Esempio n. 1
Polygons AreaSupport::join(Polygons& supportLayer_up, Polygons& supportLayer_this, int64_t supportJoinDistance, int64_t smoothing_distance, int min_smoothing_area, bool conical_support, int64_t conical_support_offset, int64_t conical_smallest_breadth)
    Polygons joined;
    if (conical_support)
        Polygons insetted = supportLayer_up.offset(-conical_smallest_breadth/2);
        Polygons small_parts = supportLayer_up.difference(insetted.offset(conical_smallest_breadth/2+20));
        joined = supportLayer_this.unionPolygons(supportLayer_up.offset(conical_support_offset))
        joined = supportLayer_this.unionPolygons(supportLayer_up);
    // join different parts
    if (supportJoinDistance > 0)
        joined = joined.offset(supportJoinDistance)
    if (smoothing_distance > 0)
        joined = joined.smooth(smoothing_distance, min_smoothing_area);
    return joined;
Esempio n. 2
void AreaSupport::generateSupportInterface(SliceDataStorage& storage, const SliceMeshStorage& mesh, std::vector<Polygons>& support_areas, const unsigned int layer_count)
    const unsigned int roof_layer_count = round_divide(mesh.getSettingInMicrons("support_roof_height"), storage.getSettingInMicrons("layer_height"));
    const unsigned int bottom_layer_count = round_divide(mesh.getSettingInMicrons("support_bottom_height"), storage.getSettingInMicrons("layer_height"));
    const unsigned int z_distance_bottom = round_up_divide(mesh.getSettingInMicrons("support_bottom_distance"), storage.getSettingInMicrons("layer_height"));
    const unsigned int z_distance_top = round_up_divide(mesh.getSettingInMicrons("support_top_distance"), storage.getSettingInMicrons("layer_height"));

    const int skip_layer_count = std::max(1u, round_divide(mesh.getSettingInMicrons("support_interface_skip_height"), storage.getSettingInMicrons("layer_height")));
    const int interface_line_width = storage.meshgroup->getExtruderTrain(storage.getSettingAsIndex("support_interface_extruder_nr"))->getSettingInMicrons("support_interface_line_width");

    std::vector<SupportLayer>& supportLayers =;
    for (unsigned int layer_idx = 0; layer_idx < layer_count; layer_idx++)
        SupportLayer& layer = supportLayers[layer_idx];

        const unsigned int top_layer_idx_above = layer_idx + roof_layer_count + z_distance_top;
        const unsigned int bottom_layer_idx_below = std::max(0, int(layer_idx) - int(bottom_layer_count) - int(z_distance_bottom));
        if (top_layer_idx_above < supportLayers.size())
            Polygons roofs;
            if (roof_layer_count > 0)
                Polygons model;
                const unsigned int n_scans = std::max(1u, (roof_layer_count - 1) / skip_layer_count);
                const float z_skip = std::max(1.0f, float(roof_layer_count - 1) / float(n_scans));
                for (float layer_idx_above = top_layer_idx_above; layer_idx_above > layer_idx + z_distance_top; layer_idx_above -= z_skip)
                    const Polygons outlines_above = mesh.layers[std::round(layer_idx_above)].getOutlines();
                    model = model.unionPolygons(outlines_above);
                roofs = support_areas[layer_idx].intersection(model);
            Polygons bottoms;
            if (bottom_layer_count > 0)
                Polygons model;
                const unsigned int n_scans = std::max(1u, (bottom_layer_count - 1) / skip_layer_count);
                const float z_skip = std::max(1.0f, float(bottom_layer_count - 1) / float(n_scans));
                for (float layer_idx_below = bottom_layer_idx_below; std::round(layer_idx_below) < (int)(layer_idx - z_distance_bottom); layer_idx_below += z_skip)
                    const Polygons outlines_below = mesh.layers[std::round(layer_idx_below)].getOutlines();
                    model = model.unionPolygons(outlines_below);
                bottoms = support_areas[layer_idx].intersection(model);
            // expand skin a bit so that we're sure it's not too thin to be printed.
            Polygons skin = roofs.unionPolygons(bottoms).offset(interface_line_width).intersection(support_areas[layer_idx]);
Esempio n. 3
Polygons AreaSupport::join(Polygons& supportLayer_up, Polygons& supportLayer_this, int64_t supportJoinDistance, int64_t smoothing_distance, int max_smoothing_angle, bool conical_support, int64_t conical_support_offset, int64_t conical_smallest_breadth)
    Polygons joined;
    if (conical_support)
        Polygons insetted = supportLayer_up.offset(-conical_smallest_breadth/2);
        Polygons small_parts = supportLayer_up.difference(insetted.offset(conical_smallest_breadth/2+20));
        joined = supportLayer_this.unionPolygons(supportLayer_up.offset(conical_support_offset))
        joined = supportLayer_this.unionPolygons(supportLayer_up);
    // join different parts
    if (supportJoinDistance > 0)
        joined = joined.offset(supportJoinDistance)

    // remove jagged line pieces introduced by unioning separate overhang areas for consectuive layers
    // support may otherwise look like:
    //      _____________________      .
    //     /                     \      } dist_from_lower_layer
    //    /__                   __\    /
    //      /''--...........--''\        `\                                                 .
    //     /                     \         } dist_from_lower_layer
    //    /__                   __\      ./
    //      /''--...........--''\     `\                                                    .
    //     /                     \      } dist_from_lower_layer
    //    /_______________________\   ,/
    //            rather than
    //      _____________________
    //     /                     \                                                          .
    //    /                       \                                                         .
    //    |                       |
    //    |                       |
    //    |                       |
    //    |                       |
    //    |                       |
    //    |_______________________|
    // dist_from_lower_layer may be up to max_dist_from_lower_layer (see below), but that value may be extremely high
    joined = joined.smooth_outward(max_smoothing_angle, smoothing_distance);

    return joined;
Esempio n. 4
Polygons SliceDataStorage::getLayerOutlines(int layer_nr, bool include_helper_parts, bool external_polys_only) const
    if (layer_nr < 0 && layer_nr < -Raft::getFillerLayerCount(*this))
    { // when processing raft
        if (include_helper_parts)
            if (external_polys_only)
                std::vector<PolygonsPart> parts = raftOutline.splitIntoParts();
                Polygons result;
                for (PolygonsPart& part : parts) 
                return result;
                return raftOutline;
            return Polygons();
        Polygons total;
        if (layer_nr >= 0)
            for (const SliceMeshStorage& mesh : meshes)
                if (mesh.getSettingBoolean("infill_mesh") || mesh.getSettingBoolean("anti_overhang_mesh"))
                const SliceLayer& layer = mesh.layers[layer_nr];
                layer.getOutlines(total, external_polys_only);
                if (const_cast<SliceMeshStorage&>(mesh).getSettingAsSurfaceMode("magic_mesh_surface_mode") != ESurfaceMode::NORMAL) // TODO: make all getSetting functions const??
                    total = total.unionPolygons(layer.openPolyLines.offsetPolyLine(100));
        if (include_helper_parts)
            if (support.generated) 
                total.add(support.supportLayers[std::max(0, layer_nr)].supportAreas);
                total.add(support.supportLayers[std::max(0, layer_nr)].skin);
            if (primeTower.enabled)
        return total;
Esempio n. 5
Polygons SliceDataStorage::getLayerOutlines(unsigned int layer_nr, bool include_helper_parts, bool external_polys_only)
    Polygons total;
    for (SliceMeshStorage& mesh : meshes)
        SliceLayer& layer = mesh.layers[layer_nr];
        for (SliceLayerPart& part :
            if (external_polys_only)
        if (mesh.getSettingAsSurfaceMode("magic_mesh_surface_mode") != ESurfaceMode::NORMAL)
            total = total.unionPolygons(layer.openPolyLines.offsetPolyLine(100));
    if (include_helper_parts)
        if (support.generated) 
    return total;
void FffPolygonGenerator::processOozeShield(SliceDataStorage& storage, unsigned int totalLayers)
    if (!getSettingBoolean("ooze_shield_enabled"))
    int ooze_shield_dist = getSettingInMicrons("ooze_shield_dist");
    for(unsigned int layer_nr=0; layer_nr<totalLayers; layer_nr++)
        Polygons oozeShield;
        for(SliceMeshStorage& mesh : storage.meshes)
            for(SliceLayerPart& part : mesh.layers[layer_nr].parts)
                oozeShield = oozeShield.unionPolygons(part.outline.offset(ooze_shield_dist)); 
    int largest_printed_radius = MM2INT(1.0); // TODO: make var a parameter, and perhaps even a setting?
    for(unsigned int layer_nr=0; layer_nr<totalLayers; layer_nr++)
        storage.oozeShield[layer_nr] = storage.oozeShield[layer_nr].offset(-largest_printed_radius).offset(largest_printed_radius); 
    int offsetAngle = tan(getSettingInAngleRadians("ooze_shield_angle")) * getSettingInMicrons("layer_height");//Allow for a 60deg angle in the oozeShield.
    for(unsigned int layer_nr=1; layer_nr<totalLayers; layer_nr++)
        storage.oozeShield[layer_nr] = storage.oozeShield[layer_nr].unionPolygons(storage.oozeShield[layer_nr-1].offset(-offsetAngle));
    for(unsigned int layer_nr=totalLayers-1; layer_nr>0; layer_nr--)
        storage.oozeShield[layer_nr-1] = storage.oozeShield[layer_nr-1].unionPolygons(storage.oozeShield[layer_nr].offset(-offsetAngle));
Esempio n. 7
void AreaSupport::handleTowers(
    Polygons& supportLayer_this,
    std::vector<Polygons>& towerRoofs,
    std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<Polygons>>>& overhang_points,
    int& overhang_points_pos,
    int layer_idx,
    int towerRoofExpansionDistance,
    int supportTowerDiameter,
    int supportMinAreaSqrt,
    int layer_count,
    int z_layer_distance_tower
    // handle new tower roof tops
    int layer_overhang_point =  layer_idx + z_layer_distance_tower;
    if (overhang_points_pos >= 0 && layer_overhang_point < layer_count && 
        overhang_points[overhang_points_pos].first == layer_overhang_point) 
        std::vector<Polygons>& overhang_points_here = overhang_points[overhang_points_pos].second;
        { // make sure we have the lowest point (make polys empty if they have small parts below)
            if (overhang_points_pos > 0 && overhang_points[overhang_points_pos - 1].first == layer_overhang_point - 1)
                std::vector<Polygons>& overhang_points_below = overhang_points[overhang_points_pos - 1].second;
                for (Polygons& poly_here : overhang_points_here)
                    for (Polygons& poly_below : overhang_points_below)
                        poly_here = poly_here.difference(poly_below.offset(supportMinAreaSqrt*2));
        for (Polygons& poly : overhang_points_here)
            if (poly.size() > 0)
    // make tower roofs
    for (unsigned int roof_idx = 0; roof_idx < towerRoofs.size(); roof_idx++)
        Polygons& tower_roof = towerRoofs[roof_idx];
        if (tower_roof.size() > 0)
            supportLayer_this = supportLayer_this.unionPolygons(tower_roof);

