Esempio n. 1
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon::UpdateInventoryEnabledState(int inNumActiveHives)
	// Process here
	int theEnabledState = 1;
	ItemInfo theItemInfo;
	if(this->GetItemInfo(&theItemInfo) != 0)
		int theWeaponFlags = theItemInfo.iFlags;
		AvHPlayer* thePlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(this->m_pPlayer);
		// If we don't have the hives required, or we're ensnared
		if	(/*thePlayer->GetIsTemporarilyInvulnerable() ||*/
			!thePlayer->GetIsAbleToAct() || 
			((inNumActiveHives < 1) && (theWeaponFlags & ONE_HIVE_REQUIRED)) ||
			((inNumActiveHives < 2) && (theWeaponFlags & TWO_HIVES_REQUIRED)) ||
			((inNumActiveHives < 3) && (theWeaponFlags & THREE_HIVES_REQUIRED)) ||
			(this->GetResourceCost() > thePlayer->GetResources(false)) )
			// Disable it
			theEnabledState = 0;
			int a = 0;
	// puzl: 497 save the state for when we send the CurWeapon message
	this->m_iEnabled =  theEnabledState;
Esempio n. 2
void AvHBaseBuildable::ConstructUse( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
	bool theSuccess = false;
	bool theIsBuilding = false;
	bool theIsResearching = false;
	float thePercentage = 0.0f;

	AvHSHUGetBuildResearchState(this->pev->iuser3, this->pev->iuser4, this->pev->fuser1, theIsBuilding, theIsResearching, thePercentage);
	// Only allow players to help along building, not researching
		// Only allow users from same team as turret deployer
		float thePercentage = this->GetNormalizedBuildPercentage();
		if(pActivator->pev->team == this->pev->team && (thePercentage < 1.0f))
			AvHPlayer* thePlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(pActivator);
			// Only soldiers and builders can build
			if(thePlayer->GetIsAbleToAct() && ((thePlayer->pev->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER) || (thePlayer->pev->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER2)))
                AvHBasePlayerWeapon* theWeapon = dynamic_cast<AvHBasePlayerWeapon*>(thePlayer->m_pActiveItem);
                if(!theWeapon || theWeapon->CanHolster())
				    bool thePlaySound = false;
				    // Ensure that buildings are never absolutely painful to create
				    int theBuildTime = max(GetGameRules()->GetBuildTimeForMessageID(this->mMessageID), 1);
				    if((GetGameRules()->GetIsTesting() || GetGameRules()->GetCheatsEnabled()) && !GetGameRules()->GetIsCheatEnabled(kcSlowResearch))
					    theBuildTime = 2;
				    // Make non-frame-rate dependent
				    const float kDefaultInterval = .1f;
				    float theTimeOfLastConstructUse = thePlayer->GetTimeOfLastConstructUse();
				    float theInterval = min(max(gpGlobals->time - theTimeOfLastConstructUse, 0.0f), kDefaultInterval);
				    thePercentage += (theInterval/(float)theBuildTime);

				    if(gpGlobals->time > (this->mLastTimePlayedSound + this->mAverageUseSoundLength))
					    AvHSUPlayRandomConstructionEffect(thePlayer, this);
					    this->mLastTimePlayedSound = gpGlobals->time;
				    // Given the number of constructors, what's chance of starting a new sound?
				    float theChanceForNewSound = (gpGlobals->frametime/(this->mAverageUseSoundLength));//  /2.0f));
				    float theRandomFloat = RANDOM_FLOAT(0.0f, 1.0f);
				    if(theRandomFloat < theChanceForNewSound)
					    AvHSUPlayRandomConstructionEffect(thePlayer, this);
				    //if(RANDOM_LONG(0, 20) == 0)
				    //	char theMessage[128];
				    //	sprintf(theMessage, "Time passed: %f, ticks: %d, rate: %f\n", theTimePassed, this->mPreThinkTicks, this->mPreThinkFrameRate);
				    //	UTIL_SayText(theMessage, this);

				    theSuccess = true;

					// GHOSTBUILD: Manifest structure.
					pev->renderamt = 255;
					pev->rendermode = kRenderNormal;
					pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
					this->mGhost = false;


	// Clear out +use sound when ineffective
		EMIT_SOUND(pActivator->edict(), CHAN_ITEM, "common/null.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM);