 * Convenience function to store a detector value into a given spectrum.
 * Note that this type of data doesn't use TOD, so that we use a single dummy
 * bin in X. Each detector is defined as a spectrum of length 1.
 * @param ws: workspace
 * @param specID: ID of the spectrum to store the value in
 * @param value: value to store [count]
 * @param error: error on the value [count]
 * @param wavelength: wavelength value [Angstrom]
 * @param dwavelength: error on the wavelength [Angstrom]
void store_value(DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr ws, int specID, double value,
                 double error, double wavelength, double dwavelength) {
  auto &X = ws->mutableX(specID);
  auto &Y = ws->mutableY(specID);
  auto &E = ws->mutableE(specID);
  // The following is mostly to make Mantid happy by defining a histogram with
  // a single bin around the neutron wavelength
  X[0] = wavelength - dwavelength / 2.0;
  X[1] = wavelength + dwavelength / 2.0;
  Y[0] = value;
  E[0] = error;