Esempio n. 1
// Apply the same linear transformation to all the slots.
// C is the output of ea.buildLinPolyCoeffs
void applyLinPoly1(const EncryptedArray& ea, Ctxt& ctxt, const vector<ZZX>& C)
  assert(&ea.getContext() == &ctxt.getContext());
  long d = ea.getDegree();
  assert(d == lsize(C));

  long nslots = ea.size();

  vector<ZZX> encodedC(d);
  for (long j = 0; j < d; j++) {
    vector<ZZX> v(nslots);
    for (long i = 0; i < nslots; i++) v[i] = C[j];
    ea.encode(encodedC[j], v);

  applyLinPolyLL(ctxt, encodedC, ea.getDegree());
Esempio n. 2
void replicateAllNextDim(const EncryptedArray& ea, const Ctxt& ctxt,
                         long d, long dimProd, long recBound,
                         RepAuxDim& repAux, ReplicateHandler *handler)

  assert(d >= 0);

  // If already fully replicated (or we need to stop early), call the handler
  if (d >= ea.dimension() || handler->earlyStop(d,/*k=*/-1,dimProd)) {
  long dSize = ea.sizeOfDimension(d);
  dimProd *= dSize; // product of all dimensions including this one

  long n = GreatestPowerOfTwo(dSize); // 2^n <= dSize
  long k = n;

  // We replicate 2^k-size blocks along this dimension, then call the
  // recursive procedure to handle the smaller subblocks. Consider for
  // example a 2D 5x2 cube, so the original slots are
  //    ( s0 s2 s4 s6 s8 )
  //    ( s1 s3 s5 s7 s9 )
  // Say that we start with k=2 in the 1st dimension (of size 5), we
  // will prepare floor(5/2)=2 ciphertexts as follows:
  //    ( s0 s2 s0 s2 0 )   ( s4 s6 s4 s6 0 )
  //    ( s1 s3 s1 s3 0 )   ( s5 s7 s5 s7 0 )
  // The call to recursiveReplicateDim (still with k=2) will first copy
  // s0/s1 and s4/s5 to the zero column at the end, then make a recursive
  // call with k=1 that will complete the replication along the current
  // dimension, resulting in the 4 ciphertexts
  //  (s0 s0 s0 s0 s0) (s2 s2 s2 s2 s2) (s4 s4 s4 s4 s4) (s6 s6 s6 s6 s6)
  //  (s1 s1 s1 s1 s1) (s3 s3 s3 s3 s3) (s5 s5 s5 s5 s5) (s7 s7 s7 s7 s7)
  // Then a recursive call for the next dimension will complete the
  // replication of these entries, and a final step will deal with the
  // "leftover" positions s8 s9

  // The logic below cut the recursion depth by starting from smaller
  // blocks (by default size approx n rather than 2^n).
  // The inital block size is controlled by the recBound parameter:
  //   + recBound>0: blocks of size min(~n, 2^recBound). this ensures
  //     recursion depth <= recBound, and typically much smaller (~log n)
  //   + recBound=0: blocks of size 1 (no recursion)
  //   + recBound<0: blocks of size 2^n (full recursion)

  if (recBound >= 0) { // use heuristic recursion bound
    k = 0;
    if (dSize > 2 && dimProd*NumBits(dSize) > ea.size() / 8) {
      k = NumBits(NumBits(dSize))-1;
      if (k > n) k = n;
      if (k > recBound) k = recBound;
  else { // SHAI: I don't understand this else case
    k = -recBound;
    if (k > n) k = n;

  long blockSize = 1L << k;        // blocks of size 2^k
  long numBlocks = dSize/blockSize;
  long extent = numBlocks * blockSize;

  // extent is an integral multiple of the block size, the recursive
  // call replicates only these slots, and then we have a separate
  // call for the leftover slots.

