bool computePlaneToPlaneHomography( const Eigen::MatrixXd &points1, const Eigen::MatrixXd &points2, Eigen::MatrixXd &H, std::vector<bool> &mask, double reprojectionErrorThreshold ) { if( points1.size() != points2.size() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "computePlaneToPlaneHomography: Point lists must be of the same length." ); } if( H.cols() != 3 || H.rows() != 3 ) { H.resize( 3, 3 ); } bool result = false; // If we have exactly 4 points, compute the homography. if( points1.size() == 4 ) { result = compute4PointPlaneToPlaneHomography( points1, points2, H ); } else { // Otherwise, use RANSAC to remove the outliers. Detail::HomographyEstimator estimator(4); estimator.setThreshold( reprojectionErrorThreshold ); result = estimator( points1, points2, H, mask ); } return result; }
void BaseOfSupport::buildCi(const Eigen::MatrixXd& Ab, const Eigen::MatrixXd& Cp) { if (Ab.size() < 1) OCRA_ERROR("Reference Ab hasn't been resized"); if (Cp.size() < 1) OCRA_ERROR("Reference Cp hasn't been resized"); _Ci.setZero(); _Ci.block(10,10,4,6) = _Ab*_Cp; OCRA_INFO("Built Ci"); }
void parse_rhs( const int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[], Eigen::MatrixXd & V, Eigen::MatrixXi & F, Eigen::MatrixXd & P, Eigen::MatrixXd & N, int & num_samples) { using namespace std; if(nrhs < 5) { mexErrMsgTxt("nrhs < 5"); } const int dim = mxGetN(prhs[0]); if(dim != 3) { mexErrMsgTxt("Mesh vertex list must be #V by 3 list of vertex positions"); } if(dim != (int)mxGetN(prhs[1])) { mexErrMsgTxt("Mesh facet size must be 3"); } if(mxGetN(prhs[2]) != dim) { mexErrMsgTxt("Point list must be #P by 3 list of origin locations"); } if(mxGetN(prhs[3]) != dim) { mexErrMsgTxt("Normal list must be #P by 3 list of origin normals"); } if(mxGetN(prhs[4]) != 1 || mxGetM(prhs[4]) != 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("Number of samples must be scalar."); } V.resize(mxGetM(prhs[0]),mxGetN(prhs[0])); copy(mxGetPr(prhs[0]),mxGetPr(prhs[0])+V.size(),; F.resize(mxGetM(prhs[1]),mxGetN(prhs[1])); copy(mxGetPr(prhs[1]),mxGetPr(prhs[1])+F.size(),; F.array() -= 1; P.resize(mxGetM(prhs[2]),mxGetN(prhs[2])); copy(mxGetPr(prhs[2]),mxGetPr(prhs[2])+P.size(),; N.resize(mxGetM(prhs[3]),mxGetN(prhs[3])); copy(mxGetPr(prhs[3]),mxGetPr(prhs[3])+N.size(),; if(*mxGetPr(prhs[4]) != (int)*mxGetPr(prhs[4])) { mexErrMsgTxt("Number of samples should be non negative integer."); } num_samples = (int) *mxGetPr(prhs[4]); }
void FixedJoint::v2qdot(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& q, Eigen::MatrixXd& v_to_qdot, Eigen::MatrixXd* dv_to_qdot) const { v_to_qdot.resize(getNumPositions(), getNumVelocities()); if (dv_to_qdot) { dv_to_qdot->setZero(v_to_qdot.size(), getNumPositions()); } }
void FixedJoint::qdot2v(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& q, Eigen::MatrixXd& qdot_to_v, Eigen::MatrixXd* dqdot_to_v) const { qdot_to_v.resize(getNumVelocities(), getNumPositions()); if (dqdot_to_v) { dqdot_to_v->setZero(qdot_to_v.size(), getNumPositions()); } }
void FixedAxisOneDoFJoint::v2qdot(double* q, Eigen::MatrixXd& v_to_qdot, Eigen::MatrixXd* dv_to_qdot) const { v_to_qdot.setIdentity(getNumPositions(), getNumVelocities()); if (dv_to_qdot) { dv_to_qdot->setZero(v_to_qdot.size(), getNumPositions()); } }
