bool OperationHelperRaster::resample(IRasterCoverage& raster1, IRasterCoverage& raster2, ExecutionContext *ctx) {
    if ( !raster1.isValid())
        return false;

    IGeoReference commonGeoref = raster1->georeference();
    if ( ctx->_masterGeoref != sUNDEF) {
            return false;
    if (raster1->georeference()!= commonGeoref ){
        Resource res;
        QString expr = QString("%3=resample(%1,%2,nearestneighbour)").arg(raster1->resource().url().toString()).arg(commonGeoref->resource().url().toString()).arg(;
        ExecutionContext ctxLocal;
        SymbolTable symtabLocal;
            return false;
        QVariant var = symtabLocal.getValue(;
        raster1 = var.value<IRasterCoverage>();
    if ( raster2.isValid() && raster2->georeference()!= commonGeoref ){
        Resource res;
        QString expr = QString("%3=resample(%1,%2,nearestneighbour)").arg(raster2->resource().url().toString()).arg(commonGeoref->resource().url().toString()).arg(;
        ExecutionContext ctxLocal;
        SymbolTable symtabLocal;
            return false;
        QVariant var = symtabLocal.getValue(;
        IRasterCoverage outRaster = var.value<IRasterCoverage>();
    return true;
IRasterCoverage OperationHelperRaster::resample(const IRasterCoverage& sourceRaster, const IGeoReference& targetGrf) {
    if (!sourceRaster.isValid() || !targetGrf.isValid())
        return IRasterCoverage();

        Resource res;
        QString expr = QString("%3=resample(%1,%2,nearestneighbour)").arg(sourceRaster->resource().url().toString()).arg(targetGrf->resource().url().toString()).arg(;
        ExecutionContext ctxLocal;
        SymbolTable symtabLocal;
        if (!commandhandler()->execute(expr, &ctxLocal, symtabLocal))
            return false;
        QVariant var = symtabLocal.getValue(;
        return var.value<IRasterCoverage>();
Esempio n. 3
void OperationWorker::process(){
    try {
        Operation op(_expression);
        SymbolTable tbl;
        ExecutionContext ctx;

        if(op->execute(&ctx, tbl)){
            if ( ctx._results.size() > 0){
                for(auto resultName : ctx._results){
                    Symbol symbol = tbl.getSymbol(resultName);
                    if ( hasType(symbol._type, itNUMBER)){
                        _result += symbol._var.toDouble();
                    }else if ( hasType(symbol._type, itSTRING)){
                        _result += symbol._var.toString();
                    }else if ( hasType(symbol._type, (itCOVERAGE | itTABLE))){
                        if ( symbol._type == itRASTER){
                            IRasterCoverage raster = symbol._var.value<IRasterCoverage>();
                            if ( raster.isValid())
                                _result = raster->resource().url().toString();
                        }else if(symbol._type == itTABLE){
                            ITable table = symbol._var.value<ITable>();
                                _result = table->resource().url().toString();

            kernel()->issues()->log(QString(TR("Operation has executed succesfully")), IssueObject::itMessage);
        }else {
            qDebug() << "operation failed";
        emit finished();
    }catch(const ErrorObject& err){

    emit finished();
Esempio n. 4
bool SelectionRaster::execute(ExecutionContext *ctx, SymbolTable& symTable)
    if (_prepState == sNOTPREPARED)
        if((_prepState = prepare(ctx, symTable)) != sPREPARED)
            return false;
    IRasterCoverage outputRaster =<RasterCoverage>();
    IRasterCoverage inputRaster =<RasterCoverage>();

    std::map<Raw, quint32> raw2record;
    int keyColumn = _inputAttributeTable.isValid() ? _inputAttributeTable->columnIndex(inputRaster->primaryKey()) : iUNDEF;
    if (keyColumn != iUNDEF){
        std::vector<QVariant> values = _inputAttributeTable->column(keyColumn);
        for(quint32 rec=0; rec < values.size(); ++rec){
            Raw r = values[rec].toDouble();
            if ( !isNumericalUndef(r)){
                raw2record[r] = rec;

    std::vector<int> extraAtrrib = organizeAttributes();

    std::vector<QString> selectionBands = bands(inputRaster);
    initialize(outputRaster->size().linearSize() * selectionBands.size());

    PixelIterator iterOut(outputRaster);
    int count = 0;
    bool numeric = outputRaster->datadef().domain()->ilwisType() == itNUMERICDOMAIN;
    for(QString band : selectionBands){
        PixelIterator iterIn = inputRaster->band(band, _box);

