Esempio n. 1
bool circleCollision(Circle c1, Circle c2)
	vec2 pos1 = c1.getPosition();
	vec2 pos2 = c2.getPosition();
	float r1 = c1.getRadius();
	float r2 = c2.getRadius();

	float distance = getDistance(pos1, pos2);
	if (distance - r1 - r2 <= 0) {
		return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 2
void Collision::CircleToCircle(Circle &a, Circle &b)
	ManifoldCtoC m;
	Vector2D diff = a.getPosition().subtract(b.getPosition());//!< Origin of position subtracting origin of other position; 
	float dist = diff.magnitude();//!< Gets the length between the two origins.
	float sumOfRadii = a.getRadius() + b.getRadius();//!< Sum of the radii

	if (dist > sumOfRadii)//!< Exits early if no collision detection.
	//!send circles and the calculated distance to the manifold.
	m.Initialize(a,b, dist);//!< Initializes the manifold.
Esempio n. 3
bool Collision::Circle_vs_Circle(const Circle& a, const Circle& b, Vector *v)
    const Vector apos = a.getPosition();
    Vector diff = b.getPosition() - apos;
    const float r = a.radius + b.radius;
    bool c = diff.isLength2DIn(r);

    if(c && v)
        *v = apos + diff;

    return c;
Esempio n. 4
void Circle::intersect(const Circle& other, he::PrimitiveList<vec2>& outIntersections) const
    float d(length(m_Position - other.getPosition()));

    if (d > m_Radius + other.m_Radius)
    else if (d < fabs(m_Radius - other.m_Radius))
        //line connecting 2 points = 
        const float& x1(m_Position.x), 
        float d2(lengthSqr(other.m_Position - m_Position));

        float xPart1( (x2 + x1) / 2.0f + ((x2 - x1) * (sqr(r1) - sqr(r2))) / (2.0f * d2));
        float xPart2( ((y2 - y1) / (2.0f * d2)) * sqrtf( (sqr(r1 + r2) - d2) * (d2 - sqr(r2 - r1))));

        float yPart1( (y2 + y1) / 2.0f + ((y2 - y1) * (sqr(r1) - sqr(r2))) / (2.0f * d2));
        float yPart2( ((x2 - x1) / (2.0f * d2)) * sqrtf( (sqr(r1 + r2) - d2) * (d2 - sqr(r2 - r1))));

        outIntersections.add( vec2(xPart1 + xPart2, yPart1 - yPart2) );
        outIntersections.add( vec2(xPart1 - xPart2, yPart1 + yPart2) );
Esempio n. 5
bool Collision::CircleToAABB(Circle &a, Box &b, bool &hitFloor,bool &hitSide, bool &hitUnder)
	Vector2D extents(b.getWidth()/2,b.getHeight()/2);//!< puts the extents of the box into a vector2d.
	Vector2D disti = b.getPosition().subtract(a.getPosition());//!< Finds the distance between the two origins.
	Vector2D clamp = clamp.minMax(disti,extents);//!<Clamp closet point?
	disti = disti.subtract(clamp);//!< Calculates the distance from the box. In the X and Y.
	distance = disti.magnitude() - a.getRadius();//!< Gets the length between the two objects. 
	if(distance > 0)
		return false; //!<Exits if the distance is greater than 0
	//return true;
	normal2 = disti.getUnitVector();//!< Calculates the normal
	//!Used to find out if ive hit top side or under
	if(normal2.getY() > 0.2f)
		hitFloor = true;
	else hitFloor = false;
	if(normal2.getY() < -0.5f)
		hitUnder = true;
	if(normal2.getX() == -1.f || normal2.getX() == 1.f )
		hitSide = true;

	return true;
Esempio n. 6
bool Collision::CircleToLine(Circle &a, Line &b)
	Vector2D normal = b.lineNormal();//!< Gets the normal of the line and sets to a new Vector2D
	float mag = normal.magnitude();//!< Finds the magnitude of the normal.
	float c = b.lineOrigin();//!< Find the origin value of the line.
	c /= mag;//!< Normalises the origin value.
	Vector2D normal2 = normal.getUnitVector();//!< normalises the normal.
	float distance = (a.getPosition().dotProduct(normal2) + (c));//!< Finds the distance away from the point.  distance = p.n + 
	return (distance >= 0 - a.getRadius()); //!< If the distance is 0 or less than 0. Return true.
 * \brief Register::setUpResult
 * \param circle
 * \return
bool Register::setUpResult(Circle &circle){