void FixedAxisOneDoFJoint::qdot2v(double* q, Eigen::MatrixXd& qdot_to_v, Eigen::MatrixXd* dqdot_to_v) const { qdot_to_v.setIdentity(getNumVelocities(), getNumPositions()); if (dqdot_to_v) { dqdot_to_v->setZero(qdot_to_v.size(), getNumPositions()); } }
void QuaternionFloatingJoint::v2qdot(const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXd>& q, Eigen::MatrixXd& v_to_qdot, Eigen::MatrixXd* dv_to_qdot) const { v_to_qdot.resize(getNumPositions(), getNumVelocities()); auto quat = q.middleRows<QUAT_SIZE>(SPACE_DIMENSION); Matrix3d R = quat2rotmat(quat); Matrix<double, QUAT_SIZE, SPACE_DIMENSION> M; if (dv_to_qdot) { auto dR = dquat2rotmat(quat); Gradient<decltype(M), QUAT_SIZE, 1>::type dM; angularvel2quatdotMatrix(quat, M, &dM); dv_to_qdot->setZero(v_to_qdot.size(), getNumPositions()); setSubMatrixGradient<4>(*dv_to_qdot, dR, intRange<3>(0), intRange<3>(3), v_to_qdot.rows(), 3); auto dMR = matGradMultMat(M, R, dM, dR); setSubMatrixGradient<4>(*dv_to_qdot, dMR, intRange<4>(3), intRange<3>(0), v_to_qdot.rows(), 3); } else { angularvel2quatdotMatrix(quat, M, (Gradient<decltype(M), QUAT_SIZE, 1>::type*) nullptr); } v_to_qdot.block<3, 3>(0, 0).setZero(); v_to_qdot.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = R; v_to_qdot.block<4, 3>(3, 0).noalias() = M * R; v_to_qdot.block<4, 3>(3, 3).setZero(); }
void RollPitchYawFloatingJoint::v2qdot(const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXd>& q, Eigen::MatrixXd& v_to_qdot, Eigen::MatrixXd* dv_to_qdot) const { v_to_qdot.setIdentity(getNumPositions(), getNumVelocities()); if (dv_to_qdot) { dv_to_qdot->setZero(v_to_qdot.size(), getNumPositions()); } }
void RollPitchYawFloatingJoint::qdot2v(const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXd>& q, Eigen::MatrixXd& qdot_to_v, Eigen::MatrixXd* dqdot_to_v) const { qdot_to_v.setIdentity(getNumVelocities(), getNumPositions()); if (dqdot_to_v) { dqdot_to_v->setZero(qdot_to_v.size(), getNumPositions()); } }
bool ClassifyMotion::load_model( const std::string& folder ) { m_nb_classes = 8; //------------------------------------------------------ cout << "Load Priors" << endl; m_priors.resize( m_nb_classes ); for( int i=0; i<int(m_priors.size()); i++) { ostringstream filename; filename << "Prior_1_" << i+1 << ".csv"; //cout << folder + filename.str() << endl; Eigen::MatrixXd mat = load_from_csv( folder + filename.str() ); if( mat.size() == 0 ) return false; m_priors[i] = mat.transpose(); } //------------------------------------------------------ cout << "Load Mu" << endl; m_mu.resize( m_nb_classes ); for( int i=0; i<int(m_mu.size()); i++) { ostringstream filename; filename << "Mu_1_" << i+1 << ".csv"; //cout << folder + filename.str() << endl; m_mu[i] = load_from_csv( folder + filename.str() ); if( m_mu[i].size() == 0 ) return false; } //------------------------------------------------------ cout << "Load Sigma" << endl; m_sigma.resize( m_nb_classes ); m_nb_states = m_priors[0].size(); for( int i=0; i<int(m_sigma.size()); i++) { m_sigma[i].resize( m_nb_states ); for( int j=0; j<int(m_sigma[i].size()); j++) { ostringstream filename; filename << "Sigma_1_" << j+1 << "_"<< i+1 << ".csv"; m_sigma[i][j] = load_from_csv( folder + filename.str() ); if( m_sigma[i][j].size() == 0 ) return false; } } return true; }
