bool FrameFileIO::saveNativeCSVFile(QString filename, const QVector<CANFrame>* frames) { QFile *outFile = new QFile(filename); int lineCounter = 0; if (!outFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { delete outFile; return false; } outFile->write("Time Stamp,ID,Extended,Bus,LEN,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8"); outFile->write("\n"); for (int c = 0; c < frames->count(); c++) { lineCounter++; if (lineCounter > 100) { qApp->processEvents(); lineCounter = 0; } outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).timestamp).toUtf8()); outFile->putChar(44); outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).ID, 16).toUpper().rightJustified(8, '0').toUtf8()); outFile->putChar(44); if (frames->at(c).extended) outFile->write("true,"); else outFile->write("false,"); outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).bus).toUtf8()); outFile->putChar(44); outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).len).toUtf8()); outFile->putChar(44); for (int temp = 0; temp < 8; temp++) { if (temp < frames->at(c).len) outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).data[temp], 16).toUpper().rightJustified(2, '0').toUtf8()); else outFile->write("00"); outFile->putChar(44); } outFile->write("\n"); } outFile->close(); delete outFile; return true; }
bool FrameFileIO::saveCRTDFile(QString filename, const QVector<CANFrame>* frames) { QFile *outFile = new QFile(filename); int lineCounter = 0; if (!outFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { delete outFile; return false; } //write in float format with 6 digits after the decimal point outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(0).timestamp / 1000000.0, 'f', 6).toUtf8() + tr(" CXX GVRET-PC Reverse Engineering Tool Output V").toUtf8() + QString::number(VERSION).toUtf8()); outFile->write("\n"); for (int c = 0; c < frames->count(); c++) { lineCounter++; if (lineCounter > 100) { qApp->processEvents(); lineCounter = 0; } outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).timestamp / 1000000.0, 'f', 6).toUtf8()); outFile->putChar(' '); if (frames->at(c).extended) { outFile->write("R29 "); } else outFile->write("R11 "); outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).ID, 16).toUpper().rightJustified(8, '0').toUtf8()); outFile->putChar(' '); for (int temp = 0; temp < frames->at(c).len; temp++) { outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).data[temp], 16).toUpper().rightJustified(2, '0').toUtf8()); outFile->putChar(' '); } outFile->write("\n"); } outFile->close(); delete outFile; return true; }
//4f5,ff 34 23 45 24 e4 bool FrameFileIO::saveGenericCSVFile(QString filename, const QVector<CANFrame>* frames) { QFile *outFile = new QFile(filename); int lineCounter = 0; if (!outFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { delete outFile; return false; } outFile->write("ID,Data Bytes"); outFile->write("\n"); for (int c = 0; c < frames->count(); c++) { lineCounter++; if (lineCounter > 100) { qApp->processEvents(); lineCounter = 0; } outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).ID, 16).toUpper().rightJustified(8, '0').toUtf8()); outFile->putChar(44); for (int temp = 0; temp < frames->at(c).len; temp++) { outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).data[temp], 16).toUpper().rightJustified(2, '0').toUtf8()); outFile->putChar(' '); } outFile->write("\n"); } outFile->close(); delete outFile; return true; }
void FramePlaybackWindow::saveFilters() { QString filename; QFileDialog dialog(this); QStringList filters; filters.append(QString(tr("Filter list (*.ftl)"))); dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); dialog.setNameFilters(filters); dialog.setViewMode(QFileDialog::Detail); dialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0]; if (!filename.contains('.')) filename += ".ftl"; if (dialog.selectedNameFilter() == filters[0]) { QFile *outFile = new QFile(filename); if (!outFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; for (int c = 0; c < ui->listID->count(); c++) { outFile->write(QString::number(ui->listID->item(c)->text().toInt(NULL, 16), 16).toUtf8()); outFile->putChar(','); if (ui->listID->item(c)->checkState() == Qt::Checked) outFile->putChar('T'); else outFile->putChar('F'); outFile->write("\n"); } outFile->close(); } } }
