Exemple #1
     * Populate spectra mapping to detector IDs
     * TODO: Get the detector size information from the workspace directly
     * @param localWorkspace: Workspace2D object
     * @param nxbins: number of bins in X
     * @param nybins: number of bins in Y
    void LoadSpice2D::runLoadMappingTable(DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr localWorkspace, int nxbins, int nybins)
      // Get the number of monitor channels
      boost::shared_ptr<const Geometry::Instrument> instrument = localWorkspace->getInstrument();
      std::vector<detid_t> monitors = instrument->getMonitors();
      const int nMonitors = static_cast<int>(monitors.size());

      // Number of monitors should be consistent with data file format
      if( nMonitors != LoadSpice2D::nMonitors ) {
        std::stringstream error;
        error << "Geometry error for " << instrument->getName() <<
            ": Spice data format defines " << LoadSpice2D::nMonitors << " monitors, " << nMonitors << " were/was found";
        throw std::runtime_error(error.str());

      const size_t ndet = nxbins*nybins + nMonitors;
      boost::shared_array<detid_t> udet(new detid_t[ndet]);
      boost::shared_array<specid_t> spec(new specid_t[ndet]);

      // Generate mapping of detector/channel IDs to spectrum ID

      // Detector/channel counter
      int icount = 0;

      // Monitor: IDs start at 1 and increment by 1
      for(int i=0; i<nMonitors; i++)
        spec[icount] = icount;
        udet[icount] = icount+1;

      // Detector pixels
      for(int ix=0; ix<nxbins; ix++)
        for(int iy=0; iy<nybins; iy++)
          spec[icount] = icount;
          udet[icount] = 1000000 + iy*1000 + ix;

      // Populate the Spectra Map with parameters
      localWorkspace->replaceSpectraMap(new API::SpectraDetectorMap(spec.get(), udet.get(), ndet));