            if (tower_roof[0].area() < supportTowerDiameter * supportTowerDiameter)
                tower_roof = tower_roof.offset(towerRoofExpansionDistance);
Esempio n. 8
void generateSkins(int layerNr, SliceVolumeStorage& storage, int extrusionWidth, int downSkinCount, int upSkinCount, int infillOverlap)
    SliceLayer* layer = &storage.layers[layerNr];

    for(unsigned int partNr=0; partNr<layer->parts.size(); partNr++)
        SliceLayerPart* part = &layer->parts[partNr];
        Polygons upskin = part->insets[part->insets.size() - 1].offset(-extrusionWidth/2);
        Polygons downskin = upskin;
        if (part->insets.size() > 1)
            //Add thin wall filling by taking the area between the insets.
            Polygons thinWalls = part->insets[0].offset(-extrusionWidth / 2 - extrusionWidth * infillOverlap / 100).difference(part->insets[1].offset(extrusionWidth * 6 / 10));
        if (int(layerNr - downSkinCount) >= 0)
            SliceLayer* layer2 = &storage.layers[layerNr - downSkinCount];
            for(unsigned int partNr2=0; partNr2<layer2->parts.size(); partNr2++)
                if (part->boundaryBox.hit(layer2->parts[partNr2].boundaryBox))
                    downskin = downskin.difference(layer2->parts[partNr2].insets[layer2->parts[partNr2].insets.size() - 1]);
        if (int(layerNr + upSkinCount) < (int)storage.layers.size())
            SliceLayer* layer2 = &storage.layers[layerNr + upSkinCount];
            for(unsigned int partNr2=0; partNr2<layer2->parts.size(); partNr2++)
                if (part->boundaryBox.hit(layer2->parts[partNr2].boundaryBox))
                    upskin = upskin.difference(layer2->parts[partNr2].insets[layer2->parts[partNr2].insets.size() - 1]);
        part->skinOutline = upskin.unionPolygons(downskin);

        double minAreaSize = (2 * M_PI * (double(extrusionWidth) / 1000.0) * (double(extrusionWidth) / 1000.0)) * 0.3;
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<part->skinOutline.size(); i++)
            double area = fabs(ClipperLib::Area(part->skinOutline[i])) / 1000.0 / 1000.0;
            if (area < minAreaSize) // Only create an up/down skin if the area is large enough. So you do not create tiny blobs of "trying to fill"
                i -= 1;
Esempio n. 9
Polygons SliceDataStorage::getLayerOutlines(int layer_nr, bool include_helper_parts, bool external_polys_only)
    if (layer_nr < 0)
    { // when processing raft
        if (include_helper_parts)
            if (external_polys_only)
                std::vector<PolygonsPart> parts = raftOutline.splitIntoParts();
                Polygons result;
                for (PolygonsPart& part : parts) 
                return result;
                return raftOutline;
            return Polygons();
        Polygons total;
        for (SliceMeshStorage& mesh : meshes)
            SliceLayer& layer = mesh.layers[layer_nr];
            layer.getOutlines(total, external_polys_only);
            if (mesh.getSettingAsSurfaceMode("magic_mesh_surface_mode") != ESurfaceMode::NORMAL)
                total = total.unionPolygons(layer.openPolyLines.offsetPolyLine(100));
        if (include_helper_parts)
            if (support.generated) 
        return total;
Esempio n. 10
Polygons join(Polygons& supportLayer_up, Polygons& supportLayer_this, int64_t supportJoinDistance, int64_t smoothing_distance, int min_smoothing_area)
    Polygons joined = supportLayer_this.unionPolygons(supportLayer_up);
    // join different parts
    if (supportJoinDistance > 0)
        joined = joined.offset(supportJoinDistance)
    if (smoothing_distance > 0)
        joined = joined.smooth(smoothing_distance, min_smoothing_area);
    return joined;
Esempio n. 11
void AreaSupport::handleWallStruts(
    Polygons& supportLayer_this,
    int supportMinAreaSqrt,
    int supportTowerDiameter
    for (unsigned int p = 0; p < supportLayer_this.size(); p++)
        PolygonRef poly = supportLayer_this[p];
        if (poly.size() < 6) // might be a single wall
            PolygonRef poly = supportLayer_this[p];
            int best = -1;
            int best_length2 = -1;
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < poly.size(); i++)
                int length2 = vSize2(poly[i] - poly[(i+1) % poly.size()]);
                if (length2 > best_length2)
                    best = i;
                    best_length2 = length2;
            if (best_length2 < supportMinAreaSqrt * supportMinAreaSqrt)
                break; // this is a small area, not a wall!
            // an estimate of the width of the area
            int width = sqrt( poly.area() * poly.area() / best_length2 ); // sqrt (a^2 / l^2) instead of a / sqrt(l^2)
            // add square tower (strut) in the middle of the wall
            if (width < supportMinAreaSqrt)
                Point mid = (poly[best] + poly[(best+1) % poly.size()] ) / 2;
                Polygons struts;
                PolygonRef strut = struts.newPoly();
                strut.add(mid + Point( supportTowerDiameter/2,  supportTowerDiameter/2));
                strut.add(mid + Point(-supportTowerDiameter/2,  supportTowerDiameter/2));
                strut.add(mid + Point(-supportTowerDiameter/2, -supportTowerDiameter/2));
                strut.add(mid + Point( supportTowerDiameter/2, -supportTowerDiameter/2));
                supportLayer_this = supportLayer_this.unionPolygons(struts);
Esempio n. 12
Polygons SliceDataStorage::getLayerSecondOrInnermostWalls(int layer_nr, bool include_helper_parts) const
    if (layer_nr < 0 && layer_nr < -Raft::getFillerLayerCount(*this))
    { // when processing raft
        if (include_helper_parts)
            return raftOutline;
            return Polygons();
        Polygons total;
        if (layer_nr >= 0)
            for (const SliceMeshStorage& mesh : meshes)
                const SliceLayer& layer = mesh.layers[layer_nr];
                if (const_cast<SliceMeshStorage&>(mesh).getSettingAsSurfaceMode("magic_mesh_surface_mode") != ESurfaceMode::NORMAL) // TODO: make getSetting const? make settings.setting_values mapping mutable??
                    total = total.unionPolygons(layer.openPolyLines.offsetPolyLine(100));
        if (include_helper_parts)
            if (support.generated) 
                total.add(support.supportLayers[std::max(0, layer_nr)].supportAreas);
                total.add(support.supportLayers[std::max(0, layer_nr)].skin);
            if (primeTower.enabled)
        return total;

