void IlwisObjectModel::resetAttributeModel(const QString& attributeName){

    auto setAttributeModel = [&](int i, const ColumnDefinition& coldef, const QString& attributeName){
        if ( coldef.name() == attributeName){
            AttributeModel *attribute = new AttributeModel(coldef, this, _ilwisobject);
            _attributes[i] = attribute;

    IlwisTypes objecttype = _ilwisobject->ilwisType();
    if ( objecttype == itRASTER){
        IRasterCoverage raster = _ilwisobject.as<RasterCoverage>();
        if ( raster->hasAttributes()){
            for(int i = 0; i < raster->attributeTable()->columnCount(); ++i){
                setAttributeModel(i,raster->attributeTable()->columndefinition(i), attributeName);
    } else if ( hasType(objecttype,itFEATURE)){
        IFeatureCoverage features = _ilwisobject.as<FeatureCoverage>();
        for(int i = 0; i < features->attributeDefinitions().definitionCount(); ++i){
            setAttributeModel(i,features->attributeTable()->columndefinition(i), attributeName);
    } else if ( hasType(objecttype,itTABLE)){
        ITable tbl = _ilwisobject.as<Table>();
        for(int i = 0; i < tbl->columnCount(); ++i){

IIlwisObject OperationHelperRaster::initialize(const IIlwisObject &inputObject, IlwisTypes tp, quint64 what)
    Resource resource(tp);
    if (inputObject->ilwisType() & itCOVERAGE) {
        ICoverage cov = inputObject.as<Coverage>();
        if (inputObject->ilwisType() == itRASTER) {
            IRasterCoverage gcInput = inputObject.as<RasterCoverage>();
            if ( what & itRASTERSIZE) {
                Size<> sz = gcInput->size();
                BoundingBox box(sz);
                resource.addProperty("size", IVARIANT(box.size()));
            if ( what & itGEOREF) {
                resource.addProperty("georeference", IVARIANT(gcInput->georeference()));
            if ( what & itDOMAIN) {
                resource.addProperty("domain", IVARIANT(gcInput->datadef().domain()));
        if ( what & itCOORDSYSTEM) {
            resource.addProperty("coordinatesystem", IVARIANT(cov->coordinateSystem()));


    IIlwisObject obj;
    if (inputObject->ilwisType() & itCOVERAGE) {
        OperationHelper::initialize(inputObject, obj, tp, what);

    return obj;
QString IlwisObjectModel::valuetype() const
        if ( !_ilwisobject.isValid())
            return "";

        IlwisTypes objectype = _ilwisobject->ilwisType();
        IlwisTypes valueType = itUNKNOWN;
        if ( hasType( objectype, itCOVERAGE|itDOMAIN)){
            if ( objectype == itRASTER){
                IRasterCoverage raster = _ilwisobject.as<RasterCoverage>();
                valueType = raster->datadef().domain()->valueType();
            } else if ( hasType( objectype , itFEATURE)){
                IFeatureCoverage features = _ilwisobject.as<FeatureCoverage>();
                ColumnDefinition coldef = features->attributeDefinitions().columndefinition(COVERAGEKEYCOLUMN);
                if ( coldef.isValid()){
                    valueType = coldef.datadef().domain()->valueType();

            } else if ( hasType( objectype , itDOMAIN)){
                IDomain dom = _ilwisobject.as<Domain>();
                valueType = dom->valueType();

        QString typeName =  TypeHelper::type2HumanReadable(valueType);

        return typeName == sUNDEF ? "" : typeName;
    }catch(const ErrorObject& ){
        // no exceptions may escape here
    return "";
void CrosssectionTool::changeCoords(int index, int c, int r, bool useScreenPixels)
    if (index >= 0 && index < _pins.size()) {
        if (_panelCoverage->ilwisType() == itRASTER) {
            IRasterCoverage raster = _panelCoverage.as<RasterCoverage>();
            if (raster.isValid()) {
                Coordinate crd;
                if (useScreenPixels) {
                    crd = vpmodel()->layer()->layerManager()->rootLayer()->screenGrf()->pixel2Coord(Pixel(c, r));
                    Pixel pix = raster->georeference()->coord2Pixel(crd);
                    c = pix.x;
                    r = pix.y;
                crd = raster->georeference()->pixel2Coord(Pixel(c, r));
                changePinData(index, crd); 
IRasterCoverage operator*(const IRasterCoverage &raster1, const IRasterCoverage &raster2)