/* 1247;RX;0xC2;8;0x5C;0x87;0x00;0x00;0x01;0x00;0x00;0x1C 1218;RX;0x236;1;0x00;0x00;0x00;0x00;0x00;0x00;0x00;0xF0 tokens: 0 = timestamp in ms 1 = direction (RX, TX) 2 = ID (in hex with 0x prefix) 3 = data length 4-x = data bytes in hex with 0x prefix */ bool FrameFileIO::saveMicrochipFile(QString filename, const QVector<CANFrame>* frames) { QFile *outFile = new QFile(filename); QDateTime timestamp, tempStamp; int lineCounter = 0; timestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if (!outFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { delete outFile; return false; } outFile->write("//---------------------------------\n"); outFile->write("Microchip Technology Inc.\n"); outFile->write("CAN BUS Analyzer\n"); outFile->write("SavvyCAN Exporter\n"); outFile->write("Logging Started: "); outFile->write(timestamp.toString("d/M/yyyy h:m:s").toUtf8()); outFile->write("\n"); outFile->write("//---------------------------------\n"); for (int c = 0; c < frames->count(); c++) { lineCounter++; if (lineCounter > 100) { qApp->processEvents(); lineCounter = 0; } outFile->write(QString::number((int)(frames->at(c).timestamp / 1000)).toUtf8()); outFile->write(";RX;"); outFile->write("0x" + QString::number(frames->at(c).ID, 16).toUpper().rightJustified(8, '0').toUtf8() + ";"); outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).len).toUtf8() + ";"); for (int temp = 0; temp < frames->at(c).len; temp++) { outFile->write("0x" + QString::number(frames->at(c).data[temp], 16).toUpper().rightJustified(2, '0').toUtf8()); outFile->putChar(';'); } outFile->write("\n"); } outFile->close(); delete outFile; return true; }
int Dumper::process() { for (uint i = 0; i < numInputs(); i++) { const BufferData d = input(i).readSample(); Type t = input(i).readType(); if (t.isA<Mark>()) { double ts = Mark::timestamp(d); if (!m_binary) m_ts << ts << (m_commas ? "," : " "); else { unsigned char* dc = (unsigned char*)&(ts); for (uint i = 0; i < sizeof(double); i++) m_out.putChar(dc[i]); } } for (uint j = 0; j < t.arity(); j++) if (!m_binary) m_ts << d[j] << (m_commas ? "," : " "); else if (m_floats) { unsigned char* dc = (unsigned char*)&(d[j]); m_out.putChar(dc[0]); m_out.putChar(dc[1]); m_out.putChar(dc[2]); m_out.putChar(dc[3]); } else m_out.putChar(int(min(max(0.f, d[j]), 1.f) * 255)); if (!m_binary) m_ts << "\t"; } if (!m_binary) m_ts << endl; return DidWork; }
// ==================================================================================================================== // writeLayout(): The method to write the binary layout details to the given *open* file // ==================================================================================================================== void MainWindow::writeLayout(QFile& file) { QByteArray geo_data = saveGeometry(); QByteArray layout_data = saveState(); bool ok = file.putChar((uchar)geo_data.size()); if (ok) ok = file.write(geo_data) == geo_data.size(); if (ok) ok = file.write(layout_data) == layout_data.size(); if (!ok) { QString msg = tr("Error writing to %1\n%2") .arg(file.fileName()) .arg(file.errorString()); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), msg); return; } }
/**OK * Estrae il file fileName, contenuto nell'oggetto zip, con il nome fileDest. * Se la funzione fallisce restituisce false e cancella il file che si è tentato di estrarre. * * La funzione fallisce se: * * zip==NULL; * * l'oggetto zip è stato aperto in una modalità non compatibile con l'estrazione di file; * * non è possibile aprire il file all'interno dell'oggetto zip; * * non è possibile creare il file estratto; * * si è rilevato un errore nella copia dei dati (1); * * non è stato possibile chiudere il file all'interno dell'oggetto zip (1); * * (1): prima di uscire dalla funzione cancella il file estratto. */ bool JlCompress::extractFile(QuaZip* zip, QString fileName, QString fileDest) { // zip: oggetto dove aggiungere il file // filename: nome del file reale // fileincompress: nome del file all'interno del file compresso // Controllo l'apertura dello zip if (!zip) return false; if (zip->getMode()!=QuaZip::mdUnzip) return false; // Apro il file compresso zip->setCurrentFile(fileName); QuaZipFile inFile(zip); if(! || inFile.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) return false; // Controllo esistenza cartella file risultato QDir().mkpath(QFileInfo(fileDest).absolutePath()); // Apro il file risultato QFile outFile; outFile.setFileName(fileDest); if(! return false; // Copio i dati char c; while(inFile.getChar(&c)) outFile.putChar(c); if (inFile.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { removeFile(QStringList(fileDest)); return false; } // Chiudo i file inFile.close(); if (inFile.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { removeFile(QStringList(fileDest)); return false; } outFile.close(); return true; }