void PseudoInverse(const ::Eigen::MatrixXd& inputMatrix, ::Eigen::MatrixXd& outputMatrix, const ::Eigen::MatrixXd& weight) { Eigen::MatrixXd tmp; if (weight.size() > 0) tmp = inputMatrix.transpose() * weight.transpose() * weight * inputMatrix; else tmp = inputMatrix * inputMatrix.transpose(); tmp = tmp.inverse(); outputMatrix = inputMatrix.transpose() * tmp; }
void Mesh::relative_to_mesh(Eigen::MatrixXd & C) const { if(C.size() == 0) { return; } C = C * rotation.matrix(); C /= scale; C.col(0).array() -= shift(0); C.col(1).array() -= shift(1); C.col(2).array() -= shift(2); }
void Mesh::unrelative_to_mesh(Eigen::MatrixXd & C) const { if(C.size() == 0) { return; } C.col(0).array() += shift(0); C.col(1).array() += shift(1); C.col(2).array() += shift(2); C *= scale; C = C * rotation.conjugate().matrix(); }
void parse_rhs( const int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[], Eigen::MatrixXd & V, Eigen::MatrixXi & Ele, Eigen::MatrixXd & Q, Eigen::MatrixXd & bb_mins, Eigen::MatrixXd & bb_maxs, Eigen::VectorXi & elements) { using namespace std; using namespace igl; using namespace igl::matlab; mexErrMsgTxt(nrhs >= 3, "The number of input arguments must be >=3."); const int dim = mxGetN(prhs[0]); mexErrMsgTxt(dim == 3 || dim == 2, "Mesh vertex list must be #V by 2 or 3 list of vertex positions"); mexErrMsgTxt(dim+1 == mxGetN(prhs[1]), "Mesh \"face\" simplex size must equal dimension+1"); parse_rhs_double(prhs,V); parse_rhs_index(prhs+1,Ele); parse_rhs_double(prhs+2,Q); mexErrMsgTxt(Q.cols() == dim,"Dimension of Q should match V"); if(nrhs > 3) { mexErrMsgTxt(nrhs >= 6, "The number of input arguments must be 3 or >=6."); parse_rhs_double(prhs+3,bb_mins); if(bb_mins.size()>0) { mexErrMsgTxt(bb_mins.cols() == dim,"Dimension of bb_mins should match V"); mexErrMsgTxt(bb_mins.rows() >= Ele.rows(),"|bb_mins| should be > |Ele|"); } parse_rhs_double(prhs+4,bb_maxs); mexErrMsgTxt(bb_maxs.cols() == bb_mins.cols(), "|bb_maxs| should match |bb_mins|"); mexErrMsgTxt(bb_mins.rows() == bb_maxs.rows(), "|bb_mins| should match |bb_maxs|"); parse_rhs_index(prhs+5,elements); mexErrMsgTxt(elements.cols() == 1,"Elements should be column vector"); mexErrMsgTxt(bb_mins.rows() == elements.rows(), "|bb_mins| should match |elements|"); }else { // Defaults bb_mins.resize(0,dim); bb_maxs.resize(0,dim); elements.resize(0,1); } }
IGL_INLINE void igl::viewer::ViewerCore::align_camera_center( const Eigen::MatrixXd& V) { if(V.rows() == 0) return; get_scale_and_shift_to_fit_mesh(V,model_zoom,model_translation); // Rather than crash on empty mesh... if(V.size() > 0) { object_scale = (V.colwise().maxCoeff() - V.colwise().minCoeff()).norm(); } }
IGL_INLINE bool igl::writeDMAT( const std::string file_name, const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedW> & W, const bool ascii) { FILE * fp = fopen(file_name.c_str(),"wb"); if(fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"IOError: writeDMAT() could not open %s...",file_name.c_str()); return false; } if(ascii) { // first line contains number of rows and number of columns fprintf(fp,"%d %d\n",(int)W.cols(),(int)W.rows()); // Loop over columns slowly for(int j = 0;j < W.cols();j++) { // loop over rows (down columns) quickly for(int i = 0;i < W.rows();i++) { fprintf(fp,"%0.17lg\n",(double)W(i,j)); } } }else { // write