inline void resize(Eigen::MatrixXd & m, vcl_size_t new_rows, vcl_size_t new_cols) { m.resize(new_rows, new_cols); }
IGL_INLINE bool igl::copyleft::cgal::signed_distance_isosurface( const Eigen::MatrixXd & IV, const Eigen::MatrixXi & IF, const double level, const double angle_bound, const double radius_bound, const double distance_bound, const SignedDistanceType sign_type, Eigen::MatrixXd & V, Eigen::MatrixXi & F) { using namespace std; using namespace Eigen; // default triangulation for Surface_mesher typedef CGAL::Surface_mesh_default_triangulation_3 Tr; // c2t3 typedef CGAL::Complex_2_in_triangulation_3<Tr> C2t3; typedef Tr::Geom_traits GT;//Kernel typedef GT::Sphere_3 Sphere_3; typedef GT::Point_3 Point_3; typedef GT::FT FT; typedef std::function<FT (Point_3)> Function; typedef CGAL::Implicit_surface_3<GT, Function> Surface_3; AABB<Eigen::MatrixXd,3> tree; tree.init(IV,IF); Eigen::MatrixXd FN,VN,EN; Eigen::MatrixXi E; Eigen::VectorXi EMAP; WindingNumberAABB< Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::MatrixXi > hier; switch(sign_type) { default: assert(false && "Unknown SignedDistanceType"); case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_UNSIGNED: // do nothing break; case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_DEFAULT: case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_WINDING_NUMBER: hier.set_mesh(IV,IF); hier.grow(); break; case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_PSEUDONORMAL: // "Signed Distance Computation Using the Angle Weighted Pseudonormal" // [Bærentzen & Aanæs 2005] per_face_normals(IV,IF,FN); per_vertex_normals(IV,IF,PER_VERTEX_NORMALS_WEIGHTING_TYPE_ANGLE,FN,VN); per_edge_normals( IV,IF,PER_EDGE_NORMALS_WEIGHTING_TYPE_UNIFORM,FN,EN,E,EMAP); break; } Tr tr; // 3D-Delaunay triangulation C2t3 c2t3 (tr); // 2D-complex in 3D-Delaunay triangulation // defining the surface const auto & IVmax = IV.colwise().maxCoeff(); const auto & IVmin = IV.colwise().minCoeff(); const double bbd = (IVmax-IVmin).norm(); const double r = bbd/2.; const auto & IVmid = 0.5*(IVmax + IVmin); // Supposedly the implict needs to evaluate to <0 at cmid... // Point_3 cmid(IVmid(0),IVmid(1),IVmid(2)); Function fun; switch(sign_type) { default: assert(false && "Unknown SignedDistanceType"); case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_UNSIGNED: fun = [&tree,&IV,&IF,&level](const Point_3 & q) -> FT { int i; RowVector3d c; const double sd = tree.squared_distance( IV,IF,RowVector3d(q.x(),q.y(),q.z()),i,c); return sd-level; }; case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_DEFAULT: case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_WINDING_NUMBER: fun = [&tree,&IV,&IF,&hier,&level](const Point_3 & q) -> FT { const double sd = signed_distance_winding_number( tree,IV,IF,hier,Vector3d(q.x(),q.y(),q.z())); return sd-level; }; break; case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_PSEUDONORMAL: fun = [&tree,&IV,&IF,&FN,&VN,&EN,&EMAP,&level](const Point_3 & q) -> FT { const double sd = igl::signed_distance_pseudonormal( tree,IV,IF,FN,VN,EN,EMAP,RowVector3d(q.x(),q.y(),q.z())); return sd- level; }; break; } Sphere_3 bounding_sphere(cmid, (r+level)*(r+level)); Surface_3 surface(fun,bounding_sphere); CGAL::Surface_mesh_default_criteria_3<Tr> criteria(angle_bound,radius_bound,distance_bound); // meshing surface CGAL::make_surface_mesh(c2t3, surface, criteria, CGAL::Manifold_tag()); // complex to (V,F) return igl::copyleft::cgal::complex_to_mesh(c2t3,V,F); }
int Lemke(const Eigen::MatrixXd& _M, const Eigen::VectorXd& _q, Eigen::VectorXd& _z) { int n = _q.size(); const double zer_tol = 1e-5; const double piv_tol = 1e-8; int maxiter = 1000; int err = 0; if (_q.minCoeff() > 0) { // LOG(INFO) << "Trivial solution exists."; _z = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(n); return err; } _z = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(2 * n); int iter = 0; double theta = 0; double ratio = 0; int leaving = 0; Eigen::VectorXd Be = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(n, 1); Eigen::VectorXd x = _q; std::vector<int> bas; std::vector<int> nonbas; int t = 2 * n + 1; int entering = t; bas.clear(); nonbas.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { bas.push_back(i); } Eigen::MatrixXd B = -Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(n, n); for (int i = 0; i < bas.size(); ++i) { B.col(bas[i]) = _M.col(bas[i]); } x = -B.partialPivLu().solve(_q); Eigen::VectorXd minuxX = -x; int lvindex; double tval = minuxX.maxCoeff(&lvindex); leaving = bas[lvindex]; bas[lvindex] = t; Eigen::VectorXd U = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (x[i] < 0) U[i] = 1; } Be = -(B * U); x += tval * U; x[lvindex] = tval; B.col(lvindex) = Be; for (iter = 0; iter < maxiter; ++iter) { if (leaving == t) { break; } else if (leaving < n) { entering = n + leaving; Be = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(n); Be[leaving] = -1; } else { entering = leaving - n; Be = _M.col(entering); } Eigen::VectorXd d = B.partialPivLu().solve(Be); std::vector<int> j; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (d[i] > piv_tol) j.push_back(i); } if (j.empty()) { // err = 2; break; } int jSize = static_cast<int>(j.size()); Eigen::VectorXd minRatio(jSize); for (int i = 0; i < jSize; ++i) { minRatio[i] = (x[j[i]] + zer_tol) / d[j[i]]; } double theta = minRatio.minCoeff(); std::vector<int> tmpJ; std::vector<double> tmpMinRatio; for (int i = 0; i < jSize; ++i) { if (x[j[i]] / d[j[i]] <= theta) { tmpJ.push_back(j[i]); tmpMinRatio.push_back(minRatio[i]); } } // if (tmpJ.empty()) // { // LOG(WARNING) << "tmpJ should never be empty!!!"; // LOG(WARNING) << "dumping data:"; // LOG(WARNING) << "theta:" << theta; // for (int i = 0; i < jSize; ++i) // { // LOG(WARNING) << "x(" << j[i] << "): " << x[j[i]] << "d: " << d[j[i]]; // } // } j = tmpJ; jSize = static_cast<int>(j.size()); if (jSize == 0) { err = 4; break; } lvindex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < jSize; ++i) { if (bas[j[i]] == t) lvindex = i; } if (lvindex != -1) { lvindex = j[lvindex]; } else { theta = tmpMinRatio[0]; lvindex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < jSize; ++i) { if (tmpMinRatio[i]-theta > piv_tol) { theta = tmpMinRatio[i]; lvindex = i; } } lvindex = j[lvindex]; } leaving = bas[lvindex]; ratio = x[lvindex] / d[lvindex]; bool bDiverged = false; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (isnan(x[i]) || isinf(x[i])) { bDiverged = true; break; } } if (bDiverged) { err = 4; break; } x = x - ratio * d; x[lvindex] = ratio; B.col(lvindex) = Be; bas[lvindex] = entering; } if (iter >= maxiter && leaving != t) err = 1; if (err == 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < bas.size(); ++i) { if (bas[i] < _z.size()) { _z[bas[i]] = x[i]; } } Eigen::VectorXd realZ = _z.segment(0, n); _z = realZ; if (!validate(_M, _z, _q)) { // _z = VectorXd::Zero(n); err = 3; } } else { _z = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(n); //solve failed, return a 0 vector } // if (err == 1) // LOG(ERROR) << "LCP Solver: Iterations exceeded limit"; // else if (err == 2) // LOG(ERROR) << "LCP Solver: Unbounded ray"; // else if (err == 3) // LOG(ERROR) << "LCP Solver: Solver converged with numerical issues. Validation failed."; // else if (err == 4) // LOG(ERROR) << "LCP Solver: Iteration diverged."; return err; }
/** \todo Document this rather complex function */ void MetaParametersLWR::getCentersAndWidths(const VectorXd& min, const VectorXd& max, Eigen::MatrixXd& centers, Eigen::MatrixXd& widths) const { int n_dims = getExpectedInputDim(); assert(min.size()==n_dims); assert(max.size()==n_dims); vector<VectorXd> centers_per_dim_local(n_dims); if (!centers_per_dim_.empty()) { centers_per_dim_local = centers_per_dim_; } else { // Centers are not know yet, compute them based on min and max for (int i_dim=0; i_dim<n_dims; i_dim++) centers_per_dim_local[i_dim] = VectorXd::LinSpaced(n_bfs_per_dim_[i_dim],min[i_dim],max[i_dim]); } // Determine the widths from the centers (separately for each dimension) vector<VectorXd> widths_per_dim_local(n_dims); for (int i_dim=0; i_dim<n_dims; i_dim++) { VectorXd cur_centers = centers_per_dim_local[i_dim]; // Abbreviation for convenience int n_centers = cur_centers.size(); VectorXd cur_widths(n_centers); if (n_centers==1) { cur_widths[0] = 1.0; } else if (n_centers==2) { cur_widths.fill(sqrt(overlap_*(cur_centers[1]-cur_centers[0]))); } else { cur_widths[0] = sqrt(overlap_*fabs(cur_centers[1]-cur_centers[0])); cur_widths[n_centers-1] = sqrt(overlap_*fabs(cur_centers[n_centers-1]-cur_centers[n_centers-2])); for (int cc=1; cc<n_centers-1; cc++) { double width_left = sqrt(overlap_*fabs(cur_centers[cc-1]-cur_centers[cc])); double width_right = sqrt(overlap_*fabs(cur_centers[cc+1]-cur_centers[cc])); // Recommended width is the average of the recommended widths for left and right cur_widths[cc] = 0.5*(width_left+width_right); } } widths_per_dim_local[i_dim] = cur_widths; } VectorXd digit_max(n_dims); int n_centers = 1; for (int i_dim=0; i_dim<n_dims; i_dim++) { n_centers = n_centers*centers_per_dim_local[i_dim].size(); digit_max[i_dim] = centers_per_dim_local[i_dim].size(); } VectorXi digit = VectorXi::Zero(n_dims); centers.resize(n_centers,n_dims); widths.resize(n_centers,n_dims); int i_center=0; while (digit[0]<digit_max(0)) { for (int i_dim=0; i_dim<n_dims; i_dim++) { centers(i_center,i_dim) = centers_per_dim_local[i_dim][digit[i_dim]]; widths(i_center,i_dim) = widths_per_dim_local[i_dim][digit[i_dim]]; } i_center++; // Increment last digit by one digit[n_dims-1]++; for (int i_dim=n_dims-1; i_dim>0; i_dim--) { if (digit[i_dim]>=digit_max[i_dim]) { digit[i_dim] = 0; digit[i_dim-1]++; } } } }
