int searchModelWithMEstimator(const Kernel &kernel,
                              int maxNbIterations,
                              typename Kernel::Model* bestModel,
                              double *RMS = 0,
                              double *sigmaMAD_p = 0)
    const int N = (int)kernel.NumSamples();
    const int m = (int)Kernel::MinimumSamples();
    // Test if we have sufficient points for the kernel.
    if (N < m) {
        return 0;
    } else if (N == m) {
        bool ok = searchModel_minimalSamples(kernel, bestModel, 0, RMS);
        return ok ? 1 : 0;

    // Compute a first model on all samples with least squares
    int hasModel = kernel.ComputeModelFromAllSamples(bestModel);
    if (!hasModel) {
        return 0;

    InliersVec isInlier(N, true);
    int nbSuccessfulIterations = kernel.MEstimator(*bestModel, isInlier, maxNbIterations, bestModel, RMS, sigmaMAD_p);
    if (RMS) {
        *RMS = kernel.ScalarUnormalize(*RMS);
    return nbSuccessfulIterations;

} // searchModelWithMEstimator
bool searchModelLS(const Kernel &kernel,
                  typename Kernel::Model* bestModel,
                   double *RMS = 0)
    const int N = (int)kernel.NumSamples();
    const int m = (int)Kernel::MinimumSamples();
    // Test if we have sufficient points for the kernel.
    if (N < m) {
        return 0;
    } else if (N == m) {
        return searchModel_minimalSamples(kernel, bestModel, 0, RMS);
    bool ok = kernel.ComputeModelFromAllSamples(bestModel);
    if (RMS) {
        InliersVec isInlier(N);
        int nInliers = kernel.ComputeInliersForModel(*bestModel, &isInlier, RMS);
    if (RMS) {
        *RMS = kernel.ScalarUnormalize(*RMS);
    return ok;
} // searchModelWithMEstimator
bool searchModel_minimalSamples(const Kernel &kernel,
                                typename Kernel::Model* bestModel,
                                InliersVec *bestInliers = 0,
                                double *bestRMS = 0)
    assert(kernel.NumSamples() == Kernel::MinimumSamples());
    InliersVec isInlier(kernel.NumSamples());
    int best_score = 0;
    bool bestModelFound = false;
    std::vector<typename Kernel::Model> possibleModels;
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < possibleModels.size(); ++i) {
        double rms;
        int model_score = kernel.ComputeInliersForModel(possibleModels[i], &isInlier, bestRMS ? &rms : 0);
        if (model_score > best_score) {
            if (bestRMS) {
                *bestRMS = rms;
            best_score = model_score;
            *bestModel = possibleModels[i];
            bestModelFound = true;
    if (!bestModelFound) {
        return false;
    if (bestInliers) {
        *bestInliers = isInlier;
    if (bestRMS) {
        *bestRMS = kernel.ScalarUnormalize(*bestRMS);
    return true;
ProsacReturnCodeEnum prosac(const Kernel &kernel,
                            typename Kernel::Model* bestModel,
                            InliersVec *bestInliers = 0,
                            double *bestRMS = 0)
    const int N = (int)std::min(kernel.NumSamples(), (std::size_t)RAND_MAX);
    // For us, the draw set is the same as the verification set
    const int N_draw = N;
    const int m = (int)Kernel::MinimumSamples();
    // Test if we have sufficient points for the kernel.
    if (N < m) {
        return eProsacReturnCodeNotEnoughPoints;
    } else if (N == m) {
        bool ok = searchModel_minimalSamples(kernel, bestModel, bestInliers, bestRMS);
        return ok ? eProsacReturnCodeFoundModel : eProsacReturnCodeNoModelFound;
    InliersVec isInlier(N);
    InliersVec isInlierLO(N);
    /* NOTE: the PROSAC article sets T_N (the number of iterations before PROSAC becomes RANSAC) to 200000,
     but that means :
     - only 535 correspondences out of 1000 will be used after 2808 iterations (60% outliers)
     -      395                                                 588            (50%)
     -      170                                                 163            (40%)
     (the # of iterations is the # of RANSAC draws for a 0.99 confidence
     of finding the right model given the percentage of outliers)
     QUESTION: Is it more reasonable to set it to the maximum number of iterations we plan to
     do given the percentage of outlier?
     MY ANSWER: If you know that you won't draw more than XX samples (say 2808, because you only
     accept 60% outliers), then it's more reasonable to set N to that value, in order to give
     all correspondences a chance to be drawn (even if that chance is very small for the last ones).
     Anyway, PROSAC should find many inliers in the first rounds and stop right away.
     T_N=2808 gives:
     - only 961 correspondences out of 1000 will be used after 2808 iterations (60% outliers)
     -      595                                                 588            (50%)
     -      177                                                 163            (40%)