header for ascii fprintf(fp,"0 0\n"); // first line contains number of rows and number of columns fprintf(fp,"%d %d\n",(int)W.cols(),(int)W.rows()); // reader assumes the binary part is double precision Eigen::MatrixXd Wd = W.template cast<double>(); fwrite(,sizeof(double),Wd.size(),fp); //// Loop over columns slowly //for(int j = 0;j < W.cols();j++) //{ // // loop over rows (down columns) quickly // for(int i = 0;i < W.rows();i++) // { // double d = (double)W(i,j); // fwrite(&d,sizeof(double),1,fp); // } //} } fclose(fp); return true; }
IGL_INLINE void igl::ViewerData::set_edges( const Eigen::MatrixXd& P, const Eigen::MatrixXi& E, const Eigen::MatrixXd& C) { using namespace Eigen; lines.resize(E.rows(),9); assert(C.cols() == 3); for(int e = 0;e<E.rows();e++) { RowVector3d color; if(C.size() == 3) { color<<C; }else if(C.rows() == E.rows()) { color<<C.row(e); } lines.row(e)<< P.row(E(e,0)), P.row(E(e,1)), color; } dirty |= DIRTY_OVERLAY_LINES; }
void QuaternionFloatingJoint::qdot2v(const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXd>& q, Eigen::MatrixXd& qdot_to_v, Eigen::MatrixXd* dqdot_to_v) const { qdot_to_v.resize(getNumVelocities(), getNumPositions()); auto quat = q.middleRows<QUAT_SIZE>(SPACE_DIMENSION); Matrix3d R = quat2rotmat(quat); Vector4d quattilde; Matrix<double, SPACE_DIMENSION, QUAT_SIZE> M; Matrix<double, SPACE_DIMENSION, QUAT_SIZE> RTransposeM; Gradient<Vector4d, QUAT_SIZE, 1>::type dquattildedquat; if (dqdot_to_v) { Gradient<Vector4d, QUAT_SIZE, 2>::type ddquattildedquat; normalizeVec(quat, quattilde, &dquattildedquat, &ddquattildedquat); auto dR = dquat2rotmat(quat); Gradient<Matrix<double, SPACE_DIMENSION, QUAT_SIZE>, QUAT_SIZE, 1>::type dM; quatdot2angularvelMatrix(quat, M, &dM); RTransposeM.noalias() = R.transpose() * M; auto dRTranspose = transposeGrad(dR, R.rows()); auto dRTransposeM = matGradMultMat(R.transpose(), M, dRTranspose, dM); auto dRTransposeMdquattildedquat = matGradMultMat(RTransposeM, dquattildedquat, dRTransposeM, ddquattildedquat); dqdot_to_v->setZero(qdot_to_v.size(), getNumPositions()); setSubMatrixGradient<4>(*dqdot_to_v, dRTranspose, intRange<3>(3), intRange<3>(0), qdot_to_v.rows(), 3); setSubMatrixGradient<4>(*dqdot_to_v, dRTransposeMdquattildedquat, intRange<3>(0), intRange<4>(3), qdot_to_v.rows(), 3); } else { normalizeVec(quat, quattilde, &dquattildedquat); quatdot2angularvelMatrix(quat, M); RTransposeM.noalias() = R.transpose() * M; } qdot_to_v.block<3, 3>(0, 0).setZero(); qdot_to_v.block<3, 4>(0, 3).noalias() = RTransposeM * dquattildedquat; qdot_to_v.block<3, 3>(3, 0) = R.transpose(); qdot_to_v.block<3, 4>(3, 3).setZero(); }
IGL_INLINE void igl::draw_mesh( const Eigen::MatrixXd & V, const Eigen::MatrixXi & F, const Eigen::MatrixXd & N, const Eigen::MatrixXi & NF, const Eigen::MatrixXd & C, const Eigen::MatrixXd & TC, const Eigen::MatrixXi & TF, const Eigen::MatrixXd & W, const GLuint W_index, const Eigen::MatrixXi & WI, const GLuint WI_index) { using namespace std; using namespace Eigen; const int rF = F.rows(); const int cF = F.cols(); const int cC = C.cols(); const int rC = C.rows(); const int cW = W.cols(); const int rW = W.rows(); const int rV = V.rows(); const int rTC = TC.rows(); const int rTF = TF.rows(); const int rNF = NF.rows(); const int rN = N.rows(); if(F.size() > 0) { assert(F.maxCoeff() < V.rows()); assert(V.cols() == 3); assert(rC == rV || rC == rF || rC == rF*3 || rC==1 || C.size() == 0); assert(C.cols() == 3 || C.size() == 0); assert(N.cols() == 3 || N.size() == 0); assert(TC.cols() == 2 || TC.size() == 0); assert(cF == 3 || cF == 4); assert(TF.size() == 0 || TF.cols() == F.cols()); assert(NF.size() == 0 || NF.cols() == NF.cols()); } if(W.size()>0) { assert(W.rows() == V.rows()); assert(WI.rows() == V.rows()); assert(W.cols() == WI.cols()); } switch(F.cols()) { default: case 3: glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); break; case 4: glBegin(GL_QUADS); break; } // loop over faces for(int i = 0; i<rF;i++) { // loop over corners of triangle for(int j = 0;j<cF;j++) { int tc = -1; if(rTF != 0) { tc = TF(i,j); } else if(rTC == 1) { tc = 0; }else if(rTC == rV) { tc = F(i,j); }else if(rTC == rF*cF) { tc = i*cF + j; }else if(rTC == rF) { tc = i; }else { assert(TC.size() == 0); } // RGB(A) Matrix<MatrixXd::Scalar,1,Dynamic> color; if(rC == 1) { color = C.row(0); }else if(rC == rV) { color = C.row(F(i,j)); }else if(rC == rF*cF) { color = C.row(i*cF+j); }else if(rC == rF) { color = C.row(i); }else { assert(C.size() == 0); } int n = -1; if(rNF != 0) { n = NF(i,j); // indexed normals } else if(rN == 1) { n = 0; // uniform normals }else if(rN == rF) { n = i; // face normals }else if(rN == rV) { n = F(i,j); // vertex normals }else if(rN == rF*cF) { n = i*cF + j; // corner normals }else { assert(N.size() == 0); } { if(rW>0 && W_index !=0 && WI_index != 0) { int weights_left = cW; while(weights_left != 0) { int pass_size = std::min(4,weights_left); int weights_already_passed = cW-weights_left; // Get attribute location of next 4 weights int pass_W_index = W_index + weights_already_passed/4; int pass_WI_index = WI_index + weights_already_passed/4; switch(pass_size) { case 1: glVertexAttrib1d( pass_W_index, W(F(i,j),0+weights_already_passed)); glVertexAttrib1d( pass_WI_index, WI(F(i,j),0+weights_already_passed)); break; case 2: glVertexAttrib2d( pass_W_index, W(F(i,j),0+weights_already_passed), W(F(i,j),1+weights_already_passed)); glVertexAttrib2d( pass_WI_index, WI(F(i,j),0+weights_already_passed), WI(F(i,j),1+weights_already_passed)); break; case 3: glVertexAttrib3d( pass_W_index, W(F(i,j),0+weights_already_passed), W(F(i,j),1+weights_already_passed), W(F(i,j),2+weights_already_passed)); glVertexAttrib3d( pass_WI_index, WI(F(i,j),0+weights_already_passed), WI(F(i,j),1+weights_already_passed), WI(F(i,j),2+weights_already_passed)); break; default: glVertexAttrib4d( pass_W_index, W(F(i,j),0+weights_already_passed), W(F(i,j),1+weights_already_passed), W(F(i,j),2+weights_already_passed), W(F(i,j),3+weights_already_passed)); glVertexAttrib4d( pass_WI_index, WI(F(i,j),0+weights_already_passed), WI(F(i,j),1+weights_already_passed), WI(F(i,j),2+weights_already_passed), WI(F(i,j),3+weights_already_passed)); break; } weights_left -= pass_size; } } if(tc != -1) { glTexCoord2d(TC(tc,0),TC(tc,1)); } if(rC>0) { switch(cC) { case 3: glColor3dv(; break; case 4: glColor4dv(; break; default: break; } } if(n != -1) { glNormal3d(N(n,0),N(n,1),N(n,2)); } glVertex3d(V(F(i,j),0),V(F(i,j),1),V(F(i,j),2)); } } } glEnd(); }