        PixelIterator iterEnd = iterIn.end();
        while(iterIn != iterEnd) {
            bool ok = true;
            double pixValue = *iterIn;
            double matchValue = pixValue;

            for(const auto& epart : _expressionparts){
                bool partOk = epart.match(iterIn.position(), matchValue,this);
                if ( epart._andor != loNONE)
                    ok =  epart._andor == loAND ? ok && partOk : ok || partOk;
                    ok &= partOk;
                if (epart._type == ExpressionPart::ptATTRIBUTE && extraAtrrib.size() == 1){
                    if ( pixValue < 0 || pixValue >= _inputAttributeTable->recordCount()){
                        ok = false;
                    // pixValue == ID; ID < zero means undef, ID's start at zero.
                    if (pixValue >= 0) {
                        if (keyColumn != iUNDEF){
                            auto iter = raw2record.find(pixValue);
                            if ( iter != raw2record.end()){
                                quint32 rec = iter->second;
                                const Record& record = _inputAttributeTable->record(rec);
                                pixValue = record.cell(extraAtrrib[0]).toDouble();
                                pixValue = rUNDEF;

                        pixValue = rUNDEF;
            if ( ok){
                *iterOut = pixValue;
                *iterOut = rUNDEF;

            updateTranquilizer(++count, 100);
        // if there is an attribute table we must copy the correct attributes and records
        if ( keyColumn != iUNDEF && _attTable.isValid()){
            for(int recIndex=0; recIndex < _inputAttributeTable->recordCount(); ++recIndex){
                const Record& rec = _inputAttributeTable->record(recIndex);
                for(int i=0; i < extraAtrrib.size(); ++i){
                    _attTable->setCell(i, recIndex, rec.cell(extraAtrrib[i]));
    if ( numeric)

    QVariant value;
    logOperation(outputRaster, _expression);
    ctx->setOutput(symTable, value, outputRaster->name(), itRASTER,outputRaster->resource());
    return true;

bool PercentileFilterStretch::execute(ExecutionContext *ctx, SymbolTable& symTable)
    if (_prepState == sNOTPREPARED)
        if((_prepState = prepare(ctx,symTable)) != sPREPARED)
            return false;

    IRasterCoverage outputRaster =<RasterCoverage>();
    IRasterCoverage inputRaster =<RasterCoverage>();
    IRasterCoverage zoneRaster =<RasterCoverage>();

    ITable low =<Table>();
    ITable high =<Table>();

    PixelIterator iterIn(inputRaster, BoundingBox(), PixelIterator::fZXY);
    PixelIterator iterZone(zoneRaster, BoundingBox(), PixelIterator::fXYZ); // only one layer so Z is irrelevant
    PixelIterator iterOut(outputRaster, BoundingBox(), PixelIterator::fZXY);
    PixelIterator inEnd = iterIn.end();

    _nb = inputRaster->size().zsize();
    int rows = inputRaster->size().xsize();
    int cols = inputRaster->size().ysize();
    std::vector<double> slice(_nb);
    std::vector<int> percentage(_nb);
    int totalRows = low->recordCount(); // same as high->recordCount()
    int totalCols = low->columnCount(); // same as high->columnCount()
    std::vector<double> lowtab(low->columnCount() * low->recordCount());
    std::vector<double> hightab(high->columnCount() * high->recordCount());
    for (int row = 0; row < totalRows; ++row)
        for (int col = 0; col < totalCols; ++col) {
            // Let the first column in the percentile table match the start of time series
            int actCol = (col + totalCols - _startDekad) % totalCols;
            lowtab[actCol + row * totalCols] = low->cell(col, row).toDouble();
            hightab[actCol + row * totalCols] = high->cell(col, row).toDouble();

    // timeseries are assumed to be 10 day periods.
    int pixCount = 0;
    while (iterIn != inEnd) {

        // get the time slice at the current location
        std::copy(iterIn, iterIn + _nb, slice.begin());
        // get the zone at the current location
        double dzone = *iterZone;     // row index into low and high percentile tables
        if (dzone == rUNDEF) {
            // for out of area locations set to zero percent
            std::fill(percentage.begin(), percentage.end(), 0);
        else {
            int zone = (long) dzone;

            std::vector<double>::const_iterator liter = lowtab.begin() + zone * totalCols;
            std::vector<double>::const_iterator hiter = hightab.begin() + zone * totalCols;
            std::vector<int>::iterator piter = percentage.begin();
            for (std::vector<double>::const_iterator siter = slice.begin(); siter != slice.end(); siter++) {
                *piter = std::max(0, std::min(100, int(100.0 * (*hiter - *siter) / (*hiter - *liter))));
                if (*piter <= 5) *piter = 0;
                else if (*piter <= 10) *piter = 10;
        std::copy(percentage.begin(), percentage.end(), iterOut);
        iterIn += _nb;
        iterOut += _nb;
        iterZone += 1;

    trq()->update(rows * cols);

    bool resource = true;
    if ( resource && ctx != 0) {
        QVariant value;
        ctx->setOutput(symTable, value, outputRaster->name(), itRASTER, outputRaster->resource() );
    return resource;