Parser::~Parser() { QFile dotFile; if (dotFile.exists(m_dotFile)) dotFile.remove(m_dotFile); if (dotFile.exists(m_dotFile+".plain")) dotFile.remove(m_dotFile+".plain"); dotFile.close(); }
void aBackup::cleanupTmpFiles(const QString& tmpDirName, QStringList *files) { QFile file; QDir dir; file.setName(QDir::convertSeparators(tmpDirName+"/content.xml")); aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup delete file %1").arg(; file.remove(); file.setName(QDir::convertSeparators(tmpDirName+"/busines-schema.cfg")); aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup delete file %1").arg(; file.remove(); file.setName(QDir::convertSeparators(tmpDirName+"/META-INF/manifest.xml")); aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup delete file %1").arg(; file.remove(); for(uint i=0; i<files->count(); i++) { file.setName(QDir::convertSeparators(tmpDirName + "/templates/"+ (*files)[i])); aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup delete file %1").arg(; file.remove(); } aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup delete directory %1").arg(tmpDirName + "/META-INF")); dir.rmdir(QDir::convertSeparators(tmpDirName + "/META-INF")); aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup delete directory %1").arg(tmpDirName + "/templates")); dir.rmdir(QDir::convertSeparators(tmpDirName + "/templates")); aLog::print(aLog::Debug, tr("aBackup delete directory %1").arg(tmpDirName)); dir.rmdir(QDir::convertSeparators(tmpDirName)); aLog::print(aLog::Info, tr("aBackup cleanup temporary files")); }
Parser::~Parser() { QFile fileHandler; if (fileHandler.exists(m_dotFile+".plain")) fileHandler.remove(m_dotFile+".plain"); if (fileHandler.exists(m_dotFile) && m_lastErrorMsg.isEmpty()) fileHandler.remove(m_dotFile); fileHandler.close(); }
void Aleatorio::DeleteIndex(){ QFile file; //borramos los ficheros file.setFileName(Path + "/index.dat"); file.remove(); file.setFileName(Path + "/radit.txt"); file.remove(); file.close(); }
void MysqLoader::writeSettings() { QFile autostartFile; LanguageTools language; QSettings mysqloader_conf(QSettings::NativeFormat, QSettings::UserScope, APP_NAME); mysqloader_conf.beginGroup("MySQLoader"); mysqloader_conf.setValue("Autostart", autostartCheckBox->isChecked()); mysqloader_conf.setValue("Desktop_Icon", desktopIconCheckBox->isChecked()); mysqloader_conf.setValue("Set_Language", languageGroup->isChecked()); mysqloader_conf.setValue("languageNiceName", languageCombo->currentText()); mysqloader_conf.setValue("languageFileName", fileToNiceName->value( languageCombo->currentText())); mysqloader_conf.setValue("Meldung", showMeldungCheckBox->isChecked()); mysqloader_conf.setValue("Meldung_App", meldungAppCheckBox->isChecked()); mysqloader_conf.setValue("Zeige_Fenster", showDialogCheckBox->isChecked()); mysqloader_conf.endGroup(); mysqloader_conf.beginGroup("MySQL_Paths"); mysqloader_conf.setValue("MySQL_PID_FILE", pidFileEdit->text()); mysqloader_conf.setValue("MySQL_Server", mysqlEdit->text()); mysqloader_conf.endGroup(); if (autostartCheckBox->isChecked() == true) { autostartFile.copy("/usr/share/applications/mysqloader.desktop", QDir::homePath() + "/.config/autostart/mysqloader.desktop"); } else { autostartFile.remove(QDir::homePath() + "/.config/autostart/mysqloader.desktop"); } if (desktopIconCheckBox->isChecked() == true) { autostartFile.copy("/usr/share/applications/mysqloader.desktop", QDir::homePath() + "/Desktop/mysqloader.desktop"); } else { autostartFile.remove(QDir::homePath() + "/Desktop/mysqloader.desktop"); } }