Esempio n. 13
 * This function is executed in a parallel region based on layer_nr.
 * When modifying make sure any changes does not introduce data races.
 * generateSkinAreas reads data from mesh.layers[*].parts[*].insets and writes to mesh.layers[n].parts[*].skin_parts
void SkinInfillAreaComputation::generateSkinAndInfillAreas(SliceLayerPart& part)
    int min_infill_area = mesh.getSettingInMillimeters("min_infill_area");

    Polygons original_outline = part.insets.back().offset(-innermost_wall_line_width / 2);

    // make a copy of the outline which we later intersect and union with the resized skins to ensure the resized skin isn't too large or removed completely.
    Polygons upskin;
    if (top_layer_count > 0)
        upskin = Polygons(original_outline);
    Polygons downskin;
    if (bottom_layer_count > 0)
        downskin = Polygons(original_outline);

    calculateBottomSkin(part, min_infill_area, downskin);

    calculateTopSkin(part, min_infill_area, upskin);

    applySkinExpansion(original_outline, upskin, downskin);

    // now combine the resized upskin and downskin
    Polygons skin = upskin.unionPolygons(downskin);


    if (process_infill)
    { // process infill when infill density > 0
        // or when other infill meshes want to modify this infill
        generateInfill(part, skin);

    for (PolygonsPart& skin_area_part : skin.splitIntoParts())
        part.skin_parts.back().outline = skin_area_part;
Esempio n. 14
//Expand each layer a bit and then keep the extra overlapping parts that overlap with other volumes.
//This generates some overlap in dual extrusion, for better bonding in touching parts.
void generateMultipleVolumesOverlap(std::vector<Slicer*> &volumes, int overlap)
    if (volumes.size() < 2 || overlap <= 0) return;
    for(unsigned int layerNr=0; layerNr < volumes[0]->layers.size(); layerNr++)
        Polygons fullLayer;
        for(unsigned int volIdx = 0; volIdx < volumes.size(); volIdx++)
            SlicerLayer& layer1 = volumes[volIdx]->layers[layerNr];
            fullLayer = fullLayer.unionPolygons(layer1.polygons.offset(20)); // TODO: put hard coded value in a variable with an explanatory name (and make var a parameter, and perhaps even a setting?)
        fullLayer = fullLayer.offset(-20); // TODO: put hard coded value in a variable with an explanatory name (and make var a parameter, and perhaps even a setting?)
        for(unsigned int volIdx = 0; volIdx < volumes.size(); volIdx++)
            SlicerLayer& layer1 = volumes[volIdx]->layers[layerNr];
            layer1.polygons = fullLayer.intersection(layer1.polygons.offset(overlap / 2));
Esempio n. 15
Polygons SliceDataStorage::getLayerSecondOrInnermostWalls(int layer_nr, bool include_helper_parts)
    if (layer_nr < 0)
    { // when processing raft
        if (include_helper_parts)
            return raftOutline;
            return Polygons();
        Polygons total;
        for (SliceMeshStorage& mesh : meshes)
            SliceLayer& layer = mesh.layers[layer_nr];
            if (mesh.getSettingAsSurfaceMode("magic_mesh_surface_mode") != ESurfaceMode::NORMAL)
                total = total.unionPolygons(layer.openPolyLines.offsetPolyLine(100));
        if (include_helper_parts)
            if (support.generated) 
        return total;

Esempio n. 16
void generateSparse(int layerNr, SliceVolumeStorage& storage, int extrusionWidth, int downSkinCount, int upSkinCount)
    SliceLayer* layer = &storage.layers[layerNr];

    for(unsigned int partNr=0; partNr<layer->parts.size(); partNr++)
        SliceLayerPart* part = &layer->parts[partNr];