  Ctxt ctxt1 = ctxt;

  if (extent < dSize) { // select only the slots 0..extent-1 in this dimension
    if (repAux.tab1(d, 0).null()) { // generate mask if not already there
      ZZX mask;
      SelectRangeDim(ea, mask, 0, extent, d);
      repAux.tab1(d, 0).set_ptr(new DoubleCRT(mask, ea.getContext()));
      // store mask in 2nd table (tab1)
    ctxt1.multByConstant(*repAux.tab1(d, 0)); // mult by mask to zero out slots

  if (numBlocks == 1) { // just one block, call the recursive replication
    recursiveReplicateDim(ea, ctxt1, d, extent, k, 0, extent, 
                          dimProd, recBound, repAux, handler);
  else { // replicate the slots in each block separately
    for (long pos = 0; pos < numBlocks; pos++) {
      Ctxt ctxt2 = ctxt1;
      // zero-out all the slots outside the current block
      SelectRangeDim(ea, ctxt2, pos*blockSize, (pos+1)*blockSize, d);

      // replicate the current block across this dimenssion using a
      // simple shift-and-add procedure.
      replicateOneBlock(ea, ctxt2, pos, blockSize, d);

      // now call the recursive replication to do the rest of the work
      recursiveReplicateDim(ea, ctxt2, d, extent, k, 0, extent, 
                            dimProd, recBound, repAux, handler);

  // If dSize is not an integral number of blocks, then we still need
  // to deal with the leftover slots.
  if (extent < dSize) {
    // zero-out the slots from before, leaving only the leftover slots
    ctxt1 = ctxt;
    if (repAux.tab1(d, 1).null()) { // generate mask if not already there
      ZZX mask;
      SelectRangeDim(ea, mask, extent, dSize, d);
      repAux.tab1(d, 1).set_ptr(new DoubleCRT(mask, ea.getContext()));
    ctxt1.multByConstant(*repAux.tab1(d,1)); // mult by mask to zero out slots

    // move relevant slots to the beginning
    ea.rotate1D(ctxt1, d, -extent, /*don't-care-flag=*/true);

    // replicate the leftover block across this dimenssion using a
    // simple shift-and-add procedure.
    replicateOneBlock(ea, ctxt1, 0, blockSize, d);

    // now call the recursive replication to do the rest of the work
    recursiveReplicateDim(ea, ctxt1, d, extent, k, extent, dSize, 
                          dimProd, recBound, repAux, handler);
Esempio n. 3
// recursiveReplicateDim:
//   d = dimension
//   ea.sizeOfDimension(d)/2 <= extent <= ea.sizeOfDimension(d),
//     only positions [0..extent) are non-zero
//   1 <= 2^k <= extent: size of current interval
//   0 <= pos < ea.sizeOfDimension(d): relative position of first vector
//   0 <= limit < ea.sizeOfDimension(): max # of positions to process
//   dimProd: product of dimensions 0..d
//   recBound: recursion bound (controls noise) 
// SHAI: limit and extent are always the same, it seems
void recursiveReplicateDim(const EncryptedArray& ea, const Ctxt& ctxt, 
                           long d, long extent, long k, long pos, long limit,  
                           long dimProd, long recBound,
                           RepAuxDim& repAux,
                           ReplicateHandler *handler)
  if (pos >= limit) return;

  if (replicateVerboseFlag) { // DEBUG code
    cerr << "check: " << k; CheckCtxt(ctxt, "");
  long dSize = ea.sizeOfDimension(d);
  long nSlots = ea.size();

  if (k == 0) { // last level in this dimension: blocks of size 2^k=1

    if ( extent >= dSize) { // nothing to do in this dimension
      replicateAllNextDim(ea, ctxt, d+1, dimProd, recBound, repAux, handler);
    } // SHAI: Will we ever have extent > dSize??