    QString name = Identity::newAnonymousName();;
    QString stmt = QString("script %1=%2 * %3").arg(name).arg(raster1->name()).arg(raster2->name());
    return doRasterOperation(stmt);
Esempio n. 6
void OperationWorker::process(){
    try {
        Operation op(_expression);
        SymbolTable tbl;
        ExecutionContext ctx;

        if(op->execute(&ctx, tbl)){
            if ( ctx._results.size() > 0){
                for(auto resultName : ctx._results){
                    Symbol symbol = tbl.getSymbol(resultName);
                    if ( hasType(symbol._type, itNUMBER)){
                        result += symbol._var.toDouble();
                    }else if ( hasType(symbol._type, itSTRING)){
                        result += symbol._var.toString();
                    }else if ( hasType(symbol._type, (itCOVERAGE | itTABLE))){
                        if ( symbol._type == itRASTER){
                            IRasterCoverage raster = symbol._var.value<IRasterCoverage>();
                            if ( raster.isValid())
                                result = raster->source().url().toString();
        }else {
            qDebug() << "operation failed";
        emit finished();
    }catch(const ErrorObject& err){

    emit finished();
Esempio n. 7
DataDefinition IfOperation::findParameterDataDef(const OperationExpression &expr, int index)  {
    const Parameter& parm = expr.parm(index);
    DataDefinition def;
    QString parmvalue = parm.value().toLower();