        Polygons sparse = part->insets[part->insets.size() - 1].offset(-extrusionWidth/2);
        Polygons downskin = sparse;
        Polygons upskin = sparse;
        if (int(layerNr - downSkinCount) >= 0)
            SliceLayer* layer2 = &storage.layers[layerNr - downSkinCount];
            for(unsigned int partNr2=0; partNr2<layer2->parts.size(); partNr2++)
                if (part->boundaryBox.hit(layer2->parts[partNr2].boundaryBox))
                    if (layer2->parts[partNr2].insets.size() > 1)
                        downskin = downskin.difference(layer2->parts[partNr2].insets[layer2->parts[partNr2].insets.size() - 2]);
                        downskin = downskin.difference(layer2->parts[partNr2].insets[layer2->parts[partNr2].insets.size() - 1]);
        if (int(layerNr + upSkinCount) < (int)storage.layers.size())
            SliceLayer* layer2 = &storage.layers[layerNr + upSkinCount];
            for(unsigned int partNr2=0; partNr2<layer2->parts.size(); partNr2++)
                if (part->boundaryBox.hit(layer2->parts[partNr2].boundaryBox))
                    if (layer2->parts[partNr2].insets.size() > 1)
                        upskin = upskin.difference(layer2->parts[partNr2].insets[layer2->parts[partNr2].insets.size() - 2]);
                        upskin = upskin.difference(layer2->parts[partNr2].insets[layer2->parts[partNr2].insets.size() - 1]);
        Polygons result = upskin.unionPolygons(downskin);

        double minAreaSize = 3.0;//(2 * M_PI * (double(config.extrusionWidth) / 1000.0) * (double(config.extrusionWidth) / 1000.0)) * 3;
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<result.size(); i++)
            double area = fabs(ClipperLib::Area(result[i])) / 1000.0 / 1000.0;
            if (area < minAreaSize) /* Only create an up/down skin if the area is large enough. So you do not create tiny blobs of "trying to fill" */
                i -= 1;
        part->sparseOutline = sparse.difference(result);
Esempio n. 17
void SkirtBrim::generate(SliceDataStorage& storage, Polygons first_layer_outline, int start_distance, unsigned int primary_line_count)
    const bool is_skirt = start_distance > 0;

    Scene& scene = Application::getInstance().current_slice->scene;
    const size_t adhesion_extruder_nr = scene.current_mesh_group->settings.get<ExtruderTrain&>("adhesion_extruder_nr").extruder_nr;
    const Settings& adhesion_settings = scene.extruders[adhesion_extruder_nr].settings;
    const coord_t primary_extruder_skirt_brim_line_width = adhesion_settings.get<coord_t>("skirt_brim_line_width") * adhesion_settings.get<Ratio>("initial_layer_line_width_factor");
    const coord_t primary_extruder_minimal_length = adhesion_settings.get<coord_t>("skirt_brim_minimal_length");

    Polygons& skirt_brim_primary_extruder = storage.skirt_brim[adhesion_extruder_nr];

    const bool has_ooze_shield = storage.oozeShield.size() > 0 && storage.oozeShield[0].size() > 0;
    const bool has_draft_shield = storage.draft_protection_shield.size() > 0;

    if (is_skirt && (has_ooze_shield || has_draft_shield))
    { // make sure we don't generate skirt through draft / ooze shield
        first_layer_outline = first_layer_outline.offset(start_distance - primary_extruder_skirt_brim_line_width / 2, ClipperLib::jtRound).unionPolygons(storage.draft_protection_shield);
        if (has_ooze_shield)
            first_layer_outline = first_layer_outline.unionPolygons(storage.oozeShield[0]);
        first_layer_outline = first_layer_outline.approxConvexHull();
        start_distance = primary_extruder_skirt_brim_line_width / 2;

    int offset_distance = generatePrimarySkirtBrimLines(start_distance, primary_line_count, primary_extruder_minimal_length, first_layer_outline, skirt_brim_primary_extruder);

    // handle support-brim
    const ExtruderTrain& support_infill_extruder = scene.current_mesh_group->settings.get<ExtruderTrain&>("support_infill_extruder_nr");
    if (support_infill_extruder.settings.get<bool>("support_brim_enable"))

    // generate brim for ooze shield and draft shield
    if (!is_skirt && (has_ooze_shield || has_draft_shield))
        // generate areas where to make extra brim for the shields
        // avoid gap in the middle
        //    V
        //  +---+     +----+
        //  |+-+|     |+--+|
        //  || ||     ||[]|| > expand to fit an extra brim line
        //  |+-+|     |+--+|
        //  +---+     +----+ 
        const int64_t primary_skirt_brim_width = (primary_line_count + primary_line_count % 2) * primary_extruder_skirt_brim_line_width; // always use an even number, because we will fil the area from both sides

        Polygons shield_brim;
        if (has_ooze_shield)
            shield_brim = storage.oozeShield[0].difference(storage.oozeShield[0].offset(-primary_skirt_brim_width - primary_extruder_skirt_brim_line_width));
        if (has_draft_shield)
            shield_brim = shield_brim.unionPolygons(storage.draft_protection_shield.difference(storage.draft_protection_shield.offset(-primary_skirt_brim_width - primary_extruder_skirt_brim_line_width)));
        const Polygons outer_primary_brim = first_layer_outline.offset(offset_distance, ClipperLib::jtRound);
        shield_brim = shield_brim.difference(outer_primary_brim.offset(primary_extruder_skirt_brim_line_width));

        // generate brim within shield_brim
        while (shield_brim.size() > 0)
            shield_brim = shield_brim.offset(-primary_extruder_skirt_brim_line_width);