QString UBImportDocument::expandFileToDir(const QFile& pZipFile, const QString& pDir) { QDir rootDir(pDir); QuaZip zip(pZipFile.fileName()); if(! { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } zip.setFileNameCodec("UTF-8"); QuaZipFileInfo info; QuaZipFile file(&zip); // TODO UB 4.x implement a mechanism that can replace an existing // document based on the UID of the document. bool createNewDocument = true; QString documentRootFolder; // first we search the metadata.rdf to check the document properties for(bool more = zip.goToFirstFile(); more; more = zip.goToNextFile()) { if(!zip.getCurrentFileInfo(&info)) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: getCurrentFileInfo(): " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } QFileInfo currentFileInfo(pDir + "/" + file.getActualFileName()); } if (createNewDocument) documentRootFolder = UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->generateUniqueDocumentPath(); QFile out; char c; for(bool more=zip.goToFirstFile(); more; more=zip.goToNextFile()) { if(!zip.getCurrentFileInfo(&info)) { //TOD UB 4.3 O display error to user or use crash reporter qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: getCurrentFileInfo(): " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } if(! { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } if(file.getZipError()!= UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: file.getFileName(): " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } QString newFileName = documentRootFolder + "/" + file.getActualFileName(); QFileInfo newFileInfo(newFileName); rootDir.mkpath(newFileInfo.absolutePath()); out.setFileName(newFileName);; // Slow like hell (on GNU/Linux at least), but it is not my fault. // Not ZIP/UNZIP package's fault either. // The slowest thing here is out.putChar(c). QByteArray outFileContent = file.readAll(); if (out.write(outFileContent) == -1) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: Unable to write file"; out.close(); return ""; } while(file.getChar(&c)) out.putChar(c); out.close(); if(file.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } if(!file.atEnd()) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: read all but not EOF"; return ""; } file.close(); if(file.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: file.close(): " << file.getZipError(); return ""; } } zip.close(); if(zip.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: zip.close(): " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } return documentRootFolder; }
bool QuaZipEx::extract(const QString & filePath, const QString & extDirPath, const QString & singleFileName) { QuaZip zip(filePath); if (! { qWarning("testRead(): %d", zip.getZipError()); return false; } zip.setFileNameCodec("IBM866"); qWarning("%d entries\n", zip.getEntriesCount()); qWarning("Global comment: %s\n", zip.getComment().toLocal8Bit().constData()); QuaZipFileInfo info; QuaZipFile file(&zip); QFile out; QString name; char c; for (bool more = zip.goToFirstFile(); more; more = zip.goToNextFile()) { if (!zip.getCurrentFileInfo(&info)) { qWarning("testRead(): getCurrentFileInfo(): %d\n", zip.getZipError()); return false; } if (!singleFileName.isEmpty()) if (! continue; if (! { qWarning("testRead(): %d", file.getZipError()); return false; } name = QString("%1/%2").arg(extDirPath).arg(file.getActualFileName()); if (file.getZipError() != UNZ_OK) { qWarning("testRead(): file.getFileName(): %d", file.getZipError()); return false; } //out.setFileName("out/" + name); out.setFileName(name); // this will fail if "name" contains subdirectories, but we don't mind that; // Slow like hell (on GNU/Linux at least), but it is not my fault. // Not ZIP/UNZIP package's fault either. // The slowest thing here is out.putChar(c). while (file.getChar(&c)) out.putChar(c); out.close(); if (file.getZipError() != UNZ_OK) { qWarning("testRead(): file.getFileName(): %d", file.getZipError()); return false; } if (!file.atEnd()) { qWarning("testRead(): read all but not EOF"); return false; } file.close(); if (file.getZipError() != UNZ_OK) { qWarning("testRead(): file.close(): %d", file.getZipError()); return false; } } zip.close(); if (zip.getZipError() != UNZ_OK) { qWarning("testRead(): zip.close(): %d", zip.getZipError()); return false; } return true; }