    quint64 gcid = mastercatalog()->name2id(parmvalue, itRASTER);
    if ( gcid != i64UNDEF) {
        IRasterCoverage cov;
        if(cov.prepare(gcid)) {
            def = cov->datadef();
            _coverages[index - 1] = cov.get<Coverage>();
    } else {
        bool ok;
        _number[index - 1] =parmvalue.toDouble(&ok);
        if ( ok){
        } else {
            std::vector<QString> bools = {"true","false","yes","no","?"};
            auto iter = std::find(bools.begin(), bools.end(), parmvalue.toLower());
            if ( iter != bools.end()) {
                int v = 0;
                if ( parmvalue == "?" )
                    v= 2;
                else if ( parmvalue == "yes" || parmvalue == "true")
                    v = 1;
                _number[index - 1] = v;
                IDomain dm;
    return def;
void domainCase(const IIlwisObject& obj, const QString& condition, int parmIndex,  QVariantList& result)
    if (hasType(obj->ilwisType(), itRASTER))    {
        IRasterCoverage raster = obj.as<RasterCoverage>();
        QStringList parts = condition.split("=");
        QVariantMap mp;
        if ( parts.size() == 2){
            if (parts[0] == "domain"){
                QString domainType = parts[1];
                if ( domainType == "numericdomain"){
                    mp["parameterIndex"] = parmIndex;
                    mp["result"] = hasType(raster->datadef().domain()->ilwisType(), itNUMERICDOMAIN) ? obj->resource().url().toString() : "";
                    mp["uielement"] = "textfield";
                }else if ( domainType == "itemdomain"){
                    mp["parameterIndex"] = parmIndex;
                    mp["result"] = hasType(raster->datadef().domain()->ilwisType(), itITEMDOMAIN) ? obj->resource().url().toString() : "";
                    mp["uielement"] = "textfield";
            } else if ( parts[0] == "valuetype"){
                QString valueType = parts[1];
                IlwisTypes vt = IlwisObject::name2Type(valueType);
                mp["parameterIndex"] = parmIndex;
                mp["result"] = hasType(raster->datadef().domain()->valueType(), vt) ? obj->resource().url().toString() : "";
                mp["uielement"] = "textfield";
Esempio n. 9
void SelectionBase::ExpressionPart::setEnvelopePolygon(const IRasterCoverage& raster)
    double deltax = _envelope.size().xsize() / 10.0;
    double deltay = _envelope.size().ysize() / 10.0;
    std::vector<geos::geom::Coordinate> *coords = new std::vector<geos::geom::Coordinate>();
    double x,y = _envelope.min_corner().y;
    for(x = _envelope.min_corner().x; x < _envelope.max_corner().x; x+= deltax){
       Pixel px = raster->georeference()->coord2Pixel(Coordinate(x,y));
       coords->push_back(geos::geom::Coordinate(px.x, px.y,0));
    for(y = _envelope.min_corner().y; y < _envelope.max_corner().y; y+= deltay){
       Pixel px = raster->georeference()->coord2Pixel(Coordinate(x,y));
       coords->push_back(geos::geom::Coordinate(px.x, px.y,0));
    for(x = _envelope.max_corner().x; x > _envelope.min_corner().x; x-= deltax){
       Pixel px = raster->georeference()->coord2Pixel(Coordinate(x,y));
       coords->push_back(geos::geom::Coordinate(px.x, px.y,0));
    for(y = _envelope.max_corner().y; y > _envelope.min_corner().y; y-= deltay){
       Pixel px = raster->georeference()->coord2Pixel(Coordinate(x,y));
       coords->push_back(geos::geom::Coordinate(px.x, px.y,0));
    Pixel px = raster->georeference()->coord2Pixel(Coordinate(_envelope.min_corner().x,_envelope.min_corner().y));
    coords->push_back(geos::geom::Coordinate(px.x, px.y,0));
    geos::geom::CoordinateArraySequence *points = new  geos::geom::CoordinateArraySequence(coords);
    geos::geom::LinearRing *ring = _geomfactory->createLinearRing(points);
    _polygon.reset( _geomfactory->createPolygon(ring, 0));
Esempio n. 10
DataDefinition IfOperation::findParameterDataDef(const OperationExpression &expr, int index)  {
    const Parameter& parm = expr.parm(index);
    DataDefinition def;
    QString parmvalue = parm.value();
    IlwisTypes ptype = parm.valuetype();
    if (hasType(ptype,itRASTER)) {
        IRasterCoverage cov;
        if (cov.prepare(parmvalue)) {
            def = cov->datadef();
            _coverages[index - 1] = cov.as<Coverage>();
    } else {
        bool ok;
        _number[index - 1] = parmvalue.toDouble(&ok);
        if ( ok){
            IDomain dom("code=domain:value");
        } else {
            std::vector<QString> bools = {"true","false","yes","no","?"};
            auto iter = std::find(bools.begin(), bools.end(), parmvalue.toLower());
            if ( iter != bools.end()) {
                int v = 0;
                if ( parmvalue == "?" )
                    v= 2;
                else if ( parmvalue == "yes" || parmvalue == "true")
                    v = 1;
                _number[index - 1] = v;
                IDomain dm;
    return def;
Ilwis::OperationImplementation::State CreateSimpelRasterCoverage::prepare(ExecutionContext *ctx,const SymbolTable&){
    IRasterCoverage inputRaster;
    if ( _expression.parm(0).valuetype() == itRASTER){
            kernel()->issues()->log(TR("Invalid raster used to create new raster:") + _expression.input<QString>(0));
            return sPREPAREFAILED;
        _outputRaster = OperationHelperRaster::initialize(inputRaster,itRASTER,itRASTERSIZE|itDOMAIN|itCOORDSYSTEM|itGEOREF);
        return sPREPARED;
    QString grf = _expression.input<QString>(0);
    if ( ! _grf.prepare(grf)){
        kernel()->issues()->log(QString(TR("%1 is and invalid georeference")).arg(grf));
        return sPREPAREFAILED;
     _empty = _expression.input<bool>(1);
    _stackDomain = IDomain("count");
    if (!_empty){
        _stackValueStrings = {"1"};
        _stackValueNumbers = {1};
    _outputRaster->setDataDefintions(_domain, _stackValueNumbers , _stackDomain);

    return sPREPARED;
IRasterCoverage operator*(const IRasterCoverage &raster1, const IRasterCoverage &raster2)