/* * LoadData class constuctor * Inputs: parent, QString fileInput * Constructor takes in a route number as fileInput, such as fileInput = 10 * and looks for a file with name route10.xml. If it's not found, it lets caller * know to create it, and if it is found it loads up specified station and time info. */ LoadData::LoadData(QObject* parent, QString fileInput) { buses.clear(); stations.clear(); failFlag = false; //Fail flag set to true if file is not found QString fileName = "route" + fileInput + ".xml"; //Open file in specified folder with inputted file name QString appFolder(QDir::currentPath()); QString fileExtension = appFolder + "/app/native/assets/schedule/" + fileName; QFile *file = new QFile(fileExtension); if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { //qDebug() << "Failed to open " + fileName; //Now download file... failFlag = true; return; } qDebug() << "Start load data: " + fileName; QDomDocument doc("route"); //Get the root node, route QString bl = "h"; QString *errorMsg = &bl; //If the xml file is corrupted & doesn't have root node "route", then redownload file. if (!doc.setContent(file, true, errorMsg)) { ////qDebug() << "I failed to open " + fileName; file->close(); //Delete file, redownload file->remove(); failFlag = true; return; } file->close(); root = doc.documentElement(); //Setup root node }
QString CDTpAvatarUpdate::writeAvatarFile(QFile &avatarFile) { if (not mCacheDir.exists() && not QDir::root().mkpath(mCacheDir.absolutePath())) { warning() << "Could not create large avatar cache dir:" << mCacheDir.path(); return QString(); } QTemporaryFile tempFile(mCacheDir.absoluteFilePath(QLatin1String("pinkpony"))); const QByteArray data = mNetworkReply->readAll(); if ( && data.count() == tempFile.write(data)) { tempFile.close(); if (avatarFile.exists()) { avatarFile.remove(); } if (tempFile.rename(avatarFile.fileName())) { tempFile.setAutoRemove(false); return avatarFile.fileName(); } } return QString(); }
void janelaPrincipal::copiarAquivos(QFile &origem, QFile &destino) { qint64 nCopySize = origem.size(); ui->progressBarGeral->setMaximum(nCopySize); if(!( &&{ return; } qDebug() << QString::number(nCopySize)+" o tamanho do arquivo"; //dialog->show(); for (qint64 i = 0; i < nCopySize; i += 1024*1024) { if(iscopy){ destino.write(; // write a byte; // move to next byte to read; // move to next byte to write ui->progressBarGeral->setValue(i); }else { destino.remove(); break; } // ui->progressBarGeral->; } ui->progressBarGeral->setVisible(false); ui->progressBarGeral->setValue(0); modeldir->refresh(); }
void DialogVarConfig::guardar() { QStringList retorno; retorno<<ui->txt1->text(); retorno<<ui->txt2->currentText(); retorno<<ui->txt3->text(); retorno<<ui->txt4->text(); retorno<<ui->txt5->text(); retorno<<ui->txt6->text(); retorno<<ui->txt7->text(); retorno<<ui->txt8->text(); retorno<<ui->txt9->text(); retorno<<ui->txt10->text(); if(estado == 2){ datos.append(retorno.join(":::")); } else if(estado == 1){ datos.removeAt(index); datos.append(retorno.join(":::")); } QFile f; f.setFileName("scriptsconfig"); f.remove();; f.write(datos.join("\n").toLatin1()); f.waitForBytesWritten(0); f.close(); }