IGL_INLINE bool igl::boundary_conditions( const Eigen::MatrixXd & V , const Eigen::MatrixXi & /*Ele*/, const Eigen::MatrixXd & C , const Eigen::VectorXi & P , const Eigen::MatrixXi & BE , const Eigen::MatrixXi & CE , Eigen::VectorXi & b , Eigen::MatrixXd & bc ) { using namespace Eigen; using namespace igl; using namespace std; if(P.size()+BE.rows() == 0) { verbose("^%s: Error: no handles found\n",__FUNCTION__); return false; } vector<int> bci; vector<int> bcj; vector<int> bcv; // loop over points for(int p = 0;p<P.size();p++) { VectorXd pos = C.row(P(p)); // loop over domain vertices for(int i = 0;i<V.rows();i++) { // Find samples just on pos //Vec3 vi(V(i,0),V(i,1),V(i,2)); // EIGEN GOTCHA: // double sqrd = (V.row(i)-pos).array().pow(2).sum(); // Must first store in temporary VectorXd vi = V.row(i); double sqrd = (vi-pos).squaredNorm(); if(sqrd <= FLOAT_EPS) { //cout<<"sum((["<< // V(i,0)<<" "<< // V(i,1)<<" "<< // V(i,2)<<"] - ["<< // pos(0)<<" "<< // pos(1)<<" "<< // pos(2)<<"]).^2) = "<<sqrd<<endl; bci.push_back(i); bcj.push_back(p); bcv.push_back(1.0); } } } // loop over bone edges for(int e = 0;e<BE.rows();e++) { // loop over domain vertices for(int i = 0;i<V.rows();i++) { // Find samples from tip up to tail VectorXd tip = C.row(BE(e,0)); VectorXd tail = C.row(BE(e,1)); // Compute parameter along bone and squared distance double t,sqrd; project_to_line( V(i,0),V(i,1),V(i,2), tip(0),tip(1),tip(2), tail(0),tail(1),tail(2), t,sqrd); if(t>=-FLOAT_EPS && t<=(1.0f+FLOAT_EPS) && sqrd<=FLOAT_EPS) { bci.push_back(i); bcj.push_back(P.size()+e); bcv.push_back(1.0); } } } // Cage edges are not considered yet // loop over cage edges for(int e = 0;e<CE.rows();e++) { // loop over domain vertices for(int i = 0;i<V.rows();i++) { // Find samples from tip up to tail VectorXd tip = C.row(P(CE(e,0))); VectorXd tail = C.row(P(CE(e,1))); // Compute parameter along bone and squared distance double t,sqrd; project_to_line( V(i,0),V(i,1),V(i,2), tip(0),tip(1),tip(2), tail(0),tail(1),tail(2), t,sqrd); if(t>=-FLOAT_EPS && t<=(1.0f+FLOAT_EPS) && sqrd<=FLOAT_EPS) { bci.push_back(i); bcj.push_back(CE(e,0)); bcv.push_back(1.0-t); bci.push_back(i); bcj.push_back(CE(e,1)); bcv.push_back(t); } } } // find unique boundary indices vector<int> vb = bci; sort(vb.begin(),vb.end()); vb.erase(unique(vb.begin(), vb.end()), vb.end()); b.resize(vb.size()); bc = MatrixXd::Zero(vb.size(),P.size()+BE.rows()); // Map from boundary index to index in boundary map<int,int> bim; int i = 0; // Also fill in b for(vector<int>::iterator bit = vb.begin();bit != vb.end();bit++) { b(i) = *bit; bim[*bit] = i; i++; } // Build BC for(i = 0;i < (int)bci.size();i++) { assert(bim.find(bci[i]) != bim.end()); bc(bim[bci[i]],bcj[i]) = bcv[i]; } // Normalize accross rows so that conditions sum to one for(i = 0;i<bc.rows();i++) { double sum = bc.row(i).sum(); assert(sum != 0); bc.row(i).array() /= sum; } if(bc.size() == 0) { verbose("^%s: Error: boundary conditions are empty.\n",__FUNCTION__); return false; } // If there's only a single boundary condition, the following tests // are overzealous. if(bc.rows() == 1) { return true; } // Check that every Weight function has at least one boundary value of 1 and // one value of 0 for(i = 0;i<bc.cols();i++) { double min_abs_c = bc.col(i).array().abs().minCoeff(); double max_c = bc.col(i).maxCoeff(); if(min_abs_c > FLOAT_EPS) { verbose("^%s: Error: handle %d does not receive 0 weight\n",__FUNCTION__,i); return false; } if(max_c< (1-FLOAT_EPS)) { verbose("^%s: Error: handle %d does not receive 1 weight\n",__FUNCTION__,i); return false; } } return true; }