    QString name = ANONYMOUS_PREFIX;
    QString stmt = QString("script %1=%2 * %3").arg(name).arg(raster1->name()).arg(raster2->name());
    return doRasterOperation(stmt);
bool runApplication( OperationExpression opExpr, QString *result){
    Operation op(opExpr);
    SymbolTable tbl;
    ExecutionContext ctx;

    if(op->execute(&ctx, tbl)){
        if ( ctx._results.size() > 0){
            for(auto resultName : ctx._results){
                Symbol symbol = tbl.getSymbol(resultName);
                if ( hasType(symbol._type, itNUMBER)){
                    *result += symbol._var.toDouble();
                }else if ( hasType(symbol._type, itSTRING)){
                    *result += symbol._var.toString();
                }else if ( hasType(symbol._type, (itCOVERAGE | itTABLE))){
                    if ( symbol._type == itRASTER){
                        IRasterCoverage raster = symbol._var.value<IRasterCoverage>();
                        QUrl url = raster->source().container();
        return true;
    return false;
Esempio n. 14
void GridBlockInternal::fetchFromSource()
    IIlwisObject obj = mastercatalog()->get(_rasterid);
    if ( obj.isValid()){
        IRasterCoverage raster = obj.as<RasterCoverage>();
Esempio n. 15
geos::geom::Point *SelectionBase::pixel2point(const Pixel& pix){
    IRasterCoverage raster = _inputObj.as<RasterCoverage>();
    if ( raster.isValid())    {
        Coordinate crd = raster->georeference()->pixel2Coord(pix);
        return _geomfactory->createPoint(crd);
    return 0;
int CrosssectionTool::maxC() const {
    if (_panelCoverage.isValid() && _panelCoverage->ilwisType() == itRASTER) {
        IRasterCoverage raster = _panelCoverage.as<RasterCoverage>();
        if (raster.isValid()) {
            return raster->georeference()->size().xsize();
    return 0;
Esempio n. 17
DataDefinition MapCalc::datadef(int index)
    auto iterP = _inputRasters.find(index);
    if ( iterP != _inputRasters.end()){
        IRasterCoverage raster = _inputRasters[index].raster();
        return raster->datadef();
    return DataDefinition();
Esempio n. 18
OperationImplementation::State MapCalc::prepare(ExecutionContext *ctx,const SymbolTable &st) {

    QString expr = _expression.input<QString>(0);

    RasterStackDefinition stackdef;
    for(int parmIndex = 1 ; parmIndex < _expression.parameterCount(); ++parmIndex){
        Parameter parm = _expression.parm(parmIndex);
        if ( hasType(parm.valuetype(), itRASTER)){
            QString url = parm.value();
            IRasterCoverage raster;
                return sPREPAREFAILED;
            if ( stackdef.isValid()){
                    kernel()->issues()->log(TR("Incompatible stack definition for ") +raster->name() ) ;
                    return sPREPAREFAILED;
            }else if ( raster->stackDefinition().domain()->code().indexOf("count") == -1)
                stackdef = raster->stackDefinition();
            _inputRasters[parmIndex] = PixelIterator(raster);
        }else if ( hasType(parm.valuetype(), itNUMBER)){
            bool ok;
            double v = parm.value().toDouble(&ok);
            if (!ok){
                return sPREPAREFAILED;
            _inputNumbers[parmIndex] = v;
    OperationHelperRaster helper;
    helper.initialize((*_inputRasters.begin()).second.raster(), _outputRaster, itRASTERSIZE | itENVELOPE | itCOORDSYSTEM | itGEOREF);
    if ( stackdef.isValid()){
        _outputRaster->stackDefinitionRef() = stackdef;
    IDomain outputDomain;
    try {
        outputDomain = linearize(shuntingYard(expr));
        if( !outputDomain.isValid())
            return sPREPAREFAILED;
    } catch(ErrorObject& err){
        return sPREPAREFAILED;


    for(quint32 i = 0; i < _outputRaster->size().zsize(); ++i){
        QString index = _outputRaster->stackDefinition().index(i);

    return sPREPARED;
QVariantMap MouseGotoPixelEditor::screenPixel(int column, int row) const {
	QVariantMap mp;
	IRasterCoverage raster = static_cast<CoverageLayerModel *>(vpmodel()->layer())->coverage().as<RasterCoverage>();
	if (raster.isValid()) {
		auto crd = raster->georeference()->pixel2Coord(Pixel(column, row));
		auto pix = vpmodel()->layer()->layerManager()->rootLayer()->screenGrf()->coord2Pixel(crd);
		mp["x"] = pix.x;
		mp["y"] = pix.y;
	return mp;
Esempio n. 20
bool RasterLayerDrawer::prepare(DrawerInterface::PreparationType prepType, const IOOptions &options)
    if(!LayerDrawer::prepare(prepType, options))
        return false;