void mouse_drag(int mouse_x, int mouse_y) { using namespace igl; using namespace std; using namespace Eigen; if(is_rotating) { glutSetCursor(GLUT_CURSOR_CYCLE); Quaterniond q; switch(rotation_type) { case ROTATION_TYPE_IGL_TRACKBALL: { // Rotate according to trackball igl::trackball<double>( width, height, 2.0, down_camera.m_rotation_conj.coeffs().data(), down_x, down_y, mouse_x, mouse_y, q.coeffs().data()); break; } case ROTATION_TYPE_TWO_AXIS_VALUATOR_FIXED_UP: { // Rotate according to two axis valuator with fixed up vector two_axis_valuator_fixed_up( width, height, 2.0, down_camera.m_rotation_conj, down_x, down_y, mouse_x, mouse_y, q); break; } default: break; } camera.orbit(q.conjugate()); } if(is_dragging) { push_scene(); push_object(); if(new_leaf_on_drag) { assert(s.C.size() >= 1); // one new node s.C.conservativeResize(s.C.rows()+1,3); const int nc = s.C.rows(); assert(s.sel.size() >= 1); s.C.row(nc-1) = s.C.row(s.sel(0)); // one new bone s.BE.conservativeResize(s.BE.rows()+1,2); s.BE.row(s.BE.rows()-1) = RowVector2i(s.sel(0),nc-1); // select just last node s.sel.resize(1,1); s.sel(0) = nc-1; // reset down_C down_C = s.C; new_leaf_on_drag = false; } if(new_root_on_drag) { // two new nodes s.C.conservativeResize(s.C.rows()+2,3); const int nc = s.C.rows(); Vector3d obj; int nhits = unproject_in_mesh(mouse_x,height-mouse_y,ei,obj); if(nhits == 0) { Vector3d pV_mid = project(Vcen); obj = unproject(Vector3d(mouse_x,height-mouse_y,pV_mid(2))); } s.C.row(nc-2) = obj; s.C.row(nc-1) = obj; // select last node s.sel.resize(1,1); s.sel(0) = nc-1; // one new bone s.BE.conservativeResize(s.BE.rows()+1,2); s.BE.row(s.BE.rows()-1) = RowVector2i(nc-2,nc-1); // reset down_C down_C = s.C; new_root_on_drag = false; } double z = 0; Vector3d obj,win; int nhits = unproject_in_mesh(mouse_x,height-mouse_y,ei,obj); project(obj,win); z = win(2); for(int si = 0;si<s.sel.size();si++) { const int c = s.sel(si); Vector3d pc = project((RowVector3d) down_C.row(c)); pc(0) += mouse_x-down_x; pc(1) += (height-mouse_y)-(height-down_y); if(nhits > 0) { pc(2) = z; } s.C.row(c) = unproject(pc); } pop_object(); pop_scene(); } glutPostRedisplay(); }
// Initialize colors to a boring green void init_C() { C.col(0).setConstant(0.4); C.col(1).setConstant(0.8); C.col(2).setConstant(0.3); }
bool GaussianSet::setDensityMatrix(const Eigen::MatrixXd &m) { m_density.resize(m.rows(), m.cols()); m_density = m; return true; }
/*! \fn inline void symmetryBlocking(Eigen::MatrixXd & matrix, int cavitySize, int ntsirr, int nr_irrep) * \param[out] matrix the matrix to be block-diagonalized * \param[in] cavitySize the size of the cavity (size of the matrix) * \param[in] ntsirr the size of the irreducible portion of the cavity (size of the blocks) * \param[in] nr_irrep the number of irreducible representations (number of blocks) */ inline void symmetryBlocking(Eigen::MatrixXd & matrix, size_t cavitySize, int ntsirr, int nr_irrep) { // This function implements the simmetry-blocking of the PCM // matrix due to point group symmetry as reported in: // L. Frediani, R. Cammi, C. S. Pomelli, J. Tomasi and K. Ruud, J. Comput.Chem. 25, 375 (2003) // u is the character table for the group (t in the paper) Eigen::MatrixXd u = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(nr_irrep, nr_irrep); for (int i = 0; i < nr_irrep; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < nr_irrep; ++j) { u(i, j) = parity(i&j); } } // Naming of indices: // a, b, c, d run over the total size of the cavity (N) // i, j, k, l run over the number of irreps (n) // p, q, r, s run over the irreducible size of the cavity (N/n) // Instead of forming U (T in the paper) and then perform the dense // multiplication, we multiply block-by-block using just the u matrix. // matrix = U * matrix * Ut; U * Ut = Ut * U = id // First half-transformation, i.e. first_half = matrix * Ut Eigen::MatrixXd first_half = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cavitySize, cavitySize); for (int i = 0; i < nr_irrep; ++i) { int ioff = i * ntsirr; for (int k = 0; k < nr_irrep; ++k) { int koff = k * ntsirr; for (int j = 0; j < nr_irrep; ++j) { int joff = j * ntsirr; double ujk = u(j, k) / nr_irrep; for (int p = 0; p < ntsirr; ++p) { int a = ioff + p; for (int q = 0; q < ntsirr; ++q) { int b = joff + q; int c = koff + q; first_half(a, c) += matrix(a, b) * ujk; } } } } } // Second half-transformation, i.e. matrix = U * first_half matrix.setZero(cavitySize, cavitySize); for (int i = 0; i < nr_irrep; ++i) { int ioff = i * ntsirr; for (int k = 0; k < nr_irrep; ++k) { int koff = k * ntsirr; for (int j = 0; j < nr_irrep; ++j) { int joff = j * ntsirr; double uij = u(i, j); for (int p = 0; p < ntsirr; ++p) { int a = ioff + p; int b = joff + p; for (int q = 0; q < ntsirr; ++q) { int c = koff + q; matrix(a, c) += uij * first_half(b, c); } } } } } // Traverse the matrix and discard numerical zeros for (size_t a = 0; a < cavitySize; ++a) { for (size_t b = 0; b < cavitySize; ++b) { if (numericalZero(matrix(a, b))) { matrix(a, b) = 0.0; } } } }
/** unittest for oapackage * * Returns UNITTEST_SUCCESS if all tests are ok. * */ int oaunittest (int verbose, int writetests = 0, int randval = 0) { double t0 = get_time_ms (); const char *bstr = "OA unittest"; cprintf (verbose, "%s: start\n", bstr); srand (randval); int allgood = UNITTEST_SUCCESS; Combinations::initialize_number_combinations (20); /* constructors */ { cprintf (verbose, "%s: interaction matrices\n", bstr); array_link al = exampleArray (2); Eigen::MatrixXd m1 = array2xfeigen (al); Eigen::MatrixXd m2 = arraylink2eigen (array2xf (al)); Eigen::MatrixXd dm = m1 - m2; int sum = dm.sum (); myassert (sum == 0, "unittest error: construction of interaction matrices\n"); } cprintf(verbose, "%s: reduceConferenceTransformation\n", bstr); myassert(unittest_reduceConferenceTransformation()==0, "unittest unittest_reduceConferenceTransformation failed"); /* constructors */ { cprintf (verbose, "%s: array manipulation operations\n", bstr); test_array_manipulation (verbose); } /* double conference matrices */ { cprintf (verbose, "%s: double conference matrices\n", bstr); array_link al = exampleArray (36, verbose); myassert (al.is_conference (2), "check on double conference design type"); myassert (testLMC0checkDC (al, verbose >= 2), "testLMC0checkDC"); } /* conference matrices */ { cprintf (verbose, "%s: conference matrices\n", bstr); int N = 4; conference_t ctype (N, N, 0); arraylist_t kk; array_link al = ctype.create_root (); kk.push_back (al); for (int extcol = 2; extcol < N; extcol++) { kk = extend_conference (kk, ctype, 0); } myassert (kk.size () == 1, "unittest error: conference matrices for N=4\n"); } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: generators for conference matrix extensions\n", bstr); test_conference_candidate_generators (verbose); } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: conference matrix Fvalues\n", bstr); array_link al = exampleArray (22, 0); if (verbose >= 2) (); if (0) { std::vector< int > f3 = al.FvaluesConference (3); if (verbose >= 2) { printf ("F3: "); display_vector (f3); printf ("\n"); } } const int N = al.n_rows; jstructconference_t js (N, 4); std::vector< int > f4 = al.FvaluesConference (4); std::vector< int > j4 = js.Jvalues (); if (verbose >= 2) { printf ("j4: "); display_vector (j4); printf ("\n"); printf ("F4: "); display_vector (f4); printf ("\n"); } myassert (j4[0] == 28, "unittest error: conference matricex F values: j4[0]\n"); myassert (f4[0] == 0, "unittest error: conference matricex F values: f4[0] \n"); myassert (f4[1] == 0, "unittest error: conference matricex F values: j4[1]\n"); } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: LMC0 check for arrays in C(4, 3)\n", bstr); array_link al = exampleArray (28, 1); if (verbose >= 2) al.showarray (); lmc_t r = LMC0check (al, verbose); if (verbose >= 2) printf ("LMC0check: result %d\n", r); myassert (r >= LMC_EQUAL, "LMC0 check\n"); al = exampleArray (29, 1); if (verbose >= 2) al.showarray (); r = LMC0check (al, verbose); if (verbose >= 2) printf ("LMC0check: result %d (LMC_LESS %d)\n", r, LMC_LESS); myassert (r == LMC_LESS, "LMC0 check of example array 29\n"); } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: LMC0 check\n", bstr); array_link al = exampleArray (31, 1); if (verbose >= 2) al.showarray (); conference_transformation_t T (al); for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) { T.randomize (); array_link alx = T.apply (al); lmc_t r = LMC0check (alx, verbose); if (verbose >= 2) { printfd ("%d: transformed array: r %d\n", i, r); alx.showarray (); } if (alx == al) myassert (r >= LMC_EQUAL, "result should be LMC_MORE\n"); else { myassert (r == LMC_LESS, "result should be LMC_LESS\n"); } } } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: random transformation for conference matrices\n", bstr); array_link al = exampleArray (19, 1); conference_transformation_t T (al); // T.randomizerowflips(); T.randomize (); conference_transformation_t Ti = T.inverse (); array_link alx = Ti.apply (T.apply (al)); if (0) { printf ("input array:\n"); al.showarray (); (); printf ("transformed array:\n"); T.apply (al).showarray (); (); alx.showarray (); } myassert (alx == al, "transformation of conference matrix\n"); } /* constructors */ { cprintf (verbose, "%s: constructors\n", bstr); array_transformation_t t; conference_transformation_t ct; } /* J-characteristics */ { cprintf (verbose, "%s: J-characteristics\n", bstr); array_link al = exampleArray (8, 1); const int mm[] = {-1, -1, 0, 0, 8, 16, 0, -1}; for (int jj = 2; jj < 7; jj++) { std::vector< int > jx = al.Jcharacteristics (jj); int j5max = vectormax (jx, 0); if (verbose >= 2) { printf ("oaunittest: jj %d: j5max %d\n", jj, j5max); } if (j5max != mm[jj]) { printfd ("j5max %d (should be %d)\n", j5max, mm[jj]); allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; return allgood; } } } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: array transformations\n", bstr); const int N = 9; const int t = 3; arraydata_t adataX (3, N, t, 4); array_link al (adataX.N, adataX.ncols, -1); al.create_root (adataX); if (checkTransformationInverse (al)) allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; if (checkTransformationComposition (al, verbose >= 2)) allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; al = exampleArray (5, 1); if (checkTransformationInverse (al)) allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; if (checkTransformationComposition (al)) allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { al = exampleArray (18, 0); if (checkConferenceComposition (al)) allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; if (checkConferenceInverse (al)) allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; al = exampleArray (19, 0); if (checkConferenceComposition (al)) allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; if (checkConferenceInverse (al)) allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; } } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: rank \n", bstr); const int idx[10] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9}; const int rr[10] = {4, 11, 13, 18, 16, 4, 4, 29, 29}; for (int ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) { array_link al = exampleArray (idx[ii], 0); myassert (al.is2level (), "unittest error: input array is not 2-level\n"); int r = arrayrankColPivQR (array2xf (al)); int