Exemple #1
int Manager::addSource(int workerType, int src_id, char* ip, int port) {

	LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "Adding source: " << src_id << " with address: " << ip << ":" << port);

	//Pointer to socketWorker
	Worker *s = this->getWorker(workerType, port);

	// Add the new source to the worker
	if (s != NULL && s->addSource(src_id, ip, port)) {
		// Save the new src_id to worker reference
		srcIdWorker[src_id] = s;
		workerIdWorker[s->getWorkerId()] = s;

		// Update the currentWorker Identifier

		if (currentWorkerId >= MAX_WORKERS)
			currentWorkerId = 0;
		return 0;
	} else {
		LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "Error adding the source: " << src_id );
		return -1;