    IRasterCoverage raster = coverage().as<RasterCoverage>();
    if ( !_rasterImage){
       _visualAttribute = visualProperty(activeAttribute());
       _rasterImage.reset(RasterImageFactory::create(raster->datadef().domain()->ilwisType(), rootDrawer(),raster,_visualAttribute,IOOptions()));
       if (!_rasterImage){
           return false;

    if ( hasType(prepType, ptSHADERS) && !isPrepared(ptSHADERS)){
        _texcoordid = _shaders.attributeLocation("texCoord");
        _textureid = _shaders.uniformLocation( "tex" );

        _prepared |= DrawerInterface::ptSHADERS;

    if ( hasType(prepType, DrawerInterface::ptGEOMETRY) && !isPrepared(DrawerInterface::ptGEOMETRY)){
        Envelope env = rootDrawer()->coordinateSystem()->convertEnvelope(raster->coordinateSystem(), raster->envelope());

        _vertices[0] = QVector3D(env.min_corner().x, env.min_corner().y, 0);
        _vertices[1] = QVector3D(env.max_corner().x, env.min_corner().y, 0);
        _vertices[2] = QVector3D(env.min_corner().x, env.max_corner().y, 0);
        _vertices[3] = QVector3D(env.max_corner().x, env.min_corner().y, 0);
        _vertices[4] = QVector3D(env.max_corner().x, env.max_corner().y, 0);
        _vertices[5] = QVector3D(env.min_corner().x, env.max_corner().y, 0);

        _texcoords = {{0,1},{1,1},{0,0},

        _prepared |= ( DrawerInterface::ptGEOMETRY);
   if ( hasType(prepType, DrawerInterface::ptRENDER) && !isPrepared(DrawerInterface::ptRENDER)){
       _visualAttribute = visualProperty(activeAttribute());
       _prepared |= ( DrawerInterface::ptRENDER);
   if (_rasterImage->prepare((int)prepType)){
       _texture.reset( new QOpenGLTexture(*(_rasterImage->image().get())));
   return true;
bool PinDataSource::setStackDomain(const QString& id) {
	IRasterCoverage raster;

	bool ok;
	quint64 oid = id.toULongLong(&ok);
	if (!ok) {
		kernel()->issues()->log(TR("No valid object id used: ") + id);
		return false;
	RasterStackDefinition&  stack = raster->stackDefinitionRef();

	IDomain dom;
	if (dom.prepare(oid) && dom->ilwisType() == itITEMDOMAIN) {
		_stackDomain = dom;
		IItemDomain itemdom = dom.as< ItemDomain<DomainItem>>();
		if (itemdom->count() == raster->size().zsize()) {
			std::vector<QString> items;
			for (auto item : itemdom) {
			stack.setSubDefinition(itemdom, items);
		else {
			kernel()->issues()->log(TR("Item domain must have same size as tjhe number of bands in the container"));
			return false;

