BoundingBox OperationHelperRaster::initialize(const IRasterCoverage &inputRaster, IRasterCoverage &outputRaster, quint64 what)
    Resource resource(itRASTER);
    Size<> sz = inputRaster->size();
    BoundingBox box(sz);

    if ( what & itRASTERSIZE) {
        resource.addProperty("size", IVARIANT(sz.toString()));
    if ( what & itENVELOPE) {
        if ( box.isNull() || !box.isValid()) {
            sz = inputRaster->size();
            box  = BoundingBox(sz);
        Envelope bounds = inputRaster->georeference()->pixel2Coord(box);
        resource.addProperty("envelope", IVARIANT(bounds.toString()));
    if ( what & itCOORDSYSTEM) {
        resource.addProperty("coordinatesystem", IVARIANT(inputRaster->coordinateSystem()->id()));

    if ( what & itGEOREF) {
        if ( box.isNull() || !box.isValid()) {
            sz = inputRaster->size();
            box  = BoundingBox(sz);
        if ( sz.xsize() == box.xlength() && sz.ysize() == box.ylength())
            resource.addProperty("georeference", IVARIANT(inputRaster->georeference()->id()));
    if ( what & itDOMAIN) {
        resource.addProperty("domain", IVARIANT(inputRaster->datadef().domain<>()->id()));

    if ( what & itTABLE) {
        if ( inputRaster->attributeTable().isValid())    {
            if ( inputRaster->datadef().domain<>() == outputRaster->datadef().domain<>()) {
                if ( outputRaster.isValid())
    if ( what & itDOMAIN){
        for(quint32 i = 0; i < outputRaster->size().zsize(); ++i){
            QString index = outputRaster->stackDefinition().index(i);

    return box;
Esempio n. 2
bool SelectionRaster::execute(ExecutionContext *ctx, SymbolTable& symTable)
    if (_prepState == sNOTPREPARED)
        if((_prepState = prepare(ctx, symTable)) != sPREPARED)
            return false;
    IRasterCoverage outputRaster =<RasterCoverage>();
    IRasterCoverage inputRaster =<RasterCoverage>();

    std::map<Raw, quint32> raw2record;
    int keyColumn = _inputAttributeTable.isValid() ? _inputAttributeTable->columnIndex(inputRaster->primaryKey()) : iUNDEF;
    if (keyColumn != iUNDEF){
        std::vector<QVariant> values = _inputAttributeTable->column(keyColumn);
        for(quint32 rec=0; rec < values.size(); ++rec){
            Raw r = values[rec].toDouble();
            if ( !isNumericalUndef(r)){
                raw2record[r] = rec;

    std::vector<int> extraAtrrib = organizeAttributes();

    std::vector<QString> selectionBands = bands(inputRaster);
    initialize(outputRaster->size().linearSize() * selectionBands.size());

    PixelIterator iterOut(outputRaster);
    int count = 0;
    bool numeric = outputRaster->datadef().domain()->ilwisType() == itNUMERICDOMAIN;
    for(QString band : selectionBands){
        PixelIterator iterIn = inputRaster->band(band, _box);

        PixelIterator iterEnd = iterIn.end();
        while(iterIn != iterEnd) {
            bool ok = true;
            double pixValue = *iterIn;
            double matchValue = pixValue;

            for(const auto& epart : _expressionparts){
                bool partOk = epart.match(iterIn.position(), matchValue,this);
                if ( epart._andor != loNONE)
                    ok =  epart._andor == loAND ? ok && partOk : ok || partOk;
                    ok &= partOk;
                if (epart._type == ExpressionPart::ptATTRIBUTE && extraAtrrib.size() == 1){
                    if ( pixValue < 0 || pixValue >= _inputAttributeTable->recordCount()){
                        ok = false;
                    // pixValue == ID; ID < zero means undef, ID's start at zero.
                    if (pixValue >= 0) {
                        if (keyColumn != iUNDEF){
                            auto iter = raw2record.find(pixValue);
                            if ( iter != raw2record.end()){
                                quint32 rec = iter->second;
                                const Record& record = _inputAttributeTable->record(rec);
                                pixValue = record.cell(extraAtrrib[0]).toDouble();
                                pixValue = rUNDEF;

                        pixValue = rUNDEF;
            if ( ok){
                *iterOut = pixValue;
                *iterOut = rUNDEF;

            updateTranquilizer(++count, 100);
        // if there is an attribute table we must copy the correct attributes and records
        if ( keyColumn != iUNDEF && _attTable.isValid()){
            for(int recIndex=0; recIndex < _inputAttributeTable->recordCount(); ++recIndex){
                const Record& rec = _inputAttributeTable->record(recIndex);
                for(int i=0; i < extraAtrrib.size(); ++i){
                    _attTable->setCell(i, recIndex, rec.cell(extraAtrrib[i]));
    if ( numeric)

    QVariant value;
    logOperation(outputRaster, _expression);
    ctx->setOutput(symTable, value, outputRaster->name(), itRASTER,outputRaster->resource());
    return true;