r3 = (array2xf (al)).rank (); myassert (r == r3, "unittest error: rank of array"); if (verbose >= 2) { al.showarray (); printf ("unittest: rank of array %d: %d\n", idx[ii], r); } myassert (rr[ii] == r, "unittest error: rank of example matrix\n"); } } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: Doptimize \n", bstr); const int N = 40; const int t = 0; arraydata_t arrayclass (2, N, t, 6); std::vector< double > alpha (3); alpha[0] = 1; alpha[1] = 1; alpha[2] = 0; int niter = 5000; double t00 = get_time_ms (); DoptimReturn rr = Doptimize (arrayclass, 10, alpha, 0, DOPTIM_AUTOMATIC, niter); array_t ss[7] = {3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}; arraydata_t arrayclassmixed (ss, 36, t, 5); rr = Doptimize (arrayclassmixed, 10, alpha, 0, DOPTIM_AUTOMATIC, niter); cprintf (verbose, "%s: Doptimize time %.3f [s] \n", bstr, get_time_ms () - t00); } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: J-characteristics for conference matrix\n", bstr); array_link al = exampleArray (19, 0); std::vector< int > j2 = Jcharacteristics_conference (al, 2); std::vector< int > j3 = Jcharacteristics_conference (al, 3); myassert (j2[0] == 0, "j2 value incorrect"); myassert (j2[1] == 0, "j2 value incorrect"); myassert (std::abs (j3[0]) == 1, "j3 value incorrect"); if (verbose >= 2) { al.showarray (); printf ("j2: "); display_vector (j2); printf ("\n"); printf ("j3: "); display_vector (j3); printf ("\n"); } } { // test PEC sequence cprintf (verbose, "%s: PEC sequence\n", bstr); for (int ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++) { array_link al = exampleArray (ii, 0); std::vector< double > pec = PECsequence (al); printf ("oaunittest: PEC for array %d: ", ii); display_vector (pec); printf (" \n"); } } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: D-efficiency test\n", bstr); // D-efficiency near-zero test { array_link al = exampleArray (14); double D = al.Defficiency (); std::vector< double > dd = al.Defficiencies (); printf ("D %f, D (method 2) %f\n", D, dd[0]); assert (fabs (D - dd[0]) < 1e-4); } { array_link al = exampleArray (15); double D = al.Defficiency (); std::vector< double > dd = al.Defficiencies (); printf ("D %f, D (method 2) %f\n", D, dd[0]); assert (fabs (D - dd[0]) < 1e-4); assert (fabs (D - 0.335063) < 1e-3); } } arraydata_t adata (2, 20, 2, 6); OAextend oaextendx; oaextendx.setAlgorithm ((algorithm_t)MODE_ORIGINAL, &adata); std::vector< arraylist_t > aa (adata.ncols + 1); printf ("OA unittest: create root array\n"); create_root (&adata, aa[adata.strength]); /** Test extend of arrays **/ { cprintf (verbose, "%s: extend arrays\n", bstr); setloglevel (SYSTEM); for (int kk = adata.strength; kk < adata.ncols; kk++) { aa[kk + 1] = extend_arraylist (aa[kk], adata, oaextendx); printf (" extend: column %d->%d: %ld->%ld arrays\n", kk, kk + 1, aa[kk].size (), aa[kk + 1].size ()); } if (aa[adata.ncols].size () != 75) { printf ("extended ?? to %d arrays\n", (int)aa[adata.ncols].size ()); } myassert (aa[adata.ncols].size () == 75, "number of arrays is incorrect"); aa[adata.ncols].size (); setloglevel (QUIET); } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: test LMC check\n", bstr); array_link al = exampleArray (1, 1); lmc_t r = LMCcheckOriginal (al); myassert (r != LMC_LESS, "LMC check of array in normal form"); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { array_link alx = al.randomperm (); if (alx == al) continue; lmc_t r = LMCcheckOriginal (alx); myassert (r == LMC_LESS, "randomized array cannot be in minimal form"); } } { /** Test dof **/ cprintf (verbose, "%s: test delete-one-factor reduction\n", bstr); array_link al = exampleArray (4); cprintf (verbose >= 2, "LMC: \n"); al.reduceLMC (); cprintf (verbose >= 2, "DOP: \n"); al.reduceDOP (); } arraylist_t lst; { /** Test different methods **/ cprintf (verbose, "%s: test 2 different methods\n", bstr); const int s = 2; arraydata_t adata (s, 32, 3, 10); arraydata_t adata2 (s, 32, 3, 10); OAextend oaextendx; oaextendx.setAlgorithm ((algorithm_t)MODE_ORIGINAL, &adata); OAextend oaextendx2; oaextendx2.setAlgorithm ((algorithm_t)MODE_LMC_2LEVEL, &adata2); printf ("OA unittest: test 2-level algorithm on %s\n", adata.showstr ().c_str ()); std::vector< arraylist_t > aa (adata.ncols + 1); create_root (&adata, aa[adata.strength]); std::vector< arraylist_t > aa2 (adata.ncols + 1); create_root (&adata, aa2[adata.strength]); setloglevel (SYSTEM); for (int kk = adata.strength; kk < adata.ncols; kk++) { aa[kk + 1] = extend_arraylist (aa[kk], adata, oaextendx); aa2[kk + 1] = extend_arraylist (aa2[kk], adata2, oaextendx2); printf (" extend: column %d->%d: %ld->%ld arrays, 2-level method %ld->%ld arrays\n", kk, kk + 1, (long) aa[kk].size (), (long)aa[kk + 1].size (), aa2[kk].size (), aa2[kk + 1].size ()); if (aa[kk + 1] != aa2[kk + 1]) { printf ("oaunittest: error: 2-level algorithm unequal to original algorithm\n"); exit (1); } } setloglevel (QUIET); lst = aa[8]; } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: rank calculation using rankStructure\n", bstr); for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++) { array_link al = exampleArray (i, 0); if (al.n_columns < 5) continue; al = exampleArray (i, 1); rankStructure rs; rs.verbose = 0; int r = array2xf (al).rank (); int rc = rs.rankxf (al); if (verbose >= 2) { printf ("rank of example array %d: %d %d\n", i, r, rc); if (verbose >= 3) { al.showproperties (); } } myassert (r == rc, "rank calculations"); } } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: test dtable creation\n", bstr); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { array_link al = exampleArray (5); array_link dtable = createJdtable (al); } } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: test Pareto calculation\n", bstr); double t0x = get_time_ms (); int nn = lst.size (); for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) { for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) { lst.push_back (lst[i]); } } Pareto< mvalue_t< long >, long > r = parsePareto (lst, 1); cprintf (verbose, "%s: test Pareto %d/%d: %.3f [s]\n", bstr, r.number (), r.numberindices (), (get_time_ms () - t0x)); } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: check reduction transformation\n", bstr); array_link al = exampleArray (6).reduceLMC (); arraydata_t adata = arraylink2arraydata (al); LMCreduction_t reduction (&adata); reduction.mode = OA_REDUCE; reduction.init_state = COPY; OAextend oaextend; oaextend.setAlgorithm (MODE_ORIGINAL, &adata); array_link alr = al.randomperm (); array_link al2 = reduction.transformation->apply (al); lmc_t tmp = LMCcheck (alr, adata, oaextend, reduction); array_link alx = reduction.transformation->apply (alr); bool c = alx == al; if (!c) { printf ("oaunittest: error: reduction of randomized array failed!\n"); printf ("-- al \n"); al.showarraycompact (); printf ("-- alr \n"); alr.showarraycompact (); printf ("-- alx \n"); alx.showarraycompact (); allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; } } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: reduce randomized array\n", bstr); array_link al = exampleArray (3); arraydata_t adata = arraylink2arraydata (al); LMCreduction_t reduction (&adata); for (int ii = 0; ii < 50; ii++) { reduction.transformation->randomize (); array_link al2 = reduction.transformation->apply (al); array_link alr = al2.reduceLMC (); if (0) { printf ("\n reduction complete:\n"); al2.showarray (); printf (" --->\n"); alr.showarray (); } bool c = (al == alr); if (!c) { printf ("oaunittest: error: reduction of randomized array failed!\n"); allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; } } } /* Calculate symmetry group */ { cprintf (verbose, "%s: calculate symmetry group\n", bstr); array_link al = exampleArray (2); symmetry_group sg = al.row_symmetry_group (); assert (sg.permsize () == sg.permsize_large ().toLong ()); // symmetry_group std::vector< int > vv; vv.push_back (0); vv.push_back (0); vv.push_back (1); symmetry_group sg2 (vv); assert (sg2.permsize () == 2); if (verbose >= 2) printf ("sg2: %ld\n", sg2.permsize ()); assert (sg2.ngroups == 2); } /* Test efficiencies */ { cprintf (verbose, "%s: efficiencies\n", bstr); std::vector< double > d; int vb = 1; array_link al; if (1) { al = exampleArray (9, vb); al.showproperties (); d = al.Defficiencies (0, 1); if (verbose >= 2) printf (" efficiencies: D %f Ds %f D1 %f Ds0 %f\n", d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]); if (fabs (d[0] - al.Defficiency ()) > 1e-10) { printf ("oaunittest: error: Defficiency not good!\n"); allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; } } al = exampleArray (8, vb); al.showproperties (); d = al.Defficiencies (); if (verbose >= 2) printf (" efficiencies: D %f Ds %f D1 %f\n", d[0], d[1], d[2]); if (fabs (d[0] - al.Defficiency ()) > 1e-10) { printf ("oaunittest: error: Defficiency of examlple array 8 not good!\n"); } al = exampleArray (13, vb); if (verbose >= 3) { al.showarray (); al.showproperties (); } d = al.Defficiencies (0, 1); if (verbose >= 2) printf (" efficiencies: D %f Ds %f D1 %f\n", d[0], d[1], d[2]); if ((fabs (d[0] - 0.939014) > 1e-4) || (fabs (d[3] - 0.896812) > 1e-4) || (fabs (d[2] - 1) > 1e-4)) { printf ("ERROR: D-efficiencies of example array 13 incorrect! \n"); d = al.Defficiencies (2, 1); printf (" efficiencies: D %f Ds %f D1 %f Ds0 %f\n", d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]); allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; exit (1); } for (int ii = 11; ii < 11; ii++) { printf ("ii %d: ", ii); al = exampleArray (ii, vb); al.showarray (); al.showproperties (); d = al.Defficiencies (); if (verbose >= 2) printf (" efficiencies: D %f Ds %f D1 %f\n", d[0], d[1], d[2]); } } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: test robustness\n", bstr); array_link A (0, 8, 0); printf ("should return an error\n "); A.Defficiencies (); A = array_link (1, 8, 0); printf ("should return an error\n "); (0, 0) = -2; A.Defficiencies (); } { cprintf (verbose, "%s: test nauty\n", bstr); array_link alr = exampleArray (7, 0); if (unittest_nautynormalform (alr, 1) == 0) { printf ("oaunittest: error: unittest_nautynormalform returns an error!