QString UBImportCFF::expandFileToDir(const QFile& pZipFile, const QString& pDir) { QuaZip zip(pZipFile.fileName()); if(! { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } zip.setFileNameCodec("UTF-8"); QuaZipFileInfo info; QuaZipFile file(&zip); //create unique cff document root fodler //use current date/time and temp number for folder name QString documentRootFolder; int tmpNumber = 0; QDir rootDir; while (true) { QString tempPath = QString("%1/sank%2.%3") .arg(pDir) .arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd_MM_yyyy_HH-mm")) .arg(tmpNumber); if (!rootDir.exists(tempPath)) { documentRootFolder = tempPath; break; } tmpNumber++; if (tmpNumber == 100000) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Failed to create temporary directory for iwb file"; return ""; } } if (!rootDir.mkdir(documentRootFolder)) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Couse: failed to create temp folder for cff package"; } QFile out; char c; for(bool more=zip.goToFirstFile(); more; more=zip.goToNextFile()) { if(!zip.getCurrentFileInfo(&info)) { //TOD UB 4.3 O display error to user or use crash reporter qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: getCurrentFileInfo(): " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } // if(! { // qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: " << zip.getZipError(); // return ""; // }; if(file.getZipError()!= UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: file.getFileName(): " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } QString newFileName = documentRootFolder + "/" + file.getActualFileName(); QFileInfo newFileInfo(newFileName); rootDir.mkpath(newFileInfo.absolutePath()); out.setFileName(newFileName);; while(file.getChar(&c)) out.putChar(c); out.close(); if(file.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } if(!file.atEnd()) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: read all but not EOF"; return ""; } file.close(); if(file.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: file.close(): " << file.getZipError(); return ""; } } zip.close(); if(zip.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: zip.close(): " << zip.getZipError(); return ""; } return documentRootFolder; }
bool UBImportDocument::extractFileToDir(const QFile& pZipFile, const QString& pDir, QString& documentRoot) { QDir rootDir(pDir); QuaZip zip(pZipFile.fileName()); if(! { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause " << zip.getZipError(); return false; } zip.setFileNameCodec("UTF-8"); QuaZipFileInfo info; QuaZipFile file(&zip); QFile out; char c; documentRoot = UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->generateUniqueDocumentPath(pDir); for(bool more=zip.goToFirstFile(); more; more=zip.goToNextFile()) { if(!zip.getCurrentFileInfo(&info)) { //TOD UB 4.3 O display error to user or use crash reporter qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: getCurrentFileInfo(): " << zip.getZipError(); return false; } if(! { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: " << zip.getZipError(); return false; } if(file.getZipError()!= UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: file.getFileName(): " << zip.getZipError(); return false; } QString newFileName = documentRoot + "/" + file.getActualFileName(); QFileInfo newFileInfo(newFileName); if (!rootDir.mkpath(newFileInfo.absolutePath())) return false; out.setFileName(newFileName); if (! return false; // Slow like hell (on GNU/Linux at least), but it is not my fault. // Not ZIP/UNZIP package's fault either. // The slowest thing here is out.putChar(c). QByteArray outFileContent = file.readAll(); if (out.write(outFileContent) == -1) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: Unable to write file"; out.close(); return false; } while(file.getChar(&c)) out.putChar(c); out.close(); if(file.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: " << zip.getZipError(); return false; } if(!file.atEnd()) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: read all but not EOF"; return false; } file.close(); if(file.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: file.close(): " << file.getZipError(); return false; } } zip.close(); if(zip.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning() << "Import failed. Cause: zip.close(): " << zip.getZipError(); return false; } return true; }
