Exemple #1
bool DetectorModule::couldHit(const XYZVector& direction, double zError) const {

  double eta       = direction.Eta();
  double phi       = direction.Phi();
  double shiftPhi  = phi + 2*M_PI;
  bool   withinEta = false;
  bool   withinPhi = false;

  // Eta region covered by module
  if (eta > minEtaWithError(zError) && eta < maxEtaWithError(zError)) withinEta = true;

  // Phi region is from <-pi;+3*pi> due to crossline at +pi -> need to check phi & phi+2*pi
  if ( (phi     >=minPhi() && phi     <=maxPhi()) ||
       (shiftPhi>=minPhi() && shiftPhi<=maxPhi()) ) withinPhi = true;

  // Checking that hit within a module region works for barrel-type modules only!!!
  if (this->shape()==ModuleShape::RECTANGULAR) return (withinEta && withinPhi);
  // ATTENTION: For wedge shaped modules, min, max procedure will not work correctly -> return true to avoid errors --> will be implemented in the future
  else return true;
Exemple #2
int testVector3D() { 

  std::cout << "\n************************************************************************\n " 
	    << " Vector 3D Test" 
	    << "\n************************************************************************\n";

  //CINT cannot autoload classes known only via a typedef (here XYZVector)

  XYZVector v1(0.01, 0.02, 16);
  //XYZVector v1(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);

//   XYZVector v1(1.0, 2.0, 30.0);

//   double R = sqrt (v1.X()*v1.X() + v1.Y()*v1.Y() + v1.Z()*v1.Z());
//   // this formula in not precise enough
//   //  double Theta = R>0 ? acos ( v1.Z()/r ) : 0;
//   double Rho = sqrt (v1.X()*v1.X() + v1.Y()*v1.Y());
//   double Theta = v1.Z() == 0 || Rho == 0 ? 0 : atan2( Rho, v1.Z() );  
//   double Phi = Rho>0 ? atan2 (v1.Y(), v1.X()) : 0;

  std::cout << "Test Cartesian-Polar :          " ;

  Polar3DVector v2(v1.R(), v1.Theta(), v1.Phi() );

  ok = 0;
  ok+= compare(v1.X(), v2.X(), "x"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Y(), v2.Y(), "y"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Z(), v2.Z(), "z"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Phi(), v2.Phi(), "phi"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Theta(), v2.Theta(), "theta"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.R(), v2.R(), "r"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Eta(), v2.Eta(), "eta"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Rho(), v2.Rho(), "rho"); 

  if (ok == 0) std::cout << "\t OK " << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Test Cartesian-CylindricalEta : ";

  RhoEtaPhiVector v3( v1.Rho(), v1.Eta(), v1.Phi() ); 

  ok = 0;
  ok+= compare(v1.X(), v3.X(), "x"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Y(), v3.Y(), "y"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Z(), v3.Z(), "z"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Phi(), v3.Phi(), "phi"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Theta(), v3.Theta(), "theta"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.R(), v3.R(), "r"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Eta(), v3.Eta(), "eta"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Rho(), v3.Rho(), "rho"); 

  if (ok == 0) std::cout << "\t OK " << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Test Cartesian-Cylindrical :    ";

  RhoZPhiVector v4( v1.Rho(), v1.Z(), v1.Phi() ); 

  ok = 0;
  ok+= compare(v1.X(), v4.X(), "x"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Y(), v4.Y(), "y"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Z(), v4.Z(), "z"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Phi(), v4.Phi(), "phi"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Theta(), v4.Theta(), "theta"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.R(), v4.R(), "r"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Eta(), v4.Eta(), "eta"); 
  ok+= compare(v1.Rho(), v4.Rho(), "rho"); 

  if (ok == 0) std::cout << "\t OK " << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Test Operations :               " ;

  ok = 0;
  double Dot = v1.Dot(v2);
  ok+= compare( Dot, v1.Mag2(),"dot"  );
  XYZVector vcross = v1.Cross(v2);
  ok+= compare( vcross.R(), 0,"cross"  );

  //std::cout << "\nTest Unit & scaling : " ;

  XYZVector vscale1 = v1*10;
  XYZVector vscale2 = vscale1/10;
  ok+= compare( v1.R(), vscale2.R(), "scale");

  XYZVector vu = v1.Unit();
  ok+= compare(v2.Phi(),vu.Phi(),"unit Phi");
  ok+= compare(v2.Theta(),vu.Theta(),"unit Theta");
  ok+= compare(1.0,vu.R(),"unit ");

  XYZVector q1 = v1;
  // RhoEtaPhiVector q2 = v1;  ! copy onstructor between different vector does not work yet)  
  RhoEtaPhiVector q2(1.0,1.0,1.0);
  XYZVector q3 = q1 + q2; 
  XYZVector q4 = q3 - q2; 

  ok+= compare( q4.X(), q1.X(), "op X"  );
  ok+= compare( q4.Y(), q1.Y(), "op Y" );
  ok+= compare( q4.Z(), q1.Z(), "op Z" );

  // test operator == 
  XYZVector        w1 = v1; 
  Polar3DVector    w2 = v2; 
  RhoEtaPhiVector  w3 = v3; 
  RhoZPhiVector    w4 = v4; 
  ok+= compare( w1 == v1, static_cast<double>(true), "== XYZ");
  ok+= compare( w2 == v2, static_cast<double>(true), "== Polar");
  ok+= compare( w3 == v3, static_cast<double>(true), "== RhoEtaPhi");
  ok+= compare( w4 == v4, static_cast<double>(true), "== RhoZPhi");

  if (ok == 0) std::cout << "\t OK " << std::endl;

  //test setters
  std::cout << "Test Setters :                  " ;

  q2.SetXYZ(q1.X(), q1.Y(), q1.Z() );

  ok+= compare( q2.X(), q1.X(), "setXYZ X"  );
  ok+= compare( q2.Y(), q1.Y(), "setXYZ Y" );
  ok+= compare( q2.Z(), q1.Z(), "setXYZ Z" );

  q2.SetCoordinates( 2.0*q1.Rho(), q1.Eta(), q1.Phi() );
  XYZVector q1s = 2.0*q1;
  ok+= compare( q2.X(), q1s.X(), "set X"  );
  ok+= compare( q2.Y(), q1s.Y(), "set Y" );
  ok+= compare( q2.Z(), q1s.Z(), "set Z" );

  if (ok == 0) std::cout << "\t\t OK " << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Test Linear Algebra conversion: " ;

  XYZVector vxyz1(1.,2.,3.); 
  TVectorD vla1(3);
  vxyz1.Coordinates().GetCoordinates(vla1.GetMatrixArray() );

  TVectorD vla2(3); 
  vla2[0] = 1.; vla2[1] = -2.; vla2[2] = 1.;

  XYZVector vxyz2; 

  ok = 0; 
  double prod1 =  vxyz1.Dot(vxyz2); 
  double prod2 = vla1*vla2; 
  ok+= compare( prod1, prod2, "la test" );

  if (ok == 0) std::cout << "\t\t OK " << std::endl;
  return ok; 