\n"); } } #ifdef HAVE_BOOST if (writetests) { cprintf (verbose, "OA unittest: reading and writing of files\n"); boost::filesystem::path tmpdir = boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path (); boost::filesystem::path temp = boost::filesystem::unique_path ("test-%%%%%%%.oa"); const std::string tempstr = (tmpdir / temp).native (); if (verbose >= 2) printf ("generate text OA file: %s\n", tempstr.c_str ()); int nrows = 16; int ncols = 8; int narrays = 10; arrayfile_t afile (tempstr.c_str (), nrows, ncols, narrays, ATEXT); for (int i = 0; i < narrays; i++) { array_link al (nrows, ncols, array_link::INDEX_DEFAULT); afile.append_array (al); } afile.closefile (); arrayfile_t af (tempstr.c_str (), 0); std::cout << " " << af.showstr () << std::endl; af.closefile (); // check read/write of binary file arraylist_t ll0; ll0.push_back (exampleArray (7)); ll0.push_back (exampleArray (7).randomcolperm ()); writearrayfile (tempstr.c_str (), ll0, ABINARY); arraylist_t ll = readarrayfile (tempstr.c_str ()); myassert (ll0.size () == ll.size (), "read and write of arrays: size of list"); for (size_t i = 0; i < ll0.size (); i++) { myassert (ll0[i] == ll[i], "read and write of arrays: array unequal"); } ll0.resize (0); ll0.push_back (exampleArray (24)); writearrayfile (tempstr.c_str (), ll0, ABINARY_DIFFZERO); ll = readarrayfile (tempstr.c_str ()); myassert (ll0.size () == ll.size (), "read and write of arrays: size of list"); for (size_t i = 0; i < ll0.size (); i++) { myassert (ll0[i] == ll[i], "read and write of arrays: array unequal"); } } #endif { cprintf (verbose, "OA unittest: test nauty\n"); array_link al = exampleArray (5, 2); arraydata_t arrayclass = arraylink2arraydata (al); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { array_link alx = al; alx.randomperm (); array_transformation_t t1 = reduceOAnauty (al); array_link alr1 = t1.apply (al); array_transformation_t t2 = reduceOAnauty (alx); array_link alr2 = t2.apply (alx); if (alr1 != alr2) printf ("oaunittest: error: Nauty reductions unequal!\n"); allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL; } } cprintf (verbose, "OA unittest: complete %.3f [s]!\n", (get_time_ms () - t0)); cprintf (verbose, "OA unittest: also run to perform checks!\n"); if (allgood) { printf ("OA unittest: all tests ok\n"); return UNITTEST_SUCCESS; } else { printf ("OA unittest: ERROR!\n"); return UNITTEST_FAIL; } }
void NewVizManager::animatePath(const ItompTrajectoryConstPtr& trajectory, const robot_state::RobotStatePtr& robot_state, bool is_best) { if (!is_best) return; // marker array visualization_msgs::MarkerArray ma; std::vector<std::string> link_names = robot_model_->getMoveitRobotModel()->getLinkModelNames(); std_msgs::ColorRGBA color = colors_[WHITE]; color.a = 1.0; ros::Duration dur(3600.0); for (unsigned int point = 0; point < trajectory->getNumPoints(); ++point) { ma.markers.clear(); const Eigen::MatrixXd mat = trajectory->getElementTrajectory( ItompTrajectory::COMPONENT_TYPE_POSITION, ItompTrajectory::SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE_JOINT)->getTrajectoryPoint(point); robot_state->setVariablePositions(; std::string ns = "frame_" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(point); robot_state->getRobotMarkers(ma, link_names, color, ns, dur); for (int i = 0; i < ma.markers.size(); ++i) ma.markers[i].mesh_use_embedded_materials = true; vis_marker_array_publisher_path_.publish(ma); } // MotionPlanning -> Planned Path -> trajectory moveit_msgs::DisplayTrajectory display_trajectory; int num_all_joints = robot_state->getVariableCount(); ElementTrajectoryConstPtr joint_trajectory = trajectory->getElementTrajectory(ItompTrajectory::COMPONENT_TYPE_POSITION, ItompTrajectory::SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE_JOINT); robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectoryPtr response_trajectory = boost::make_shared<robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectory>(robot_model_->getMoveitRobotModel(), ""); robot_state::RobotState ks = *robot_state; std::vector<double> positions(num_all_joints); double dt = trajectory->getDiscretization(); // TODO: int num_return_points = joint_trajectory->getNumPoints(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_return_points; ++i) { for (std::size_t j = 0; j < num_all_joints; j++) { positions[j] = (*joint_trajectory)(i, j); } ks.setVariablePositions(&positions[0]); // TODO: copy vel/acc ks.update(); response_trajectory->addSuffixWayPoint(ks, dt); } moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory trajectory_msg; response_trajectory->getRobotTrajectoryMsg(trajectory_msg); display_trajectory.trajectory.push_back(trajectory_msg); ros::NodeHandle node_handle; static ros::Publisher display_publisher = node_handle.advertise<moveit_msgs::DisplayTrajectory>("/itomp_planner/display_planned_path", 1, true); display_publisher.publish(display_trajectory); }
IGL_INLINE void igl::signed_distance( const Eigen::MatrixXd & P, const Eigen::MatrixXd & V, const Eigen::MatrixXi & F, const SignedDistanceType sign_type, Eigen::VectorXd & S, Eigen::VectorXi & I, Eigen::MatrixXd & C, Eigen::MatrixXd & N) { using namespace Eigen; using namespace std; assert(V.cols() == 3 && "V should have 3d positions"); assert(P.cols() == 3 && "P should have 3d positions"); // Only unsigned distance is supported for non-triangles if(sign_type != SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_UNSIGNED) { assert(F.cols() == 3 && "F should have triangles"); } // Prepare distance computation AABB<MatrixXd,3> tree; tree.init(V,F); Eigen::MatrixXd FN,VN,EN; Eigen::MatrixXi E; Eigen::VectorXi EMAP; WindingNumberAABB<Eigen::Vector3d> hier; switch(sign_type) { default: assert(false && "Unknown SignedDistanceType"); case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_UNSIGNED: // do nothing break; case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_DEFAULT: case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_WINDING_NUMBER: hier.set_mesh(V,F); hier.grow(); break; case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_PSEUDONORMAL: // "Signed Distance Computation Using the Angle Weighted Pseudonormal" // [Bærentzen & Aanæs 2005] per_face_normals(V,F,FN); per_vertex_normals(V,F,PER_VERTEX_NORMALS_WEIGHTING_TYPE_ANGLE,FN,VN); per_edge_normals( V,F,PER_EDGE_NORMALS_WEIGHTING_TYPE_UNIFORM,FN,EN,E,EMAP); N.resize(P.rows(),3); break; } S.resize(P.rows(),1); I.resize(P.rows(),1); C.resize(P.rows(),3); for(int p = 0;p<P.rows();p++) { const RowVector3d q = P.row(p); double s,sqrd; RowVector3d c; int i=-1; switch(sign_type) { default: assert(false && "Unknown SignedDistanceType"); case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_UNSIGNED: s = 1.; sqrd = tree.squared_distance(V,F,q,i,c); break; case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_DEFAULT: case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_WINDING_NUMBER: signed_distance_winding_number(tree,V,F,hier,q,s,sqrd,i,c); break; case SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_PSEUDONORMAL: { Eigen::RowVector3d n; signed_distance_pseudonormal(tree,V,F,FN,VN,EN,EMAP,q,s,sqrd,i,c,n); N.row(p) = n; break; } } I(p) = i; S(p) = s*sqrt(sqrd); C.row(p) = c; } }
void display() { using namespace igl; using namespace std; using namespace Eigen; const float back[4] = {30.0/255.0,30.0/255.0,50.0/255.0,0}; glClearColor(back[0],back[1],back[2],0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); if(is_animating) { double t = (get_seconds() - animation_start_time)/ANIMATION_DURATION; if(t > 1) { t = 1; is_animating = false; } Quaterniond q = animation_from_quat.slerp(t,animation_to_quat).normalized(); auto & camera =; camera.orbit(q.conjugate()); } glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); lights(); push_scene(); // Draw a nice floor glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glPushMatrix(); const double floor_offset = -2./bbd*(V.col(1).maxCoeff()-Vmid(1)); glTranslated(0,floor_offset,0); const float GREY[4] = {0.5,0.5,0.6,1.0}; const float DARK_GREY[4] = {0.2,0.2,0.3,1.0}; glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_FILL); draw_floor(GREY,DARK_GREY); glPopMatrix(); push_object(); // Set material properties glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, SILVER_AMBIENT); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, SILVER_DIFFUSE ); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, SILVER_SPECULAR); glMaterialf (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, 128); typedef std::vector< Eigen::Quaterniond,Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Quaterniond> > RotationList; RotationList dQ(BE.rows(),Quaterniond::Identity()),vQ; vector<Vector3d> vT; Matrix3d A = Matrix3d::Identity(); for(int e = 0;e<BE.rows();e++) { dQ[e] = AngleAxisd((sin(get_seconds()+e))*0.06*PI,A.col(e%3)); } forward_kinematics(C,BE,P,dQ,vQ,vT); const int dim = C.cols(); MatrixXd T(BE.rows()*(dim+1),dim); for(int e = 0;e<BE.rows();e++) { Affine3d a = Affine3d::Identity(); a.translate(vT[e]); a.rotate(vQ[e]); T.block(e*(dim+1),0,dim+1,dim) = a.matrix().transpose().block(0,0,dim+1,dim); } if(wireframe) { glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_LINE); } glLineWidth(1.0); MatrixXd U = M*T; per_face_normals(U,F,N); draw_mesh(U,F,N); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_FILL); if(skeleton_on_top) { glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } switch(skel_style) { default: case SKEL_STYLE_TYPE_3D: draw_skeleton_3d(C,BE,T,MAYA_VIOLET,bbd*0.5); break; case SKEL_STYLE_TYPE_VECTOR_GRAPHICS: draw_skeleton_vector_graphics(C,BE,T); break; } pop_object(); pop_scene(); report_gl_error(); TwDraw(); glutSwapBuffers(); glutPostRedisplay(); }
inline vcl_size_t size2(Eigen::MatrixXd const & m) { return m.cols(); }
inline vcl_size_t size1(Eigen::MatrixXd const & m) { return static_cast<vcl_size_t>(m.rows()); }
