange;
        if (cidx >= hasColours) cidx = hasColours - 1;
        geom[i]->getColour(colour, cidx);
        //if (cidx%100 ==0) printf("COLOUR %d => %d,%d,%d\n", cidx, colour.r, colour.g, colour.b);
        //Write vertex data to vbo
        assert((int)(ptr-p) < bsize);
        //Copies vertex bytes
        memcpy(ptr, &geom[i]->vertices[v][0], sizeof(float) * 3);
        ptr += sizeof(float) * 3;
        //Copies colour bytes
        memcpy(ptr, &colour, sizeof(Colour));
        ptr += sizeof(Colour);

        //Count of vertices actually plotted
      t2 = clock();
      debug_print("  %.4lf seconds to reload %d vertices\n", (t2-t1)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC, counts[i]);
      t1 = clock();
      elements += counts[i];
      any3d = true; //Flag 3d tubes drawn

      //Create a new data store for output geometry

      //3d lines - using triangle sub-renderer
      geom[i]->draw->properties.data["lit"] = true; //Override lit
      //Draw as 3d cylinder sections
      int quality = 4 * (int)props["glyphs"];
      float scaling = props["scalelines"];
      //Don't apply object scaling to internal lines objects
      if (!internal) scaling *= (float)props["scaling"];
      float radius = scaling*0.1;
      float* oldpos = NULL;
      Colour colour;
      for (unsigned int v=0; v < geom[i]->count; v++)
        if (v%2 == 0 && !linked) oldpos = NULL;
        float* pos = geom[i]->vertices[v];
        if (oldpos)
          tris->drawTrajectory(geom[i]->draw, oldpos, pos, radius, radius, -1, view->scale, limit, quality);
          //Per line colours (can do this as long as sub-renderer always outputs same tri count)
          geom[i]->getColour(colour, v);
          tris->read(geom[i]->draw, 1, lucRGBAData, &colour.value);
        oldpos = pos;

      //Adjust bounding box
      tris->compareMinMax(geom[i]->min, geom[i]->max);

  if (linetotal > 0)
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

  t1 = clock();
  debug_print("Plotted %d lines in %.4lf seconds\n", linetotal, (t1-tt)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