void parse_rhs( const int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[], Eigen::MatrixXd & IV, Eigen::MatrixXi & IF, double & level, double & angle_bound, double & radius_bound, double & distance_bound, igl::SignedDistanceType & type) { using namespace std; using namespace igl; using namespace Eigen; mexErrMsgTxt(nrhs >= 2, "The number of input arguments must be >=2."); const int dim = mxGetN(prhs[0]); mexErrMsgTxt(dim == 3, "Mesh vertex list must be #V by 3 list of vertex positions"); parse_rhs_double(prhs,IV); parse_rhs_index(prhs+1,IF); // defaults level = 0.0; angle_bound = 28.0; double bbd = 1.0; // Radius and distance in terms of fraction of bbd if(IV.size() > 0) { bbd = (IV.colwise().maxCoeff()-IV.colwise().minCoeff()).norm(); } radius_bound = 0.02*bbd; distance_bound = 0.02*bbd; type = SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_DEFAULT; { int i = 2; while(i<nrhs) { mexErrMsgTxt(mxIsChar(prhs[i]),"Parameter names should be strings"); // Cast to char const char * name = mxArrayToString(prhs[i]); const auto requires_arg = [](const int i, const int nrhs, const char * name) { mexErrMsgTxt((i+1)<nrhs, C_STR("Parameter '"<<name<<"' requires argument")); }; const auto validate_double = [](const int i, const mxArray * prhs[], const char * name) { mexErrMsgTxt(mxIsDouble(prhs[i]), C_STR("Parameter '"<<name<<"' requires Double argument")); }; const auto validate_scalar = [](const int i, const mxArray * prhs[], const char * name) { mexErrMsgTxt(mxGetN(prhs[i])==1 && mxGetM(prhs[i])==1, C_STR("Parameter '"<<name<<"' requires scalar argument")); }; const auto validate_char = [](const int i, const mxArray * prhs[], const char * name) { mexErrMsgTxt(mxIsChar(prhs[i]), C_STR("Parameter '"<<name<<"' requires char argument")); }; if(strcmp("Level",name) == 0) { requires_arg(i,nrhs,name); i++; validate_double(i,prhs,name); validate_scalar(i,prhs,name); level = (double)*mxGetPr(prhs[i]); }else if(strcmp("AngleBound",name) == 0) { requires_arg(i,nrhs,name); i++; validate_double(i,prhs,name); validate_scalar(i,prhs,name); angle_bound = (double)*mxGetPr(prhs[i]); }else if(strcmp("RadiusBound",name) == 0) { requires_arg(i,nrhs,name); i++; validate_double(i,prhs,name); validate_scalar(i,prhs,name); radius_bound = ((double)*mxGetPr(prhs[i])) * bbd; }else if(strcmp("DistanceBound",name) == 0) { requires_arg(i,nrhs,name); i++; validate_double(i,prhs,name); validate_scalar(i,prhs,name); distance_bound = ((double)*mxGetPr(prhs[i])) * bbd; }else if(strcmp("SignedDistanceType",name) == 0) { requires_arg(i,nrhs,name); i++; validate_char(i,prhs,name); const char * type_name = mxArrayToString(prhs[i]); if(strcmp("pseudonormal",type_name)==0) { type = igl::SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_PSEUDONORMAL; }else if(strcmp("winding_number",type_name)==0) { type = igl::SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_WINDING_NUMBER; }else if(strcmp("default",type_name)==0) { type = igl::SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_DEFAULT; }else if(strcmp("unsigned",type_name)==0) { type = igl::SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_UNSIGNED; }else { mexErrMsgTxt(false,C_STR("Unknown SignedDistanceType: "<<type_name)); } }else { mexErrMsgTxt(false,"Unknown parameter"); } i++; } } if(type != igl::SIGNED_DISTANCE_TYPE_UNSIGNED) { mexErrMsgTxt(dim == mxGetN(prhs[1]), "Mesh \"face\" simplex size must equal dimension"); } }