Eigen::MatrixXd ComputeP_NormalizedDLT(const Point2DVector& points2D, const Point3DVector& points3D) { unsigned int numberOfPoints = points2D.size(); if(points3D.size() != numberOfPoints) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "ComputeP_NormalizedDLT: The number of 2D points (" << points2D.size() << ") must match the number of 3D points (" << points3D.size() << ")!" << std::endl; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } // std::cout << "ComputeP_NormalizedDLT: 2D points: " << std::endl; // for(Point2DVector::const_iterator iter = points2D.begin(); iter != points2D.end(); ++iter) // { // Point2DVector::value_type p = *iter; // std::cout << p[0] << " " << p[1] << std::endl; // } // std::cout << "ComputeP_NormalizedDLT: 3D points: " << std::endl; // for(Point3DVector::const_iterator iter = points3D.begin(); iter != points3D.end(); ++iter) // { // Point3DVector::value_type p = *iter; // std::cout << p[0] << " " << p[1] << " " << p[2] << std::endl; // } Eigen::MatrixXd similarityTransform2D = ComputeNormalizationTransform<Eigen::Vector2d>(points2D); Eigen::MatrixXd similarityTransform3D = ComputeNormalizationTransform<Eigen::Vector3d>(points3D); // std::cout << "Computed similarity transforms:" << std::endl; // std::cout << "similarityTransform2D: " << similarityTransform2D << std::endl; // std::cout << "similarityTransform3D: " << similarityTransform3D << std::endl; // The (, Eigen::VectorXd()) below are only required when using gnu++0x, it seems to be a bug in Eigen Point2DVector transformed2DPoints(numberOfPoints, Eigen::Vector2d()); Point3DVector transformed3DPoints(numberOfPoints, Eigen::Vector3d()); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; ++i) { Eigen::VectorXd point2Dhomogeneous = points2D[i].homogeneous(); Eigen::VectorXd point2Dtransformed = similarityTransform2D * point2Dhomogeneous; transformed2DPoints[i] = point2Dtransformed.hnormalized(); Eigen::VectorXd point3Dhomogeneous = points3D[i].homogeneous(); Eigen::VectorXd point3Dtransformed = similarityTransform3D * point3Dhomogeneous; transformed3DPoints[i] = point3Dtransformed.hnormalized(); //transformed2DPoints[i] = (similarityTransform2D * points2D[i].homogeneous()).hnormalized(); //transformed3DPoints[i] = (similarityTransform3D * points3D[i].homogeneous()).hnormalized(); } // std::cout << "Transformed points." << std::endl; // Compute the Camera Projection Matrix Eigen::MatrixXd A(2*numberOfPoints,12); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; ++i) { // First row/equation from the ith correspondence unsigned int row = 2*i; A(row, 0) = 0; A(row, 1) = 0; A(row, 2) = 0; A(row, 3) = 0; A(row, 4) = transformed3DPoints[i](0); A(row, 5) = transformed3DPoints[i](1); A(row, 6) = transformed3DPoints[i](2); A(row, 7) = 1; A(row, 8) = -transformed2DPoints[i](1) * transformed3DPoints[i](0); A(row, 9) = -transformed2DPoints[i](1) * transformed3DPoints[i](1); A(row, 10) = -transformed2DPoints[i](1) * transformed3DPoints[i](2); A(row, 11) = -transformed2DPoints[i](1); // Second row/equation from the ith correspondence row = 2*i+1; A(row, 0) = transformed3DPoints[i](0); A(row, 1) = transformed3DPoints[i](1); A(row, 2) = transformed3DPoints[i](2); A(row, 3) = 1; A(row, 4) = 0; A(row, 5) = 0; A(row, 6) = 0; A(row, 7) = 0; A(row, 8) = -transformed2DPoints[i](0) * transformed3DPoints[i](0); A(row, 9) = -transformed2DPoints[i](0) * transformed3DPoints[i](1); A(row, 10) = -transformed2DPoints[i](0) * transformed3DPoints[i](2); A(row, 11) = -transformed2DPoints[i](0); } // std::cout << "A: " << A << std::endl; Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXd> svd(A, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV); Eigen::MatrixXd V = svd.matrixV(); Eigen::MatrixXd lastColumnOfV = V.col(11); Eigen::MatrixXd P = Reshape(lastColumnOfV, 3, 4); // Denormalization P = similarityTransform2D.inverse()*P*similarityTransform3D; // 3x3 * 3x4 * 4x4 = 4x4 return P; }
/** * Generates a bathymetryGrid by reading data from a local file. Results are * dumped into topographyGrid. * @param topographyGrid A pointer to a zero-initialized Grid of size * numRows x numCols. * @param inputFile The relative path to the topography file you wish to use. * @param inputFileType Use 'netcdf' if your file is in netcdf format. Use * 'asc' if the file is a matrix of ascii values in the GIS asc format. * @param startRow The row to start reading data from. * @param startCol The col to start reading data from. * @param numRows The desired number of rows of data to read. * @param numCols The desired number of cols of data to read. * @param seriesName If inputFileType was set to 'netcdf', this should be set * to the name of the series you wish to use. * @param timestamp A timestamp value used for error reporting. */ void getBathy(Grid* topographyGrid, std::string inputFile, std::string inputFileType, size_t startRow, size_t startCol, size_t numRows, size_t numCols, std::string seriesName, std::string timestamp) { // This will be the netCDF ID for the file and data variable. Eigen::MatrixXd temp; int ncid, varid, retval = -100; // NetCDF if ("netcdf") == 0) { // Data will be read in column major, so set up a matrix of inverse // size to recieve it. temp.resize(numCols, numRows); // Open the file. NC_NOWRITE tells netCDF we want read-only access to // the file. if ((retval = nc_open(inputFile.c_str(), NC_NOWRITE, &ncid))) { printError("ERROR: Cant open NetCDF File. Invalid inputFile path.", retval, timestamp); } // Get the varid of the data variable, based on its name. if ((retval = nc_inq_varid(ncid, seriesName.c_str(), &varid))) { printError("ERROR: Can't access variable id. Invalid seriesName.", retval, timestamp); } // Read the data. try { // for whatever reason, this is in column, row order. static size_t start[] = {startRow, startCol}; static size_t range[] = {numRows, numCols}; retval = nc_get_vara_double(ncid, varid, start, range,; // TODO(Greg) Figure out a way to read data in row wise to avoid // this transposition. topographyGrid->data.block(border, border, numRows, numCols) = temp.transpose().block(0, 0, numRows, numCols); } catch (int i) { printError("ERROR: Error reading data. Invalid file format.", retval, timestamp); } // Close the file, freeing all resources. if ((retval = nc_close(ncid))) { printError("ERROR: Error closing the file.", retval, timestamp); } } else if ("asc") == 0) { // ASC temp.resize(numRows, numCols); std::ifstream input(inputFile); int null = 0; size_t numHeaderLines = 5, rowsLine = 1, colsLine = 0, nullLine = 5, cursor = 0, rows = 0, cols = 0, startRowIndex = startRow+numHeaderLines, endRowIndex = startRowIndex+numRows, i = 0, j = 0; std::string line = ""; std::vector<std::string> vLine; if (input.is_open()) { for (cursor = 0; cursor < endRowIndex; cursor ++) { getline(input, line); if (cursor <= numHeaderLines) { // Get the number of columns in the file if (cursor == colsLine) { vLine = split(&line, ' '); if (!silent) { std::cout << "\nAvailable Cols: " << vLine[vLine.size()-1]; } cols = stoi(vLine[vLine.size() - 1]); if (cols < startCol + numCols) { std::cout << "\nERROR, requested bathymetry " << " grid column coordinates are out of" << " bounds.\n"; exit(1); } } else if (cursor == rowsLine) { // Get the number of rows in the file. vLine = split(&line, ' '); if (!silent) { std::cout << "Available Rows:" << vLine[vLine.size() - 1]; } rows = stoi(vLine[vLine.size() - 1]); if (rows < startRow + numRows) { std::cout << "\nERROR, requested bathymetry" << " grid row coordinates are out of" << " bounds.\n"; exit(1); } } else if (cursor == nullLine) { // Get the null value substitute vLine = split(&line, ' '); if (debug) { std::cout << "Null values =" << vLine[vLine.size() - 1] << "\n"; } null = stoi(vLine[vLine.size() - 1]); } } else if (cursor >= startRowIndex) { vLine = split(&line, ' '); for (i = startCol; i < startCol + numCols; i ++) { // std::cout<<"accessing temp(" << // cursor-startRowIndex-1 << "," <<i-startCol<<")\n"; // std::cout<<"Cursor:"<<cursor<<" SRI:" << // startRowIndex << "\n"; temp(cursor - startRowIndex, i - startCol) = stod(vLine[i]); } } } input.close(); for (i = 0; i < numRows; i ++) { for (j = 0; j < numCols; j ++) { if (temp(i, j) == null) { temp(i, j) = 0; } } } topographyGrid->data.block(border, border, numRows, numCols) = temp.block(0, 0, numRows, numCols); } else { std::cout << "\nUnable to open bathymetry file: \"" << inputFile << "\"\n"; exit(0); } } else { // Invalid filetype std::cout << "Bathymetry file type not supported. Simulating" << "Bathymetry.\n"; simulatetopographyGrid(topographyGrid, static_cast<int>(numRows), static_cast<int>(numCols)); } topographyGrid->clearNA(); topographyGrid->data = topographyGrid->data.unaryExpr(std::ptr_fun(validateDepth)); if (acousticParams["debug"] == "1") { // topographyGrid->printData(); std::cout << "startx " << startCol << "\nXDist: "<< numCols << "\nstartY: "<< startRow << "\nYDist: " << numRows << "\n"; std::cout << "inputFileType: " << inputFileType << "\ninputFile: " << inputFile << "\nseriesName: " << seriesName << "\n"; std::cout << "retval: " << retval << "\n" << "ncid: " << ncid << "\n\n"; } }
void display() { using namespace Eigen; using namespace igl; using namespace std; glClearColor(back[0],back[1],back[2],0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // All smooth points glEnable( GL_POINT_SMOOTH ); lights(); push_scene(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glColorMaterial(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE); push_object(); if(trackball_on) { // Draw a "laser" line glLineWidth(3.0); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glBegin(GL_LINES); glColor3f(1,0,0); glVertex3fv(; glColor3f(1,0,0); glVertex3fv(; glEnd(); // Draw the start and end points used for ray glPointSize(10.0); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glColor3f(1,0,0); glVertex3fv(; glColor3f(0,0,1); glVertex3fv(; glEnd(); } // Draw the model glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); draw_mesh(V,F,N,C); // Draw all hits glBegin(GL_POINTS); glColor3f(0,0.2,0.2); for(vector<igl::embree::Hit>::iterator hit = hits.begin(); hit != hits.end(); hit++) { const double w0 = (1.0-hit->u-hit->v); const double w1 = hit->u; const double w2 = hit->v; VectorXd hitP = w0 * V.row(F(hit->id,0)) + w1 * V.row(F(hit->id,1)) + w2 * V.row(F(hit->id,2)); glVertex3dv(; } glEnd(); pop_object(); // Draw a nice floor glPushMatrix(); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glTranslated(0,-1,0); draw_floor(); glPopMatrix(); // draw a transparent "projection screen" show model at time of hit (aka // mouse down) push_object(); if(trackball_on) { glColor4f(0,0,0,1.0); glPointSize(10.0); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex3fv(; glVertex3fv(; glVertex3fv(; glVertex3fv(; glEnd(); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex_id); glColor4f(1,1,1,0.7); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2d(0,0); glVertex3fv(; glTexCoord2d(1,0); glVertex3fv(; glTexCoord2d(1,1); glVertex3fv(; glTexCoord2d(0,1); glVertex3fv(; glEnd(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } pop_object(); pop_scene(); // Draw a faint point over mouse if(!trackball_on) { glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glColor4f(1.0,0.3,0.3,0.6); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0,width,0,height); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glPointSize(20.0); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex2fv(; glEnd(); } report_gl_error(); glutSwapBuffers(); glutPostRedisplay(); }