	for (quint32 i = 0; i < stack.count(); ++i) {
		QString name = QString::number(i + 1); // stack.index(i+1);
		QVariantMap data;
		data["name"] = name;
		data["active"] = true;
		if (_stackDomain->valueType() != itNUMERICITEM) {
			data["minvalue"] = "?";
			data["maxvalue"] = "?";
		else {
			IIntervalDomain idomain = _stackDomain.as<IntervalDomain>();
			if (idomain->count() == stack.count()) {
				auto item = idomain->item(i)->as<Interval>();
				data["name"] = item->name();
				auto range = item->range().as<NumericRange>();
				data["minvalue"] = QString::number(range->min());
				data["maxvalue"] = QString::number(range->max());
	return true;
QString IlwisObjectModel::rangeDefinition(bool defaultRange, bool calc, const QString& columnName) {
    try {
        IlwisTypes objectype = _ilwisobject->ilwisType();
        QString rangeString;
        if ( hasType( objectype, itCOVERAGE|itDOMAIN)){
            if ( objectype == itRASTER){
                IRasterCoverage raster = _ilwisobject.as<RasterCoverage>();
                if ( defaultRange){
                  rangeString = raster->datadef().domain()->range()->toString();
                    if ( calc){
                  rangeString = raster->datadef().range()->toString();
            } else if ( hasType( objectype , itFEATURE)){
                IFeatureCoverage features = _ilwisobject.as<FeatureCoverage>();
                ColumnDefinition coldef = features->attributeDefinitions().columndefinition(COVERAGEKEYCOLUMN);
                if ( coldef.isValid()){
                    if ( defaultRange)
                      rangeString =  coldef.datadef().domain()->range()->toString();
                        if ( calc){
                            std::vector<QVariant> data = features->attributeTable()->column(columnName);
                            if ( data.size() != 0){
                                std::vector<double> values(data.size());
                                int  i=0;
                                for(auto v : data)
                                    values[i++] = v.toDouble();
                                NumericStatistics stats; // realy like to do this with a template specialization of the proper calculate function, but the syntax was unclear to me
                                stats.calculate(values.begin(), values.end());
                                NumericRange *rng = new NumericRange(stats.prop(NumericStatistics::pMIN),stats.prop(NumericStatistics::pMAX));
                        rangeString = coldef.datadef().range()->toString();

            } else if ( hasType( objectype , itDOMAIN)){
                rangeString = _ilwisobject.as<Domain>()->range()->toString();
        return rangeString;
    }catch(const ErrorObject& ){
        // no exceptions may escape here
    return "";

Esempio n. 23
Ilwis::OperationImplementation::State PercentileFilterStretch::prepare(ExecutionContext *, const SymbolTable & )
    QString raster = _expression.parm(0).value();
    QString outputName = _expression.parm(0,false).value();

    // open the input map list
    if (!_inputObj.prepare(raster, itRASTER)) {
        ERROR2(ERR_COULD_NOT_LOAD_2, raster, "");
        return sPREPAREFAILED;

    // Open the zonal map
    QString zones = _expression.parm(1).value();
    if (!_inputZones.prepare(zones, itRASTER)) {
        ERROR2(ERR_COULD_NOT_LOAD_2, zones, "");
        return sPREPAREFAILED;

    // Open both percentile tables
    QString lowPerc = _expression.parm(2).value();
    if (!_lowPercentile.prepare(lowPerc, {"mustexist", true})){
        ERROR2(ERR_COULD_NOT_LOAD_2, lowPerc, "");
        return sPREPAREFAILED;

    QString highPerc = _expression.parm(3).value();
    if (!_highPercentile.prepare(highPerc, {"mustexist", true})){
        ERROR2(ERR_COULD_NOT_LOAD_2, highPerc, "");
        return sPREPAREFAILED;

    QString startDate = _expression.parm(4).value();
    Time date(startDate);
    _startDekad = dekadFromDate(date);
    if (!date.isValid()) {
        ERROR1(TR("Invalid date: "), startDate);
        return sPREPAREFAILED;

    _outputObj = OperationHelperRaster::initialize(_inputObj, itRASTER, itDOMAIN | itGEOREF | itCOORDSYSTEM | itRASTERSIZE | itBOUNDINGBOX | itENVELOPE);
    if ( !_outputObj.isValid()) {
        ERROR1(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_1, "output rastercoverage");
        return sPREPAREFAILED;

    IRasterCoverage inputRaster = _inputObj.as<RasterCoverage>();
    // initialize tranquilizer
    initialize(inputRaster->size().xsize() * inputRaster->size().ysize());

    return sPREPARED;
bool OperationHelperRaster::resample(IRasterCoverage& raster1, IRasterCoverage& raster2, ExecutionContext *ctx) {
    if ( !raster1.isValid())
        return false;