bool TextHelper::writeBatteryPar(QString batteryPar) { QFile *dtsFile = new QFile(Global::srcPath + "/" + Global::dtsPath); QFile *tempFile = new QFile(QDir::currentPath() + "/tmp/temp.txt"); QTextStream dtsTS(dtsFile); QTextStream tempTS(tempFile); if(!dtsFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << Global::srcPath + "/" + Global::dtsPath << " open fail"; return false; } if(!tempFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { qDebug() << QDir::currentPath() + "/tmp/temp.txt" << " open fail"; dtsFile->close(); return false; } QString strLine; while (!dtsTS.atEnd()) { strLine = dtsTS.readLine(); if(strLine.contains("battery {")) { tempTS << strLine << "\n"; strLine = dtsTS.readLine(); tempTS << strLine << "\n"; tempTS << " ocv_table = <"; QStringList strList = batteryPar.trimmed().split(" "); for(int i = 1; i < 21; i++) { tempTS << strList[i -1] << " "; if(i%7 == 0) { tempTS << "\n\t\t\t"; } } tempTS << strList[20]; tempTS << ">;\n"; dtsTS.readLine(); dtsTS.readLine(); dtsTS.readLine(); continue; } tempTS << strLine << "\n"; } dtsFile->close(); tempFile->flush(); tempFile->close(); if(!dtsFile->remove()) { qDebug() << "dtsFile remove fail"; return false; } if(!tempFile->copy(Global::srcPath + "/" + Global::dtsPath)) { qDebug() << "copy fail" << Global::srcPath + "/" + Global::dtsPath; return false; } return true; }
void DialogConfigBooks::on_toolButtonOPenGroup_clicked() { QFileDialog dlg; QString homeDir=QDir::homePath () ; QString fn = dlg.getOpenFileName(0, tr("Open xml Files..."), homeDir , trUtf8("ملف قائمة الكتب (group.xml );;xml (group.xml)")); qDebug()<<fn; if(!dlg.AcceptOpen) // return; if (!fn.isEmpty()) { QString groupPath=QDir::homePath()+"/.kirtasse/data/group.xml"; QString groupPathNew=QDir::homePath()+"/.kirtasse/data/group.xml.old"; QFile file; if(file.exists(groupPathNew)) file.remove(groupPathNew); if(file.rename(groupPath,groupPathNew)) { if(file.copy(fn,groupPath)){ Messages->treeChargeGroupe( ui->treeWidgetBooks,0,true); ui->lineEditGroup->setText(fn); ui->toolButtonGroupUpdat->setEnabled(true); } } if(ui->treeWidgetBooks->topLevelItemCount()<1) on_toolButtonGroupUpdat_clicked(); } }
void QtDcmPreferences::writeSettings() { //Remove settings file QFile ini ( d->iniFile.fileName() ); ini.remove(); //Instantiate a QSettings object with the ini file. QSettings prefs ( d->iniFile.fileName(), QSettings::IniFormat ); //Write local settings from the private attributes prefs.beginGroup ( "LocalSettings" ); prefs.setValue ( "AETitle", d->aetitle ); prefs.setValue ( "Port", d->port ); prefs.setValue ( "Hostname", d->hostname ); prefs.endGroup(); prefs.beginGroup ( "Converter" ); prefs.setValue ( "Dcm2nii", d->dcm2niiPath ); prefs.setValue ( "UseDcm2nii", d->useDcm2nii ); prefs.endGroup(); //Do the job for each server prefs.beginGroup ( "Servers" ); for ( int i = 0; i < d->servers.size(); i++ ) { prefs.beginGroup ( "Server" + QString::number ( i + 1 ) ); prefs.setValue ( "AETitle", d-> ( i )->getAetitle() ); prefs.setValue ( "Hostname", d-> ( i )->getServer() ); prefs.setValue ( "Port", d-> ( i )->getPort() ); prefs.setValue ( "Name", d-> ( i )->getName() ); prefs.endGroup(); } prefs.endGroup(); emit preferencesUpdated(); }
bool DataManager::deleteFile(int index) { QFile* file =; if( file && file->remove() ) return true; return false; }
/* * Move the images to the images folder. */ bool relocateImages(void) { bool status = 1; QStringList filters; filters << "*.png"; fileDir[ROOT]->setNameFilters(filters); QDirIterator iterator(*fileDir[ROOT]); QFile *file; QString *name; while(iterator.hasNext() && status) { file = new QFile(; name = new QString(file->fileName()); name->remove(0, name->lastIndexOf(QString(fileDir[ROOT]->separator()))+1); status = file->copy(fileDir[IMAGES]->absolutePath() + fileDir[IMAGES]->separator() + *name); file->remove(); delete file; delete name; } return status; }