/** * Generates an artificial topographyGrid of size numRows x numCols if no * topographic data is available. Results are dumped into topographyGrid. * @param topographyGrid A pointer to a zero-initialized Grid of size * numRows x numCols. * @param numRows The desired number of non-border rows in the resulting matrix. * @param numCols The desired number of non-border cols in the resulting matrix. */ void simulatetopographyGrid(Grid* topographyGrid, int numRows, int numCols) { Eigen::VectorXd refx = refx.LinSpaced(numCols, -2*M_PI, 2*M_PI); Eigen::VectorXd refy = refx.LinSpaced(numRows, -2*M_PI, 2*M_PI); Eigen::MatrixXd X = refx.replicate(1, numRows); X.transposeInPlace(); Eigen::MatrixXd Y = refy.replicate(1, numCols); // Eigen can only deal with two matrices at a time, // so split the computation: // topographyGrid = sin(X) * sin(Y) * abs(X) * abs(Y) -pi Eigen::MatrixXd absXY = X.cwiseAbs().cwiseProduct(Y.cwiseAbs()); Eigen::MatrixXd sins = X.array().sin().cwiseProduct(Y.array().sin()); Eigen::MatrixXd temp; temp.resize(numRows, numCols); temp = absXY.cwiseProduct(sins); // All this work to create a matrix of pi... Eigen::MatrixXd pi; pi.resize(numRows, numCols); pi.setConstant(M_PI); temp = temp - pi; // And the final result. topographyGrid->data.block(border, border, numRows, numCols) = temp.block(0, 0, numRows, numCols); // Ignore positive values. topographyGrid->data = topographyGrid->data.unaryExpr(std::ptr_fun(validateDepth)); topographyGrid->clearNA(); }
void CDKF::measurementUpdate(const ros::Time& prev_stamp, const ros::Time& current_stamp, const double image_angular_velocity, const IMUList& imu_rotations, const bool calc_offset) { // convert tracked points to measurement Eigen::VectorXd real_measurement(kMeasurementSize); accessM(real_measurement, MEASURED_TIMESTAMP).array() = (current_stamp - zero_timestamp_).toSec(); accessM(real_measurement, ANGULAR_VELOCITY).array() = image_angular_velocity; if (verbose_) { ROS_INFO_STREAM("Measured Values: \n" << real_measurement.transpose()); } // create sigma points MeasurementSigmaPoints sigma_points( state_, cov_, measurement_noise_sd_, CDKF::stateToMeasurementEstimate, imu_rotations, zero_timestamp_, calc_offset); // get mean and cov Eigen::VectorXd predicted_measurement; sigma_points.calcEstimatedMean(&predicted_measurement); Eigen::MatrixXd innovation; sigma_points.calcEstimatedCov(&innovation); if (verbose_) { ROS_INFO_STREAM("Predicted Measurements: \n" << predicted_measurement.transpose()); } // calc mah distance Eigen::VectorXd diff = real_measurement - predicted_measurement; double mah_dist = std::sqrt(diff.transpose() * innovation.inverse() * diff); if (mah_dist > mah_threshold_) { ROS_WARN("Outlier detected, measurement rejected"); return; } Eigen::MatrixXd cross_cov; sigma_points.calcEstimatedCrossCov(&cross_cov); Eigen::MatrixXd gain = cross_cov * innovation.inverse(); const Eigen::VectorXd state_diff = gain * (real_measurement - predicted_measurement); state_ += state_diff; cov_ -= gain * innovation * gain.transpose(); if (verbose_) { ROS_INFO_STREAM("Updated State: \n" << state_.transpose()); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Updated Cov: \n" << cov_); } // guard against precision issues constexpr double kMaxTime = 10000.0; if (accessS(state_, STATE_TIMESTAMP)[0] > kMaxTime) { rezeroTimestamps(current_stamp); } }
void display() { if(sorted_F.size() != F.size()) { mouse(0,1,-1,-1); } //using namespace Eigen; using namespace igl; using namespace std; glClearColor(BG[0],BG[1],BG[2],0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // All smooth points glEnable( GL_POINT_SMOOTH ); lights(); push_scene(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); //glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); //glCullFace(GL_BACK); // Draw a nice floor push_object(); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glTranslated(0,V.col(1).minCoeff(),0); glScaled(2*bbd,2*bbd,2*bbd); glTranslated(0,-1000*FLOAT_EPS,0); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glCullFace(GL_BACK); igl::opengl2::draw_floor(); pop_object(); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); if(trackball_on) { glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); }else { float front[4]; copy(GOLD_DIFFUSE,GOLD_DIFFUSE+3,front); float back[4]; //copy(FAST_GREEN_DIFFUSE,FAST_GREEN_DIFFUSE+3,back); copy(GOLD_DIFFUSE,GOLD_DIFFUSE+3,back); float amb[4]; copy(SILVER_AMBIENT,SILVER_AMBIENT+3,amb); float spec[4]; copy(SILVER_SPECULAR,SILVER_SPECULAR+3,spec); front[3] = back[3] = amb[3] = spec[3] = alpha; // Set material properties glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, amb); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, front); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, spec); glMaterialf (GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 128); glMaterialfv(GL_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, amb); glMaterialfv(GL_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, back); glMaterialfv(GL_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, spec); glMaterialf (GL_BACK, GL_SHININESS, 128); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); } push_object(); // Draw the model igl::opengl2::draw_mesh(V,sorted_F,sorted_N,C); pop_object(); pop_scene(); igl::opengl::report_gl_error(); glutSwapBuffers(); glutPostRedisplay(); }
TEST_F(ExoticaTaskTest, DTT) //!< Derived-task Jacobian Tests: will contain tests to check whether the jacobian is correctly computed through finite-differences method { boost::shared_ptr<exotica::TaskDefinition> task_ptr; for (int i = 0; i < registered_types_.size(); i++) //!< Iterate through the registered tasks { std::string xml_path; tinyxml2::XMLDocument document; boost::shared_ptr<tinyxml2::XMLHandle> element_ptr; if (exotica::TestRegistrar::Instance()->findXML(registered_types_[i], xml_path)) //!< If it is wished to be tested... { if (document.LoadFile((resource_path_ + xml_path).c_str()) != tinyxml2::XML_NO_ERROR) //!< Attempt to load file { ADD_FAILURE()<< " : Could not Load initialiser for " << registered_types_[i] << " (file: "<<resource_path_ + xml_path <<")."; //!< Have to use this method to add failure since I do not want to continue for this object but do not wish to abort for all the others... continue;//!< Go to next object } //!< Initialise if (!(task_ptr = exotica::TaskCreator::Instance()->createObject(registered_types_[i], params_)))//!< If we could not create { ADD_FAILURE() << " : Could not create object of type " << registered_types_[i]; //!< Have to use this method to add failure since I do not want to continue for this object but do not wish to abort for all the others... continue;//!< Go to next object } tinyxml2::XMLHandle xml_handle(document.RootElement()); //!< Get a handle to the root element if (!task_ptr->initBase(xml_handle)) { ADD_FAILURE() << " : XML Initialiser is malformed for " << registered_types_[i]; continue; } //!< Now our testing stuff... element_ptr.reset(new tinyxml2::XMLHandle(xml_handle.FirstChildElement("TestPoint"))); if (!element_ptr) { ADD_FAILURE() << " : XML Tester is malformed for " << registered_types_[i]; continue; } int j=0; while (element_ptr->ToElement()) //!< Iterate through all possible test cases { Eigen::VectorXd conf_space; //!< Vector containing the configuration point for testing Eigen::VectorXd task_space;//!< Vector with the task-space co-ordinate of the forward map Eigen::VectorXd phi;//!< The computed phi Eigen::MatrixXd jacobian;//!< The Jacobian computation if (!element_ptr->FirstChildElement("ConfSpace").ToElement())//!< If inexistent { ADD_FAILURE() << " : Missing Config for " << registered_types_[i] << " @ iteration " << j; element_ptr.reset(new tinyxml2::XMLHandle(element_ptr->NextSiblingElement("TestPoint"))); j++; continue; //!< With the inner while loop... } if (!exotica::getVector(*(element_ptr->FirstChildElement("ConfSpace").ToElement()), conf_space)) { ADD_FAILURE() << " : Could not parse Config Vector for " << registered_types_[i] << " @ iteration " << j; element_ptr.reset(new tinyxml2::XMLHandle(element_ptr->NextSiblingElement("TestPoint"))); j++; continue; //!< With the inner while loop... } if (!element_ptr->FirstChildElement("TaskSpace").ToElement()) //!< If inexistent { ADD_FAILURE() << " : Missing Task Space point for " << registered_types_[i] << " @ iteration " << j; element_ptr.reset(new tinyxml2::XMLHandle(element_ptr->NextSiblingElement("TestPoint"))); j++; continue; //!< With the inner while loop... } if (!exotica::getVector(*(element_ptr->FirstChildElement("TaskSpace").ToElement()), task_space)) { ADD_FAILURE() << " : Could not parse task vector for " << registered_types_[i] << " @ iteration " << j; element_ptr.reset(new tinyxml2::XMLHandle(element_ptr->NextSiblingElement("TestPoint"))); j++; continue; //!< With the inner while loop... } //!< First test forward mapping if (!task_ptr->updateTask(conf_space, 0)) { ADD_FAILURE() << " for " << registered_types_[i] << " @ iteration " << j; element_ptr.reset(new tinyxml2::XMLHandle(element_ptr->NextSiblingElement("TestPoint"))); j++; continue; } phi = task_ptr->getPhi(0); jacobian = task_ptr->getJacobian(0); if (phi.size() != task_space.size()) { ADD_FAILURE() << " Task-size mismatch for " << registered_types_[i] << " @ iteration " << j; element_ptr.reset(new tinyxml2::XMLHandle(element_ptr->NextSiblingElement("TestPoint"))); j++; continue; } EXPECT_TRUE(compareVectors(phi, task_space, TOLERANCE)) << " : Phi mismatch for " << registered_types_[i] << " @ iteration " << j; //!< Now the Jacobian (finite differences method) for (int k=0; k<conf_space.size(); k++) { Eigen::VectorXd conf_perturb = conf_space; conf_perturb(k) += EPSILON; if (!task_ptr->updateTask(conf_perturb, 0)) { ADD_FAILURE() << " for " << registered_types_[i] << " @ iteration " << j << " in config-dimension " << k; continue; } if (task_ptr->getPhi(0).size() != phi.size()) { ADD_FAILURE() << " for " << registered_types_[i] << " @ iteration " << j << " in config-dimension " << k; continue; } Eigen::VectorXd task_diff = (task_ptr->getPhi(0) - phi)/EPSILON; //!< Final - initial Eigen::VectorXd jac_column = jacobian.col(k);//!< Get the desired column (for the current joint) EXPECT_TRUE(compareVectors(task_diff, jac_column, TOLERANCE)) << " Incorrect for " << registered_types_[i] << " @ iteration " << j << " in config-dimension " << k << task_diff << "\n" << jac_column; } element_ptr.reset(new tinyxml2::XMLHandle(element_ptr->NextSiblingElement("TestPoint"))); j++; } //!< Iteration through j } //check on testing } //!< Iteration through i }