    // need to replicate to fill positions [ (1L << n) .. dSize-1 ]

    if (,0).null()) { // generate mask if not there already
      ZZX mask;
      SelectRangeDim(ea, mask, 0, dSize - extent, d);, 0).set_ptr(new DoubleCRT(mask, ea.getContext()));

    Ctxt ctxt_tmp = ctxt;
    ctxt_tmp.multByConstant(*, 0));

    ea.rotate1D(ctxt_tmp, d, extent, /*don't-care-flag=*/true);
    ctxt_tmp += ctxt;
    replicateAllNextDim(ea, ctxt_tmp, d+1, dimProd, recBound, repAux, handler);

  // If we need to stop early, call the handler
  if (handler->earlyStop(d, k, dimProd)) {

  Ctxt ctxt_masked = ctxt;

  {   // artificial scope to miminize storage in the recursion
    { // another artificial scope (SHAI: this seems redundant)

      // generate mask at index k+1, if not there yet

      if (, k+1).null()) { // need to generate
        vector< long > maskArray(nSlots,0);
        for (long i = 0; i < nSlots; i++) {
          long c = ea.coordinate(d, i);
          if (c < extent && bit(c, k) == 0)
            maskArray[i] = 1;
	// store this mask in the repAux table
        ZZX mask;
        ea.encode(mask, maskArray);, k+1).set_ptr(new DoubleCRT(mask, ea.getContext()));

      // Apply mask to zero out slots in ctxt
      ctxt_masked.multByConstant(*, k+1));

    Ctxt ctxt_left = ctxt_masked;
    ea.rotate1D(ctxt_left, d, 1L << k, /*don't-care-flag=*/true);
    ctxt_left += ctxt_masked;

    recursiveReplicateDim(ea, ctxt_left, d, extent, k, pos, limit, 
                          dimProd, recBound, repAux, handler);

  pos += (1L << k);
  if (pos >= limit)

  Ctxt ctxt_right = ctxt;
  ctxt_right -= ctxt_masked; 
  ctxt_masked = ctxt_right; // reuse ctxt_masked as a temp
  ea.rotate1D(ctxt_masked, d, -(1L << k), /*don't-care-flag=*/true);
  ctxt_right += ctxt_masked;

  recursiveReplicateDim(ea, ctxt_right, d, extent, k, pos, limit, 
                        dimProd, recBound, repAux, handler);
Esempio n. 4
void recursiveReplicate(const EncryptedArray& ea, const Ctxt& ctxt, 
                        long n, long k, long pos, long limit,  
                        RepAux& repAux,
                        ReplicateHandler *handler)
  if (pos >= limit) return;

  if (replicateVerboseFlag) {
    // DEBUG code
    cerr << "check: " << k; CheckCtxt(ctxt, "");

  long nSlots = ea.size();

  if (k == 0) {

    if ( (1L << n) >= nSlots) {

    // need to replicate to fill positions [ (1L << n) .. nSlots )
    if ( {
      // need to generate mask
      ZZX mask;
      SelectRange(ea, mask, 0, nSlots - (1L << n)); DoubleCRT(mask, ea.getContext()));

    Ctxt ctxt_tmp = ctxt;

    ea.rotate(ctxt_tmp, 1L << n);
    ctxt_tmp += ctxt;


  Ctxt ctxt_masked = ctxt;

  { // artificial scope to miminize storage in
    // the recursion

    { // another artificial scope

      // mask should be at index k+1

      if ( {
        // need to generate mask

        vector< long > maskArray;
        for (long i = 0; i < (1L << n); i++)
          maskArray[i] = 1- bit(i, k); // the reverse of bit k of i
        for (long i = (1L << n); i < nSlots; i++)
          maskArray[i] = 0;

        ZZX mask;
        ea.encode(mask, maskArray); DoubleCRT(mask, ea.getContext()));


    Ctxt ctxt_left = ctxt_masked;
    ea.rotate(ctxt_left, 1L << k);
    ctxt_left += ctxt_masked;

    recursiveReplicate(ea, ctxt_left, n, k, pos, limit, repAux, handler);
  pos += (1L << k);
  if (pos >= limit)

  Ctxt ctxt_right = ctxt;
  ctxt_right -= ctxt_masked; 
  ctxt_masked = ctxt_right; // reuse ctxt_masked as a temp
  ea.rotate(ctxt_masked, -(1L << k));
  ctxt_right += ctxt_masked;

  recursiveReplicate(ea, ctxt_right, n, k, pos, limit, repAux, handler);