    //get and check plane
    if(!this->inputElements.contains(0) || this->inputElements[0].size() != 1){
        return false;
    QPointer<Plane> plane = this->inputElements[0].at(0).plane;
    if(plane.isNull() || !plane->getIsSolved()){
        return false;

    //get the position of the sphere and the plane and the normal vector
    OiVec n_plane = plane->getDirection().getVector();
    OiVec x_plane = plane->getPosition().getVector();
    OiVec x_circle = circle.getPosition().getVector();

    //calculate the distance of the plane from the origin
    double d;
    OiVec::dot(d, x_plane, n_plane);
    if(d < 0.0){
        n_plane = -1.0 * n_plane;
        d = -d;

    //calculate the distance of the sphere position from the plane
    double s;
    OiVec::dot(s, x_circle, n_plane);
    s = s - d;

    //project the sphere position into the plane
    x_circle = x_circle - s * n_plane;

    //set result
    Position position = circle.getPosition();
    circle.setCircle(position, circle.getDirection(), circle.getRadius());

    return true;

 * \brief RectifyToVector::setUpResult
 * \param circle
 * \return
bool RectifyToVector::setUpResult(Circle &circle){

    //get and check point
    if(!this->inputElements.contains(0) || this->inputElements[0].size() != 1){
        return false;
    QPointer<Geometry> geometry = this->inputElements[0].at(0).geometry;
    if(geometry.isNull() || !geometry->getIsSolved() || !geometry->hasDirection()){
        return false;

    //get the sense (positive or negative)
    double sense = 1.0;
        if(this->scalarInputParams.stringParameter.value("sense").compare("negative") == 0){
            sense = -1.0;

    //get the direction to compare
    OiVec r_reference = geometry->getDirection().getVector();
    OiVec r_circle = circle.getDirection().getVector();

    //calculate the angle between both directions
    double angle = 0.0;
    OiVec::dot(angle, r_reference, r_circle);
    angle = qAbs(qAcos(angle));

    //invert the normal vector if the angle is greater than 90°
    if(angle > PI/2.0){
        r_circle = -1.0 * r_circle;

    //invert the normal vector if sense is negative
    r_circle = sense * r_circle;

    //set result
    Direction direction = circle.getDirection();
    circle.setCircle(circle.getPosition(), direction, circle.getRadius());

    return true;

Esempio n. 9
bool Collision::Circle_vs_Line(const Circle& a, const Line& b, Vector *v)
    const Vector dir = b.direction();
    const Vector bstart = b.startpos();
    const Vector apos = a.getPosition();
    Vector diff = apos - bstart;
    Vector closest;
    if (!dir.isZero())
        float t = diff.dot2D(dir) / dir.getLength2DSq();
        t = clamp(t, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        closest = bstart + (t * dir);
        closest = bstart;

    diff = apos - closest;
    bool c = diff.isLength2DIn(a.radius);
    if (v && c)
        *v = closest;
    return c;
Esempio n. 10
int CASE03::start() {

	if (time != -1) {

	cv::Mat original;
	cv::Mat resized;
	cv::Mat processed[MAX_COLOR];

	original = Util::readImage();
	resized = Util::resize(original);
	cv::cvtColor(resized, resized, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV);

	cv::Size size = resized.size();
	cv::Point center = cv::Point(original.size().width / 2, original.size().height / 2);
	int radiusAim = 60;
	bool inside;

	bool flag = true;

	while (flag) {
		original = Util::readImage();
		int textHeight = original.size().height - 10;

		resized = Util::resize(original);

		std::vector<std::future<cv::Mat>> t_preprocessing(MAX_COLOR);

		for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) {
			HSV color = colors[i];
			t_preprocessing[i] = std::async(std::launch::async, [resized, color] { return Util::preprocessing(resized, color); });

		for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) { t_preprocessing[i].wait(); }
		for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) { processed[i] = t_preprocessing[i].get(); }

			for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) {
				imshow("Color " + std::to_string(i) + " processed", processed[i]);

		std::vector<std::future<std::vector<Circle*>>> t_circles(MAX_COLOR);
		for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) {
			cv::Mat temp = processed[i];
			HSV color = colors[i];
			t_circles[i] = std::async(std::launch::async, [temp, color] { return Util::findCircles(temp, color); });

		for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) {

		std::vector<std::future<std::vector<Poly*>>> t_poly(MAX_COLOR);
		for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) {
			cv::Mat temp = processed[i];
			HSV color = colors[i];
			t_poly[i] = std::async(std::launch::async, [temp, color] { return Util::findPoly(temp, color); });

		for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) {

		for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) {
			std::vector<Circle*> circles = t_circles[i].get();
			objects.insert(objects.end(), circles.begin(), circles.end());