        // update parameters to generate secondary skirt around
        first_layer_outline = outer_primary_brim;
        if (has_draft_shield)
            first_layer_outline = first_layer_outline.unionPolygons(storage.draft_protection_shield);
        if (has_ooze_shield)
            first_layer_outline = first_layer_outline.unionPolygons(storage.oozeShield[0]);

        offset_distance = 0;

    { // process other extruders' brim/skirt (as one brim line around the old brim)
        int last_width = primary_extruder_skirt_brim_line_width;
        std::vector<bool> extruder_is_used = storage.getExtrudersUsed();
        for (size_t extruder_nr = 0; extruder_nr < Application::getInstance().current_slice->scene.extruders.size(); extruder_nr++)
            if (extruder_nr == adhesion_extruder_nr || !extruder_is_used[extruder_nr])
            const ExtruderTrain& train = Application::getInstance().current_slice->scene.extruders[extruder_nr];
            const coord_t width = train.settings.get<coord_t>("skirt_brim_line_width") * train.settings.get<Ratio>("initial_layer_line_width_factor");
            const coord_t minimal_length = train.settings.get<coord_t>("skirt_brim_minimal_length");
            offset_distance += last_width / 2 + width/2;
            last_width = width;
            while (storage.skirt_brim[extruder_nr].polygonLength() < minimal_length)
                storage.skirt_brim[extruder_nr].add(first_layer_outline.offset(offset_distance, ClipperLib::jtRound));
                offset_distance += width;
Esempio n. 18
 * Algorithm:
 * From top layer to bottom layer:
 * - find overhang by looking at the difference between two consucutive layers
 * - join with support areas from layer above
 * - subtract current layer
 * - use the result for the next lower support layer (without doing XY-distance and Z bottom distance, so that a single support beam may move around the model a bit => more stability)
 * - perform inset using X/Y-distance and bottom Z distance
 * for support buildplate only: purge all support not connected to buildplate
void generateSupportAreas(SliceDataStorage& storage, SliceMeshStorage* object, unsigned int layer_count, CommandSocket* commandSocket)
    // given settings
    ESupportType support_type = object->getSettingAsSupportType("support_type"); = false;
    if (!object->getSettingBoolean("support_enable"))
    if (support_type == Support_None)
    double supportAngle = object->getSettingInAngleRadians("support_angle");
    bool supportOnBuildplateOnly = support_type == Support_PlatformOnly;
    int supportZDistance = object->getSettingInMicrons("support_z_distance");
    int supportZDistanceBottom = object->getSettingInMicrons("support_bottom_distance");
    int supportZDistanceTop = object->getSettingInMicrons("support_top_distance");
    int join_distance = object->getSettingInMicrons("support_join_distance");
    int support_bottom_stair_step_height = object->getSettingInMicrons("support_bottom_stair_step_height");
    int smoothing_distance = object->getSettingInMicrons("support_area_smoothing"); 
    int supportTowerDiameter = object->getSettingInMicrons("support_tower_diameter");
    int supportMinAreaSqrt = object->getSettingInMicrons("support_minimal_diameter");
    double supportTowerRoofAngle = object->getSettingInAngleRadians("support_tower_roof_angle");
    //std::cerr <<" towerDiameter=" << towerDiameter <<", supportMinAreaSqrt=" << supportMinAreaSqrt << std::endl;
    int min_smoothing_area = 100*100; // minimal area for which to perform smoothing
    int z_layer_distance_tower = 1; // start tower directly below overhang point
    int layerThickness = object->getSettingInMicrons("layer_height");
    int extrusionWidth = object->getSettingInMicrons("support_line_width"); 
    int supportXYDistance = object->getSettingInMicrons("support_xy_distance") + extrusionWidth / 2;
    bool conical_support = object->getSettingBoolean("support_conical_enabled");
    // derived settings:
    if (supportZDistanceBottom < 0) supportZDistanceBottom = supportZDistance;
    if (supportZDistanceTop < 0)    supportZDistanceTop = supportZDistance;
    int supportLayerThickness = layerThickness;
    int layerZdistanceTop       = supportZDistanceTop / supportLayerThickness + 1; // support must always be 1 layer below overhang
    unsigned int layerZdistanceBottom    = std::max(0, supportZDistanceBottom / supportLayerThickness); 

    double tanAngle = tan(supportAngle) - 0.01;  // the XY-component of the supportAngle
    int maxDistFromLowerLayer = tanAngle * supportLayerThickness; // max dist which can be bridged

    unsigned int support_layer_count = layer_count;
    double tanTowerRoofAngle = tan(supportTowerRoofAngle);
    int towerRoofExpansionDistance = layerThickness / tanTowerRoofAngle;
    // early out
    if ( layerZdistanceTop + 1 > (int) support_layer_count )
    { = false; // no (first layer) support can be generated 
    // computation
    std::vector<Polygons> joinedLayers; // join model layers of all meshes into polygons and store small areas which need tower support
    std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<Polygons>>> overhang_points; // stores overhang_points along with the layer index at which the overhang point occurs
    AreaSupport::joinMeshesAndDetectOverhangPoints(storage, joinedLayers, overhang_points, layer_count, supportMinAreaSqrt, extrusionWidth);
    // initialization of supportAreasPerLayer
    for (unsigned int layer_idx = 0; layer_idx < layer_count ; layer_idx++);

