bool Conf_Process(std::fstream & f) { char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; unsigned l = 0; bool breakflag = false; while (!f.eof() && !breakflag) { l++; f.getline(line, sizeof(line)); if (line[0] == '\0') { // empty line, skip it (yeah we should ignore whitespaces too) continue; } if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') { // comment, skip it continue; } Conf_AcceptCommand(line, breakflag); } if (breakflag) { printf("Line: %u\n", l); } return true; }
int LuaHistoryFile::LoadLuaTable(lua_State* luaState, size_t nBufferLen, std::fstream& fileStream) { char* szRead = new char[4 * nBufferLen]; lua_newtable(luaState); if(fileStream.getline(szRead, 4 * nBufferLen)) { int nStrCnt = atoi(szRead); for(int ix = 1; ix <= nStrCnt; ++ix) { if(fileStream.getline(szRead, 4 * nBufferLen)) { string strRead; wstring wstrRead; ANSI_to_Unicode(szRead, strlen(szRead), wstrRead); Unicode_to_UTF8(wstrRead.c_str(), wstrRead.size(), strRead); lua_pushstring(luaState, strRead.c_str()); lua_rawseti(luaState, -2, ix); } } } delete []szRead; return 1; }
void parseVC( std::fstream &file, std::string array_name, unsigned long int **array, char *chars, const unsigned int s, const unsigned long int P, const char skip=1 ) { std::string line; unsigned long int uli; std::cout << "Will read " << array_name << std::endl; if( skip ) file.getline( chars, 500 ); //go past EOL if( file.peek() != '%' ) { std::cout << "Not at header line!" << std::endl; file >> line; std::cout << line << std::endl; file >> line; std::cout << line << std::endl; exit( 1 ); }
void Agente::leerLinea(std::fstream& archivo, std::string& linea) { linea.clear(); char buffer[T_BUFFER]; bool seguirLeyendo = true; do { archivo.getline(buffer, T_BUFFER, '\n'); linea.append(buffer, archivo.gcount()); seguirLeyendo = (archivo.gcount() == T_BUFFER); if (archivo.bad()) archivo.clear(); } while (seguirLeyendo); }
void calculateTransform(std::fstream &pointsFs) { Eigen::Matrix4f trans; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> points_in_kinect; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> points_in_arm; //read data from file into data structures char temp_buf[200]; pcl::PointXYZ KinPos; pcl::PointXYZ ArmPos; while(true){ pointsFs.getline(temp_buf,200); if(pointsFs.eof()) break; if (sscanf(temp_buf,"%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f", &(KinPos.x), &(KinPos.y), &(KinPos.z), &(ArmPos.x), &(ArmPos.y), &(ArmPos.z)) == 6) { points_in_kinect.push_back(KinPos); points_in_arm.push_back(ArmPos); } } //calibrate pcl::registration::TransformationEstimationSVD<pcl::PointXYZ,pcl::PointXYZ> transformation_estimator; if(points_in_kinect.size() > 6 ) { transformation_estimator.estimateRigidTransformation(points_in_kinect,points_in_arm,trans); cout << "Calculated transformation: " <<endl; cout << trans << endl; //write to file std::ofstream fs("mat.txt"); if(!fs){ std::cerr<<"Cannot open the output file."<<std::endl; } else{ fs<< trans << endl ; fs.close(); } cout << "transformation matrix written to mat.txt " << endl; } else{ cout << "Not enough points to run SVD estimation" << endl; } }
//options void createandprintlist()//option1 { char x[80]; while (((s[0])>'9' || (s[0])<'0') && !f1.eof()) { f1.getline(s, 80, ' '); l1.insertqueue(x); } l1.display(); }
int main() {"/Users/robinmalhotra2/Desktop/csl201check.txt",std::ios::in|std::ios::out); f1.getline(s, 80, ' '); while (f1.good()) { std::cout<<"addasd"; if ((strlen(s)==1) && (s[0])<'9' && (s[0])>'0') { switch ((s[0])) { case '1': createandprintlist(); break; case '2': sortlist(); break; case '3': nextinsert(); break; case '4': searchlist(); break; case '5': deletenext(); break; case '6': deduplicate(); break; case '7': mergesortthing(); break; case '8': credits(); break; default: break; } } } f1.close(); }