// computes the optimal rigid body transformation given a set of points void PoseTracker::computeOptimalRigidTransformation(Eigen::MatrixXd startP, Eigen::MatrixXd finalP) { Eigen::Matrix4d transf; if (startP.rows()!=finalP.rows()) { ROS_ERROR("We need that the rows be the same at the beggining"); exit(1); } Eigen::RowVector3d centroid_startP = Eigen::RowVector3d::Zero(); Eigen::RowVector3d centroid_finalP = Eigen::RowVector3d::Zero(); //= mean(B); Eigen::Matrix3d H = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero(); //calculate the mean for (int i=0;i<startP.rows();i++) { centroid_startP = centroid_startP+startP.row(i); centroid_finalP = centroid_finalP+finalP.row(i); } centroid_startP = centroid_startP/startP.rows(); centroid_finalP = centroid_finalP/startP.rows(); for (int i=0;i<startP.rows();i++) H = H + (startP.row(i)-centroid_startP).transpose()*(finalP.row(i)-centroid_finalP); Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXd> svd(H, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV); Eigen::MatrixXd U = svd.matrixU(); Eigen::MatrixXd V = svd.matrixV(); if (V.determinant()<0) V.col(2)=-V.col(2)*(-1); Eigen::MatrixXd R = V*U.transpose(); Eigen::Matrix4d C_A = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); Eigen::Matrix4d C_B = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); Eigen::Matrix4d R_new = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); C_A.block<3,1>(0,3) = -centroid_startP.transpose(); R_new.block<3,3>(0,0) = R; C_B.block<3,1>(0,3) = centroid_finalP.transpose(); transf = C_B * R_new * C_A; Eigen::Quaterniond mat_rot(transf.block<3,3>(0,0)); Eigen::Vector3d trasl = transf.block<3,1>(0,3).transpose(); transfParameters_ << trasl(0), trasl(1), trasl(2), mat_rot.x(), mat_rot.y(), mat_rot.z(), mat_rot.w(); }
void display() { using namespace igl; using namespace std; using namespace Eigen; const float back[4] = {0.75, 0.75, 0.75,0}; glClearColor(back[0],back[1],back[2],0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); static bool first = true; if(first) { sort(); first = false; } if(is_animating) { double t = (get_seconds() - animation_start_time)/ANIMATION_DURATION; if(t > 1) { t = 1; is_animating = false; } Quaterniond q = animation_from_quat.slerp(t,animation_to_quat).normalized(); camera.orbit(q.conjugate()); } glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); lights(); push_scene(); // Draw a nice floor glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glPushMatrix(); const double floor_offset = -2./bbd*(V.col(1).maxCoeff()-Vmid(1)); glTranslated(0,floor_offset,0); const float GREY[4] = {0.5,0.5,0.6,1.0}; const float DARK_GREY[4] = {0.2,0.2,0.3,1.0}; glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_FILL); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glCullFace(GL_BACK); draw_floor(GREY,DARK_GREY); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glPopMatrix(); push_object(); const auto & draw_skeleton = []() { switch(skel_style) { default: case SKEL_STYLE_TYPE_3D: { MatrixXf colors = MAYA_VIOLET.transpose().replicate(s.BE.rows(),1); for(int si=0;si<s.sel.size();si++) { for(int b=0;b<s.BE.rows();b++) { if(s.BE(b,0) == s.sel(si) || s.BE(b,1) == s.sel(si)) { colors.row(b) = MAYA_SEA_GREEN; } } } draw_skeleton_3d(s.C,s.BE,MatrixXd(),colors); break; } case SKEL_STYLE_TYPE_VECTOR_GRAPHICS: draw_skeleton_vector_graphics(s.C,s.BE); break; } }; if(!skeleton_on_top) { draw_skeleton(); } // Set material properties glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, Vector4f(GOLD_AMBIENT[0],GOLD_AMBIENT[1],GOLD_AMBIENT[2],alpha).data()); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, Vector4f(GOLD_DIFFUSE[0],GOLD_DIFFUSE[1],GOLD_DIFFUSE[2],alpha).data()); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, Vector4f(GOLD_SPECULAR[0],GOLD_SPECULAR[1],GOLD_SPECULAR[2],alpha).data()); glMaterialf (GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 128); glMaterialfv(GL_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, Vector4f(SILVER_AMBIENT[0],SILVER_AMBIENT[1],SILVER_AMBIENT[2],alpha).data()); glMaterialfv(GL_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, Vector4f(FAST_GREEN_DIFFUSE[0],FAST_GREEN_DIFFUSE[1],FAST_GREEN_DIFFUSE[2],alpha).data()); glMaterialfv(GL_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, Vector4f(SILVER_SPECULAR[0],SILVER_SPECULAR[1],SILVER_SPECULAR[2],alpha).data()); glMaterialf (GL_BACK, GL_SHININESS, 128); if(wireframe) { glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_LINE); } glLineWidth(1.0); draw_mesh(V,sorted_F,sorted_N); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_FILL); if(skeleton_on_top) { glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); draw_skeleton(); } pop_object(); pop_scene(); report_gl_error(); TwDraw(); glutSwapBuffers(); if(is_animating) { glutPostRedisplay(); } }
RcppExport SEXP halfTransform (SEXP _transform) { BEGIN_RCPP RObject transform(_transform); RObject result; if (transform.inherits("affine")) { Eigen::MatrixXd matrix = as<Eigen::MatrixXd>(_transform); matrix = (matrix.log() * 0.5).exp(); result = AffineMatrix(matrix); } else { NiftiImage transformationImage(_transform); switch (reg_round(transformationImage->intent_p1)) { case SPLINE_GRID: reg_getDisplacementFromDeformation(transformationImage); reg_tools_multiplyValueToImage(transformationImage,transformationImage,0.5f); reg_getDeformationFromDisplacement(transformationImage); break; case DEF_FIELD: reg_getDisplacementFromDeformation(transformationImage); reg_tools_multiplyValueToImage(transformationImage,transformationImage,0.5f); reg_getDeformationFromDisplacement(transformationImage); break; case DISP_FIELD: reg_tools_multiplyValueToImage(transformationImage,transformationImage,0.5f); break; case SPLINE_VEL_GRID: reg_getDisplacementFromDeformation(transformationImage); reg_tools_multiplyValueToImage(transformationImage,transformationImage,0.5f); reg_getDeformationFromDisplacement(transformationImage); --transformationImage->intent_p2; if (transformationImage->num_ext>1) --transformationImage->num_ext; break; case DEF_VEL_FIELD: reg_getDisplacementFromDeformation(transformationImage); reg_tools_multiplyValueToImage(transformationImage,transformationImage,0.5f); reg_getDeformationFromDisplacement(transformationImage); --transformationImage->intent_p2; break; case DISP_VEL_FIELD: reg_tools_multiplyValueToImage(transformationImage,transformationImage,0.5f); --transformationImage->intent_p2; break; default: throw std::runtime_error("The specified transformation image is not valid or not supported"); } result = transformationImage.toPointer("F3D transformation"); } result.attr("source") = transform.attr("source"); result.attr("target") = transform.attr("target"); return result; END_RCPP }
/** * Makes a Grid out of an existing Eigen matrix. * @param dat An existing eigen matrix. * @param newName The name of the newly created Grid. Used when writing files. */ Grid::Grid(Eigen::MatrixXd dat, std::string newName) { rows = dat.rows(); cols = dat.cols(); name = newName; data = dat; }
Eigen::MatrixXd padMatrix(Eigen::MatrixXd d, int r) { using namespace Eigen; MatrixXd out = MatrixXd::Zero(d.rows()+2*r, d.cols()+2*r); out.block(r, r, d.rows(), d.cols()) = d; out.block(r, 0, d.rows(), r) = d.block(0, 0, d.rows(), r).rowwise().reverse(); out.block(r, d.cols()+r, d.rows(), r) = d.block(0, d.cols()-r, d.rows(), r).rowwise().reverse(); out.block(0, 0, r, out.cols()) = out.block(r, 0, r, out.cols()).colwise().reverse(); out.block(d.rows()+r, 0, r, out.cols()) = out.block(out.rows()-r, 0, r, out.cols()).colwise().reverse(); return out; }
void propa_2d() { trace.beginBlock("2d propagation"); typedef DiscreteExteriorCalculus<2, 2, EigenLinearAlgebraBackend> Calculus; typedef DiscreteExteriorCalculusFactory<EigenLinearAlgebraBackend> CalculusFactory; { trace.beginBlock("solving time dependent equation"); const Calculus::Scalar cc = 8; // px/s << "cc = " << cc << endl; const Z2i::Domain domain(Z2i::Point(0,0), Z2i::Point(29,29)); const Calculus calculus = CalculusFactory::createFromDigitalSet(generateDiskSet(domain), false); //! [time_laplace] const Calculus::DualIdentity0 laplace = calculus.laplace<DUAL>() + 1e-8 * calculus.identity<0, DUAL>(); //! [time_laplace] << "laplace = " << laplace << endl; trace.beginBlock("finding eigen pairs"); //! [time_eigen] typedef Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> EigenSolverMatrix; const EigenSolverMatrix eigen_solver(laplace.myContainer); const Eigen::VectorXd eigen_values = eigen_solver.eigenvalues(); const Eigen::MatrixXd eigen_vectors = eigen_solver.eigenvectors(); //! [time_eigen] << "eigen_values_range = " << eigen_values.minCoeff() << "/" << eigen_values.maxCoeff() << endl; trace.endBlock(); //! [time_omega] const Eigen::VectorXd angular_frequencies = cc * eigen_values.array().sqrt(); //! [time_omega] Eigen::VectorXcd initial_wave = Eigen::VectorXcd::Zero(calculus.kFormLength(0, DUAL)); //set_initial_phase_null(calculus, initial_wave); set_initial_phase_dir_yy(calculus, initial_wave); { Board2D board; board << domain; board << CustomStyle("KForm", new KFormStyle2D(-1, 1)); board << Calculus::DualForm0(calculus, initial_wave.real()); board.saveSVG("propagation_time_wave_initial_coarse.svg"); } //! [time_init_proj] Eigen::VectorXcd initial_projections = eigen_vectors.transpose() * initial_wave; //! [time_init_proj] // low pass //! [time_low_pass] const Calculus::Scalar lambda_cutoff = 4.5; const Calculus::Scalar angular_frequency_cutoff = 2*M_PI * cc / lambda_cutoff; int cutted = 0; for (int kk=0; kk<initial_projections.rows(); kk++) { const Calculus::Scalar angular_frequency = angular_frequencies(kk); if (angular_frequency < angular_frequency_cutoff) continue; initial_projections(kk) = 0; cutted ++; } //! [time_low_pass] << "cutted = " << cutted << "/" << initial_projections.rows() << endl; { const Eigen::VectorXcd wave = eigen_vectors * initial_projections; Board2D board; board << domain; board << CustomStyle("KForm", new KFormStyle2D(-1, 1)); board << Calculus::DualForm0(calculus, wave.real()); board.saveSVG("propagation_time_wave_initial_smoothed.svg"); } const int kk_max = 60; trace.progressBar(0,kk_max); for (int kk=0; kk<kk_max; kk++) { //! [time_solve_time] const Calculus::Scalar time = kk/20.; const Eigen::VectorXcd current_projections = (angular_frequencies * std::complex<double>(0,time)).array().exp() * initial_projections.array(); const Eigen::VectorXcd current_wave = eigen_vectors * current_projections; //! [time_solve_time] std::stringstream