bool QZip::unzipRead() { QuaZip zip(_zipFileName); if(! { qWarning("File Can't be Open:%s",_zipFileName.toLocal8Bit().data()); return false; } zip.setFileNameCodec("IBM866"); printf("%d entries\n", zip.getEntriesCount()); printf("Global comment: %s\n", zip.getComment().toLocal8Bit().constData()); QuaZipFileInfo info; printf("name\tcver\tnver\tflags\tmethod\tctime\tCRC\tcsize\tusize\tdisknum\tIA\tEA\tcomment\textra\n"); QuaZipFile file(&zip); QFile out; QString name; char c; for(bool more=zip.goToFirstFile(); more; more=zip.goToNextFile()) { if(!zip.getCurrentFileInfo(&info)) { qWarning("testRead(): getCurrentFileInfo(): %d\n", zip.getZipError()); return false; } printf("%s\t%hu\t%hu\t%hu\t%hu\t%s\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%hu\t%hu\t%u\t%s\t%s\n",, info.versionCreated, info.versionNeeded, info.flags, info.method, info.dateTime.toString(Qt::ISODate).toLocal8Bit().constData(), info.crc, info.compressedSize, info.uncompressedSize, info.diskNumberStart, info.internalAttr, info.externalAttr, info.comment.toLocal8Bit().constData(), info.extra.constData()); if(! { qWarning("testRead(): %d", file.getZipError()); return false; } QStringList list; if("\\")){ list ="\\"); }else if("/")){ list ="/"); } QDir dir; dir.setCurrent(_zipPathName); QString tempDir = _zipPathName; for(int ccc=0;ccc<list.count()-1;ccc++){ tempDir+="\\"; if(!dir.exists({ dir.mkdir(tempDir); } dir.setCurrent(tempDir); } name=file.getActualFileName(); if(file.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning("testRead(): file.getFileName(): %d", file.getZipError()); return false; } out.setFileName(_zipPathName+"\\"+name); // this will fail if "name" contains subdirectories, but we don't mind that; // Slow like hell (on GNU/Linux at least), but it is not my fault. // Not ZIP/UNZIP package's fault either. // The slowest thing here is out.putChar(c). while(file.getChar(&c)) out.putChar(c); out.close(); if(file.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning("testRead(): file.getFileName(): %d", file.getZipError()); return false; } if(!file.atEnd()) { qWarning("testRead(): read all but not EOF"); return false; } file.close(); if(file.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning("testRead(): file.close(): %d", file.getZipError()); return false; } } zip.close(); if(zip.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { qWarning("testRead(): zip.close(): %d", zip.getZipError()); return false; } return true; }
bool FrameFileIO::saveLogFile(QString filename, const QVector<CANFrame>* frames) { QFile *outFile = new QFile(filename); QDateTime timestamp, tempStamp; int lineCounter = 0; timestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if (!outFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { delete outFile; return false; } outFile->write("***BUSMASTER Ver 2.4.0***\n"); outFile->write("***PROTOCOL CAN***\n"); outFile->write("***NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS DOCUMENT***\n"); outFile->write("***[START LOGGING SESSION]***\n"); outFile->write("***START DATE AND TIME "); outFile->write(timestamp.toString("d:M:yyyy h:m:s:z").toUtf8()); outFile->write("***\n"); outFile->write("***HEX***\n"); outFile->write("***SYSTEM MODE***\n"); outFile->write("***START CHANNEL BAUD RATE***\n"); outFile->write("***CHANNEL 1 - Kvaser - Kvaser Leaf Light HS #0 (Channel 0), Serial Number- 0, Firmware- 0x00000037 0x00020000 - 500000 bps***\n"); outFile->write("***END CHANNEL BAUD RATE***\n"); outFile->write("***START DATABASE FILES (DBF/DBC)***\n"); outFile->write("***END OF DATABASE FILES (DBF/DBC)***\n"); outFile->write("***<Time><Tx/Rx><Channel><CAN ID><Type><DLC><DataBytes>***\n"); for (int c = 0; c < frames->count(); c++) { lineCounter++; if (lineCounter > 100) { qApp->processEvents(); lineCounter = 0; } tempStamp = timestamp.addMSecs(frames->at(c).timestamp / 1000); outFile->write(tempStamp.toString("h:m:s:z").toUtf8()); outFile->write(" Rx "); outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).bus).toUtf8() + " "); outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).ID, 16).toUpper().rightJustified(8, '0').toUtf8()); if (frames->at(c).extended) outFile->write(" x "); else outFile->write(" s "); outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).len).toUtf8() + " "); for (int temp = 0; temp < frames->at(c).len; temp++) { outFile->write(QString::number(frames->at(c).data[temp], 16).toUpper().rightJustified(2, '0').toUtf8()); outFile->putChar(' '); } outFile->write("\n"); } outFile->close(); delete outFile; return true; }
void DataBlockFile::addDataByte(MidiByte byte) { prepareToWrite(); m_file.putChar(byte); }