Esempio n. 1
// top, left, width and depth are coords of UV pixels
FrameSection GetFrameSection(
	mfxFrameSurface1 *pSurface,
	const Region& r)
	// This is one frame, so for the entire region we want to write 1 row
	// to give us our m*n*6 attributes. It doesn't really matter the
	// order, because based on analysis of the data PLR or other
	// machine learning algo will drop (potentially) attributes

	mfxFrameInfo *pInfo = &pSurface->Info;
    mfxFrameData *pData = &pSurface->Data;
	FrameSection ret; //( (height+1) * (width+1) );

	std::stringstream ss;
	const char* sep = "";
	for(mfxU32 ix = r.topRow() ; ix <= r.bottomRow(); ++ix)
		for(mfxU32 iy = r.leftCol(); iy <= r.rightCol(); ++iy)
			UVPixel uv(pInfo, pData,ix,iy);
			ss << sep << uv.getAttr();
			sep = ",";
			//fprintf(fdebug, "getFrameSection\n");
			// ret[...] = 
		ss << std::endl;
		fprintf(r.file(), ss.str().c_str());

	return ret;