ss; ss << "propagation_time_wave_solution_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << kk << ".svg"; Board2D board; board << domain; board << CustomStyle("KForm", new KFormStyle2D(-1, 1)); board << Calculus::DualForm0(calculus, current_wave.real()); board.saveSVG(ss.str().c_str()); trace.progressBar(kk+1,kk_max); } << endl; trace.endBlock(); } { trace.beginBlock("forced oscillations"); const Z2i::Domain domain(Z2i::Point(0,0), Z2i::Point(50,50)); const Calculus calculus = CalculusFactory::createFromDigitalSet(generateDiskSet(domain), false); const Calculus::DualIdentity0 laplace = calculus.laplace<DUAL>(); << "laplace = " << laplace << endl; trace.beginBlock("finding eigen pairs"); typedef Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> EigenSolverMatrix; const EigenSolverMatrix eigen_solver(laplace.myContainer); const Eigen::VectorXd laplace_eigen_values = eigen_solver.eigenvalues(); const Eigen::MatrixXd laplace_eigen_vectors = eigen_solver.eigenvectors(); << "eigen_values_range = " << laplace_eigen_values.minCoeff() << "/" << laplace_eigen_values.maxCoeff() << endl; trace.endBlock(); Calculus::DualForm0 concentration(calculus); { const Z2i::Point point(25,25); const Calculus::Cell cell = calculus.myKSpace.uSpel(point); const Calculus::Index index = calculus.getCellIndex(cell); concentration.myContainer(index) = 1; } { Board2D board; board << domain; board << concentration; board.saveSVG("propagation_forced_concentration.svg"); } for (int ll=0; ll<6; ll++) { //! [forced_lambda] const Calculus::Scalar lambda = 4*20.75/(1+2*ll); //! [forced_lambda] << "lambda = " << lambda << endl; //! [forced_dalembert_eigen] const Eigen::VectorXd dalembert_eigen_values = (laplace_eigen_values.array() - (2*M_PI/lambda)*(2*M_PI/lambda)).array().inverse(); const Eigen::MatrixXd concentration_to_wave = laplace_eigen_vectors * dalembert_eigen_values.asDiagonal() * laplace_eigen_vectors.transpose(); //! [forced_dalembert_eigen] //! [forced_wave] Calculus::DualForm0 wave(calculus, concentration_to_wave * concentration.myContainer); //! [forced_wave] wave.myContainer /= wave.myContainer(calculus.getCellIndex(calculus.myKSpace.uSpel(Z2i::Point(25,25)))); { << "saving samples" << endl; const Calculus::Properties properties = calculus.getProperties(); { std::stringstream ss; ss << "propagation_forced_samples_hv_" << ll << ".dat"; std::ofstream handle(ss.str().c_str()); for (int kk=0; kk<=50; kk++) { const Z2i::Point point_horizontal(kk,25); const Z2i::Point point_vertical(25,kk); const Calculus::Scalar xx = 2 * (kk/50. - .5); handle << xx << " "; handle << sample_dual_0_form<Calculus>(properties, wave, point_horizontal) << " "; handle << sample_dual_0_form<Calculus>(properties, wave, point_vertical) << endl; } } { std::stringstream ss; ss << "propagation_forced_samples_diag_" << ll << ".dat"; std::ofstream handle(ss.str().c_str()); for (int kk=0; kk<=50; kk++) { const Z2i::Point point_diag_pos(kk,kk); const Z2i::Point point_diag_neg(kk,50-kk); const Calculus::Scalar xx = 2 * sqrt(2) * (kk/50. - .5); handle << xx << " "; handle << sample_dual_0_form<Calculus>(properties, wave, point_diag_pos) << " "; handle << sample_dual_0_form<Calculus>(properties, wave, point_diag_neg) << endl; } } } { std::stringstream ss; ss << "propagation_forced_wave_" << ll << ".svg"; Board2D board; board << domain; board << CustomStyle("KForm", new KFormStyle2D(-.5, 1)); board << wave; board.saveSVG(ss.str().c_str()); } } trace.endBlock(); } trace.endBlock(); }
virtual void operate() { time_vector[0] = time_vector[1]; time_vector[1] = this->time.getValue(); del_time = time_vector[0] - time_vector[1]; for (j = 0; j < mode - 1; j++) { for (i = 0; i < (int) DOF; i++) { container(j, i) = container(j + 1, i); } } for (i = 0; i < (int) DOF; i++) // updating the last entry { container(mode - 1, i) = this->inputSignal.getValue()[i]; } if (mode == 5) // for mode 2 { diff_output = (-2.0 * container.block(2, 0, 1, (int) DOF) + container.block(0, 0, 1, (int) DOF) + container.block(4, 0, 1, (int) DOF)) / (4.0 * del_time * del_time); } if (mode == 7) // for mode 3 { diff_output = (-4.0 * container.block(3, 0, 1, (int) DOF) - (container.block(2, 0, 1, (int) DOF) + container.block(4, 0, 1, (int) DOF)) + 2.0 * (container.block(1, 0, 1, (int) DOF) + container.block(5, 0, 1, (int) DOF)) + (container.block(0, 0, 1, (int) DOF) + container.block(6, 0, 1, (int) DOF))) / (16.0 * del_time * del_time); } if (mode == 9) // for mode 3 { diff_output = (-10.0 * container.block(4, 0, 1, (int) DOF) - 4.0 * (container.block(3, 0, 1, (int) DOF) + container.block(5, 0, 1, (int) DOF)) + 4.0 * (container.block(2, 0, 1, (int) DOF) + container.block(6, 0, 1, (int) DOF)) + 4.0 * (container.block(1, 0, 1, (int) DOF) + container.block(7, 0, 1, (int) DOF)) + 1.0 * (container.block(0, 0, 1, (int) DOF) + container.block(8, 0, 1, (int) DOF))) / (64.0 * del_time * del_time); } for (i = 1; i < (int) DOF; i++) { tmp_out_value[i] = diff_output[i]; } this->outputSignalOutputValue->setData(&tmp_out_value); }
void BranchList::findBranchesInCenterline(Eigen::MatrixXd positions) { positions = sortMatrix(2,positions); Eigen::MatrixXd positionsNotUsed = positions; // int minIndex; int index; int splitIndex; Eigen::MatrixXd::Index startIndex; BranchPtr branchToSplit; while (positionsNotUsed.cols() > 0) { if (!mBranches.empty()) { double minDistance = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < mBranches.size(); i++) { std::pair<std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd::Index>, Eigen::VectorXd> distances; distances = dsearchn(positionsNotUsed, mBranches[i]->getPositions()); double d = distances.second.minCoeff(&index); if (d < minDistance) { minDistance = d; branchToSplit = mBranches[i]; startIndex = index; if (minDistance < 2) break; } } std::pair<Eigen::MatrixXd::Index, double> dsearchResult = dsearch(positionsNotUsed.col(startIndex) , branchToSplit->getPositions()); splitIndex = dsearchResult.first; } else //if this is the first branch. Select the top position (Trachea). startIndex = positionsNotUsed.cols() - 1; std::pair<Eigen::MatrixXd,Eigen::MatrixXd > connectedPointsResult = findConnectedPointsInCT(startIndex , positionsNotUsed); Eigen::MatrixXd branchPositions = connectedPointsResult.first; positionsNotUsed = connectedPointsResult.second; if (branchPositions.cols() >= 5) //only include brances of length >= 5 points { BranchPtr newBranch = BranchPtr(new Branch()); newBranch->setPositions(branchPositions); mBranches.push_back(newBranch); if (mBranches.size() > 1) // do not try to split another branch when the first branch is processed { if ((splitIndex + 1 >= 5) && (branchToSplit->getPositions().cols() - splitIndex - 1 >= 5)) //do not split branch if the new branch is close to the edge of the branch //if the new branch is not close to one of the edges of the //connected existing branch: Split the existing branch { BranchPtr newBranchFromSplit = BranchPtr(new Branch()); Eigen::MatrixXd branchToSplitPositions = branchToSplit->getPositions(); newBranchFromSplit->setPositions(branchToSplitPositions.rightCols(branchToSplitPositions.cols() - splitIndex - 1)); branchToSplit->setPositions(branchToSplitPositions.leftCols(splitIndex + 1)); mBranches.push_back(newBranchFromSplit); newBranchFromSplit->setParentBranch(branchToSplit); newBranch->setParentBranch(branchToSplit); newBranchFromSplit->setChildBranches(branchToSplit->getChildBranches()); branchVector branchToSplitChildren = branchToSplit->getChildBranches(); for (int i = 0; i < branchToSplitChildren.size(); i++) branchToSplitChildren[i]->setParentBranch(newBranchFromSplit); branchToSplit->deleteChildBranches(); branchToSplit->addChildBranch(newBranchFromSplit); branchToSplit->addChildBranch(newBranch); } else if (splitIndex + 1 < 5) // If the new branch is close to the start of the existing // branch: Connect it to the same position start as the // existing branch { newBranch->setParentBranch(branchToSplit->getParentBranch()); branchToSplit->getParentBranch()->addChildBranch(newBranch); } else if (branchToSplit->getPositions().cols() - splitIndex - 1 < 5) // If the new branch is close to the end of the existing // branch: Connect it to the end of the existing branch { newBranch->setParentBranch(branchToSplit); branchToSplit->addChildBranch(newBranch); } } } } }
void run() { auto input_image = Image<float>::open (argument[0]).with_direct_io (3); Eigen::MatrixXd grad = DWI::get_valid_DW_scheme (input_image); // Want to support non-shell-like data if it's just a straight extraction // of all dwis or all bzeros i.e. don't initialise the Shells class std::vector<size_t> volumes; bool bzero = get_options ("bzero").size(); auto opt = get_options ("shell"); if (opt.size()) { DWI::Shells shells (grad); shells.select_shells (false, false); for (size_t s = 0; s != shells.count(); ++s) { DEBUG ("Including data from shell b=" + str(shells[s].get_mean()) + " +- " + str(shells[s].get_stdev())); for (std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator v = shells[s].get_volumes().begin(); v != shells[s].get_volumes().end(); ++v) volumes.push_back (*v); } // Remove DW information from header if b=0 is the only 'shell' selected bzero = (shells.count() == 1 && shells[0].is_bzero()); } else { const float bzero_threshold = File::Config::get_float ("BValueThreshold", 10.0); for (ssize_t row = 0; row != grad.rows(); ++row) { if ((bzero && (grad (row, 3) < bzero_threshold)) || (!bzero && (grad (row, 3) > bzero_threshold))) volumes.push_back (row); } } if (volumes.empty()) { auto type = (bzero) ? "b=0" : "dwi"; throw Exception ("No " + str(type) + " volumes present"); } std::sort (volumes.begin(), volumes.end()); Header header (input_image); if (volumes.size() == 1) header.set_ndim (3); else header.size (3) = volumes.size(); Eigen::MatrixXd new_grad (volumes.size(), grad.cols()); for (size_t i = 0; i < volumes.size(); i++) new_grad.row (i) = grad.row (volumes[i]); header.set_DW_scheme (new_grad); auto output_image = Image<float>::create (argument[1], header); auto outer = Loop ("extracting volumes", input_image, 0, 3); if (output_image.ndim() == 4) { for (auto i = outer (output_image, input_image); i; ++i) { for (size_t i = 0; i < volumes.size(); i++) { input_image.index(3) = volumes[i]; output_image.index(3) = i; output_image.value() = input_image.value(); } } } else { const size_t volume = volumes[0]; for (auto i = outer (output_image, input_image); i; ++i) { input_image.index(3) = volume; output_image.value() = input_image.value(); } } }