    bool still_in_upper_empty_layers = true;
    int overhang_points_pos = overhang_points.size() - 1;
    Polygons supportLayer_last;
    std::vector<Polygons> towerRoofs;
    for (unsigned int layer_idx = support_layer_count - 1 - layerZdistanceTop; layer_idx != (unsigned int) -1 ; layer_idx--)
        // compute basic overhang and put in right layer ([layerZdistanceTOp] layers below)
        Polygons& supportLayer_supportee = joinedLayers[layer_idx+layerZdistanceTop];
//         if (conical_support)
//         {
//             supportLayer_supportee = join(supportLayer_supportee, supportLayer_last, join_distance, smoothing_distance, min_smoothing_area);
//         }
        Polygons& supportLayer_supporter =  joinedLayers[layer_idx-1+layerZdistanceTop];
        Polygons supportLayer_this;
        if (conical_support)
            int maxDistFromLowerLayer_support = maxDistFromLowerLayer/2;
            Polygons layer_above = supportLayer_supportee.unionPolygons(supportLayer_last); //join(supportLayer_supportee, supportLayer_last, join_distance, smoothing_distance, min_smoothing_area);
            Polygons insetted = layer_above.offset(-maxDistFromLowerLayer_support);
            supportLayer_this = insetted.unionPolygons(
                                    layer_above.difference(insetted.offset(maxDistFromLowerLayer_support + 100))
            Polygons supportLayer_supported =  supportLayer_supporter.offset(maxDistFromLowerLayer);
            Polygons basic_overhang = supportLayer_supportee.difference(supportLayer_supported);
    //         Polygons support_extension = basic_overhang.offset(maxDistFromLowerLayer);
    //         support_extension = support_extension.intersection(supportLayer_supported);
    //         support_extension = support_extension.intersection(supportLayer_supportee);
    //         Polygons overhang =  basic_overhang.unionPolygons(support_extension);
    //         presumably the computation above is slower than the one below
            Polygons overhang_extented = basic_overhang.offset(maxDistFromLowerLayer + 100); // +100 for easier joining with support from layer above
            Polygons overhang = overhang_extented.intersection(supportLayer_supported.unionPolygons(supportLayer_supportee));
            /*            layer 2
            * layer 1 ______________|
            * _______|         ^^^^^ basic overhang
            * ^^^^^^^ supporter
            * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ supported
            * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ supportee
            *         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ overhang extended
            *         ^^^^^^^^^      overhang extensions
            *         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ overhang

            supportLayer_this = overhang; 
        supportLayer_this = supportLayer_this.simplify(50); // TODO: hardcoded value!
        if (supportMinAreaSqrt > 0)
            // handle straight walls
            AreaSupport::handleWallStruts(supportLayer_this, supportMinAreaSqrt, supportTowerDiameter);
            // handle towers
            AreaSupport::handleTowers(supportLayer_this, towerRoofs, overhang_points, overhang_points_pos, layer_idx, towerRoofExpansionDistance, supportTowerDiameter, supportMinAreaSqrt, layer_count, z_layer_distance_tower);
        if (!conical_support)
            if (layer_idx+1 < support_layer_count)
            { // join with support from layer up                
                supportLayer_this = join(supportLayer_last, supportLayer_this, join_distance, smoothing_distance, min_smoothing_area);
        // move up from model
        if (layerZdistanceBottom > 0 && layer_idx >= layerZdistanceBottom)
            int stepHeight = support_bottom_stair_step_height / supportLayerThickness + 1;
            int bottomLayer = ((layer_idx - layerZdistanceBottom) / stepHeight) * stepHeight;
            supportLayer_this = supportLayer_this.difference(joinedLayers[bottomLayer]);
        supportLayer_last = supportLayer_this;
        // inset using X/Y distance
        if (supportLayer_this.size() > 0)
            supportLayer_this = supportLayer_this.difference(joinedLayers[layer_idx].offset(supportXYDistance));
       [layer_idx].supportAreas = supportLayer_this;
        if (still_in_upper_empty_layers && supportLayer_this.size() > 0)
   = layer_idx;
            still_in_upper_empty_layers = false;
        Progress::messageProgress(Progress::Stage::SUPPORT, support_layer_count - layer_idx, support_layer_count, commandSocket);
    // do stuff for when support on buildplate only
    if (supportOnBuildplateOnly)
        Polygons touching_buildplate =[0].supportAreas;
        for (unsigned int layer_idx = 1 ; layer_idx < ; layer_idx++)
            Polygons& supportLayer =[layer_idx].supportAreas;
            touching_buildplate = supportLayer.intersection(touching_buildplate); // from bottom to top, support areas can only decrease!
  [layer_idx].supportAreas = touching_buildplate;
    } = true;
Esempio n. 19
void SkirtBrim::getFirstLayerOutline(SliceDataStorage& storage, const size_t primary_line_count, const bool is_skirt, Polygons& first_layer_outline)
    const ExtruderTrain& train = Application::getInstance().current_slice->scene.current_mesh_group->settings.get<ExtruderTrain&>("adhesion_extruder_nr");
    const ExtruderTrain& support_infill_extruder = Application::getInstance().current_slice->scene.current_mesh_group->settings.get<ExtruderTrain&>("support_infill_extruder_nr");
    const bool external_only = is_skirt || train.settings.get<bool>("brim_outside_only"); //Whether to include holes or not. Skirt doesn't have any holes.
    const LayerIndex layer_nr = 0;
    if (is_skirt)
        constexpr bool include_support = true;
        constexpr bool include_prime_tower = true;
        first_layer_outline = storage.getLayerOutlines(layer_nr, include_support, include_prime_tower, external_only);
        first_layer_outline = first_layer_outline.approxConvexHull();
    { // add brim underneath support by removing support where there's brim around the model
        constexpr bool include_support = false; //Include manually below.
        constexpr bool include_prime_tower = false; //Include manually below.
        constexpr bool external_outlines_only = false; //Remove manually below.
        first_layer_outline = storage.getLayerOutlines(layer_nr, include_support, include_prime_tower, external_outlines_only);
        first_layer_outline = first_layer_outline.unionPolygons(); //To guard against overlapping outlines, which would produce holes according to the even-odd rule.
        Polygons first_layer_empty_holes;
        if (external_only)
            first_layer_empty_holes = first_layer_outline.getEmptyHoles();
            first_layer_outline = first_layer_outline.removeEmptyHoles();
        if ( && primary_line_count > 0 && !
        { // remove model-brim from support
            SupportLayer& support_layer =[0];
            if (support_infill_extruder.settings.get<bool>("brim_replaces_support"))
                // avoid gap in the middle
                //    V
                //  +---+     +----+
                //  |+-+|     |+--+|
                //  || ||     ||[]|| > expand to fit an extra brim line
                //  |+-+|     |+--+|
                //  +---+     +----+
                const coord_t primary_extruder_skirt_brim_line_width = train.settings.get<coord_t>("skirt_brim_line_width") * train.settings.get<Ratio>("initial_layer_line_width_factor");
                Polygons model_brim_covered_area = first_layer_outline.offset(primary_extruder_skirt_brim_line_width * (primary_line_count + primary_line_count % 2), ClipperLib::jtRound); // always leave a gap of an even number of brim lines, so that it fits if it's generating brim from both sides
                if (external_only)
                { // don't remove support within empty holes where no brim is generated.
                AABB model_brim_covered_area_boundary_box(model_brim_covered_area);
                support_layer.excludeAreasFromSupportInfillAreas(model_brim_covered_area, model_brim_covered_area_boundary_box);
            for (const SupportInfillPart& support_infill_part : support_layer.support_infill_parts)
        if (storage.primeTower.enabled)
            first_layer_outline.add(storage.primeTower.outer_poly_first_layer); // don't remove parts of the prime tower, but make a brim for it
    constexpr coord_t join_distance = 20;
    first_layer_outline = first_layer_outline.offset(join_distance).offset(-join_distance); // merge adjacent models into single polygon
    constexpr coord_t smallest_line_length = 200;
    constexpr coord_t largest_error_of_removed_point = 50;
    first_layer_outline.simplify(smallest_line_length, largest_error_of_removed_point); // simplify for faster processing of the brim lines
    if (first_layer_outline.size() == 0)
        logError("Couldn't generate skirt / brim! No polygons on first layer.\n");
Esempio n. 20
void generateSkinAreas(int layer_nr, SliceMeshStorage& mesh, const int innermost_wall_line_width, int downSkinCount, int upSkinCount, int wall_line_count, bool no_small_gaps_heuristic)
    SliceLayer& layer = mesh.layers[layer_nr];
    if (downSkinCount == 0 && upSkinCount == 0)
    for(unsigned int partNr = 0; partNr <; partNr++)
        SliceLayerPart& part =[partNr];