void FaceTrackNoIR::saveAs() { looping++; QSettings settings("opentrack"); QString oldFile = settings.value ( "SettingsFile", QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/settings/default.ini" ).toString(); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save file"), oldFile, tr("Settings file (*.ini);;All Files (*)")); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo newFileInfo ( fileName ); if ((newFileInfo.exists()) && (oldFile != fileName)) { QFile newFileFile ( fileName ); newFileFile.remove(); } QFileInfo oldFileInfo ( oldFile ); if (oldFileInfo.exists()) { QFile oldFileFile ( oldFile ); oldFileFile.copy( fileName ); } settings.setValue ("SettingsFile", fileName); save(); } looping--; fill_profile_cbx(); }
/*! * \en * Gets name for new template. Need for OpenOffice v2. * \_en * \ru * Получение имени для нового шаблона. Нужна из-за блокировок в OpenOffice v2. * \_ru */ QString aReport::getName4NewTemplate() { uint count=0; QFile tmpf; QString suff = ".odt"; QString fname; if(type==RT_office_calc) suff = ".ods"; if(type==RT_msoffice_word || type==RT_msoffice_excel) suff = ".xml"; do { // tpl->getDir() должно заканчиваться на / fname = QDir::convertSeparators(QString(tpl->getDir()+".ananas-report%1%2").arg(count).arg(suff)); tmpf.setName(fname); if(tmpf.exists()) { if(tmpf.remove()) break; else ++count; } else { break; } }while(count<100); aLog::print(aLog::MT_DEBUG, tr("aReport: name for template = %1").arg(fname)); return fname; }
void BusinessCardHandling::saveAvatar(const QString filename, QPixmap p, QContact& contact) { // Path to store avatar picture QString path; #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN path.append("c:/System/"); #endif path.append(filename); // Remove same file if exists QFile file; if (file.exists(path)) file.remove(path); // Save pixmap into file bool saveRet =; if (saveRet) { // Create avatar QContactAvatar contactAvatar; contactAvatar.setImageUrl(QUrl(path)); bool saveAvatar = contact.saveDetail(&contactAvatar); // Save contact if (saveAvatar) m_contactManager->saveContact(&contact); // NOTE: Do not remove picture, system needs it for showing avatar // Remove picture file //bool removeRet = file.remove(path); } }
bool FileSystem::moveFile(const QString &locationTo, const QString &locationFrom) { // QImage img(getCurrentAbsoluteFileName()); // bool success; // if(SaveConfirmation::imageWasChanged(getCurrentAbsoluteFileName())) // { // img = SaveConfirmation::getChagedImage(getCurrentAbsoluteFileName()); // success =; // if(success) // SaveConfirmation::deleteImage(getCurrentAbsoluteFileName()); // } // else // success =; QFile file; if(file.exists(locationTo)) file.remove(locationTo); bool success = file.copy(locationFrom, locationTo); if(success) SaveConfirmation::deleteImage(locationTo); return success; }
void MagicalObjectWindow::on_removeButton_clicked() { QItemSelectionModel *selection = ui->treeViewExistingObjects->selectionModel(); QModelIndex indexElementSelectionne = selection->currentIndex(); if(indexElementSelectionne.isValid()) { int rep = QMessageBox::question(this,tr("Effacer"), tr("Voulez-vous vraiment effacer cet object magique ?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); if (rep == QMessageBox::Yes) { QFile f; f.setFileName(MAGICAL_OBJECT_PATH + "/" + ui->comboRace->currentText() + "/" + objects->item(indexElementSelectionne.row(), 0)->text() + ".om"); f.remove(); updateTreeView(ui->comboRace->currentText()); } else if (rep == QMessageBox::No) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Annulation"), tr("Opération annulée")); } } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Info"), tr("Veuillez sélectionner un régiment a supprimer.")); } }