    IGeoReference commonGeoref = raster1->georeference();
    if ( ctx->_masterGeoref != sUNDEF) {
            return false;
    if (raster1->georeference()!= commonGeoref ){
        Resource res;
        QString expr = QString("%3=resample(%1,%2,bicubic)").arg(raster1->source().url().toString()).arg(commonGeoref->source().url().toString()).arg(res.name());
        ExecutionContext ctxLocal;
        SymbolTable symtabLocal;
            return false;
        QVariant var = symtabLocal.getValue(res.name());
        raster1 = var.value<IRasterCoverage>();
    if ( raster2.isValid() && raster2->georeference()!= commonGeoref ){
        Resource res;
        QString expr = QString("%3=resample(%1,%2,bicubic)").arg(raster2->source().url().toString()).arg(commonGeoref->source().url().toString()).arg(res.name());
        ExecutionContext ctxLocal;
        SymbolTable symtabLocal;
            return false;
        QVariant var = symtabLocal.getValue(res.name());
        IRasterCoverage outRaster = var.value<IRasterCoverage>();
    return true;
IRasterCoverage OperationHelperRaster::resample(const IRasterCoverage& sourceRaster, const IGeoReference& targetGrf) {
    if (!sourceRaster.isValid() || !targetGrf.isValid())
        return IRasterCoverage();

        Resource res;
        QString expr = QString("%3=resample(%1,%2,nearestneighbour)").arg(sourceRaster->resource().url().toString()).arg(targetGrf->resource().url().toString()).arg(res.name());
        ExecutionContext ctxLocal;
        SymbolTable symtabLocal;
        if (!commandhandler()->execute(expr, &ctxLocal, symtabLocal))
            return false;
        QVariant var = symtabLocal.getValue(res.name());
        return var.value<IRasterCoverage>();
template<typename T> void storeBulk(const RawConverter& converter, QDataStream& stream, StreamConnector *streamconnector, const BoundingBox& box, const IRasterCoverage& raster){
    quint64 count = streamconnector->position();
    if ( streamconnector->isFileBased()){
        const UPGrid& grid = raster->grid();
        quint32 blockCount = grid->blocks();
        stream << blockCount;
        for(quint32 i = 0; i < blockCount; ++i){
            const char * data = grid->blockAsMemory(i, false);
            quint64 blockSize = 8 * grid->blockSize(i);
            stream << i;
            stream << blockSize;
            stream.writeRawData(data, blockSize);
    }else {
        PixelIterator iter(raster, box);
        while(iter != iter.end()){
            if ( count >= STREAMBLOCKSIZE - 9 ) {
                count = 0;

            count += sizeof(T);
            stream << (T)converter.real2raw(*iter);
IRasterCoverage operator<(const IRasterCoverage &raster1, double v)

    QString name = Identity::newAnonymousName();
    QString stmt = QString("script %1=%2 < %3").arg(name).arg(raster1->name()).arg(v);
    return doRasterOperation(stmt);
void IlwisObjectModel::setAttribute(const QString &attrname, const QString &value, const QString &extra)
    if ( _ilwisobject.isValid()){
        if ( attrname == "domain"){
            IDomain dom(value);
            if ( _ilwisobject->ilwisType() == itRASTER){
                IRasterCoverage raster = _ilwisobject.as<RasterCoverage>();
                if ( dom->id() != raster->datadefRef().domain()->id()){
                    mastercatalog()->changeResource(raster->id(),"domain",dom->id(), true);
Esempio n. 29
void RasterLayerDrawer::setActiveVisualAttribute(const QString &attr)
    IRasterCoverage raster = coverage().as<RasterCoverage>();
    if ( attr == PIXELVALUE){
    else if ( raster.isValid() ) {
        if(raster->hasAttributes()) {
            if ( raster->attributeTable()->columnIndex(attr) != iUNDEF){

                IRepresentation newrpr = Representation::defaultRepresentation(raster->attributeTable()->columndefinition(attr).datadef().domain());
                if ( newrpr.isValid()){
void CrosssectionTool::changePixel(int index, double x, double y)
    if (index >= 0 && index < _pins.size()) {
        if (_panelCoverage->ilwisType() == itRASTER) {
            IRasterCoverage raster = _panelCoverage.as<RasterCoverage>();
            if (raster.isValid()) {
                Pixel pix = raster->georeference()->coord2Pixel(Coordinate(x, y));
                _pins[index]->x(x) ;
                changePinData(index, Coordinate(x,y)); 