    const int T_N = kernel.maxOutliersProportion >= 1. ?  std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : niter_RANSAC(kernel.probability, kernel.maxOutliersProportion, m, kernel.iMaxIter);
    const int t_max = kernel.iMaxIter > 0 ? kernel.iMaxIter : T_N;
    const double beta = kernel.getProsacBetaParam();
    assert(beta > 0. && beta < 1.);
    int n_star = N; // termination length (see sec. 2.2 Stopping criterion)
    int I_n_star = 0; // number of inliers found within the first n_star data points
    int I_N_best = 0; // best number of inliers found so far (store the model that goes with it)
    const int I_N_min = (1. - kernel.maxOutliersProportion) * N; // the minimum number of total inliers
    int t = 0; // iteration number
    int n = m; // we draw samples from the set U_n of the top n data points
    double T_n = T_N; // average number of samples {M_i}_{i=1}^{T_N} that contain samples from U_n only
    int T_n_prime = 1; // integer version of T_n, see eq. (4)
    for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
        T_n *= (double)(n - i) / (N - i);
    int k_n_star = T_N; // number of samples to draw to reach the maximality constraint

    bool bestModelFound = false;
    std::vector<std::size_t> sample(m);

    // Note: the condition (I_N_best < I_N_min) was not in the original paper, but it is reasonable:
    // we sholdn't stop if we haven't found the expected number of inliers
    while (((I_N_best < I_N_min) || t <= k_n_star) && t < T_N && t <= t_max) {
        int I_N; // total number of inliers for that sample
        // Choice of the hypothesis generation set
        t = t + 1;
        // from the paper, eq. (5) (not Algorithm1):
        // "The growth function is then defined as
        //  g(t) = min {n : T′n ≥ t}"
        // Thus n should be incremented if t > T'n, not if t = T'n as written in the algorithm 1
        if ((t > T_n_prime) && (n < n_star)) {
            double T_nplus1 = (T_n * (n+1)) / (n+1-m);
            n = n+1;
            T_n_prime = T_n_prime + std::ceil(T_nplus1 - T_n);
            T_n = T_nplus1;
        // Draw semi-random sample (note that the test condition from Algorithm1 in the paper is reversed):
        if (t > T_n_prime) {
            // during the finishing stage (n== n_star && t > T_n_prime), draw a standard RANSAC sample
            // The sample contains m points selected from U_n at random
            deal(n, m, sample);
        }  else {
            // The sample contains m-1 points selected from U_{n−1} at random and u_n
            deal(n - 1, m - 1, sample);
            sample[m - 1] = n - 1;
        // INSERT Compute model parameters p_t from the sample M_t
        std::vector<typename Kernel::Model> possibleModels;
        kernel.ComputeModelFromMinimumSamples(sample, &possibleModels);
        for (std::size_t modelNb = 0; modelNb < possibleModels.size(); ++modelNb) {
            // Find support of the model with parameters p_t
            // From first paragraph of section 2: "The hypotheses are verified against all data"
            double RMS;
            I_N = kernel.ComputeInliersForModel(possibleModels[modelNb], &isInlier, bestRMS ? &RMS : 0);
            if (I_N > I_N_best) {
                int n_best; // best value found so far in terms of inliers ratio
                int I_n_best; // number of inliers for n_best
                int I_N_draw; // number of inliers withing the N_draw first data
                // INSERT (OPTIONAL): Test for degenerate model configuration (DEGENSAC)
                //                    (i.e. discard the sample if more than 1 model is consistent with the sample)
                // Do local optimization, and recompute the support (LO-RANSAC)
                // for the fundamental matrix, the normalized 8-points algorithm performs very well:
                // Store the best model
                *bestModel = possibleModels[modelNb];
                bestModelFound = true;
                if (bestRMS) {
                    *bestRMS = RMS;
                int loransac_iter = 0;
                while (I_N > I_N_best) {
                    I_N_best = I_N;
                    if (kernel.iMaxLOIter < 0 || loransac_iter < kernel.iMaxLOIter) {
                        // Continue while LO-ransac finds a better support
                        typename Kernel::Model modelLO;
                        double RMS_L0;
                        bool modelOptimized = kernel.OptimizeModel(*bestModel, isInlier, &modelLO);
                        if (modelOptimized) {
                            // IN = findSupport(/* model, sample, */ N, isInlier);
                            int I_N_LO = kernel.ComputeInliersForModel(modelLO, &isInlierLO, bestRMS ? &RMS_L0 : 0);
                            if (I_N_LO > I_N_best) {