        if (int(part.insets.size()) < wall_line_count)
            continue; // the last wall is not present, the part should only get inter perimeter gaps, but no skin.

        Polygons upskin = part.insets.back().offset(-innermost_wall_line_width / 2);
        Polygons downskin = (downSkinCount == 0) ? Polygons() : upskin;
        if (upSkinCount == 0) upskin = Polygons();

        auto getInsidePolygons = [&part, wall_line_count](SliceLayer& layer2)
                Polygons result;
                for(SliceLayerPart& part2 :
                    if (part.boundaryBox.hit(part2.boundaryBox))
                        unsigned int wall_idx = std::max(0, std::min(wall_line_count, (int) part2.insets.size()) - 1);
                return result;
        if (no_small_gaps_heuristic)
            if (static_cast<int>(layer_nr - downSkinCount) >= 0)
                downskin = downskin.difference(getInsidePolygons(mesh.layers[layer_nr - downSkinCount])); // skin overlaps with the walls
            if (static_cast<int>(layer_nr + upSkinCount) < static_cast<int>(mesh.layers.size()))
                upskin = upskin.difference(getInsidePolygons(mesh.layers[layer_nr + upSkinCount])); // skin overlaps with the walls
            if (layer_nr >= downSkinCount && downSkinCount > 0)
                Polygons not_air = getInsidePolygons(mesh.layers[layer_nr - 1]);
                for (int downskin_layer_nr = layer_nr - downSkinCount; downskin_layer_nr < layer_nr - 1; downskin_layer_nr++)
                    not_air = not_air.intersection(getInsidePolygons(mesh.layers[downskin_layer_nr]));
                downskin = downskin.difference(not_air); // skin overlaps with the walls
            if (layer_nr < static_cast<int>(mesh.layers.size()) - 1 - upSkinCount && upSkinCount > 0)
                Polygons not_air = getInsidePolygons(mesh.layers[layer_nr + 1]);
                for (int upskin_layer_nr = layer_nr + 2; upskin_layer_nr < layer_nr + upSkinCount + 1; upskin_layer_nr++)
                    not_air = not_air.intersection(getInsidePolygons(mesh.layers[upskin_layer_nr]));
                upskin = upskin.difference(not_air); // skin overlaps with the walls
        Polygons skin = upskin.unionPolygons(downskin);
        for (PolygonsPart& skin_area_part : skin.splitIntoParts())
            part.skin_parts.back().outline = skin_area_part;