			std::vector<Poly*> polys = t_poly[i].get();
			for (int j = 0; j < circles.size(); j++) {
				for (int k = 0; k < polys.size(); k++) {
					if (Util::distance(polys[k]->getPosition(), circles[j]->getPosition()) < 10) {
						polys.erase(polys.begin() + k);


			objects.insert(objects.end(), polys.begin(), polys.end());

		for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {

			Util::drawObject(original, objects[i]);

			if (objects[i]->getShape() == Shape::CIRCLE) {
				Circle* circle = dynamic_cast<Circle*>(objects[i]);
				putText(original, std::to_string(circle->getRadius()*ratio), circle->getPosition(), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.6, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255), 1, CV_AA);
			else {
				Poly* poly = dynamic_cast<Poly*>(objects[i]);

				for (int k = 0; k < poly->getV().size(); k++) {

					double size = Util::distance(poly->getV()[k], poly->getV()[(k + 1) % poly->getV().size()])*ratio;
					std::stringstream stream;
					stream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) <<size;					

							(poly->getV()[k].x + poly->getV()[(k + 1) % poly->getV().size()].x)/2,
							(poly->getV()[k].y + poly->getV()[(k + 1) % poly->getV().size()].y)/2
						cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.6, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255), 1, CV_AA);


			std::string temp = "";
			temp += shapeString[objects[i]->getShape()];
			temp += " - ";
			temp += objects[i]->getColor();
			temp += " - ";
			temp += "(" + std::to_string(objects[i]->getPosition().x) + "," + std::to_string(objects[i]->getPosition().y) + ")";

			putText(original, temp, cv::Point(10, textHeight), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.6, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 1, CV_AA);
			textHeight = textHeight - 12;

		imshow("Source", original);		

		int qtd = objects.size();

		switch (cv::waitKey(1)) {
		case 27:
			for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) { colors[i].save(); }
			return 0;

		if (time != 0) {
			flag = std::difftime(std::time(0), _start) < time;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 11
// 円の実装
//! 衝突計算
//! 円同士
//! @param	[in]	circle 当たり判定のしたい円
bool Circle::isHit(Circle& circle)
	return GmSystemCollision()->HitCircle(_position, circle.getPosition(), _radius, circle.getRadius());
Esempio n. 12
iuiAPI bool IsInside( const Circle &circle, const Position &pos )
    Float r = circle.getRadius();
    vec2 d = circle.getPosition() - pos;
    return glm::dot(d,d) < r*r;
Esempio n. 13
bool Collision::AABB_vs_Circle(const AABB& a, const Circle& c, Vector *v)
    const Vector cpos = c.getPosition();
    const Vector upleft = a.upleft();
    const Vector downright = a.downright();

    const bool leftside = cpos.x >= upleft.x;
    const bool rightside  = cpos.x <= downright.x;

    const bool topside = cpos.y >= upleft.y;
    const bool bottomside = cpos.y <= downright.y;

    const bool inx = leftside && rightside;
    const bool iny = topside && bottomside;
      |       |    
      |  (x)  |    
      |  (x)  |    
      |       |    
    // First check: Center completely in AABB? [(#) region ]
    if(inx && iny)
            *v = cpos;
        return true;

    // Quick check: If AABBs are not intersecting, the circle is definitely out of reach.
    const AABB caabb = c.getAABB();
    if(!AABB_vs_AABB(a, caabb, NULL))
        return false;

    // AABBs intersecting. Now, if the circle center is contained in at least one axis,
    // they are intersecting. [ (x) or (y) region ]
    if(inx || iny)
                     if(bottomside) *v = Vector(cpos.x, upleft.y);
                else if(topside)    *v = Vector(cpos.x, downright.y);
                     if(leftside)   *v = Vector(downright.x, cpos.y);
                else if(rightside)  *v = Vector(upleft.x,    cpos.y);
        return true;

    // If we are here, the circle center must be in one of the corner regions.
    // Now we need to check if the circle contains the corresponding corner point of the AABB.
    Vector corner;
    // Above AABB?
    if(cpos.y <= upleft.y)
        // Left of AABB?
        if(cpos.x <= upleft.x)
            // Upper left
            corner = upleft;
            // Upper right
            corner = Vector(downright.x, upleft.y);
    else if(cpos.y >= downright.y)
        if(cpos.x <= upleft.x)
            // Lower left
            corner = Vector(upleft.x, downright.y);
            // Lower right.
            corner = downright;
        // Circle is too far away, done here.
        return false;

            *v = corner;
        return true;

    return false;