                                isInlier = isInlierLO;
                                *bestModel = modelLO;
                                if (bestRMS) {
                                    *bestRMS = RMS_L0;
                                I_N = I_N_LO;
                    } // LO-RANSAC
                if (I_N > I_N_best) {
                    I_N_best = I_N;
                if (bestInliers) {
                    *bestInliers = isInlier;
                // Select new termination length n_star if possible, according to Sec. 2.2.
                // Note: the original paper seems to do it each time a new sample is drawn,
                // but this really makes sense only if the new sample is better than the previous ones.
                n_best = N;
                I_n_best = I_N_best;
                I_N_draw = std::accumulate(isInlier.begin(), isInlier.begin() + N_draw, 0);
                int n_test; // test value for the termination length
                int I_n_test; // number of inliers for that test value
                double epsilon_n_best = (double)I_n_best/n_best;
                for (n_test = N, I_n_test = I_N_draw; n_test > m; n_test--) {
                    // Loop invariants:
                    // - I_n_test is the number of inliers for the n_test first correspondences
                    // - n_best is the value between n_test+1 and N that maximizes the ratio I_n_best/n_best
                    assert(n_test >= I_n_test);
                    // * Non-randomness : In >= Imin(n*) (eq. (9))
                    // * Maximality: the number of samples that were drawn so far must be enough
                    // so that the probability of having missed a set of inliers is below eta=0.01.
                    // This is the classical RANSAC termination criterion (HZ, eq. (4.18)),
                    // except that it takes into account only the n first samples (not the total number of samples).
                    // kn_star = log(eta0)/log(1-(In_star/n_star)^m) (eq. (12))
                    // We have to minimize kn_star, e.g. maximize I_n_star/n_star
                    //printf("n_best=%d, I_n_best=%d, n_test=%d, I_n_test=%d\n",
                    //        n_best,    I_n_best,    n_test,    I_n_test);
                    // a straightforward implementation would use the following test:
                    //if (I_n_test > epsilon_n_best*n_test) {
                    // However, since In is binomial, and in the case of evenly distributed inliers,
                    // a better test would be to reduce n_star only if there's a significant improvement in
                    // epsilon. Thus we use a Chi-squared test (P=0.10), together with the normal approximation
                    // to the binomial (mu = epsilon_n_star*n_test, sigma=sqrt(n_test*epsilon_n_star*(1-epsilon_n_star)).
                    // There is a significant difference between the two tests (e.g. with the findSupport
                    // functions provided above).
                    // We do the cheap test first, and the expensive test only if the cheap one passes.
                    if (( I_n_test * n_best > I_n_best * n_test ) &&
                        ( I_n_test > epsilon_n_best * n_test + std::sqrt(n_test * epsilon_n_best * (1. - epsilon_n_best) * 2.706) )) {
                        if (I_n_test < Prosac_Imin(m,n_test,beta)) {
                            // equation 9 not satisfied: no need to test for smaller n_test values anyway
                            break; // jump out of the for(n_test) loop
                        n_best = n_test;
                        I_n_best = I_n_test;
                        epsilon_n_best = (double)I_n_best / n_best;
                    // prepare for next loop iteration
                    I_n_test -= isInlier[n_test - 1];
                } // for(n_test ...
                // is the best one we found even better than n_star?
                if ( I_n_best * n_star > I_n_star * n_best ) {
                    assert(n_best >= I_n_best);
                    // update all values
                    n_star = n_best;
                    I_n_star = I_n_best;
                    k_n_star = niter_RANSAC(1. - kernel.eta0, 1. - I_n_star / (double)n_star, m, T_N);
            } // if (I_N > I_N_best)
        } //for (modelNb ...
    } // while(t <= k_n_star ...
    if (!bestModelFound) {
        return eProsacReturnCodeNoModelFound;
    if (bestRMS) {
        *bestRMS = kernel.ScalarUnormalize(*bestRMS);

    if (t == t_max) {
        return eProsacReturnCodeMaxIterationsParamReached ;
    if (t == T_N) {
        return eProsacReturnCodeMaxIterationsFromProportionParamReached;
    if (I_N_best == m) {
        return eProsacReturnCodeInliersIsMinSamples;
    return eProsacReturnCodeFoundModel;
} // prosac