void BootOptionsDialog::accept() { QDir dir; QFile file; QStringList filters; QStringList allFiles; QString fileName; if(m_ui->atariDOS->isChecked()) selectedDOS = "$bootata"; if(m_ui->myDOS->isChecked()) selectedDOS = "$bootmyd"; if(m_ui->dosXL->isChecked()) selectedDOS = "$bootdxl"; if(m_ui->smartDOS->isChecked()) selectedDOS = "$bootsma"; if(m_ui->spartaDOS->isChecked()) selectedDOS = "$bootspa"; if(m_ui->myPicoDOS->isChecked()) { selectedDOS = "$bootpic"; g_disablePicoHiSpeed = m_ui->disablePicoHiSpeed->isChecked(); } bootDir = g_respeQtAppPath + "/" + selectedDOS; // First delete existing boot files in the Folder Image // then copy new boot files from the appropriate DOS directory dir.setPath(bootFolderPath_); filters << "*dos.sys" << "dup.sys" << "dosxl.sys" << "autorun.sys" << "" << "" << "startup.exc" << "x*.dos" << "startup.bat" << "$*.bin"; allFiles = dir.entryList(filters, QDir::Files); foreach(fileName, allFiles) { file.remove(bootFolderPath_ + "/" + fileName); }
void FilePersistThread::rollFileIfNecessary(QFile& file, bool notifyListenersIfRolled) { uint64_t now = usecTimestampNow(); if ((file.size() > MAX_LOG_SIZE) || (now - _lastRollTime) > MAX_LOG_AGE_USECS) { QString newFileName = getLogRollerFilename(); if (file.copy(newFileName)) { | QIODevice::Truncate); file.close(); qDebug() << "Rolled log file:" << newFileName; if (notifyListenersIfRolled) { emit rollingLogFile(newFileName); } _lastRollTime = now; } QStringList nameFilters; nameFilters << FILENAME_WILDCARD; QDir logQDir(FileUtils::standardPath(LOGS_DIRECTORY)); logQDir.setNameFilters(nameFilters); logQDir.setSorting(QDir::Time); QFileInfoList filesInDir = logQDir.entryInfoList(); qint64 totalSizeOfDir = 0; foreach(QFileInfo dirItm, filesInDir){ if (totalSizeOfDir < MAX_LOG_DIR_SIZE){ totalSizeOfDir += dirItm.size(); } else { QFile file(dirItm.filePath()); file.remove(); } } }
void ConfigFile::DeleteOldFileIfExists(QString filename) { QFile *file = new QFile(filename); if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite|QIODevice::Text)) return; file->remove(); file->close(); }
void Cmap_button::delete_attempt() { QMessageBox msg; msg.setText( tr( "Are you really sure that you want to delete " ) + this->text + tr( " ?" ) ); msg.addButton( tr( "Delete" ), QMessageBox::AcceptRole ); msg.addButton( tr( "Cancel" ), QMessageBox::RejectRole ); if ( msg.exec() == QDialog::Rejected ) { //remove map files QFile f; f.remove( this->absolute_map_path ); f.remove( this->absolute_map_path + ".preview" ); } QTimer::singleShot( 500, this, SIGNAL(please_refresh_as_we_deleted_something()) ); }
void jsBridge::removeTmpFile() { if (files.isEmpty()) return; QFile *tmpf = files.dequeue(); tmpf->remove(); delete tmpf; }
Member::~Member() { QFile file(a_file); file.remove(); QString cheminPictures(a_filePictures); QFile filePictures (cheminPictures); filePictures.remove(); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { //Setup any pre-QApplication initialization values LXDG::setEnvironmentVars(); setenv("DESKTOP_SESSION","LUMINA",1); setenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP","LUMINA",1); //Check is this is the first run bool firstrun = false; if(!QFile::exists(logfile.fileName())){ firstrun = true; } //Setup the log file qDebug() << "Lumina Log File:" << logfile.fileName(); if(logfile.exists()){ logfile.remove(); } //remove any old one //Make sure the parent directory exists if(!QFile::exists(QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/logs")){ QDir dir; dir.mkpath(QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/logs"); } | QIODevice::Append); //Startup the Application LSession a(argc, argv); //Setup Log File qInstallMsgHandler(MessageOutput); //Setup the QSettings QSettings::setPath(QSettings::NativeFormat, QSettings::UserScope, QDir::homePath()+"/.lumina/settings"); qDebug() << "Initializing Lumina"; //Start up the Window Manager qDebug() << " - Start Window Manager"; WMProcess WM; WM.startWM(); QObject::connect(&WM, SIGNAL(WMShutdown()), &a, SLOT(closeAllWindows()) ); //Load the initial translations QTranslator translator; QLocale mylocale; QString langCode =; if ( ! QFile::exists(PREFIX + "/share/Lumina-DE/i18n/lumina-desktop_" + langCode + ".qm" ) ) langCode.truncate(langCode.indexOf("_")); translator.load( QString("lumina-desktop_") + langCode, PREFIX + "/share/Lumina-DE/i18n/" ); a.installTranslator( &translator ); qDebug() << "Locale:" << langCode; //Now start the desktop QDesktopWidget DW; QList<LDesktop*> screens; for(int i=0; i<DW.screenCount(); i++){ qDebug() << " - Start Desktop " << i; screens << new LDesktop(i); a.processEvents(); } qDebug() << " --exec"; int retCode = a.exec(); qDebug() << "Stopping the window manager"; WM.stopWM(); qDebug() << "Finished Closing Down Lumina"; logfile.close(); return retCode; }
ExchangeFile::ExchangeFile() { QFile exFile; exFile.setFileName("Message.txt"); if(exFile.size() == 0){ exFile.remove(); return; }else{ exFile.close(); } QSettings settings("AO_Batrakov_Inc.", "EmployeeClient"); QString fileName = settings.value("numprefix").toString(); fileName += "_SRV.txt"; qDebug()<<exFile.rename(fileName); exFile.close(); qDebug()<<exFile.isOpen()<<" - "<<exFile.fileName()<<fileName; QString fN = exFile.fileName(); PutFile putFile; putFile.putFile(fN); PutFile putFtp1; QString nullFileName = "Null.txt"; //nullFileName += fN; QFile nullFile; nullFile.setFileName(nullFileName);; QByteArray rr = "22\n10"; nullFile.write(rr); nullFile.close(); putFtp1.putFile(nullFileName); nullFile.remove(); QFile file; file.setFileName("null.txt"); file.remove(); }
bool Desk::writeDesk (void) { QFile file; QString fname; // remove any old file fname = _dir + "/maxdesk.ini"; file.setName (fname); if (file.exists ()) file.remove (); fname = _dir + "/MaxDesk.ini"; file.setName (fname); if (file.exists ()) file.remove (); file.setName (_dir + DESK_FNAME); if (file.exists ()) file.remove (); QTextStream stream( &file ); QString line; if (! (QIODevice::WriteOnly)) return false; // write header stream << "[DesktopFile]" << endl; stream << "File=" << endl; stream << endl; stream << "[Folder]" << endl; stream << "Version=0x00060000" << endl; stream << endl; stream << "[Files]" << endl; // output the file list foreach (File *f, _files) f->encodeFile (stream); _dirty = false; // we are clean again return true; }
void DialogVarConfig::eliminar() { datos.removeAt(index); QFile f; f.setFileName("scriptsconfig"); f.remove();; f.write(datos.join("\n").toLatin1()); f.waitForBytesWritten(0); f.close(); cargarDatos(); }
/** \param bcont **/ int BcBulmaCont_closeEvent ( BcBulmaCont *bcont ) { BcCompany *company = bcont->company(); QFile file ( g_confpr->value( CONF_DIR_USER ) + "pluginbc_corrector_" + company->dbName() + ".cfn" ); if ( !viewCorrector->isChecked() ) { file.remove(); } else { ( QIODevice::WriteOnly ); file.close(); } // end if return 0; }