void CloudAnalyzer2D::examineFreeSpaceEvidence() { freeSpaceEvidence.clear(); Eigen::Vector3f cameraCenter = -1.0 * pointMin; voxel::DirectVoxel<char> freeSpace(numX, numY, numZ); for (int k = 0; k < numZ; ++k) { for (int j = 0; j < numY; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < numX; ++i) { if (!pointInVoxel->at(i, j, k)) continue; Eigen::Vector3d ray(i, j, k); ray[0] -= cameraCenter[0] * FLAGS_scale; ray[1] -= cameraCenter[1] * FLAGS_scale; ray[2] -= cameraCenter[2] * zScale; double length = ray.norm(); Eigen::Vector3d unitRay = ray / length; Eigen::Vector3i voxelHit; for (int a = 0; a <= ceil(length); ++a) { voxelHit[0] = floor(cameraCenter[0] * FLAGS_scale + a * unitRay[0]); voxelHit[1] = floor(cameraCenter[1] * FLAGS_scale + a * unitRay[1]); voxelHit[2] = floor(cameraCenter[2] * zScale + a * unitRay[2]); if (voxelHit[0] < 0 || voxelHit[0] >= numX) continue; if (voxelHit[1] < 0 || voxelHit[1] >= numY) continue; if (voxelHit[2] < 0 || voxelHit[2] >= numZ) continue; freeSpace(voxelHit) = 1; } } } } for (int r = 0; r < R->size(); ++r) { Eigen::MatrixXd collapsedCount = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(newRows, newCols); #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) for (int i = 0; i < collapsedCount.cols(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < collapsedCount.rows(); ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < numZ; ++k) { const Eigen::Vector3d coord(i, j, k); const Eigen::Vector3i src = (R->at(r) * (coord - newZZ) + zeroZero) .unaryExpr([](auto v) { return std::round(v); }) .cast<int>(); if (src[0] < 0 || src[0] >= numX || src[1] < 0 || src[1] >= numY || src[2] < 0 || src[2] >= numZ) continue; if (freeSpace(src)) ++collapsedCount(j, i); } } } double average, sigma; const double *vPtr =; std::tie(average, sigma) = place::aveAndStdev( vPtr, vPtr + collapsedCount.size(), [](double v) { return v; }, [](double v) -> bool { return v; }); cv::Mat heatMap(newRows, newCols, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar::all(255)); for (int j = 0; j < heatMap.rows; ++j) { uchar *dst = heatMap.ptr<uchar>(j); for (int i = 0; i < heatMap.cols; ++i) { const double count = collapsedCount(j, i); if (count > 0) { const int gray = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>( 255.0 * ((count - average) / sigma + 1.0)); dst[i] = 255 - gray; } } } const double radius = 0.3; for (int j = -sqrt(radius) * FLAGS_scale; j < sqrt(radius) * FLAGS_scale; ++j) { uchar *dst = heatMap.ptr<uchar>(j + imageZeroZero[1]); for (int i = -sqrt(radius * FLAGS_scale * FLAGS_scale - j * j); i < sqrt(radius * FLAGS_scale * FLAGS_scale - j * j); ++i) { dst[i + imageZeroZero[0]] = 0; } } if (FLAGS_preview) { cvNamedWindow("Preview", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); cv::imshow("Preview", heatMap); cv::waitKey(0); } freeSpaceEvidence.push_back(heatMap); } }