// Saving the access specification list to a result file.
// Saves only the currently active access specs.
BOOL AccessSpecList::SaveResults( ostream& outfile )
	int i, j;
	int access_count, manager_count, worker_count, current_access_index;
	Manager *mgr;
	Worker *wkr;
	BOOL *spec_active;
	Test_Spec *spec;

	outfile << "'Access specifications" << endl;

	access_count = Count();
	spec_active = new BOOL[ access_count ];

	// Determine which access specs are active for the current test
	// Start by marking all access specs inactive.
	for ( i = 1; i < access_count; i++ )
		spec_active[i] = FALSE;

	current_access_index = theApp.pView->GetCurrentAccessIndex();
	// Now go through all the workers and mark each worker's current access spec 
	// as active, IF the worker is actually doing anything in this test.
	manager_count = theApp.manager_list.ManagerCount();
	for ( i = 0; i < manager_count; i++ )
		mgr = theApp.manager_list.GetManager( i );
		worker_count = mgr->WorkerCount();
		for ( j = 0; j < worker_count; j++ )
			wkr = mgr->GetWorker( j );
			if ( wkr->ActiveInCurrentTest() )
				spec_active[ IndexByRef( wkr->GetAccessSpec( 
								current_access_index ) ) ] = TRUE;

	// Save all the active access specs except the idle spec.
	for ( i = 1; i < access_count; i++ )
		if ( !spec_active[i] )

		spec = Get( i );

		outfile << "'Access specification name,default assignment" << endl;
		outfile << spec->name << "," << spec->default_assignment << endl;

		// Write access specifications to a file, data comma separated.
		outfile << "'size,% of size,% reads,% random,delay,burst,align,reply" << endl;

		for ( int line_index = 0; line_index < MAX_ACCESS_SPECS; line_index++ )
			if ( spec->access[line_index].of_size == IOERROR )
				<< spec->access[line_index].size << ","
				<< spec->access[line_index].of_size << ","
				<< spec->access[line_index].reads << ","
				<< spec->access[line_index].random << ","
				<< spec->access[line_index].delay << ","
				<< spec->access[line_index].burst << ","
				<< spec->access[line_index].align << ","
				<< spec->access[line_index].reply << endl;

	outfile << "'End access specifications" << endl;

	delete spec_active;

	return TRUE;