Esempio n. 1
void TextRenderGdi::Lock() {
    Region r;
    Status st = gfx->GetClip(&r); // must call before GetHDC(), which locks gfx
    CrashIf(st != Ok);
    HRGN hrgn = r.GetHRGN(gfx);

    hdcGfxLocked = gfx->GetHDC();
    SelectClipRgn(hdcGfxLocked, hrgn);

    SelectFont(hdcGfxLocked, currFont);
    ::SetTextColor(hdcGfxLocked, textColor.ToCOLORREF());
    ::SetBkColor(hdcGfxLocked, textBgColor.ToCOLORREF());
Esempio n. 2
bool LayeredWnd::EnableGlass(Gdiplus::Bitmap *mask) {
    if (mask == NULL) {
        return false;

    /* Disable for Windows 8+ */
    if (IsWindows8OrGreater()) {
        return false;

    /* Disable for Windows XP */
    if (IsWindowsXPOrGreater() == true && IsWindowsVistaOrGreater() == false) {
        return false;

    _glassMask = mask;

    using namespace Gdiplus;
    ARGB searchArgb = 0xFF000000;

    unsigned int height = _glassMask->GetHeight();
    unsigned int width = _glassMask->GetWidth();

    Region glassRegion;
    bool match = false;

    /* One row of pixels is scanned at a time, so the height is 1. */
    Rect rec(0, 0, 0, 1);

    for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
        for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
            Color pixelColor;
            _glassMask->GetPixel(x, y, &pixelColor);
            ARGB pixelArgb = pixelColor.GetValue();

            if (searchArgb == pixelArgb && (x + 1 != width)) {
                if (match) {

                match = true;
                rec.X = x;
                rec.Y = y;
            } else if (match) {
                /* Reached the end of a matching line */
                match = false;
                rec.Width = x - rec.X;

    DWM_BLURBEHIND blurBehind = { 0 };
    blurBehind.dwFlags = DWM_BB_ENABLE | DWM_BB_BLURREGION;
    blurBehind.fEnable = TRUE;

    Graphics g(_glassMask);
    blurBehind.hRgnBlur = glassRegion.GetHRGN(&g);

    HRESULT hr = DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow(Window::Handle(), &blurBehind);
    return SUCCEEDED(hr);